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    1 金牌新概念 1-2 单元测试卷 Unit 19-22 A.Listening.听力。(1.510)a.Listen and choose.选出听到的句子。()1.A.Tom is doing his homework.B.Tom is doing housework.C.Tom is playing football.()2.A.Hows the weather?B.Hows the journey?C.Hows the your father?()3.A.Put on your shoes.B.Put on your clothes.C.Put your clothes.()4.A.What is he doing now?B.What is she doing now?C.What is your brother doing now?()5.A.He is going to visit the museum.B.He is visiting the museum.C.He is going to the museum.b.Choose the answers according to the questions.根据听到的问句选择正确答语。()6.A.They are drawing the pictures.B.They are going to draw the pictures.C.They can draw pictures.()7.A.Its Sunday.B.Its a sunny day.C.Its my birthday.()8.A.He is in his bedroom.B.He is eleven years old.C.He is a student.()9.A.They are classmates.B.They are happy.C.Yes,they are.()10.A.I am going to buy a new book.B.I want to buy a new book.C.I am buying a new book.B.Multiple choice.单项选择。(1.510)()11._ her any rose.She doesnt like roses.A.Bring B.Dont bring C.Dont bringing()12._!The car is coming.A.Be care B.Be careful C.Take careful()13.There _ some beautiful flowers in the garden.A.be B.is C.are 2 ()14.There _ some tobacco in the drawer(抽屉).A.be B.is C.are()15.Is there _ vase on the table?A.a B.any C.some()16.Can you give me some _?A.water B.waters C.wateres()17.-What else do you want?-I want _.A.two bottle of milk B.two bottles of milk C.two bottles of milks()18.-What are you going to do?-_.A.I visit my grandparents B.I am visiting my grandparents C.I am going to visit my grandparents()19.Are you going to _ the dishes?A.wash B.washing C.washed()20.The students _ cakes tomorrow.A.are making B.is going to make C.are going to make C.Find the word.找出不同种类的单词。(15)()21.A.some B.any C.favourite()22.A.show B.drop C.careful()23.A.hammer B.front C.behind()24.A.vase B.find C.teapot ()25.A.boil B.cheese C.tobacco D.Vocabulary.词汇。(110)a.Fill in the blanks according to initials and complete the sentences.根据首字母提示填空,完成句子。26.-What c_ are you going to paint the table?-Im going to paint it red.27.-What is your f_ colour?-Blue.28.The hospital is behind the station.So the station is in f_ of the hospital.29.Im looking for my new pen everywhere but I can f_ it.30.Thats Mikes book.Please g_ it to him.3 b.Fill in the blanks with any or some.用 any 或 some 填空。31.Is there _ bread in the kitchen?32.There are _ questions I want to ask.33.There isnt _ bird in the tree.34.Are there _ cakes on the table?35.He never had _ difficulty in believing in God.E.Combine the words into a sentence.连词成句。(25)36.turn the off dont light (.)_ 37.is Nick going buy books to some(.)_ 38.dishes there here are any (?)_ 39.I a of cheese piece want (.)_ 40.there any honey in isnt the tin(.)_ F.Sentences correction.选择每句中有错误的一项,并在横线上订正。(25)()41.We are go to learn English next year._ A B C ()42.Not send me any letter,Sandra._ A B C ()43.There are some butter on the table._ A B C ()44.There are two pounds of sugars in my bag._ A B C ()45.Are there any cup in the cupboard?_ A B C 4 G.Match.情景匹配。(15)()46.Whats in the box?A.Its on the dressing table.()47.Where is my ticket?B.Yes,there is.()48.Give me the pen,please.C.A loaf of bread.()49.What are you going to do?D.Here you are.()50.Is there any milk in the refrigerator?E.Im going to buy some clothes.H.Transform the sentences as required.句型转换。(25)51.I buy some beautiful flowers.(用 tomorrow 改为一般将来时)_ 52.Give me some bread,mum.(改为否定句)_ 53.There is a tin of tobacco on the shelf.(将划线部分改为“两听烟丝”,并改写句子)_ 54.Are there any hammers behind the box?(作否定回答)_ 55.There is some juice in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句)_ I.Reading comprehension.阅读理解。(210)A Tomorrow is Sunday.My father,mother and I are going to the park.My father will take his camera.He will take some photos for us.My mother will take some good things to eat.She will take a kite,too.And she will fly it in the park.How happy we are!()56.What day is today?A.Saturday.B.Sunday.C.Monday.()57.Where are they going?A.The park.B.The zoo.C.The supermarket.()58.What is his father going to take?A.His book.B.His camera.C.Food.()59.What are they going to do in the park?A.Take photos.B.Eat food and fly a kite.C.A and B.5 ()60.Are they happy?A.Yes,they are.B.No,they arent.C.We dont know.B This is Lucy and this is Lily.They are sisters.They are twelve.This is their bedroom.Its a nice room.The two beds look the same.This bed is Lilys and that one is Lucys.They have two desks and two chairs.Lucys chair is green and Lilys blue.Lucys skirt is on her bed.Lilys coat is on the clothes line(晒衣绳).Their clock,books and pencil-boxes are on the desk.Their schoolbags are behind the chair.Their bedroom is very nice and tidy.()61.Lucy and Lily are _.A.brothers B.sisters C.friends ()62.Lucy and her sister have _.A.two chairs and one desk B.two desks and one chair C.two chairs and two desks ()63.Lilys chair is _ and Lucys is _.A.red,black B.yellow,black C.blue,green ()64.Wheres Lucys skirt?A.Its on the clothes line.B.Its on their desk.C.Its on her bed.()65.Which sentence is right?A.Their classroom is very nice.B.Their two chairs dont look the same.C.Their clock,coats and pencil-boxes are on the desk.6 听力文稿 a.1.Tom is doing his homework.2.Hows the weather?3.Put on your clothes.4.What is she doing now?5.He is going to visit the museum.b.6.What are they doing now?7.Hows the weather today?8.Where is your brother?9.Are they in the classroom?10.What are you going to do this weekend?参考答案 A.1-5 AABBA 6-10 ABACA B.11-15 BBCBA 16-20 ABCAC C.21-25 CCABA D.a.26.colour 27.favourite 28.front 29.find 30.give b.31.any 32.some 33.any 34.any 35.any E.36.Dont turn off the light.37.Nick is going to buy some books.38.Are there any dishes here?39.I want a piece of cheese.40.There isnt any honey in the tin.F.41.B gogoing 42.A NotDont 43.A areis 44.C sugarssugar 45.B cupcups G.46-50 CADEB 7 H.51.I am going to buy some beautiful flowers tomorrow.52.Dont give me(any)bread,mum.53.There are two tins of tobacco on the shelf.54.No,there arent.55.Is there any juice in the bottle?I.56-60 AABCA 61-65 BCCCB


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