关于植树节的英语作文范文带翻译:还地球一片绿色 自从看完只有一个地球这篇文章后,心情久久不能平静。眼前不由地浮现出那美丽的地球:在浩瀚的宇宙中有一个晶莹的球体,上面五颜六色的纹痕相互交错,周围裹着一层薄薄的白色的”睡衣”,它就是我们赖以生存的地球。After reading the article“only one earth”,I cant calm down for a long time.In front of us,the beautiful earth emerges:in the vast universe,there is a crystal clear sphere,on which there are colorful lines and marks interlaced,surrounded by a thin layer of white“pajamas”,which is the earth on which we live.我知道人类在索取地球资源的同时,却在破坏地球的生态:工厂里的污水放进了江、河、湖泊里,树木和矿物被无限地开发,大气中的臭氧层也因为人类的污染,出现了一个一个的”大洞”,近几百年中,有许多生物物种被灭绝,华南虎、丹顶鹤、扬子鳄等动物已寥寥无几。再这样下去,其结果将会影响到我们人类的生存和发展。I know that when human beings ask for the earths resources,they are destroying the earth s ecology:sewage from factories is put into rivers and lakes,trees and minerals are exploited infinitely,and the ozone layer in the atmosphere is also polluted by human beings,resulting in a“big hole”.In recent hundreds of years,many biological species have been extinct,such as South China tiger,Red Crowned Crane,Chinese alligator and so on Few.In this way,the result will affect our human survival and development.就拿我们天天能见到的植物来说吧,它为我们人类制造了我们生存的条件:新鲜空气和煤、石油,保持陆地的水土,可以说植物和人是离不开的。可我以前不注意保护植物。记得有一次,我在公园里抓住树枝,乱玩乱耍,把枝叶扯落在地,现在想想真是内疚。再看看我奶奶家门前的小河,以前这河水清澈见底,河里有大大小小的菱角,人可以在河里游泳,可现在河里又脏又臭,上面漂浮着许许多多的垃圾,被污染的小河发出阵阵呻吟。再有我们常常在电视上看到由于植物被破坏,水土流失,引发洪水,泥石流淹没了大片粮田、村庄。 Take the plants we see every day for example.They create the conditions for us to survive:fresh air,coal and oil,and the soil and water on land.It can be said that plants and people are inseparable.But I didnt pay attention to protecting plants before.I remember once,I grabbed the branch in the park,played around and pulled the branches and leaves to the ground.Now I think its really guilty.Look at the small river in front of my grandmas house.The river used to be clear and bottomless.There were water caltrops big and small in the river.People could swim in the river,but now the river is dirty and smelly.There are many garbage floating on it,and the polluted river moans.Moreover,we often see on TV that due to the destruction of plants,soil erosion,floods and mudslides have flooded large areas of grain fields and villages.是啊!我们这星球太可爱了,又太容易毁坏了,如果再任凭人类无拘无束地伤害,人类终将自食其果,干旱、涝灾、空气污染接踵而来,人类自身的生存将受到严重威胁。解铃还需系铃人,人类须从现在做起,从自身做起,爱护环境,科学合理地开发利用自然资源,走可持续发展的道路。我们要保护我们的地球,为她抚平创伤,为后世子孙留一片蔚蓝的天空,碧绿的草地!Yeah!Our planet is too lovely and easy to destroy.If we allow human beings to hurt freely,human beings will eventually have their own consequences.Drought,waterlogging and air pollution will follow,and human survival will be seriously threatened.To solve the problem,we need to tie the bell man.Human beings should start from now,from themselves,take good care of the environment,develop and utilize natural resources scientifically and rationally,and take the road of sustainable development.We want to protect our earth,heal her wounds,and leave a blue sky and green grass for our grandchildren!