中联重科 Bids for the truck-mounted concrete line pump Upper Structure 车载式混凝土泵车上装标书 First edited in 2009 2009 年第一次编辑 DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 1.Main technical data 主要技术性能参数表 Items 项目内容 Units 单位 Parameters 参数 01728series 01728 系列 Whole performance of machine 整机性能 Max.theo.concrete output(L./H.)最大理论混凝土输送量(低压/高压)m3/h 88/57 pumping pressure(H./L.)最大泵送混凝土压力(高压/低压)MPa 14/9 Distribution valve type 分配阀形式 S 管阀 S Valve Concrete cylinder diameterstroke 混凝土输送缸缸径行程 mm 2301650 Hopper capacity feeding height 料斗容积上料高度 Lmm 8001450 Outlet diameter 出料口直径 mm 180 Power system 动力系统 Diesel engine model 柴油机型号 BF6M1013C Rated power 额定功率 kW 161 Rotate speed 额定转速 r/min 2100 Hydraulic system 液压系统 Circuit type 液压油路形式 Open circuit 开式回路 Pumping system pressure 泵送系统油压 MPa 32 Distribution system pressure 分配系统油压 MPa 19 Mixing system pressure 搅拌系统油压 MPa 14 Capacity of oil tank 液压油箱容积 L 500 r para 其Max.aggregate diameter 允许最大骨料粒径 mm Slick scree 卵石:50、Scree 碎石:40 它参数 Inside diameter of delivering pipe 混凝土输送管内径 mm 125/150 2.Main technical feature 主要技术特点 Hydraulic system 液压系统 Double open hydraulic loops(pumping hydraulic circuit is independent of distributing hydraulic circuit)with two pumps,makes the whole hydraulic system much simpler.The reliability of the whole system is also much higher as well as the components life is prolonged greatly.This is convenient for judgeing and removing trouble.采用双泵、双回路开式液压系统,主泵送油路和 S 阀摆动油路相互独立,使系统简单,元件寿命延长,可靠性更高,并便于故障判断和排除。Large valve changing direction,makes the main pumping loop quick response,small leakage,good stability,high reliability and high resist contaminative capability.主泵送油路采用大通径阀换向,响应快,内泄漏小,稳定性好,可靠性高,耐污染能力高。Hydraulic system has safe relief protection,at the same time,when the system pressure is over,the main oil pump cutting device makes itself be protected reliably.泵送液压系统具有安全溢流保护,同时,主泵还具备系统超压时,油泵压力自动切断截流装置,使主泵获得多级可靠保护。Distributing hydraulic circuit adopts constant pressure pump,which can provide strong distributing pressure and economic energy control.摆动油路采用恒压泵供油,摆动力大又具备节能功能。Cone sealing of all pipes make the pipe joints seal reliably.所有管路均采用锥面密封,管路接头密封可靠。The electrimotion high-low pressure switch adopting cartridge valve of reduces the trouble of dismantling and installing the oil pipe.采用插装阀电动高低压转换,免去拆、装油管的麻烦。Adopt emulsification technology of initiative and passivity recovery integration.采用了主动防御和被动防御相结合的综合防乳化技术。Electric control system 电控系统 The outstanding features of the truck-mounted concrete line pump are advanced technology,simpleness and high reliability.中联车载式混凝土泵车电控系统的突出特点是技术先进、简单、可靠性高。The reliability of industry control is higher than PLC(programmable control).It uses fewer auxiliary relays,father reducing the quantities of the electric element.该泵使用带总线的工业控制器作为控制核心,比之以前同类产品用的 PLC(可编程控制器),其可靠性更高,功能更强大;由于其输出触点有更大的输出功率,比 PLC系统可以使用更少的中间继电器等分离元件,进一步减少了电器元件的使用数目及接线数量,提升了电控系统可靠性。The main electric control elements from German and French ensure the elements reliability.主要电气控制元件均采用德国易福门、海拉、巴鲁夫和法国施耐德公司等原装进口件,保证了元件的可靠性。Compared with domestic product,the electric control system is simplest,the element quantity is fewest and its reliability is highest.与国内同类产品比较,电控系统最简单,采用元器件数量最少,可靠性最高。The wire and wireless remote equipment is convenient for operation far away.配有有线或无线遥控装置,方便远距离操作。After the automatical pumping stops,the diesel engines rotate speed declines to idle speed automatically to save oil.自动泵送停止后,柴油机的转速会自动降为怠速,以节省油料。Adopting proximity switch in hydraulic cylinder can realize changing direction with non-touch,which ensures that the direction can be changed reliably.采用油缸内接近开关非接触换向,确保换向可靠。The direction and stroke control function makes the oil quantity of the main pumping cylinder adjusted automatically,thereby the optimal control of pumping can be realized.带有换向行程优化控制功能,能根据主缸行程自动调节主缸的进油量,从而实现泵送最优化控制。The GPS function can monitor and control the equipment position and running status.带有 GPS 功能(选配),可以远程监控设备位置以及运行状况。The touch screen can check the equipment run status,imput and output state and alarm display.带有触摸屏,可以随时查看设备运行、输入输出状态和实时报警显示,并可方便设置系统各项参数。The high efficiency and reliable double-signal control system,which is installed main and complement signal check sensor,ensures that the truck-mounted concrete line pump has good ability of concrete suction and high efficiency.采用高效可靠的双信号控制系统,即安装有主辅两套信号检测传感器,可保证泵送油缸满行程工作,从而确保了车载泵具有良好的吸料性,实现了泵送的高效率。2.3 Mechanical system 机械系统 The design of hopper and S valve and so on adopt DEAS software to caculate,the hopper and S valve have good rigidity to avoid the phenomenon of hopper distortion and S valve breakage.料斗、S 阀等关键受力元件的设计,采用DEAS 软件对其受力状态、结构刚度、应力集中状况进行了细分网格的有限元计算,设计出的料斗、S 阀结构刚度好、工艺性佳,避免了同类产品高层输送时料斗变形及 S 阀断轴现象。The agitator have unique form,which separates the hydraulic motor from agitator bearing the same time,adopting large displacement motor ensures that the agitator moment is big enough.搅拌机构采用独特的结构形式,将液压马达与搅拌轴承座完全隔离,即使搅拌密封磨损漏浆,也不至于影响液压马达。同时,采用大排量马达,确保搅拌力矩足够大,即使料况差的情况下也能正常搅拌不被卡死。Make sure the pumping is good and decline the phenomenon of pipe jam,the spectacles wear plate and cutting ring should be useed in lower abrasion.ZOOMLIONs spectacles wear plate and cutting ring use high wear material,making the components life prolonged greatly.车载式混凝土泵车的眼睛板,切割环应该在低磨损下使用,才能够确实保证良好的泵送状态,降低堵管现象的发生。本公司采用高耐磨硬质合金材料眼睛板、切割环。眼镜板、切割环等易损件经过不断的技术攻关,使用寿命更长,较好泵送状态时,眼镜板最高寿命最长可达到 7 万方以上。The equipment of quick-replacing piston adopts hydraulic and machinery double limit,so it is safe and reliable.配备快换活塞更换装置,活塞自动退回技术,采用液压机械双重限位,安全可靠,更换活塞在十五分钟之内。2.4 Power system 动力系统 The world famous diesel engine of DEUTZ has excellent performance and high reliability.采用世界知名品牌道依茨柴油机,性能卓越,可靠性高。2.5 Lubrication system 润滑系统 The lubrication system has patent technology of automatic lubrication system,which force filter and double pumps to provide oil intermittently.It makes better lubrication and lower cost.润滑系统采用拥有专利技术的集中自动润滑系统,强制过滤,预压式补油,双泵间歇供油,整个润滑系统供油充分,润滑效果好,使用成本低。2.6 Cooling system 冷却系统 The radiator equipment makes the working oil temperature of hydraulic system below 70 and makes the machine in normal status.采用强制风冷大散热器装置,确保液压系统的工作油温控制在 70以下,从而保障主机液压系统处于正常的工作状态。3.Main configuration 主要配置 Table 3-1 Assembly configuration 表 3-1 总成配置 Name 名称 Items 内容 14Mpa diesel engine pump 14Mpa柴油机泵 Diesel engine 柴油机 DEUTZ BF6M1013C(161KW)一汽道依茨 BF6M1013C(161KW)Circuit type 液压系统油路形式 Double hydraulic open loops with two pumps 开式双泵双回路 Main hydraulic pump 主油泵 KPM K5V200SH 川崎 K5V200SH Main valve and control valve block主阀及控制阀块 EATON/Rexroth 伊顿/力士乐 Agitator motor 搅拌马达 EATON cycloid motor 伊顿摆线马达 Pumping cylinder 泵送油缸 1501650 Concrete cylinder 混凝土缸 2301650 Spectacles wear plate and cutting ring 眼睛板、切割环 Wear 耐磨 Lubrication system 润滑系统 Grease feeder 随动油脂泵、递进分油器 Mixing auto-reverse 搅拌自动正反转 Have 有 Remote control 遥控器 Wire and wireless romote control 有线无线兼容任选 Radiator 冷却器 Air-cooled 风冷 Electric display screen 电控显示屏 Have 有 High-low pressure switch 电动高低压切换 Have 有 Quick-release piston 快换活塞 Have 有 Cleaning machine 水泵清洗机 Have 有 Table 3-2 Hydraulic system configuration 表 3-2 液压系统配置 Number 序号 Name 名称 Manufacturer 生产厂家 1 Main hydraulic pump 主油泵 KPM 川崎 2 Constant pressure pump 恒压泵 REXROTH 力士乐 3 Gear pump 齿轮泵 REXROTH 力士乐 4 Suction filter 吸油滤清器 LEEMIN 黎明 5 Return filter 回油滤清器 LEEMIN 黎明 6 Return filter element 回油扩散滤芯 LEEMIN 黎明 7 Pressure relief valve 溢流阀 REXROTH 力士乐 8 Electro-hydraulic reversal valve 电液换向阀 REXROTH 力士乐 9 Reducing valve 减压阀 REXROTH 力士乐 10 Accumulator 蓄能器 TANREN 成都天人 11 Cut-off valve 节流截止阀 STAUFF 西德福 12 Hydraulic motor 液压马达 EATON 伊顿 13 Radiator冷却器 MOONGROUP 冰轮 14 Check valve 单向阀 LIXIN 立新 15 Multi-reversal valve 多路换向阀 ZOOMLION 16 Both-way hydraulic lock 双向液压锁 ZOOMLION 17 Electromagnetism reversal valve电磁换向阀 REXROTH 力士乐 18 Sandwich plate relief valve 叠加溢流阀 REXROTH 力士乐 Table 3-3 Electric system configuration 表 3-3 电气系统配置 Number 序号 Code name 代号 Name 名 称 Manufacturer 生产厂家 1 Small circuit breaker 小型断路器 TE 2 QF2 Small circuit breaker 小型断路器 TE 3 Relay 起动互锁继电器 TE 4 Auxiliary relay 中间继电器 TE 5 SQ3-SQ4 Proximity switch 接近开关 TE 6 SB1 Flameout button 熄火按钮 TE 7 Pumping button 泵送按钮 TE 8 SA1 Power switch 电源总开关 DONGFENG 东风 9 2.3.4 开关 TE 10 6.7.8 Remote switch 遥控开关 TE 11 SQ1-2 Proximity switch 接近开关 BALLUFF 巴鲁夫 12 YV1-4 Electromagnetism iron 电磁铁 13 YV5 Accelerograph electric machinery 油门控制电机 LEADSHINE 雷赛 14 V1-4 Diode 二极管 CHINA 中国 15 PC Programme controller 可编程序控制器 IFM 16 XP Pin 插头 CHINA 中国 17 XS Socket 插座 CHINA 中国 18 XT Connecting terminals 接线端子 CHINA 中国 19 GB Accumulator 蓄电池 CHINA 中国 20 Sensor 传感器 Engine accessory 柴油机附件 21 HL4-11 Lamp 示宽灯 CHINA 中国 22 HL Lamp 示廓灯 CHINA 中国 23 S3 Ignition switch 点火开关 Engine accessory 柴油机附件 24 Y1 Parking Electromagnetism iron停车电磁铁 Engine accessory 柴油机附件 25 B7 Sensor 油量传感器 DONGFENG 东风 26 F30 Cooling switch 冷却液面开关 Engine accessory 柴油机附件 27 S18 Instrument illumination switch 仪表照明开关 TE 28 M1 Starting motor 启动马达 Engine accessory 柴油机附件 29 G1 Electric machinery modulator 发电机调节器 Engine accessory 柴油机附件 30 Y3 Starting spurting oil increment 启动喷油增量 Engine accessory 柴油机附件 31 H2.4.13 Lamp指示灯 TE 公司 32 Resistance 电阻 CHINA 中国 33 Relay socket 继电器插座 TE 公司 34 Lamp 行灯 中国 35 Lamp socket 行灯电源插座 COBO 4.The list of accessory 随机附件清单 序 号 Serial number 名 称 Name 规 格 型 号 Model 数量 Quantity 单位 Unit 备 注 Remarks (一)资料袋 Document bag 1 个 用于装以下资料 Packaging of Following documents 1 混凝土泵送施工技术规程 Working Technical Regulations for Concrete Pump 1 本 2 ZLJ5120 车载式混凝土泵车使用说明书 Workbook for use and servicing 2 本 3 柴油车载式混凝土泵车电气说明书 Electric workbook for use and servicing 1 本 4 Operation Manual 1 本 DEUTZ 5 Spare Parts Catalogue 1 本 DEUTZ 6 ZLJ5120 柴油机车载式混凝土泵车零件图册 The concrete pump manual 2 本 7 派恩空调使用保修手册 PaiEn air-condition maintenance manual 1 本 (二)配件类 Fittings 1 遥控器 Remote control 1 件 2 导向环 Guiding ring 230 2 件 3 混凝土活塞 Concrete piston 230 2 件 4 管卡 180A()Coupling 180A 2 件 5 管卡150A(HBG3.9A)Coupling 150A 2 件 6 管卡 125A Coupling 125A 2 件 7 管卡125A 密封圈 Sealing ring 149 2 个 8 管卡150A 密封圈 Sealing ring 1757 2 个 9 管卡180A 密封圈 Sealing ring 2007 3 个 10 清洗球 Cleaning ball 125 2 个 11 清洗活塞 Cleaning piston 125 1 个 12 橡胶弹簧 Rubber spring 0160402C0004 1 个 13 电控柜钥匙 Electric control cabinet key 3 片 14 安装架钥匙 Installation 2 片 frame key 15 主机门钥匙 Key 2 片 16 工作灯 Working lamp 1 只 17 充气工具 Tool for charge pressure 1 套 用于蓄能器充气 For accumulator 18 发动机钥匙 Engine key 2 片 DEUTZ 19 柴油机精滤 Fuel filter 01181245 或 01180597 2 个 DEUTZ 20 机油滤清器 Oil filter 01174421 1 个 DEUTZ 21 液压油回油滤芯 Return filter element FBX-40020 1 个 22 液压油吸油滤芯 Suction filter element ZL12BX-122/80W/HC 1 个 23 液压油吸油滤芯 Suction filter element ZX-630100 1 个 (三)随机密封件 Sealing accessory 1 套 (四)清洗机部件类 Water ejection device 1 喷枪 Ejection gun 1 把 2 进水胶管 Hose for water suction 1 根 3 出水胶管 Hose for water delivery 1 根 4 备件 Accessories 1 袋 (五)工具类 Tools 1 内六角扳手 3-17 1 套 九件套 Spanner for hexagon screw nine pieces per set 2 开口扳手 Opened wrench 7-32 1 套 九件套 nine pieces per set 3 活动扳手 Adjustable wrench 250 1 把 4 活动扳手 Adjustable wrench 450 1 把 5 螺丝刀 Screwdriver 1507 1 把 6 螺丝刀 Screwdriver 2008 1 把 7 十字螺丝刀 Crossed screwdriver 1507 1 把 8 十字螺丝刀 Crossed screwdriver 2008 1 把 9 钢丝钳 Pliers 1 把 10 榔头 Hammer 1 个 11 黄油枪 Grease gun 1 个 12 呆扳手 Unadjustable wrench 6055 1 个 13 S 管扳手 Wrench for S vavle 31A17A 1 把 14 滤清器扳手 Wrench for filter 76-135 1 把 15 内六角扳手加力杆 Level 272-350 1 件 16 10”活扳手加力杆 Level 353-350 1 件 17 活塞扳手 Piston wrench 02B-P 1 件 (六)裸装配件 Without packed 1 锥管()125A 150A 1 根 Taper pipe 1000 2 过渡管 Transitional pipe 125A125B300 1 根 3 锥管(0019902A0310)Taper pipe 150AI180AII1100 1 根 4 弯管(0019902A0157)Elbow pipe 180 R250A 90-Z 1 根 5.Pumping performance diagram 泵送曲线 01728Pumping performance diagram01728泵送性能曲线020406080100020406080100120140160Pumping pressure(bar)泵送压力Pumpingoutput(m3/h)泵送方量 6.Laying 布料 Laying is an important problem to the truck-mounted concrete line laying isnt on time,the phenomenon of pipe jam will methods are as follows:用车载式混凝土泵车输送混凝土,布料是很重要的问题。如果布料不及时,就会发生积料、堆料现象,使泵送压力升高,易发生堵管。用车载式混凝土泵车施工时,一般可用下述方法进行布料:Laying with groove 用溜槽布料 In order to install a inclined groove at the exit of the concrete pipe,the pipe should install higher and the groove can make revolving.将管道安装得高一些(1.5m),在混凝土输送管出口处接一斜溜槽。溜槽可做成可旋转的,使布料面积增大。Laying with the handcart 用手推车搬运布料 Its used to affuse few concrete and some special places which the hose cant reach.这是一种简易的布料方法,用于混凝土灌注量不大或某些特殊部位布料杆布料软管达不到的地方。Laying with hose 用布料软管布料 In small pipe condition,laying with hose is very hoses length has 3m and 5m and the minimal bend radiu is no less than 1.5m.这是应用较多的一种布料方法,尤其在小管径情况下,布料软管重量轻移动方便,在楼面上布料是很适用的。布料软管的长度有3m、5m两种,工作时绳子捆住软管出口处,拖到需浇注的各处,工作时软管最小弯曲半径不得小于1.5m。Laying with placing boom 布料杆布料 Laying with placing boom can quick and conveniently laying and the phenomenon of pipe jam isnt easily construction,the placing boom can laying at any places in available scope,it improves the efficiency and lighten the labor intensity.采用布料杆布料,可以迅速、方便地进行大范围布料,不容易发生积料,堵管等现象。在施工中通常把布料杆放置在需要浇注层面的中央,可旋转360,可以在布料杆有效范围内任意位置进行布料,这样就可以大大地提高混凝土浇注施工效率,减轻工人的劳动强度,它是一种较理想的混凝土布料机械。analysis of ZOOMLIONs core pumping technology 中联重科核心泵送技术分析 Double pumps provide oil intermittently 预压式双泵间歇供油 The lubrication system has force filter and double pumps provide oil intermittently.It makes better lubrication and lower cost.Bidirectional columniation grease lubrication pump improves the lubrications reliability(Patent number is.X).中联的润滑,采用强制过滤、预压式双泵间歇供油系统,供油充分,润滑效果好,并且可通过控制程序对润滑油量进行调节,以达到保证混凝土质量和节约成本的目的。同时,“”(为)的运用,极大地提高了润滑系统的可靠性。The patent technology of new type distributing cushion 新型分配缓冲专利技术 Cushion device used for columniation oil cylinder of concrete pump ensures the big swinging moment,declines the concussion and improves the swinging cylinder and S pipe life(Patent number is).“”(专利号为)的运用既确保了大的摆动力矩,又极大地降低摆动冲击,提高了摆动缸和S管的使用寿命。Intelligence control technology 智能控制技术 The electric control display equipment has touch screen display status,fault self-examination and data management.At the same time,concrete pump control can be configured according to the users request(Patent number is.电控显示装置,实现了智能管理,具备触摸屏实时显示工况、故障自诊、数据管理等功能,让用户实时了解设备运行状态。与此同时,具有自主知识产权的“”(专利号为)的运用,为中联混凝土泵的电控系统锦上添花,可根据用户要求选配。Mixing seal device used for concrete pump Mixing seal device with independent knowledge property right constructs two blockade:one is high pressure oil theca between wearable bearing and seal loop through especial structure;the other can discharge the concrete by leak through the first blockade,so the phenomena that mortar blocks the mixing axis doesnt happen,thus the mixing device life increases(Patent number is.具有自主知识产权的(专利号为)的运用,在搅拌装置中构筑了两道封锁线;第一道是通过特殊结构,在耐磨轴承与耐磨密封环之间形成高压油膜,防止混凝土的砂浆渗入耐磨轴承与耐磨密封环之间的间隙;与此同时,通过两格莱圈之间的泄浆孔将万一透过第一道封锁的砂浆泄出,这样就避免了砂浆卡死搅拌轴现象的发生,进而极大地提高了搅拌装置的使用寿命。7.5 A pumping mechanism 一种泵送机构 A pumping mechanism through especial structure can connect concrete cylinder with water tank and hydraulic cylinder,so coaxiality between hydraulic cylinder and concrete cylinder increases,pumping resistance with no load reduces,thus the whole capability of concrete pump increases(Patent number is.(专利号为),通过特殊结构,将混凝土缸、水箱、泵送油缸联为一体,提高了泵送油缸与混凝土缸之间的同轴度,降低了空机泵送阻力,进而提高了混凝土泵的总体性能。Pumping output adjustment 泵送排量无级调节 The variable adjustment technology of hydraulic control realizes the synchro