全国免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 托福词汇短文背诵记忆3 小马过河为大家准备了“托福词汇短文背诵记忆3”,供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 Unit Six The Arrogant Scholar Alder is a scholar with many devout disciples.He has been disseminating doctrines that is said to be not having the most diminutive drawback.He economizes his own life and become emaciated.When he came to our city last year,our domineering boss discerned him and invited him to give us a discourse.Alder was eloquent and began dilating with elation:“What I want to elucidate today is a problem which is long distained and has dismayed many people.It distracts them all the time and makes them downcast.That is:How to effectuate the discretion in edifying your disposition?”He devised lots of dispensable sentences while eluding the important things,thus digressed the topic and the lecture sounded devoid of sense.Whats more,his dialects greatly disarrayed the audience and dwindled away the effectiveness of his speech.It was getting dusky and began to drizzle.We all became drowsy and our bosss patience ebbed.He was discreet and didnt want to disfigure himself by forcing Alder to stop,but he really disparage his speech very much and cannot dissemble any more.Eventually,he said in a devious way:“Your topic is discernible,but its so dingy now.Lets disband the meeting and Ill disburse your plane ticket back home with discounts.”Alder became dismal at once.He replied:“Do not dissimulate or disclaim your real purpose.You divulged that your patience have dissipated.Well,if any of you can disprove the topic of my discourse,you can displace me and Ill go home keep dormant.Im so ductile.”“Stop effusing your words filled with discord,”shouted the boss angrily,“Ive dissected your topic and it embodies nothing.Diversify its content,or Ill efface them.We diverge too much and I have to let you leave,otherwise youre doing nothing but embezzling our money.”Unit Seven Great Archaeological Discovery An erratic instrument was exhumed from an excavation of ancient epoch.It looked like a pipe but was embroidered exquisite pictures on it,and could still engender a euphonious sound.As nobody in the country can enunciate what it is,an archaeologist with special expertise skill was enlisted from abroad.全国免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 Following the envoy,the expert came to the expedient huts encompassing the spot.During his expeditious esteeming,the expert was completely engrossed.He exclaimed:“This is an exotic flute which is the oldest extant one,and all others have been exterminated in ethnic migrations.”Then he gave an exemplary play with the pipe,followed by extemporaneous expounding to its structure.Eventually,he extolled the importance of this discovery,showing exorbitant etiquette.The enrapturing local official held a banquette on the archaeologists exodus.However,the instruments value enticed the expert and entailed his greed.He emended his plan and wanted to encroach the flute.Thus he exerted his eloquence and equivocated:“Sorry Ive made a mistake maybe.According to an excerpt from a book enacted by my teacher,this instrument is unworthy.Its value cannot emulate a common flute.”The official was exasperated:“Nobody will endorse such nonsense excluding yourself.Your crime can be neither extenuated nor exempted.Expedite your steps and eschew us,foolish exponent.”来源于:小马过河 小马过河资料下载频道,欢迎您来下载!