描写唯美爱情的英文诗句,七夕情人节专用! 今日我想给大家共享的是描写唯美爱情的英文诗句,大家都要好好珍惜自己身边的人,珍惜这份爱情。刚好快到七夕情人节了,大家要记得运用上哦。 唯美的英文情诗篇一 i like for you to be still: it is as through you are absent and you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you it seems as through your eyes had flown away and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth as all things are filled with my soul your emerge from the things, fill with my soul you are like my soul, a butterfly of dreams and you are like the word melancholy i like for you to be still, and you seem far away it sounds as though you are lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove and you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you let me come to be still in your silence and let me talk to you with your silence that is bright like a lamp, simple as a ring you are like the night, with its stillness and constellations your silence is that of a star, as remount and candid i like for you to be still: it is as though you are absent distant and dull of sorrow, as though you had died one word then, one smile, is enough and i m happy, happy that’s not true 我喜爱你是静静的: 仿佛你消逝了一样你从远处倾听我, 我的声音却无法触及你似乎你的目光已经游离而去, 犹如一个吻,封缄了你的嘴。 犹如我积满一切的灵魂, 而你从一切中出现,充盈了我的灵魂, 你像我的灵魂, 像一只幻想的蝴蝶 你犹如“愁闷”这个词。 我喜爱你是静静的:似乎你已远去, 你听起来想在悲叹, 一只如鸽般细语的蝴蝶你从远处倾听我, 我的声音却无法触及你, 让我在你的静谧中宁静无声, 并且让我籍着你的缄默与你说话。 你的缄默亮若明灯,简洁如环, 你如黑夜,拥有宁静与群星, 你的缄默就是星星的力气,遥远而光明, 我喜爱你是静静的:仿佛你消逝了一样远隔千里, 满怀哀恸,仿佛你已不在人世彼时, 一个字,一个微笑,就已足够。 而我会感到华蜜,但那样的华蜜却不真实。 唯美的英文爱情诗篇二 I, Groom's name, take you Bride's name, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully Through the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep So help me God 我(新郎的名字)请你(新娘的名字),做我的妻子,我生命中的伴侣和我的爱人。 我将珍惜我们的友情,爱你,不论是现在,将来,还是恒久。 我会信任你,敬重你, 我将和你一起欢乐,一起哭泣。 我会忠诚的爱着你, 无论将来是好的还是坏的,是艰难的还是安乐的,我都会陪你一起度过。 无论打算迎接什么样的生活,我都会始终守护在这里。 就像我伸出手让你紧握住一样, 我会将我的生命交付于你。 所以请帮助我 我的主。 I, Bride's name, take you Groom's name, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully Through the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep So help me God 我(新娘的名字),请你(新郎的名字)做我的丈夫,我生命中的伴侣和我的爱人。 我将珍惜我们的友情,爱你,不论是现在,将来,还是恒久。 我会信任你,敬重你, 我将和你一起欢乐,一起哭泣。 我会忠诚的爱着你, 无论将来是好的还是坏的,是艰难的还是安乐的,我都会陪你一起度过。 无论打算迎接什么样的生活,我都会始终守护在这里。 就像我伸出手让你紧握住一样, 我会将我的生命交付于你。 所以请帮助我 我的主。 Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after you, For where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. And where you die, I will die and there I will be buried. May the Lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me. 真诚的请求上帝让我不要离开你,或是让我跟随在你身后 因为你到哪里我就会去到哪里, 因为你的停留所以我停留。 你爱的人将成为我爱的人, 你的主也会成为我的主。 你在哪里死去,我也将和你一起在那里被安葬, 或许主要求我做的更多,但是不论发生任何事情,都会有你在身边生死相随。 唯美的英文情诗篇三 posy这个字来自法文,原意是指小诗或是爱的讯息。早在14世纪,市面上已有很多的刻字戒指,但都是刻在圈外,并不能真正的截取到posy ring的精髓。 从外观来看,这种纯银戒指平凡无奇,就是一般素面的圈戒,而它的奥妙就处在于内圈。通过银雕技术将爱语以镜射颠倒的模式刻于戒圈之内,当情侣们戴上这对戒指,刻痕就会印在手指的肌肤之上;取下戒指,文字戒痕则会铭印在手指上,而留下爱的痕迹。 相传把爱之诗语刻在圈内,情人在佩戴时就可以分分秒秒接触到这些文字,文字的力气也会渗入肌肤,由手指经血脉传送到心脏,成为一股坚不行摧的爱情力气,这才是posy ring最吸引人的地方。 my promise past shall always last。 我的承诺直到恒久。 may we always have the same fortunate air。 让我们恒久拥有这华蜜。 time lesseneth not my love。 我们的爱超越时空。 keep me in your love as you are all i desire。 让我沉醉在你的爱里,因为你是我所想。 let us share in joy & care。 让我们彼此关怀、共享喜悦。 who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one。 有爱同行,千里之遥也不过咫尺。 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第9页 共9页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页