1/18 2022 年福建货运代理考试真题卷(本卷共分为 2 大题 50 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100 分,60 分及格。)单位:姓名:考号:题号 单选题 多项选择 判断题 综合题 总分 分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共 25 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.In container cargo transportation,the bill of lading serves as a receipt for goods,an evidence of the contract of carriage,and a document of title to the goods.The carrier issues the B/L according to the information in the(41).The shipped B/L must indicate that the foods have been loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel,and it must be signed by the carrier or the(42)or the agent on behalf of the carder.The originals are marked as original on their face and all have equal value,that is,all have the same validity.The original B(s)/L are(43),one of which must be surrendered to the(44)at destination,duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or the delivery order.When one of the originals being surrendered to the carrier,the others become(45).Adock receipt Bdelivery order Ccargo manifest Dsea waybill 2.The(46)is the party who requests and instructs the issuing bank to 2/18 open a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary.The(47)usually is the importer or the buyer of goods and/or services.The(48)is the party in whose favor a letter of credit is opened by the issuing bank.The(49)usually is the exporter or the seller of goods and/or services.The issuing bank opens a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary,at the request and on the instructions of the applicant.The issuing bank usually is located in the applicant s country.The advising bank advises the beneficiary that a letter of credit opened by the issuing bank is available to him/her and informs the(50)about the terms and conditions of the L/C.The advising bank is not necessarily responsible for the payment of the credit which it advises.Abeneficiary Bapplicant Cexporter Dshipper 3.The(46)is the party who requests and instructs the issuing bank to open a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary.The(47)usually is the importer or the buyer of goods and/or services.The(48)is the party in whose favor a letter of credit is opened by the issuing bank.The(49)usually is the exporter or the seller of goods and/or services.The issuing bank opens a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary,at the request and on the instructions of the applicant.The issuing bank usually is located in the applicant s country.The advising bank advises the beneficiary that a letter of credit opened by the issuing bank is available to him/her and informs the(50)about the terms and conditions of the L/C.The advising bank is not necessarily responsible for the payment of the credit which it advises.3/18 Abeneficiary Bapplicant Cissuing bank Dadvising bank 4.In container cargo transportation,the bill of lading serves as a receipt for goods,an evidence of the contract of carriage,and a document of title to the goods.The carrier issues the B/L according to the information in the(41).The shipped B/L must indicate that the foods have been loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel,and it must be signed by the carrier or the(42)or the agent on behalf of the carder.The originals are marked as original on their face and all have equal value,that is,all have the same validity.The original B(s)/L are(43),one of which must be surrendered to the(44)at destination,duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or the delivery order.When one of the originals being surrendered to the carrier,the others become(45).Acrew Bmaster Ctallyman Dchief officer 5.In container cargo transportation,the bill of lading serves as a receipt for goods,an evidence of the contract of carriage,and a document of title to the goods.The carrier issues the B/L according to the information in the(41).The shipped B/L must indicate that the foods 4/18 have been loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel,and it must be signed by the carrier or the(42)or the agent on behalf of the carder.The originals are marked as original on their face and all have equal value,that is,all have the same validity.The original B(s)/L are(43),one of which must be surrendered to the(44)at destination,duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or the delivery order.When one of the originals being surrendered to the carrier,the others become(45).Aevidence of the contract of carriage Ba receipt of goods Cproof of ownership of goods Dthe contract of carriage 6.The(46)is the party who requests and instructs the issuing bank to open a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary.The(47)usually is the importer or the buyer of goods and/or services.The(48)is the party in whose favor a letter of credit is opened by the issuing bank.The(49)usually is the exporter or the seller of goods and/or services.The issuing bank opens a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary,at the request and on the instructions of the applicant.The issuing bank usually is located in the applicant s country.The advising bank advises the beneficiary that a letter of credit opened by the issuing bank is available to him/her and informs the(50)about the terms and conditions of the L/C.The advising bank is not necessarily responsible for the payment of the credit which it advises.Abeneficiary Bapplicant Cimporter 5/18 Dconsignee 7.In container cargo transportation,the bill of lading serves as a receipt for goods,an evidence of the contract of carriage,and a document of title to the goods.The carrier issues the B/L according to the information in the(41).The shipped B/L must indicate that the foods have been loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel,and it must be signed by the carrier or the(42)or the agent on behalf of the carder.The originals are marked as original on their face and all have equal value,that is,all have the same validity.The original B(s)/L are(43),one of which must be surrendered to the(44)at destination,duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or the delivery order.When one of the originals being surrendered to the carrier,the others become(45).Ashipper Bconsignee Ccarrier Dimporter 8.The(46)is the party who requests and instructs the issuing bank to open a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary.The(47)usually is the importer or the buyer of goods and/or services.The(48)is the party in whose favor a letter of credit is opened by the issuing bank.The(49)usually is the exporter or the seller of goods and/or services.The issuing bank opens a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary,at the request and on the instructions of the applicant.The issuing bank usually is located in the applicant s country.The advising bank advises the beneficiary that a letter of credit opened by the issuing bank is 6/18 available to him/her and informs the(50)about the terms and conditions of the L/C.The advising bank is not necessarily responsible for the payment of the credit which it advises.Abeneficiary Bapplicant Cimporter Dconsignee 9.The(46)is the party who requests and instructs the issuing bank to open a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary.The(47)usually is the importer or the buyer of goods and/or services.The(48)is the party in whose favor a letter of credit is opened by the issuing bank.The(49)usually is the exporter or the seller of goods and/or services.The issuing bank opens a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary,at the request and on the instructions of the applicant.The issuing bank usually is located in the applicant s country.The advising bank advises the beneficiary that a letter of credit opened by the issuing bank is available to him/her and informs the(50)about the terms and conditions of the L/C.The advising bank is not necessarily responsible for the payment of the credit which it advises.Abeneficiary Bapplicant Cexporter Dshipper 10.In container cargo transportation,the bill of lading serves as a receipt 7/18 for goods,an evidence of the contract of carriage,and a document of title to the goods.The carrier issues the B/L according to the information in the(41).The shipped B/L must indicate that the foods have been loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel,and it must be signed by the carrier or the(42)or the agent on behalf of the carder.The originals are marked as original on their face and all have equal value,that is,all have the same validity.The original B(s)/L are(43),one of which must be surrendered to the(44)at destination,duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or the delivery order.When one of the originals being surrendered to the carrier,the others become(45).Avalid Beffective Cinvalid Dbe returned to the shipper 11.(三)某海船定额吨位为 20000 吨,执行某航次时,装载货物 18000 吨,航次航程为 5000 海里,起运港装卸效率为 4500 巨天,目的港装卸效率为 5000酮巨天,船舶航次航速为 16 海里小时,每天航行费用为 8000 元,每天停泊费用为 4500 元。该船舶完成本航次的航次时间为_天。A1342 B1702 C2062 D2192 E2252 12.有 6000TEU 的集装箱需堆存某港,该港堆场有关数据如下表:底盘车工艺所需的堆场面积是()平方米。8/18 A80000 B100000 C120000 D200000 E240000 13.(一)某码头库场总面积为200000平方米,堆存定额是0,85毡平方米,库场面积利用率为 70。库场年工作天数为 360 天,货物平均堆存期为 45 天,月最大堆存量为 20 万吨,月平均堆存量为 16 万吨。该库场工作不平衡系数为_。A0.85 B105 C125 D145 E170 14.有 6000TEU 的集装箱需堆存某港,该港堆场有关数据如下表:跨运车工艺所需的堆场面积是()平方米。A100000 B150000 C180000 D220000 E260000 15.(三)某海船定额吨位为 20000 吨,执行某航次时,装载货物 18000 吨,航次航程为 5000 海里,起运港装卸效率为 4500 巨天,目的港装卸效率为 5000酮巨天,船舶航次航速为 16 海里小时,每天航行费用为 8000 元,每天停泊费用为 4500 元。该船舶完成本航次的吨成本是_元吨。A769 B889 9/18 C959 D1079 E1149 16.(三)某海船定额吨位为 20000 吨,执行某航次时,装载货物 18000 吨,航次航程为 5000 海里,起运港装卸效率为 4500 巨天,目的港装卸效率为 5000酮巨天,船舶航次航速为 16 海里小时,每天航行费用为 8000 元,每天停泊费用为 4500 元。该船舶完成本航次的吨海里成本是_元吨海里。A143x10.3 B154x10.3 C18610.3 D207x10.3 E225x10.3 17.有 6000TEU 的集装箱需堆存某港,该港堆场有关数据如下表:轨道式龙门起重机工艺所需的堆场面积是()平方米。A20000 B25000 C36000 D48000 E55000 18.(三)某海船定额吨位为 20000 吨,执行某航次时,装载货物 18000 吨,航次航程为 5000 海里,起运港装卸效率为 4500 巨天,目的港装卸效率为 5000酮巨天,船舶航次航速为 16 海里小时,每天航行费用为 8000 元,每天停泊费用为 4500 元。该船舶在本航次的发航装载率为_。A70 B75 10/18 C80 D85 E90 19.(一)某码头库场总面积为200000平方米,堆存定额是0,85毡平方米,库场面积利用率为 70。库场年工作天数为 360 天,货物平均堆存期为 45 天,月最大堆存量为20 万吨,月平均堆存量为16 万吨。该库场一次堆存量为_万吨。A1190 B1635 C1760 D1875 E1995 20.有 6000TEU 的集装箱需堆存某港,该港堆场有关数据如下表:在集装箱码头的装卸工艺中,往往会采用混合系统,采取较多的是()。A底盘车-义车系统 B跨运车-轨道式龙门起重机系统 C底盘车-轮胎式龙门起重机系统 D跨运车-底盘车系统 E跨运车-叉车系统 21.(一)某码头库场总面积为 200000 平方米,堆存定额是 0,85 毡平方米,库场面积利用率为 70。库场年工作天数为 360 天,货物平均堆存期为 45 天,月最大堆存量为 20 万吨,月平均堆存量为 16 万吨。该库场年周转次数为_次。A8 B10 C12 D14 11/18 E16 22.(一)某码头库场总面积为 200000 平方米,堆存定额是 0,85 毡平方米,库场面积利用率为 70。库场年工作天数为 360 天,货物平均堆存期为 45 天,月最大堆存量为 20 万吨,月平均堆存量为 16 万吨。该库场年通过能力为_万吨。A5230 B7616 C8128 D8518 E9056 23.(一)某城市公交企业拥有公交营运车辆 1000 辆,全市经营的公交线路长度为 2 100 公里,其中有公共交通线路通过的街道长度为 l500 公里;该城市用地面积为 400 平方公里;公交公司最近提出:在公共交通车辆既定的条件下,要通过优化线网密度不断提高城市居民的出行方便程度,使乘客步行距离不超过 12 站距的服务质量要求。该城市乘客平均乘距为 6 公里,每条线路平均车辆数为 l2 辆,车辆在营运线路上每完成一个周转所耗费的时间平均为 60分钟。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:该城市公共交通线路重复系数为_。A1.5 B1.4 C1.3 D1.2 E1.1 24.(二)某汽车客运公司目前主要经营三类客运班线的班车客运业务,2007年底拥有平均座位 30 座位的自有营运客车 40 辆,其中 15 辆客车的技术性能、车辆外廓尺寸、轴荷和质量均符合国家有关标准与规定,其技术等级均达到了 12/18 二级以上标准,类型等级达到了行业标准规定的高级标准,驾驶员全部取得了相应的机动车驾驶证,年龄均不超过 60 岁,且 3 年内无重大以上交通责任事故记录。2007 年完成旅客周转量 94608 万人公里。为了扩大市场经营范围,公司决定申请从事二类客运班线经营业务,2008 年投资购置 10 辆 40 座的豪华高级客车。现有四种车型购置选择方案,而且每种车型的工作率、行程利用率等运用效率指标相同,其它资料如下表。(已知:PA,10,l0=6145;FA,10,l0=15937) 根据上述资料,回答下列问题:该公司 2007 年营运客车的车座年产量为()人公里。A69 200 B78 840 C82 003 D85 123 E86 230 25.(四)某汽车货运公司是当地一家具有合法经营资格并持有经营公路货物运输营业执照的现代运输企业,2007 年统计资料如下:平均车辆数 80 辆,平均吨位 5 吨,工作车日 23360 车日,平均车日行程 200 公里,载运行程 280.32万公里,完成货物周转量 1261.44 万吨公里。该公司为了占领激烈竞争的货物运输市场,决定实行合同运输战略,2008 年与某生产企业签定了包括提供运输劳务的数量、质量以及运价等内容的煤炭货物运输合同,全年合同运输任务为 25万吨,平均运距为 60 公里。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:该公司 2007 年车辆工作率为_。A70 B75 C78 D80 E90 二、多项选择题(共 25 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意)13/18 1.(一)某码头库场总面积为 200000 平方米,堆存定额是 0,85 毡平方米,库场面积利用率为 70。库场年工作天数为 360 天,货物平均堆存期为 45 天,月最大堆存量为 20 万吨,月平均堆存量为 16 万吨。与库场工作不平衡系数有关的因素包括_。A船、车运行组织 B码头泊位装卸效率 C船舶吨位 D货物重量与尺寸 E货物到发 2.有 6000TEU 的集装箱需堆存某港,该港堆场有关数据如下表:在集装箱码头的装卸工艺中,底盘车工艺系统主要适用于()。A进口重箱量大,出口重箱量小的码头 B集装箱通过量小,场地大的码头 C陆域面积较小,中转量较大的码头 D场地面积有限,吞吐量较大的水陆联运码头 E作为起步阶段,集装箱整箱比例较大的码头 3.(三)某海船定额吨位为 20000 吨,执行某航次时,装载货物 18000 吨,航次航程为 5000 海里,起运港装卸效率为 4500 巨天,目的港装卸效率为 5000酮巨天,船舶航次航速为 16 海里小时,每天航行费用为 8000 元,每天停泊费用为 4500 元。在该船舶经营活动中,船舶单位运输成本的主要作用是_。A反映船舶运行组织和港口装卸工作组织的好坏 B反映船舶生产活动的物质消耗和货币支出 C反映船舶净货币收入的强度 D反映船舶在册时间的利用程度 E反映船舶劳动生产率水平 14/18 4.(一)某城市公交企业拥有公交营运车辆 1000 辆,全市经营的公交线路长度为 2 100 公里,其中有公共交通线路通过的街道长度为 l500 公里;该城市用地面积为 400 平方公里;公交公司最近提出:在公共交通车辆既定的条件下,要通过优化线网密度不断提高城市居民的出行方便程度,使乘客步行距离不超过 12 站距的服务质量要求。该城市乘客平均乘距为 6 公里,每条线路平均车辆数为 l2 辆,车辆在营运线路上每完成一个周转所耗费的时间平均为 60 分钟。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:在车辆既定的条件下提高线网密度的措施会导致乘客_。A步行时间缩短 B候车时间缩短 C步行时间延长 D候车时间延长 E乘车时间延长 5.(三)A 城市至 B 城市的高速公路即将贯通,经过市场调查与预测,A 城市至 B 城市班车客运年日均单向直达客运量将达到 l680 人,由于两城市经济发展水平相当,往返客运量也基本平衡,两城市运输距离为 250 公里,为了规范旅客运输市场经营秩序,两地道路交通管理部门要求参营客车额定座位数为 50座,并按照车辆工作率为 80、车辆实载率为 70的效率指标作为控制参营车辆数量的依据。同时,为了切实规范高速公路班线客运经营的市场秩序和提高服务质量,交通主管部门要求经营该客运线路的企业实现道路旅客运输“三优三化”、车辆当日往返、两地各设置一个客流集中的公用型汽车客运站发车。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:交通主管部门要求经营企业实现旅客运输“三优三化”,其中,“三优”是指_。A优质服务 B优良秩序 C优先发车 D优美环境 E优惠票价 15/18 6.(四)某汽车货运公司是当地一家具有合法经营资格并持有经营公路货物运输营业执照的现代运输企业,2007 年统计资料如下:平均车辆数 80 辆,平均吨位 5 吨,工作车日 23360 车日,平均车日行程 200 公里,载运行程 280.32万公里,完成货物周转量 1261.44 万吨公里。该公司为了占领激烈竞争的货物运输市场,决定实行合同运输战略,2008 年与某生产企业签定了包括提供运输劳务的数量、质量以及运价等内容的煤炭货物运输合同,全年合同运输任务为25 万吨,平均运距为 60 公里。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:该公司 2008 年履行运输合同时,若车辆运用效率水平与 2007 年相同,则_才能完成合同运输任务。A需提高实载率 10 个百分点以上 B需提高工作率 10 个百分点 C需增加 238.56 万吨公里运输能力 D需增加 269.56 万吨公里运输能力 E需增加额定吨位 5 吨的车辆 10 辆 7.(三)A 城市至 B 城市的高速公路即将贯通,经过市场调查与预测,A 城市至 B 城市班车客运年日均单向直达客运量将达到 l680 人,由于两城市经济发展水平相当,往返客运量也基本平衡,两城市运输距离为 250 公里,为了规范旅客运输市场经营秩序,两地道路交通管理部门要求参营客车额定座位数为 50座,并按照车辆工作率为 80、车辆实载率为 70的效率指标作为控制参营车辆数量的依据。同时,为了切实规范高速公路班线客运经营的市场秩序和提高服务质量,交通主管部门要求经营该客运线路的企业实现道路旅客运输“三优三化”、车辆当日往返、两地各设置一个客流集中的公用型汽车客运站发车。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:经营企业在该线路上提高车辆实载率水平的有效途径有_。A选择两地人流集中的客运站发车 B制定合理的班车时刻表 C选择技术速度高的客车投入运营 16/18 D制定较高的客运票价 E为旅客提供更优质的服务 8.(二)某汽车客运公司目前主要经营三类客运班线的班车客运业务,2007 年底拥有平均座位 30 座位的自有营运客车 40 辆,其中 15 辆客车的技术性能、车辆外廓尺寸、轴荷和质量均符合国家有关标准与规定,其技术等级均达到了二级以上标准,类型等级达到了行业标准规定的高级标准,驾驶员全部取得了相应的机动车驾驶证,年龄均不超过 60 岁,且 3 年内无重大以上交通责任事故记录。2007 年完成旅客周转量 94608 万人公里。为了扩大市场经营范围,公司决定申请从事二类客运班线经营业务,2008 年投资购置 10 辆 40 座的豪华高级客车。现有四种车型购置选择方案,而且每种车型的工作率、行程利用率等运用效率指标相同,其它资料如下表。(已知:PA,10,l0=6145;FA,10,l0=15937)根据上述资料,回答下列问题:经营二类客运班线,公司还应具备()等条件。A建立健全企业的安全生产管理制度 B制定明确的线路和站点方案 C车辆全部达到一级技术等级 D驾驶人员取得相应的从业资格证 E增加车辆至 100 辆以上国际贸易中构成一项有效的接受必须具备的条件是什么 18.第三方物流服务商的利润来源有哪些 19.国际货物买卖合同对装运期限的规定应注意哪些主要问题 20.根据国际货运代理从事传统业务的责任分类,可将其责任具体划分为哪些 21.简述一般进出口货物通关的基本手续。22.insurable interest 23.supply chain management 24.clean bill of lading 18/18 25.business partner