经典莎士比亚英文诗歌5首 So are you to my thoughts as food to life,我的心须要你,像生命须要食粮,Or assweet-season'd showers are to theground;或者像大地须要刚好的甘霖;下面就是我给大家带来的莎士比亚英文诗歌,希望能帮助到大家! 莎士比亚英文诗歌1 That thou art blamed shall not be thy defect, 你受人指摘,并不是你的瑕疵, For slander's mark was ever yet the fair; 因为漂亮恒久是诽谤的对象; The ornament of beauty is suspect, 漂亮的无上的装饰就是猜疑, A crow that flies in heaven's sweetest air. 像乌鸦在最晴朗的天空翱翔。 So thou be good, slander doth but approve 所以,检点些,谗言只能更恭维 Thy worth the greater, being woo'd of time; 你的美德,既然时间对你钟情; For canker vice the sweetest buds doth love, 因为恶蛆最爱那甜蜜的嫩蕊, And thou present'st a pure unstained prime. 而你的正是纯净无瑕的初春。 Thou hast pass'd by the ambush of young days, 你已经越过年轻日子的埋伏, Either not assail'd or victor being charged; 或未遭受攻击,或已克服敌手; Yet this thy praise cannot be so thy praise, 可是,对你这样的赞美并不足 To tie up envy evermore enlarged: 堵住那不断扩大的嫉妒的口: If some suspect of ill mask'd not thy show, 若没有猜疑把你的清光遮掩, Then thou alone kingdoms of hearts shouldst owe. 多少个心灵的王国将归你独占。 莎士比亚英文诗歌2 No longer mourn for me when I am dead 我死去的时候别再为我悲伤, Then you shall hear the surly sullen bell 当你听见那沉重凄惨的葬钟 Give warning to the world that I am fled 普告给全世界说我已经离开 From this vile world, with vilest worms to dwell: 这龌龊世界去伴最龌龊的虫: Nay, if you read this line, remember not 不呀,当你读到这诗,别再记起 The hand that writ it; for I love you so 那写它的手;因为我爱到这样, That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot 宁愿被遗忘在你甜蜜的心里, If thinking on me then should make you woe. 假如想起我会使你不胜哀伤。 O, if, I say, you look upon this verse 假如呀,我说,假如你望见这诗, When I perhaps compounded am with clay, 那时候或许我已经化作泥土, Do not so much as my poor name rehearse. 连我这可怜的名字也别提起, But let your love even with my life decay, 但愿你的爱与我的生命同腐。 Lest the wise world should look into your moan 免得这聪慧世界猜透你的心, And mock you with me after I am gone. 在我死去后把你也当作笑柄。 莎士比亚英文诗歌3 O, lest the world should task you to recite 哦,免得这世界要强逼你自招 What merit lived in me, that you should love 我有什么好处,使你在我死后 After my death, dear love, forget me quite, 照旧爱我,爱人呀,把我全忘掉, For you in me can nothing worthy prove; 因外我一点值得提的都没有; Unless you would devise some virtuous lie, 除非你捏造出一些漂亮的谎, To do more for me than mine own desert, 过分为我吹嘘我应有的价值, And hang more praise upon deceased I 把瞑目长眠的我阿谀和夸奖, Than niggard truth would willingly impart: 远超过鄙吝的事实所愿昭示: O, lest your true love may seem false in this, 哦,怕你的真爱因此显得虚伪, That you for love speak well of me untrue, 怕你为爱的原故替我说假话, My name be buried where my body is, 愿我的名字恒久和肉体同埋, And live no more to shame nor me nor you. 免得活下去把你和我都羞煞。 For I am shamed by that which I bring forth, 因为我可怜的作品使我羞惭, And so should you, to love things nothing worth. 而你爱不值得爱的,也该愧赧。 莎士比亚英文诗歌4 That time of year thou mayst in me behold 在我身上你或许会望见秋天, When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang 当黄叶,或尽脱,或只三三两两 Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, 挂在瑟缩的枯枝上索索抖颤- Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. 荒废的歌坛,那里百鸟曾合唱。 In me thou seest the twilight of such day 在我身上你或许会望见暮霭, As after sunset fadeth in the west, 它在日落后向西方缓缓消退: Which by and by black night doth take away, 黑夜,死的化身,慢慢把它赶开, Death's second self, that seals up all in rest. 严静的安眠笼住纷纭的万类。 In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire 在我身上你或许全望见余烬, That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, 它在青春的寒灰里奄奄一息, As the death-bed whereon it must expire 在惨淡灵床上早晚总要断魂, Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by. 给那滋养过它的烈焰所销毁。 This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong, 望见了这些,你的爱就会加强, To love that well which thou must leave ere long. 因为他转瞬要辞你溘然长往。 莎士比亚英文诗歌5 But be contented: when that fell arrest 但是放心吧:当那无情的拘票 Without all bail shall carry me away, 最终丝毫不宽假地把我带走, My life hath in this line some interest, 我的生命在诗里将依旧长保, Which for memorial still with thee shall stay. 永生的纪念品,永久和你相守。 When thou reviewest this, thou dost review 当你重读这些诗,就等于重读 The very part was consecrate to thee: 我献给你的至纯无二的生命: The earth can have but earth, which is his due; 尘土只能有它的份,那就是尘土; My spirit is thine, the better part of me: 灵魂却属你,这才是我的真身。 So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life, 所以你不过失掉生命的糟粕 The prey of worms, my body being dead, (当我肉体死后),恶蛆们的食饵, The coward conquest of a wretch's knife, 无赖的刀下一个怯懦的俘获, Too base of thee to be remembered. 太卑贱的秽物,不配被你记忆。 The worth of that is that which it contains, 它唯一的价值就在它的内蕴, And that is this, and this with thee remains. 那就是这诗:这诗将和它长存。 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第10页 共10页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页