第 1 页 共 35 页 2015 年上海普陀区 中考一模试题及答案汇总 普陀区 2015学年度第一学期初三质量调研 语文试卷(满分:150 分,完成时间:100 分钟,在答题纸上完成)考生注意:1、本卷共 27 题。2、请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不计分。一、文言文(40 分)(一)默写(15 分)1、心在天山,。(诉衷情)2、月上柳梢头,。(生查子元夕)3、,小桥流水人家。(天净沙秋思)4、,思而不学则殆。(孔孟论学)5、山水之乐,。(醉翁亭记)(二)阅读下面的宋词,完成第 6-7题。(4 分)丑奴儿书博山道中壁 宋朝 辛弃疾 少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休。欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。6、“为赋新词强说愁”的意思是 。(2 分)7、这首词下片欲说还休采用叠句手法更真切地表现了 。(2 分)(三)阅读下面两段选文,完成 8 9 题。(8 分)【甲】黔无驴,有好事者船载以入。至则无可用,放之山下。虎见之,庞然大物也,以为神,蔽林间窥之。稍出近之,慭慭然,莫相知。第 2 页 共 35 页【乙】少时,一狼径去,其一犬坐于前。久之,目似瞑,意暇甚。屠暴起,以刀劈狼首,又数刀毙之。方欲行,转视积薪后,一狼洞其中,意将隧入以攻其后也。身已半入,止露尻尾。屠自后断其股,亦毙之。乃悟前狼假寐,盖以诱敌。8、甲文选自课文 ;乙文选自 著的聊斋志异。(2 分)9、甲文与乙文都进行了细致的动作描写:甲文描绘了老虎队驴的观察,所用的动词有“”、“”;乙文描绘了屠夫“”狼的过程,表现了屠夫 的形象。(6 分)(四)阅读下文,完成 10-13题(12 分)欧阳文忠公屡乞致仕。门人因间言曰:公德望为朝廷倚重,且未及引年,岂容遽去?公答约:修平生名节为后生描画尽,惟有早退,以全晚节,岂可更侯驱逐乎?初,公在毫,已六请致仕,比至蔡逾年,复请。四年,以观文殿学士、太子少师致仕。【注】致仕:退休。下文引年与此同息。亳:亳州。蔡:蔡州。10、解释文中的加点词。(4 分)(1)岂容遽去_ (2)比至蔡逾年_ 11、对文中画线句意思理解正确的一项是_(2 分)A、我一生的名节声誉是后生们尽力描画的。B、我用一生的名节声誉替后生们描画全了。C、我一生的名节声誉被后生们描画全了。D、我一生的名节声誉为了后生们能尽力描画。12、文中欧阳修屡乞致仕具体表现为“”。(3 分)13、从文中可以看出欧阳修是个_的人。(3 分)二、现代文(共 40 分)(一)阅读下文,完成 14-18题.(20分)生活中我们要多一些忍让。忍让,是人生豁达的试金石。人要活得有内涵,没有必要和别人斤斤计较,没有必要和别人争强斗逞。请记住:给别人让一条路,就是给自己留一条路。历史上有成就的人,哪个不具备忍让的品格?忍让,_。海纳百川,有容乃大。有容人之量,有让人之心,才有和谐的生活。当今注明词作家乔羽偕夫人佟琦做客央视夫妻剧场,主持人问二老相濡以沫,白头偕老,有什么秘诀吗?乔老答:一个字,忍。夫人佟琦抢答:我是四个字,一忍再忍。生活难免有摩擦,需要忍让来润滑,二老诙谐中尽显相处之道。第 3 页 共 35 页 忍让,是事业发展的推注器。人在事业上很难一帆风顺,有时甚至会陷入绝境。_宁折不弯,不退不然,事业很可能会就此终结。而忍让,则会让你的人生之树在即将枯萎的时候焕发新的生机。牛根胜在创建蒙牛之前,在一家大企业任副总,尽管他尽心尽力、业绩卓著,但做事冲劲十足,为领导所不容,处处受到排挤。这时,牛根生没有火冒三丈,而是选择了忍递交了辞呈。辞职后,他创建了蒙牛,创业过程也相当艰辛,受到同行的抵制,但他依然选择了忍让和克制。一再的忍让使牛根生积蓄了磅礴的力量,终于换来了蒙牛的成功。真正做到忍让并不容易。首先,你要摆正自己的位臵。上至王侯将相,下至贩夫走卒,都要人事到自己是芸芸众生中的一员。否则,总把自己当场世界的中心,遇到别人冒犯,当然不容易大度起来。此外,需要换位思考,为对方考虑;有时还需要放弃个人的利益。生活中多一些忍让,这样我们的心灵会多一些阳光,事业也会多几分顺利。14、为第段宫格处选择恰当的关联词:_(3分)A、虽然 B、尽管 C、因为 D、如果 15、第段划线句的具体含义是_。(2 分)16、请在第段空格出填补恰当的内容:_。(3 分)17、做到忍让需要_,能做到这些,都是_的表现(8 分)18、下面这段文字放在哪一段最合适?请具体阐明理由。(4分)将相和的故事流传甚广。蔺相如不想和廉颇争地位,路上遇到蔺老将军就一而再、再而三地避让。这种豁达大度,不正体现了蔺相如以国家利益为重的崇高品德吗?因他的这种美德,才有后来廉颇老将军的负荆请罪,从而留下了一段千古佳话。(二)阅读下文,完成 19-23题(20 分)腊月,怀念一种花 腊月,在故乡,曾经是一种花盛开的季节。多年来我一直回味着那个大年三十晚上的一暮,当父亲将一种幽闭多年的鲜花复活于窗格子里时,我们的世界明亮了许多。那个晚上,当父亲将彩色纸认真地叠出方格,戴上老花镜,将剪刀插进纸里的时候,我还不知他要做什么。他剪着剪着,手头不由停了下来,好像一个迷路的孩子。然后接连抽上好几锅烟,才重新动手就这样,父亲花了好长时间才完成一种对美的复兴。我记得当一幅活脱脱的喜鹊迎春在父亲手中呼之欲出时,父亲眼里含着汨花。除夕夜的吉第 4 页 共 35 页 祥,极大地鼓舞了父亲的创作热情,随着新年脚步的临近,三羊开泰 节庆有魚 万象更新等都在父亲手下诞生。就凭对美的感觉和执著,我万分佩服父亲。记得那晚我们几次将窗花贴反。父亲说,不要紧,可以重来。暖黄色的油灯下,父亲极耐心地教我们如何调制糨糊,如何小心涂抹,如何搭配色彩,如何组织图案。我心中暗暗诧异着美的生产过程是如此地富有学问富有秩序。贴完最后一格窗花,父亲将几盏油灯都点上,挑亮灯花,挪到窗台,你们出去看看。我们雀跃而出,站在已是银装素裹的院子里。后来上美学课时老师讲过一个审美紧张的词,用在这儿恐怕再适合不过了。大家都被一种意外的梦幻天国似的意境给震住了,以致忘了纷纷扬扬的大雪,直到那个串门的表哥啊地叫了一声,才回过神来。不一会,院里就拥满了人。我的两腿开始发抖,嗓子发干,心灵经受着一种难言的情绪的袭击,我想仅仅用激动和感动是无法概括的。父亲的窗花能看山看水,父亲的窗花能喜人养人。现在想来,父亲不单单是创作了一种艺木,也是为简单的生活增添了一份诗性。但是,这种美在老家已经只能靠记忆来回味了。小花格窗换成了大玻璃窗,白纸换成了窗帘不知是人们没有时间剪窗花,还是怕糨糊弄脏了玻璃,反正,我是好几年没有看见窗花了。父亲也永远离开了我们。如今,临到腊月,我常常会翻出抽屉里的窗花对儿子说:知道吗,这就是窗花。19、第段加点词“呼之欲出”的意思是 。(2 分)20、阅读第段,完成下面的表格。(6 分)内容概括“我”的感受 第段(1)_ 我万分佩服父亲 第段(2)_ 我心中暗暗诧异 第段 我们赏窗花(3)_ 21、第段画线句不能改成父亲极耐心地教我们的理由是:(4 分)22、对本文主旨理解最恰当的一项是_(4 分)A、抒发了作者对窗花这一民俗文化的怀念。B、社会发展仍然需要守护并传承传统文化。C、呼吁现代人竭力挽救那些濒于遗失的美。D、窗花引发作者对家庭温馨和幸福的回忆。23、联系全文,简要分析文章结尾的妙处。(4 分)第 5 页 共 35 页 三、综合运用(11 分)阅读下面材料,完成第 24-26 題(11 分 【材料一】咬文嚼字编輯部近日发布 2014年十大流行语,顶层设计位居榜首,新常态、打虎拍蝇、断崖式,你懂的、断舍离、失联、神器、高大上、萌萌哒等入选。而关注度较高的均语喜大普奔、任性等未上榜。十大流行语的评定并不仅仅是考虑词频的高低,更要考虑三方面的价值,即时代价值、语言价值和社会价值。首先,语言是社会生沽的反映,要弘扬正能量,要考虑时代特点,反映时代精神。其次,语言应符合语法规范、表意要明确。另外,那些低俗不雅、不符合社会道德规范的语言都被舍弃。【材料二】2010年世界杯期间,因能很好表达网友看球赛的情绪,给力 一词开始很快流传开来。2010年 11 月 10 日,网络热词给力登上人民日报头版头条江苏给力文化强省 。该词语后被收录于现代汉语用典(第 6 版)中。24、“喜大普奔”未入选 2014 十大流行语是因为不符合以下哪个评定标准:;“给力”一词从网络走红并登上人民曰报因其 得到高度认可。(4 分)A、词频高低 B、时代价值 C、语言价值 D、社会价值 25、请写出你对“给力”一词的理解,并根据这一理解拟一句例句:(4 分)给力:例句:26、请选择以下任一问题回答:(3 分)1)点赞、任性、醉了、萌萌哒、涨姿势哪一个词,是你 2014 年最喜爱的语言?简述理由。(可以另选一词)2)习大大、打虎拍蝤、APEC 蓝、高大上哪个词,能为中国的 2014 年画像?简述理由。(可以另选一词)词语_ 理由:四、写作(60 分)27、题目:这里也是课堂 要求:(1)写一篇 600 字左右的文章。(2)不得透露个人相关信息。(3)不得抄袭。名师点评:这篇文章总体不难 关键是要体现“也”这个字,必须要发散思维,在生活各个角第 6 页 共 35 页 落找到 上海市普陀区 2014-15 学年度第一学期初三质量调研英语试卷 II.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共 20 分)()26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A.May I take your order?B.Monitors were used in the exam.C.Luckily,I can afford the trip.D.Please wait for me in the corner.27.Which of the following words matches the sound/p l/?A.pole B.pale C.poor D.pull 28.Are you in _ favour of using an iPad in class?A.a B.an C./D.the 29.Our family celebrated Thanksgiving Day _ November 28th,2014.A.for B.at C.in D.on 30.Each shop has _ own way to attract customers.A.his B.her C.its D.My 31.Here are _ different methods to help you fall asleep.A.few B.little C.much D.several 32._ my opinion,kids should learn to do some housework.A.On B.In C.Of D.With 33.Now I know your decision.Please ask _ in your class about their ideas.A others B the others C other D the other 34.Although Jack is _ manager in the company,he is popular.A serious B more serious C most serious D the most serious 35.The brave firemen didnt stop working _ all people were saved.A until B because C since D if 36.Years later,Sheldon,my cousin,realized the _ of being a teacher.A happiness B happily C happy D happier 37.The invention of Wechat(微信)makes it easier _ in touch with friends.A keeping B keep C to keep D keeps 38.More and more parents expect their children _ on computers less.A depend B to depend C depending D depends 第 7 页 共 35 页 39.My father denies _ my mother,but I can see love in his eyes.A to miss B miss C misses D missing 40.-Am I late?-Don t worry.Your favourite broadcast _ yet.A doesnt start B didnt start C wont start D hasnt started 41.Those wounded soldiers _ in a cave and waited for help.A hide B are hiding C hid D will hide 42.-_ are you leaving for the airport?-In about half an hour.A How soon B How often C How far D How long 43.-Must I put on my coat,Mum?-Yes,you _.Its freezing outside.A may B can C must D need 44.-You dont have to sing so loudly in the middle of the night,do you?-_.A Im sorry B My pleasure C Not at all D Thats right 45.-Alice is not in.May I take a message for you?-_.A Never mind B No,thanks.Ill ring back.C Youre welcome D No,you may not III.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.Each word can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每个单词只能填一次)A thoughts B ready C common D easily E create When you meet some new people,youll keep silent,or spe ak like a fool.When a friend stops talking to you for a day or two,your mind will get crazy with the _46_ that perhaps you did something wrong.Is this your life?Are you getting nervous _47_?If you are suffering from any of the above,it s because you care too much about what others think of you.Although this is not good enough,its still a _48_ thing that happens among us.After all,we are human and we just want to be happy.We want to be well-liked by those 第 8 页 共 35 页 around us and not to _49_ any unnecessary trouble.More importantly,what will happen to us if we dont care about others?Sometimes it is a thing out of our control.A B effects C various D rude E consider When we pay high attention to others,we begin to worry about others opinions and even try to be someone else.It will have had _50_ on you as you start to focus your energy on others but not yourself.When caring about others opinions is taking control of your life,maybe its time for you to stop and _51_ what you really want and make some changes.IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable form(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)54.The new CEO has already given three _ in public.(speech)55.Jane said she enjoyed _ very much during the Art Festival.(she)56.My sister is on the left and Im the _ one on the right.(ten)57.He was quite _ in how to draw funny cartoon faces.(interest)58.Damin hopes his son would like to be a _ like him.(fish)59.The story is _ told in pictures instead of with words.(main)60.The fans all felt very sad about the _ of the famous actor.(dead)61.Father warns me that _ people always find excuses for their mistakes.(honest)V.Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)62.At last,the case developed into a disaster.(改为否定句)At last,the case _ _ into a disaster.63.The seat with a red sign is for the old only.(对划线部分提问)_ _is for the old only?64.Lind has a pretty wooden horse.(改为感叹句)_ _ pretty wooden horse Linda has!65.The new chemistry lab cant be used for the time being.(保持句意基本不变)The new chemistry lab cant be used _ _.第 9 页 共 35 页 66.The students have performed the play“Sound of Music”for years.(改为被动语态)The play“Sound of Music”_ _ performed by the students for years.67.“Is the school library open at the weekends?”the visitor asked me.(改为宾语从句)The visitor asked us _ the school library _ open at the weekend?68.me,the,showed,to,they,operate,how,machine(连词成句)_ Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)Reading comprehension A.Choose the best answer.Happy Village big flat,1 room ready for use immediately,with all necessary furniture and appliances.3 minutes walk to underground station,2 blocks from shopping center,park view,$2100 including bills,female nonsmoker,no pet.Sara 25720836 or 10077809 2 armchairs,red/brown at$400 each;coffee table,black,wood,$800;oil painting,big,$900;Tianjin carpet,green,3*7,$600;double bed,$500,mirror,big,square,$500,fridge,big double-door,$1000;old pictures,$140 each.Mr.Brown,Tel Weekend,25216011,Weekday,25245867-time Lab Assistant Wanted Required by busy electronics company to help with development of computer,should have an electronic degree and some experience of working in an electronic lab.Hours 9:00am1:00pm,Monday Friday Salary 6,598 10,230 dependent on experience Letter of application to Mrs.G Chan NOVA ELECTRONICS,45 Shanxi RD,Shanghai 69.Sara wants to _.A.sell a flat B.find a roommate C.buy a pet D.decorate a room 70.From the above we can learn that the Happy Village flat _.A.is near a park B.is beside the sea C.has no furniture D.cant be used now.71.Mr.Brown wants to sell these things because _.A.they are too old or broken B.he has bought many new things.第 10 页 共 35 页 C.he is moving to a new place D.he doesnt have enough money.72.If you want to contact Mr.,Brown on Sunday,you should call _.A.25245867 B.10077809 C.25720826 D.25216011 73.The salary for the part-time lab assistant depends on _.A.his experience of working in an electronics lab B.the variety of part-time jobs he has done.C.his ability of applying for different jobs.D.the degree he has got.74.The above information can be found in _.A.novels B.letters C.dictionaries D.advertisements B.Choose words and phrases and complete the passage(12)The word moblog is becoming familiar to more and more people.It is made up of _(75)words.The first word is mobile,which means a mobile camera phone or camera.The second word is blog,a website for posting words and pictures.Mobloggers are people who take photos and or videos with their phones and put them_(76).Moblogging has caused a lot of excitement and attention.With a picture phone and a moblog,anyone can be a reporter.Moblogging first got the worlds attention during a terrorist attack on four London buses.People were posting photos online many minutes before_(77)reporters could get there.Similarly,information about car accidents has been broardcasted right away.Moblogging is done just for fun,too.Posted on some moblogs you can find_(78)photos of friends making funny faces,or photos from people travelling and photos of new babies.Other moblogs might be food in restaurants or new clothes.However,moblogs can be dangerous,too.Not long ago in Korea,a womans dog made a mess on the train.But when she was asked to clean it up,she_(79),become angry,and left.Her picture was taken and posted online,along with the story,of what she did.People all around the country were angry with her.Imagine how she felt!Moblogging can be wonderful,but its really impolite to post another persons picture online without asking for permission.One idea from Japan may help people can no longer _(80)take pictures with their mobile phones.Japanese mobile phones make“click”第 11 页 共 35 页 sounds like a real camera when you take a picture.()75.A.two B.three C.four D.five()76.A.in the magazine B.on the notice board C.on the Internet D.in the newspaper()77.A.new B.real C.foreign D.male()78.A.useful B.historical C.amusing D.famous()79.A.forgot B.refused C.escaped D.suffered()80.A.immediately B.successfully C.carefully D.quietly C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(14)This month in Travellers Corner read about three peoples experiences in year-abroad program:A-Tokyo My year abroad in the Unite States was truly awesome experience.Im not a(81)s_ person.I was very comfortable speaking to everyone,so I got lots of chances to(82)p_ my spoken English.I also learned lots of interesting things about American culture.When I got home,my friends couldnt believe how much I had(83)i _ in English!They were especially surprised at my spoken English.I hope to go back again in the future.B-Rio de Janeire I spent last year studying in London.I m from a small town,and London is a very big city.Sometimes I felt it was too big.There were so many people to talk to,but I never felt(84)c_ enough when I spoke English.I was always afraid I couldnt make myself clear.I missed my family,and I terribly missed my two cats.My roommate was always using our(85)r_,so I almost had no chance for a nice long talk with my parents.I think it was a good experience for me,but I m glad to be home.C-Hong Kong Studying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me,but it was also lots of hard work!I(86)r_ had spare time from Monday to Friday.I had English classes six hours a day with lots of homework.Our English teacher asked us to write more in English,so I wrote one or two pages about my experience in my(87)d_ every day.On Saturday,my 第 12 页 共 35 页 home stay family took me to lots of interesting places and showed me so many awesome things about New Zealand culture.I m very glad I went!D.Answer the questions.(12)Hi Geoff,Dont be shocked about what Im going to tell you.Last week,I became a parent!Calm down,Geoff.This was only a project we did at school,but let me explain.Every week,our teacher gives us a new topic to discuss in class.Last Monday,however,he asked us a very interesting question Do you think it is difficult to be a parent?Some of the students said they thought it was easy,as parents never have to do any homework!Our teacher said he wouldnt tell us the answer.He said he would let us be a parent for a week.He was sure we would have the answer by the end of the week.The rest of the lesson was spent making flour babies.We first took some bags and filled them with flour in order to make the babies as heavy as real ones.We then tied the bay very tight,so the flour would not fall out.After that,we used cardboard to make some arms,legs and a face for our flour babies,and then dressed them in old pieces of clothing.My baby looked so strange,as I am not very good at art,but it was great fun.When we had finished,our teacher gave us all notebooks and told us we had to write down our experience with the babies for the whole week.We were told we ha