教育专题:UNIT4 (5).ppt
Who is she?She is our school counselor.She is Ms.Wang.problemsWhat will we learn today?What will we learn today?adviceP1p2Pa1aa1 Task:Lets help Ms.Wang!Each group help Ms.Wang to write a letter to give advice.Mr.Hunt(a school counselor)A letter from Sad and Thirteen.1.What are they doing?2.Whats the relationship(关关系系)of them?Guess Underline 3 sentences about the problemsDear Mr.Hunt,My problem is that I cant get on with my family.Relationsbetween my parents have become difficult.They fight a lot,and I really dont like it.Its the only communication they have.I dont know if I should say anything to them about this.When they argue,it is like a big,black cloud hanging over our home.Also,my elder brother is not very nice to me.He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show.Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.I dont think this is fair.At home I always feel lonely and nervous.Is that normal?What can I do?Sad and Thirteen Complete the chart.Problem:I cant get on with my family.About my parentsThey _ They _Feeling:It is a big black _ _ over our home.About my elder brotherHe _ let me _ my favorite TV show.He _ _ he wants.Feeling:I feel _and _.Read the articleMy problem is that I cant get on with my family.Relations between my parents have became difficult.They fight,they argue.Its like a big,black cloud hanging over our home.My elder brother is not very nice to me.He always refuse to let me watch my favorite TV show.He watches whatever he wants.At home I always feel lonely and nervous.PKRules:1)Onesentenceforonestudent.2)Thefasteststudenttoanswer.My problem is that I cant get on with my family.Relations between my parents have became difficult.Its like a big,black cloud hanging over our home.My elder brother is not very nice to me.He watches whatever he wants.At home I always feel lonely and nervous.They fight,they argue.He always refuse to let me watch my favorite TV show.Tellmeyourproblems.Icantgetonwithmyparents.Imnotgoodatmath.MysisterrefusestoletmeusemymothersIphone6.Fillinthechatin1.5minutes.1)_withyourfamily?Youshould_.Maybeyoucould_jobs.2)Whydontyou_and_yourbrother?Youshould_andaskhim_youwatchyourfavoriteTVshow.WhydontyoutalkaboutthisfeelingsoffertohelpdomoresitdowncommunicatewithexplaintoletSentencestructures:Whydontyou?Youshould/couldOthersentencestructures:Howabout?Youdbetter(not)doLetsdoYouaresupposedtodoIfIwereyou,IwoulddoMakeaconversationaccordingtotheletterStudentAhassomeproblems,somestudentsgivehim/hersomeadvice.B:Whatswrong?A:Creativeadviceadvice1)Talking:talkabout,communicatewith,explain.2)Doing:offertohelp,domorejob.WritealettertogivecreativeadviceGroup1:Iarguedwithmybestfriend.(Mike)Group2,3:Icantgetonwellwithmysister.(Sandy)Group4,5:Myparentsalwaysargue.(Tim)Group6,7:Icantgetgoodgrades,especiallyEnglish!(Kevin)Rules1)Discusstheproblemsandgiveadvice.2)Setthework(studentA:awriter,studentB:agroupmodel,otherstudents:giveadvice.3)Writealetterin2-3minutes.4)Becreative.DearXXX,Imsorrytohearthat_WhydontyouYoushould/couldIfIwereyou,IwouldHow/Whatabout?YoudbetterWouldyouliketo?Ihopethingswillbebetterforyousoon.Ms.WangShowtimeIarguedwithmybestfriend.(Mike)Icantgetalongwithmysister.(Kevin)Myparentsalwaysargue.(Tim)Icantgetgoodgrades,especiallyEnglish!(Kevin)SummaryTalkaboutproblemsandgiveadvice.Bebravetosolveproblemsinyourlife!Practice with your partner on how to give Advice when you have problems,using“Why dont you.?”Or“Why not.?”