90 Chapter 13:E-Marketing Communication Multiple Choice 1._ is a cross-functional process for planning,executing,and monitoring brand communications designed to profitably acquire,retain,and grow customers.a.Integrated marketing communication(IMC)b.The hierarchy of effects c.Brand advertising d.Wireless advertising(a;Hard;p.316)2.Marketing communication consists of _ messages between firms and customers,as well as those among customers.a.planned b.unplanned c.all of the above d.none of the above(c;Medium;p.317)3.The think,feel,do model is well accepted for what kind of product decisions?a.low-involvement decisions b.high-involvement decisions c.impulse purchase decisions d.price-based purchase decisions(d;Hard;p.321)4.Putting the brand name and product benefits in front of users is the goal of what kind of advertising? b.sponsorship c.brochureware d.brand(d;Hard;p.322)5._ is nonpersonal communication of information through various media,usually persuasive in nature about products or ideas and usually paid for by an identified sponsor.a.Integrated marketing communication(IMC)b.Brochureware c.Advertising d.Direct marketing(c;Hard;p.322)6.Each of the following is a promising marketing technique for mobile devices except _.91 a.sponsorships b.content sponsored advertising c.location marketing d.short message service(SMS)(a;Hard;pp.325-326)7.The biggest downside of animated and highly interactive banners is that they _.a.tend to bore customers b.require a lot of bandwidth c.are hard to read d.are difficult to design(b;Medium;p.331)8.A _ fee is a fee charged to advertisers by media companies to get a premium position on their site,category exclusivity or some other special treatment.a.referral b.slotting c.sponsorship d.advertising(b;Medium;p.332)9.Which of the following is not true of marketing public relations(MPR)? may include third-party media coverage may include paid brand-related activities is meant to positively influence target markets d.all of the above are true(d;Easy;p.333)10._ are short-term incentives of gifts or money that facilitate the movement of products from producer to end-user.a.Online events b.Community building c.Sales promotions d.Pointcast media (c;Easy;p.336)11.Online sales promotions can brands b.expand databases increased offline sales d.all of the above(d;Easy;p.336)12.Direct marketing is any direct communication to a consumer or business recipient that is designed to generate a response in the form of _.92 order b.a request for further information c.a visit to a store for purchase of specific product(s)or service(s)d.all of the above(d;Medium;p.340)13.Which of the following is not an advantage of email over direct mail? postage or printing charges b.spam c.convenience d.all of the above are advantages of email(b;Easy;p.340)14.Promotional offers that are pushed to mobile devices and customized based on the users physical location are known as _.a.location-based marketing b.short text messaging c.instant messaging d.viral marketing(a;Easy;p.345)15.Lists of email addresses used by spammers are generated through _.a.harvesting e-mail addresses from newsgroup postings b.opt-in techniques c.solicited emails d.all of the above(a;Hard;p.347)16._ media are electronic media with the capability of transmitting to an audience of just one person,such as the Internet and cell phone.a.Pointcast b.Narrowcast c.Broadcast d.All of the above(a;Medium;p.319)17.Internet audience size is counted using _,which is the number of times an ad was served to unique site visitors a.hits b.impressions c.efficiency d.effectiveness(b;Hard;p.350)18.Performance-based payment,often called cost per action(CPA),includes _.a.payment for each click on the ad 93 b.payment for each sales lead c.payment for each sale d.all of the above(d;Easy;p.350)19._ advertising refers to search word buys at search engine sites.a.Short text messaging(STM)b.Spam c.Keyword d.Location-based(c;Medium;p.328)20.When display ads are viewed as a branding medium they _.a.increase brand awareness brand favorability c.encourage purchase intent all of the above(d;Easy;p.351)True/False 21.The traditional“think,feel,do”hierarchy of effects model guides marketers selection and evaluation of marketing communication tools for use on the Internet.a.True b.False(a;Easy;p.320)22.The Internet is an important advertising medium for all industries and firms.a.True b.False(b;Medium;p.323)23.Sponsorships are particularly well suited for the Web because the commercial side of the Web consists of a series of firms clamoring after similar targets.a.True b.False(a;Easy;p.332)24.Public relations are activities that influence public opinion and create goodwill for an organization.a.True 94 b.False(a;Easy;p.333)25.Bulletin boards push content to the e-mailboxes of subscribed users,whereas LISTSERVs require users to visit the page and pull content.a.True b.False(b;Hard;p.335)26.Research shows that lists with opt-in members get a much lower response than do lists without.a.True b.False(b;Medium;p.343)27.Viral marketing can work in reverse.a.True b.False(a;Easy;pp.345-346)28.All unsolicited email is considered spam.a.True b.False(a;Hard;p.347)29.In 2001,marketers spent more of their media budgets on the Internet than on television or newspaper.a.True b.False(b;Medium;p.349)30.There is increasing evidence that online and offline advertising work well together.a.True b.False(a;Easy;p.351)Essay 31.Explain how the AIDA model,or the“think,feel,do”hierarchy model relates to marketing on the Internet.95 E-marketers can understand where consumers,especially their target market are in the purchase cycle.Based on where they are in the cycle for the companys products allows marketers to select appropriate communication objectives.Think level want to create awareness Feel create interest and desire Do develop communications to close the purchase(Medium;pp.320-321)32.In what ways can the Internet be used as a marketing public relations tool?Web sites including information only sites(brochureware),electronic press releases.Blogs Community Building Online events(Hard;pp.333-336)33.Why is it important for marketers to allow users to opt-in to sharing personal information?Why is it preferable to allow customers to opt-in instead of opt-out?Higher response rate for opt-in.Shifting marketing dollars to consumers for rewards rather than purchasing ad space.Opt-in is preferable because the marketer is in effect asking permission and it results in higher response rates.(Medium;pp.342-343)34.The text lists three examples of sales promotions commonly used on the Internet.Give at least two of these and include real-life examples of each.Coupons Rebates Product Sampling Contests sweepstakes Premiums Bank sites (Easy;pp.336-340)35.What is viral marketing?Give an example of a time when you were a part of viral marketing on the Internet.Viral marketing is an attempt by marketers to establish word or mouth or buzz about a product or service using Internet capabilities such as e-mails to friends and families.(Medium;pp.343-344)36.How do e-marketers measure efficiency of marketing campaigns on the Internet?Cost per Thousand CPM Impressions Cost per Action CPA 96 Click through Rate CTR Cost per click CPC Conversion Rate Cost per Order(CPO)Customer Acquisition Cost CAC Cost per message Opt-out rate Response time Site Stickiness(Medium;pp.350-354)37.Search engines are a key means of attracting traffic to a Web site.List and define two tactics used in search engine marketing(SEM).Keyword Advertising or contextual advertising buying key search words at search engine site.Search Engine Optimization developing a Web site so that does well in the search engine rankings(Medium;pp.328-330)