-.z.English Correspondence of Business Chapter One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing Section Nine E*ercises 练习 I.Translate the following e*pressions into English:Keys:1.mercial Councellor 2.import and e*port 3.e*port list 4.enquiry 5.sample 6.price list 7.catalogue 8.Chamber of merce 9.market price 10.agreement 11.clients/customers 12.modities fair 13.petitive price 14.EMP(European Main ports)15.deal e*clusively 16.manufacturer 17.article number 18.delivery 19.specification 20.trial order II.Please improve the following sentence to them more idiamotic Keys:1.We are sending you the information you asked for in your letter of June 4.2.We have received your letter of May 10.3.We are pleased to tell you that your Order 167 was dispatched yesterday.4.We sent you this morning our latest catalogue you requested in your letter of May 5.5.We hope you will consider our proposals.6.We hope to hear from you soon.7.You informed us in your letter that you could not offer us Gallnuts as they were out of stock.8.In reply to your letter of the 23red last month,we are pleased to confirm the following order.9.Please take note of the Lot Number of bales so that the parcel may not be mi*ed up on landing.10.Samples will be sent and offer made upon receipt of your specific enquiry.11.In reply to your letter 23rd May,we regret to inform you that we are now not in a position to offer you the quantity as required.12.Thank you for your quotation dated September 5,2007.We intend to place a trial order with you.13.You will no doubt ope the relevant L/C at the end of May.14.We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied.15.Will you please send us your latest catalogue and pricelist?16.We wish you could effect insurance on the goods with PICC.17.Please send me a copy of the agreement.18.Your products are not up to our standard.19.I regret I cannot agree to your suggestions.20.We have semimonthly direct sailings from Hong Kong to San Francisco.III.Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter Keys:Open V.Point out the mistakes in the following addresses and rewrite them.Keys:A.B.C.-.z.Mr.Henry Taylor London City Bank Mr.John Smith 150 Bench Street 12 Queen Street 16 Front Street London,E.C.3 London,E.C.5 Liverpool L6 3FY England England VI.Please write a letter according to the following particulars:Keys:Shanghai Light Industrial Products Corp.11 Jiefang Road Shanghai Tel:021-43715589 The Pacific Trading Inc.87 Broadway ST.New York,NY10408 Oct.28,2008 Dear Sirs,Thank you for your interest in our products.In reply to your request,we enclose our illustrated catalogue and a pricelist showing details of our products.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours truly,(signed)Wang*iang ENCL:as stated.Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations Section One Introduction 概述 可以说没有客户,就没有业务,与潜在客户建立业务关系不仅对于新成立的公司很重要,对于那些想要扩大业务*围,增加营业额的公司来说,同样很重要。如果一家新公司,既我方一家公司,想要在国外打开市场,买入或者卖出产品,则,他首先必须做的就是他要明白与谁做业务,通常,这类信息可以通过以下渠道获得:1)通过写信交流;2)参加出口商品交易会;3)出席国内外举办的展览会;4)互派贸易代表团。上述所有途径中,写信使用最为广泛。通过写信可以从银行杂志报纸电视广告业务关系介绍市场调查商务参展商会商务参展中间人自我介绍等等来获取所需要的所有信息。从上述任何渠道获得想要得到的公司名称和地址之后,就开始着手写信与之联系。这类信是第一次寄出去的信,也可称之为“初次询盘”。通常这类信函最初告诉阅信人他的信息来,主要包括下列内容:1)信息来源;2)意向;3)经营*围和子公司、分公司,如有的话;4)公司的财经和成信情况。如果想要进口买入,可以要求看样品,价格单等。写信人可以简明扼要地说明想要购买和想要买出何物。结尾时,通常要表达想要合作和期待早日答复的原望。收到这类信函后要立即回信,不能延误,并写得有礼貌,以便给对方留下一个良好的印象。这就是外贸业务信函最重要的功能。-.z.对于外贸公司来说业务往来非常重要,因此,交易商不仅要尽力巩固与已有客户的业务关系,也要不断寻求新的客户。Section Two Specimen Letters(12 封信)信函*文 Specimen Letter 1 Wishing to establish relations 敬启者:我们从中国对外贸易杂志上得知贵公司名址,我公司是一家国营企业,力求扩展海外贸易。然而,我们在南非还没有任何业务往来,对你方提出的任何建议我们都会认真考虑。随函所附我们最新的插图目录和最新价目表及有关的销售条款,供你方参考,我们将很高兴办理你方对我们产品的具体询盘。如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。盼即复。.启 Specimen Letter 2 Writing self-introduce letters 敬启者:承新加坡中国商务参赞陈华先生介绍,得知你号专营各种电器产品的出口业务,并力求扩展对外贸易。为此特联系你方,以便在我地市场推销你们的产品。我号经营进口业务以达二十多年,在新加坡各地有广泛的业务关系。目前我处对电器产品的需求不断增长,相信你号在我地的成交数字,将会相当可观。当前我们对电动缝纫机尤感兴趣,请寄这类商品的最新目录、价目表,并请告知有关的销货条款,不胜感激。盼早复,希望收到你方好消息。.启 Specimen Letter 3 Importer writes to e*porter 敬启者:事由:缝纫机 我方对你们去年在斯里兰卡中国经济贸易展览会上展出的电动缝纫机留有深刻的印象。据告这类产品是由你们公司出口的。我公司有一客户拟购一批缝纫机,为此,请寄上开 400 台三斗缝纫机的形式发票一份,并请报包括佣金在内的最低价,回信时,请说明最早交货期,以供参考。盼早复。.启 Sepcimen Letter 4 E*porter writes to importer(1)敬启者:我们从你刊登在对外贸易杂志上的广告得悉你公司名称,特此去函,望与你公司建立业务关系。我公司专门中国轻工业产品的出口,这些产品在世界市场上久享盛誉。兹附上目录单一份供你参考。如有兴趣,请即与我公司联系。.启 Sepcimen Letter 5 E*porter writes to importer(2)敬启者:承科伦坡商会介绍,得悉你号名址,并获悉你号拟进口中国生产的轻工产品。我号生产所附插图目录中的各种轻工业用品,希望这些产品会引起你们的兴趣。信内尚随附我们最新的价目表,以供参考。如你方拟购这类产品,请即告知,以便报价。同时,如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。盼即复。并望不久能与你方开展业务往来。启-.z.Sepcimen Letter 6 An e*porters reply to an importer 敬启者:经由 ABC 公司的介绍,我公司获悉贵公司有意与棉布出口商建立业务关系,我公司正好经营这类商品。我公司是该商品的主要生产商之一,从事棉布出口已有 50 多年的历史。我公司产品种类齐全,款式多样,畅销亚洲市场。今回复你方,希望与你方建立直接的业务关系,随函附上我方所有产品目录及价格单。值得注意的是,我方将为所有订单提供 5%的佣金。相信经过双方努力,我们将建立起良好的业务关系。盼早复。启 Sepcimen Letter 7 A reply to an importer 敬启者:贵公司 6 月 23 日询问将中国产电器产品进口到英国的传真已经由中国驻的对外贸易部转交给我公司。我公司是一家国营企业,力求扩展海外贸易。然而,直到目前我们在英国还没有任何业务往来,很希望与贵公司在该行业进行业务往来。随函所附我们最新的插图目录和最新价目表及有关的销售条款,供你方参考。我方将认真办理贵公司的任何询盘。如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。盼即复。.启 Sepcimen Letter 8 A reply to the importer 敬启者:我们从纽约一朋友处得悉贵公司的地址,现特去函与你公司联系,希望与你建立业务关系。我公司与这里许多最大的轻工业产品销售商有良好的关系。如能从你公司得到优惠报盘,我们确信能大量销售中国货。请告有关你公司出口商品的必要详情。启 Sepcimen Letter 9 Writing letters of Credit Enquiry of a new customer 敬启者:我公司现收到大西洋电子*的订单一份,订货总值达 56,500 美元。该公司提供贵行作其资信证明人。为此,我们想知道该公司是否可靠,值得信任。请提供这方面的资料,不胜感激。你方所提供的任何信息都将严予*。如有机会,我们将乐意回报类似服务。现随附回邮信封一个,供复信之用。.启 Sepcimen Letter 10 Favorable reply from a firm 敬启者:你 2007 年 11 月 12 日来函所提到的这家公司,虽是一家小型企业,但却是一家颇有名气、很受尊敬的公司。该公司自从在本市创建以来已有 40 余年的历史。多年来,我公司一直与该公司有业务往来,该公司资信良好,诚实可信。虽然该公司不和我们做现金交易,享受我们现金结帐折扣的优惠,但他们总是准时清帐。我们给该公司的赊帐信用额总是超过你们所说的 56,500 美元。我方只了解这些,希望这些资料对你们有用,并予以*。启 Sepcimen Letter 11 Unfavorable reply 敬启者:你 10 月 12 日的来函中所提到公司的资信,我方已予查询,十分遗憾,对该公司的赊帐要求应谨慎。约在两年前,该公司由于欠款问题,曾受其供货商的投诉,事后才全数清付。从我方查询所得资料来看,该公司并不是-.z.不城实可靠,似乎是由于该公司管理无方,尤其是由于盘子放得太大,以致于近年来多数供货商对其减少供货的赊欠额度,并缩短其赊欠期限,甚至要求付现供货。以上资料应予*,自不待言。.启 Sepcimen Letter 12 Asking for information about credit conditions and management directly through a customer 敬启者:请提供有关你处 Watson&Jones Newcastle 国际贸易*的资信情况,据我所知,贵公司与该公司已有 10 多年的生意往来,今冒昧地向贵公司了解该公司的资信情况,请告你对该公司资信情况的意见,以避免今后的麻烦。对你方所提供的一切情况,我方不胜感激并将严格*,今后如需我方服务,我们将乐意回报。.启 Section Five E*ercises I.Fill in the blanks with the following words:Keys:1)prompt,2)supply,3)captioned,4)indicate,5)packed,6)current,7)refer,8)enable,9)conclude,10)assure II.Fill in the missing words in the following blanks with the first letter given:Yours faithfully,Keys:introduce,range,attach,think,interest,interested,receiving,what,quotation III.Write a letter with the following contents:Keys:Dear Sirs,On the remendation of the mercial Councilor in Colombo we have learned that your pany specializes in the e*port of machinery and you are keen to develop overseas trade.With a view to introducing your machinery into our market,we wish to establish business relations with you.We are looking forward to get your early reply as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,IV.Write a letter to DEMMAN&SONS,45 CANNON STREET,LONDON,E.C.4,telling them that you wish to enter into business relations with them and including the following particular:Keys:Messrs.Demman&Sons 45 Cannon Street Dear Sirs,Introduced by Mr.A.G.Topworth of Swanson&Bros.,Hamberg,we learn your name and address and that you are one of the leading importers of Chinaware in your city.As a state enterprise,we have been in this line for more than 30 years and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you at an early date.The illustrated catalogue and price list will be airmailed upon receipt of your specific enquiries.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,V.Translate the following sentences into Chinese:Keys:1)速盼赐佳音。2)我们是国营公司,专营台布出口。-.z.3)我们相信通过双方的努力,贸易往来定会朝着互利的方向发展。4)如贵工司能与我方合作,不胜感激。5)根据要求,兹另封函邮货号称 025 和蔼 036 样品各一份,以供你们参考。6)我们保证你方订单定会得到立即处理。7)这类业务信就是发函,也可称为“首次询函”。8)本公司是日本最大的食品贸易公司,在日本的主要城市都有分公司于门市部。9)你方 11 月 21 日寄给*兄弟公司的信已转交给我们办理。10)因该类商品属于我们经营*围,我们很高兴与你方直接建立贸易关系。Chapter Three Enquiries Section One Introduction 概述 在对外贸易中,询盘通常由买方提出,不受约束,主要是了解进口商品的基本信息,如价格,目录,交货期等交易条款。因此,询盘信事实上就是要求获得有关价格和贸易条款的信函。进口商向出口商发出询盘信,希望得到想要购买商品的报价或报盘,但有时仅仅只是了解商品的基本信息。老客户的询盘信非常简单,通常只有品名,商品规格。而其他询盘信却必须写的仔细,包括品名,规格,数量,支付条款,包装条款,装运期,包装条款,等等,以方便卖方报价。报盘信要写得简洁具体,礼貌得体,有理有节,该说的说清楚,不该说的就不说。例如,你只想获得一些诸如目录,价目表,报价单,或者形式发票的基本情况,因此,不用咬文嚼字去吸引读者的眼球,有时可以提及订单的大小,以便获得更加优惠的报价。初次询盘信,写给你从来没有业务往来的公司,首先要告知对方你是从何处得到对方的公司名称,你公司的业务*围,如经营何种商品、所需数量、通常的交易条款以及任何可以帮助供货商了解是否能为你服务的信息都要写清楚。什么是询盘?当一家公司计划进口*种商品,他会向出口商发出询盘,希望出口商对外想要进口的商品进行报价,或只是希望得到一些信息。出口商在收到这类询盘信时会立即回复,这样一来,就开始了交易磋商。根据内容或目的,询盘信可以分为一般询盘信或具体询盘信。如果进口商想要了解出口商可以供货的*种产品或商品的一般信息,他可以要求出口商寄给他商品目录,价目表和样品。这就是一般询盘信。如果进口商想要购买*种产品或商品,他会要求出口商报盘或报价,这类询盘信被称为具体询盘。询盘信既可以写给一家公司,也可以同时写给多家公司,这样一来,就可以对收到的报盘进行比较,或者挑选更优惠的报盘,以便与最优惠的报价进行交易。询盘信是一封写给买方或卖方,要求提供商品规格、质量、数量和价格等信息的信函,在实际业务中,今天的询盘信不仅可以以普通信函发出,也可以通过传真、电传或电子发出。询盘信包括以下内容:询盘信包括以下内容:(1)如果是初次询盘,该信就必须告知信息来源,如通过什么方式、由谁告知、信息来源何处。(2)如果回复供应商的询盘信,首先要表示感谢。(3)公司经营的业务*围,打算购买什么商品,数量几规格。(4)了解交易条款,如报价、支付条款、包装、保险等,让供应商知道交易条件。(5)告知商品在市场上的整体情况。(6)索要目录、价目表和样品。(7)向对方表明想要与他进行业务往来的愿望。(8)其他情况。Section Two Specimen Letters Specimen Letter 1 敬启者:我方拟购甲、乙级西瓜子,请予报盘,并请航邮有代表性的样品为感。报价时,请说明最早装运期及可供量。-.z.启 Specimen Letter 2 敬启者:我们愉快地告诉你们,我们对各种真皮手工制的手套有兴趣。对高质量的手套这里有稳定的需求,虽然销售数量不是特别多,但能卖到好价格。请寄一份你们的手套目录,并说明价格及付款条款。如能寄来各种用于制手套的皮样将是极为有帮助的。.启 Specimen Letter 3 敬启者:请报中国印花棉布的每码价格及支付条款。如报价优惠,拟向你方购进我方目前的全部所需。.启 Specimen Letter 4 敬启者:你们 5 月 4 日的询价已收到,并感谢你们对我们的产品所表示的兴趣。今寄上一份附图目录及在我们的产品中经常使用的一些皮革的样品。遗憾的是我们不能立即寄给你们全部样品,但你们可以相信,在包裹中没有的,如羚羊皮及麂皮,也同样是优质的。我们的推销代表李先生将于下月初到特黑兰,并将愉快地拜访你们。他会带去我们的许多制品。当你们看到这些产品时,我们想你们一定会同意,我们所采用的材料其质量以及工艺之精美将会得到即使是最挑剔的买主的欢迎。我们也制造多种手工制的皮革手提包,我们认为你们可能也会有兴趣在目录中有充分的说明,而且同我们的手套一样都是高质量的。李先生在造访时将会给你们看样品。我们愉快地等候你方定单。中国进出口公司 经理 Specimen Letter 5 敬启者:事由:B-268 型机器部件 你 2008 年 3 月 15 日要求我方对标题商品进行报价的来函收悉,谢谢。按要求,我方向你们提供报价单一式三份,希望你们能尽快下定单,因为我方手头定单太多。敬侯你方早日答复。启 Specimen Letter 6 敬启者:本市 Brother&Clark 公司告知我们,你们是全棉床单及枕套的主要出口商。请你寄下你方经营的各种商品的详情,包括尺寸、颜色及价格,以及所用的各种材料的样品。我们是纺织品的大贸易商,相信价格适中的上述商品在本地区有良好的市场。请在答复时说明你方付款条款以及单项商品的购买量不少于 1000 打所能给予的折扣。所报价格需包括到纽约的保险及运费。United Te*tiles Limited 经理 Specimen Letter 7 敬启者:收到你方 8 月 20 日询价殊为欣慰。今附上你所要求的具体详细内容的附图目录及价格单。另邮寄上一些样品,我们相信在你细查这些样品后,你将会同意,这些货物是价廉物美的。对于定期购买单项商品数量不少于 200 打,我们可给予 2%的折扣。用不可撤消的即期信用证付款。-.z.由于品质柔软而耐用,我们的全棉床单及枕套很快成了畅销商品。你们在研究了我方价格之后,对我们为什么甚难满足需求这一事实你方就不难知道了。但你方如能在本月底前向我们订货,我们将保证迅速发货。同时我们也请你注意我们的其他产品,如台布及台巾,其详细情况也可以从目录上找到。等候你方首次定单。启 Specimen Letter 8 敬启者:事由:台布 你 6 月 10 日来信收到,谢谢。欣悉你方拟与我公司就标题商品发展业务关系。经仔细研究你们的商品目录,我们对 510 及 514 两种货号的台布较有兴趣。请报最低价,并请说明能供即期装运各种尺寸的台布数量。如价格公道,数量令人满意,将考虑大量订购。我公司经营台布已有 30 多年,在全国各地都有可靠的业务关系。在邻国也有联号,你们的产品在那里同样会有销路。相信你方定会迅速办理我们的询购事宜,并予早日见复。.启 Section Five E*ercises I.Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:Keys 1)in,from,for,for 6)in,with 2)at 7)by 3)by,of,of,with 8)from,from,at 4)from,for,for,9)for,on 5)of,for,in 10)at,of II.Translate the followings into English:Keys 1)We understand that you are manufacturers of Chinese Sewing Machines and should like to know whether you can supply us with 500 sets each of“Butterfly”Brand and“Standard”both of Treadle Type with five drawers.2)We are interested in 400 sets of Five Rams Bicycles and shall be pleased to have your best offer by tele*on DEQ Hamburg basis,including our 5%mission.3)We should be grateful if you would quote your lowest price for the captioned goods.When offering,please indicate packing conditions and the earliest possible date of delivery and send us the covering literature.4)When your representative called on us last month,he showed us some samples of your new te*tiles products.Can you supply the same for the moment?5)We have sent you by airmail some samples.We are sure after you have studied them you are certain to agree that our products are e*cellent in quality and reasonable in price.6)The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will provide you with the details of the various types you are most interested in.7)We understand from your advertisement in Electrics that you are e*porting Transistors and should be glad to have your illustrated catalogue and price list together with details of your terms.8)We learn from Messrs.ABC&Co.that you can supply Fruits and Nuts.We shall be appreciated if you can quote your best price on CFR Hamburg basis.When quoting,please state packing method and the earliest possible date of delivery.9)We are interested in your advertisement of the Atlas Weed Killer in the September issue of Agriculture.We would like you to let us have full details of your products together with the relative samples.10)One of our clients has obtained an import licence to import US$40,000 worth of various kinds Wires.Please quote us your lowest price with the best discount and the date of delivery.-.z.11)We learn that you have put an Electric Typewriters on the market and should be glad to have full details so as to place orders with you.12)We should like to know what discount you can allow us for an order for more than 1,000 dozen.III.pose a letter of enquiry with the following particulars:Keys Messrs.Arthur Grey&Son,19 Cheapside,Dear Sirs,We have obtained your name and address from China Council for Promotion of International Trade and learned that you are one of the leading e*porters of Automatic Dishwasher in your district.We are now interested in 100 sets of the said article and should be pleased if you would let us know whether you can supply us with the quantity and quality we desire.Please quote us your best price on CIF Guangzhou basis.When offering,please state clearly terms of payment,time of delivery,packing conditions together with illustrated catalogue for our consideration.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,IV.Please draw a letter of general enquiry asking for all the information you need.Keys Dear Sirs,We learn from a friend in Shenzhen that you are e*porting light industrial products,especially electric appliances.There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned goods of high quality at moderate prices.Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue,with details of your prices and terms of payment.We should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of these goods.Yours faithfully,V.Write a specific enquiry according to the following:Keys Dear Sirs,Re:Electric Saw We are in the market for Electric Saws.Please send us your latest catalogue,details of your specification and sample books as well,informing us of your price FOB Guangzhou.Please do remember to let us know your earliest possible date of delivery,terms of payment,discounts or missions for regular purchases.If your prices offered prove reasonable and satisfactory,we shall soon place a large order with you.Yours faithfully VI.When making the first enquiry,the enquiry often asks for general information concerning the products in question.The following materials are generally requested for.Keys:1.d 2.e 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.f Chapter Four Offers and Quotations Section One Introduction 概述 在业务交往中,报盘或报价都是很重要的一个步骤。报盘是按照规定的条款供应*种商品的一种承诺,报价只是卖方愿意按什么价格供应*一种商品。报盘中,卖方不仅仅要给出所要卖的商品的价格,还要说明所有其他所有条款,以便买方考虑或接受。但是,如果报价单里包含其他交易条款,则,这个报价单自然成为报盘。报盘可以是有时间限制的实盘,也可以是没有时间限制的虚盘。在规定时间内,按照规定的价格出售*种货物为实盘。实盘信要写得清楚、具体、完整。而虚盘在买方