ISO 标准动态(2005.8.32005.9.20)阶段 技术委员会 标准号 标准名称 CD TC 22 ISO/CD 6460-1 摩托车气体排出和燃料消耗的测量方法第 1 部分:一般试验要求(ISO 6460:1981 的修订)Motorcycles Measurement method of gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption Part 1:General test requirement(Revision of ISO 6460:1981)ISO/CD 6460-2 摩托车气体排出和燃料消耗的测量方法第 2 部分:试验循环和特殊试验条件(ISO 6460:1981 的修订)Motorcycles Measurement method of gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption Part 2:Test cycles and specific test condition(Revision of ISO 6460:1981)ISO/CD 6460-3 摩托车气体排出和燃料消耗的测量方法第 3 部分:恒速下燃料消耗测量(ISO 6460:1981 的修订)Motorcycles Measurement method of gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption Part 3:Fuel consumption measurement at a constant speed(Revision of ISO 6460:1981)ISO/CD 23013 道路车辆车辆玻璃装置用安全玻璃结构强制进入测定玻璃装置系统的试验 Road vehicles Determination to forced entry of safety glass constructions used in vehicle glazing Test of glazing systems TC 23 ISO/CD 6532 便携式链锯技术数据(ISO 6532:1993 的修订)Portable chain-saws-Technical data(Revision of ISO 6532:1993)ISO/CD 11682 割灌机和割草机技术数据(ISO 11682:1993 的修订)Brush-cutters and grass-trimmers-Technical data(Revision of ISO 11682:1993)TC 28 ISO/CD 13736 石油产品和其他液体闪点的测定阿贝尔闭口杯法(ISO 13736:1997 的修订)Petroleum products and other liquids-Determination of flash point-Abel closed cup method(Revision of ISO 13736:1997)TC 34 ISO/CD TS 22003 食品安全管理体系提供食品安全管理体系审核和认证机构的要求 Food safety management systems-Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systems ISO/CD 24557 豆类植物水分的测定风干法 Pulses-Determination of moisture content-Air-oven method TC 38 ISO/CD 9073-16 纺织品无纺布的试验方法第 16 部分:评估耐水性能(流体静压)试验 Textiles-Test methods for nonwovens-Part 16:Evaluation of water resistance(hydrostatic pressure)test ISO/CD 9073-17 纺织品无纺布的试验方法第 17 部分:评估渗水性能(喷洒冲击)试验 Textiles-Test methods for nonwovens-Part 17:Evaluation of water penetration(spray impact)test ISO/CD 9073-18 纺织品无纺布的试验方法第 18 部分:使用抓样拉伸试验测定无纺布料的断裂强度和伸长率 Textiles-Test methods for nonwovens-Part 18:Determination of breaking strength and elongation of nonwoven materials using the grab tensile test TC 44 ISO/CD TR 25901 焊接和相关过程词汇 Welding and related processes-Vocabulary TC 54 ISO/CD 3061 黑胡椒油(ISO 3061:1979 的修订)Oil of black pepper(Revision of ISO 3061:1979)ISO/CD 9841 海索草油(ISO 9841:1991 的修订)Oil of Hyssop(Hyssopus officinalis Linnaeus)(Revision of ISO 9841:1991)TC 59 ISO/CD 21542 房屋结构房屋环境的易接近性和可用性 Building construction Accessibility and usability of build environment TC 67 ISO/CD 10423 石油和天然气工业钻井和生产设备井口和采油设备(ISO 10423:2003 的修订)Petroleum and natural gas industries-Drilling and production equipment-Wellhead and christmas tree equipment(Revision of ISO 10423:2003)TC 69 ISO/CD TR 8550-1 批中离散项目检验抽样系统的选择和使用指南第 1部分:抽样的一般指南(ISO/TR 8550:1994 的修订)Guide to the selection and usage of acceptance sampling systems for inspection of discrete items in lots-Part 1:General guide to acceptance sampling(Revision of ISO/TR 8550:1994)TC 76 ISO/CD 22413 药用制剂的输液器组合要求、试验 Transfer sets for pharmaceutical preparations-Requirements and test methods TC 98 ISO/CD 13823 耐久性结构设计的一般原则 General principles on the design of structures for durability TC 121 IEC/CD 60601-2-16 电子医疗设备第 2-16 部分:血透、血滤和血滤设备的安全和基本性能特殊要求 Medical electrical equipment-Part 2-16:Particular requirements for the safety of haemodialysis,haemodiafiltration and haemofiltration equipment IEC/CD 60601-2-53 电子医疗设备第 2-53 部分:计算机辅助心电描记标准通信协议的安全和基本性能特殊要求 Medical electrical equipment,Part 2-53:Particular requirements for the safety and essential performance of a standard communications protocol for computer assisted electrocardiography TC 126 ISO/CD 22303 烟叶烟叶特殊亚硝胺的测定使用缓冲剂萃取法 Tobacco-Determination of tobacco specific nitrosamines-Method using buffer extraction TC 131 ISO/CD 10770-3 液压传动电调制液压控制阀第 3 部分:两通流量控制阀的试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power-Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves-Part 3:Test methods for two-way directional flow control valves TC 138 ISO/CD 25780 压力和非压力供水、排灌或排水和下水用塑料管系统以不饱和聚酯(UP)树脂为基础的玻璃纤维增强热固塑料(GRP)系统使用无管沟结构技术安装的部件 Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply,irrigation or drainage and sewerage-Glass reinforced thermosetting plastics(GRP)systems based on unsaturated polyester(UP)resin-Components intended to be installed using trenchless construction techniques TC 150 ISO/CD 23317 外科植入物植入材料磷灰石成型能力的体外测量 Implants for surgery-In vitro measurement for apatite-forming ability of implant materials TC 159 ISO/CD 1503 立 体 定 向 及 运 动 方 向 设 计 的 人 类 工 效 学(ISO 1503:1977 的修订)Ergonomic requirements for design on spatial orientation and directions of movements(Revision of ISO 1503:1977)ISO/CD 9241-20 人类工效学系统的相互作用信息通信设备和服务的可存取指南第 20 部分:一般指南 Ergonomics of human system interaction Accessibility guideline for information communication equipment and services Part 20:General Ergonomic TC 171 ISO/CD 24537 缩微摄影技术16mm 和 35mm 缩微胶片用卷轴的尺寸 Micrographics-Dimensions for reels used for 16 mm and 35 mm microfilm TC 172 ISO/CD 10110-7 光学和光学仪器光学元件和系统制图准备第 7 部分:表面疵病公差(ISO 10110-7:1996 的修订)Optics and photonics-Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems-Part 7:Surface imperfection tolerances(Revision of ISO 10110-7:1996)TC 173 ISO/CD 23600 盲人和盲聋人用辅助产品人行交通信灯的听觉和触觉信号 Assistive products for vision impaired persons and vision and hearing impaired persons-Acoustic and tactile signals for pedestrian traffic lights TC 190 ISO/CD 22036 土壤质量用电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱法(ICP AES)测定土壤萃取物中的微量元素 Soil quality-Determination of trace elements in extracts of soil by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP AES)TC 195 ISO/CD 21873 建筑结构机械和设备移动式混凝土轧碎机回应商用规范的术语 Building construction machinery and equipment-Mobile concrete crushers-Terminology ans commercial specifications TC 198 ISO/CD 15882 保健产品的消毒化学指示器选择、使用和结果解释的指南(ISO 15882:2003 的修订)Sterilization of health care products-Chemical indicators-Guidance for selection,use and interpretation of results(Revision of ISO 15882:2003)TC 202 ISO/CD 22493 微束分析电子扫描显微镜词汇 Micorbeam analysis-Scanning electron microscopy-Vocabulary TC 204 ISO/CD 24534-1 自动车辆和设备识别车辆的电子登记识别(ERI)第 1 部分:体系结构 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification-Electronic Registration Identification(ERI)for vehicles-Part 1:Architecture ISO/CD 24534-2 自动车辆和设备识别车辆的电子登记识别(ERI)第 2 部分:操作要求 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification-Electronic Registration Identification(ERI)for vehicles-Part 2:Operational requirements ISO/CD 24534-3 自动车辆和设备识别车辆的电子登记识别(ERI)第 3 部分:车辆数据 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification-Electronic Registration Identification(ERI)for vehicles-Part 3:Vehicle data ISO/CD 24534-4 自动车辆和设备识别车辆的电子登记识别(ERI)第 4 部分:使用非对称技术的安全通信 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification-Electronic Registration Identification(ERI)for vehicles-Part 4:Secure communication using asymetric techniques DIS IIW ISO/DIS 24497-1 无损检验金属磁存储第 1 部分:一般要求 Non-destructive testing-Metal magnetic memory-Part 1:General requirements ISO/DIS 24497-2 无损检验金属磁存储第 2 部分:术语和定义 Non-destructive testing-Metal magnetic memory-Part 2:Terms and definitions ISO/DIS 24497-3 无损检验金属磁存储第 3 部分:焊缝检测 Non-destructive testing-Metal magnetic memory-Part 3:Inspection of welded joints TC 8 ISO/DIS 8468 船 舶 桥 楼 布 置 和 相 关 设 备 要 求 和 指 南(ISO 8468:1990 的修订)Ships bridge layout and associated equipment-Requirements and guidelines(Revision of ISO 8468:1990)TC 20 ISO/DIS 6771 航空航天流体系统和组件压力和温度分类(ISO 6771:1987 的修订)Aerospace-Fluid systems and components-Pressure and temperature classifications(Revision of ISO 6771:1987)ISO/DIS 21849 航空器和航天工业数据产品识别和可追溯性(ISO/TS 21849:2003 的修订)Aircraft and space-Industrial data-Product identification and traceability(Revision of ISO/TS 21849:2003)TC 22 ISO/DIS 4928 使用非石油基液压制动液的液压制动系统液压缸的弹性皮碗和密封圈(最高工作温度 1200C)(ISO 4928:1980的修订)Road vehicles-Elastomeric cups and seals for cylinders for hydraulic braking systems using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid(service temperature 120 degrees C max.)(Revision of ISO 4928:1980)ISO/DIS 4930 使用非石油基液压制动液的液压制动盘式液压缸的弹性密封圈(最高工作温度 1500C)(ISO 4930:1978 的修订)Road vehicles-Elastomeric seals for hydraulic disc brake cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid(service temperature 150 degrees C max.)(Revision of ISO 4930:1978)ISO/DIS 6119 使用非石油基液压制动液的液压制动盘式液压缸的弹性密封圈(最高工作温度 1200C)(ISO 6119:1980 的修订)Road vehicles-Elastomeric seals for hydraulic disc brake cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid(service temperature 120 degrees C max.)(Revision of ISO 6119:1980)ISO/DIS 7299-1 柴油发动机油泵端面法兰第 1 部分:喷油泵(ISO 7299:1996 的修订)Diesel engines-End-mounting flanges for pumps-Part 1:Fuel injection pumps(Revision of ISO 7299:1996)ISO/DIS 16232-1.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 1 部分:词汇 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 1:Vocabulary ISO/DIS 16232-2.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 2 部分:采用搅拌提取污垢法 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 2:Method of extraction of contaminants by agitation ISO/DIS 16232-3.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 3 部分:采用加压冲洗提取污垢法 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 3:Method of extraction of contaminants by pressure rinsing ISO/DIS 16232-4.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 4 部分:采用超声波技术提取污垢法 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 4:Method of extraction of contaminants by ultrasonic techniques ISO/DIS 16232-5.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 5 部分:在功能试验台上提取污垢法 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 5:Method of extraction of contaminants on functional test bench ISO/DIS 16232-6.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 6 部分:采用重量分析测定颗粒质量 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 6:Particle mass determination by gravimetric analysis ISO/DIS 16232-7.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 7 部分:采用显微分析测定颗粒大小和计数 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 7:Particle sizing and counting by gravimetric analysis ISO/DIS 16232-8.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 8 部分:采用显微分析测定颗粒性质 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 8:Particle nature by gravimetric analysis ISO/DIS 16232-9.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁第 9 部分:采用自动消光颗粒计数器测定颗粒大小和计数 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 9:Particle sizing and counting by automatic light extinction particle counter ISO/DIS 16232-10.2 道路车辆流体电路部件的清洁度第 10 部分:结果的表示 Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits-Part 10:Expression of results TC 23 ISO/DIS 4254-5 农业机械安全第 5 部分:动力驱动耕地设备(ISO 4254-5:1992 的修订)Agricultural machinery-Safety-Part 5:Power-driven soil-working equipment(Revision of ISO 4254-5:1992)ISO/DIS 9635-1 农业灌溉设备灌溉阀第 1 部分:一般要求(ISO 9635:1990 的修订)Agricultural irrigation equipment-Irrigation valves-Part 1:General requirements(Revision of ISO 9635:1990)ISO/DIS 9635-2 农业灌溉设备灌溉阀第 2 部分:隔离阀(ISO 9635:1990 的修订)Agricultural irrigation equipment-Irrigation valves-Part 2:Isolating valves(Revision of ISO 9635:1990)ISO/DIS 9635-3 农业灌溉设备灌溉阀第 3 部分:检查阀(ISO 9635:1990 的修订)Agricultural irrigation equipment-Irrigation valves-Part 3:Check valves(Revision of ISO 9635:1990)ISO/DIS 9635-4 农业灌溉设备灌溉阀第 4 部分:空气阀(ISO 9635:1990 的修订)Agricultural irrigation equipment-Irrigation valves-Part 4:Air valves(Revision of ISO 9635:1990)ISO/DIS 9635-5 农业灌溉设备灌溉阀第 5 部分:控制阀(ISO 9635:1990 的修订)Agricultural irrigation equipment-Irrigation valves-Part 5:Control valves(Revision of ISO 9635:1990)ISO/DIS 9911 农业灌溉设备手动操作小型塑料阀(ISO 9911:1993的修订)Agricultural irrigation equipment Manually operated small plastics valves(Revision of ISO 9911:1993)ISO/DIS 11783-10 农业和林业用拖拉机和机械系列控制和通信数据网第 10 部分:任务控制器和管理信息系统数据交换 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry-Serial control and communications data network-Part 10:Task controller and management information system data interchange TC 24 ISO/DIS 21501-2 粒度分布的测定单粒光作用法第 2 部分:光散射液体中粒度计数器 Determination of particle size distribution-Single particle light-interaction methods-Part 2:Light-scattering liquid-borne particle counter ISO/DIS 21501-3 粒度分布的测定单粒光作用法第 3 部分:消光液体中粒度计数器 Determination of particle size distribution-Single particle light-interaction methods-Part 3:Light-extinction liquid-borne particle counter ISO/DIS 21501-4 粒度分布的测定单粒光作用法第 4 部分:清洁空间光散射液体中粒度计数器 Determination of particle size distribution-Single particle light-interaction methods-Part 4:Light-scattering airborne particle counter for clean spaces TC 29 ISO/DIS 1711-1 螺钉和螺母用装配工具技术规范第 1 部分:手动扳手和套筒(ISO 1711-1:1996 的修订)Assembly tools for screws and nuts-Technical specifications-Part 1:Hand-operated wrenches and sockets(Revision of ISO 1711-1:1996)ISO/DIS 2351-1 螺钉和螺母用装配工具机动螺钉旋具第 1 部分:一字槽螺钉旋具头(ISO 2351-1:2002 的修订)Assembly tools for screws and nuts-Machine-operated screwdriver bits-Part 1:Screwdriver bits for slotted head screws(Revision of ISO 2351-1:2002)ISO/DIS 2725-1 螺钉和螺母用装配工具方头传动套筒第 1 部分:手动套筒(ISO 2725-1:1996 的修订)Assembly tools for screws and nuts Square drive sockets-Part 1:Hand-operated sockets(Revision of ISO 2725-1:1996)ISO/DIS 2725-2 螺钉和螺母用装配工具方头传动套筒第 2 部分:机动套筒(ISO 2725-1:1996 的修订)Assembly tools for screws and nuts Square drive sockets-Part 2:Machine-operated sockets(Revision of ISO 2725-1:1996)TC 34 ISO/DIS 6579:2002/Damd 1 食品和饲料的微生物学检测沙门氏菌属的平行法修改 1:附录 D:动物粪便和初始生产阶段样品的沙门氏菌物种检测 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-Horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella spp.Amendment 1:Annex D:Detection of Salmonella animal faeces and in samples from the primary production stage ISO/DIS 9233-1 干酪、干酪皮和加工干酪游酶素含量的测定第 1部分:干酪皮分子吸收光谱法(ISO 9233:1991 的修订)Cheese,cheese rind and processed cheese-Determination of natamycin content-Part 1:Molecular absorption spectrometric method for cheese rind(Revision of ISO 9233:1991)ISO/DIS 9233-2 干酪、干酪皮和加工干酪游酶素含量的测定第 2部分:干酪、干酪皮和加工干酪高性能液体色谱法(ISO 9233:1991 的修订)Cheese,cheese rind and processed cheese-Determination of natamycin content-Part 2:Method using high-performance liquid chromatography for Cheese,cheese rind and processed cheese(Revision of ISO 9233:1991)ISO/DIS 21415-2 小麦和小麦粉面筋含量第 2 部分:采用机械法测定湿面筋含量(ISO 7495:1990 的修订)Wheat and wheat flour-Gluten content-Part 2:Determination of wet gluten by mechanical means(Revision of ISO 7945:1990)TC 35 ISO/DIS 12944-5 色漆和清漆防护漆体系对钢结构的腐蚀防护第 5部分:防护漆体系(ISO 12944-5:1998 的修订)Paints and varnishes-Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems-Part 5:Protective paint systems(Revision of ISO 12944-5:1998)ISO/DIS 16276-2 防护漆体系对钢结构的腐蚀防护干膜的评定、验收准则、粘结力/粘合力(断裂强度)第 2 部分:横切试验和十字切试验 Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems-Assessment of,and acceptance criteria for,the adhesion/cohesion(fracture strength)of a dry film-Part 2:Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing TC 38 ISO/DIS 18696 纺织品抗吸水性的测定滚筒吸水试验 Textiles-Determination of resistance of water absorption-Tumble jar absorption test TC 44 ISO/DIS 18594 电阻点焊、凸焊和缝焊铝和钢材料抗蜕变性的测定方法 Resistance spot-,projection-and seam-welding-Method for determining the transition resistance on aluminium and steel material TC 45 ISO/DIS 8331 橡胶和塑料软管和管件选择、贮存、使用和维护指南(ISO 8331:1991 的修订)Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies-Guidelines for selection,storage,use and maintenance(Revision of ISO 8331:1991)TC 46 ISO/DIS 2709 信息和文献信息交换格式(ISO 2709:1996 的修订)Information and documentation-Format for Information Exchange(Revision of ISO 2709:1996)ISO/DIS 2789 信息和文献国际图书馆统计学(ISO 2789:2003 的修订)Information and documentation International library statistics(Revision of ISO 2789:2003)I