学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 短对话巅峰讲座 四级听力考试中,短对话一般为 8 段,每段为一轮对话和一个问题,要求考生能听懂英语国家人士的日常对话,能把握讨论的主题,抓住其中心大意或其中的要点,然后从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话均朗读一遍,每个问题后留有 13 秒的答题时间。Lecture 1 第一讲 7 种对话常提问题 四级听力短对话所提问题主要涉及事实状况、行为活动、观点态度、身份关系、地点场景、谈论话题和数字信息 7 大类。不同的题型,提问的角度和方式也不同。一、事实状况 问题是关于谈话的一方或双方说了什么、所处状态、做某事的原因何在、结果如何等。提问方式通常为:What do we learn from this conversation?What do we know about the man/woman from the conversation?What can be inferred from the conversation?此类题型解题技巧如下:1正确选项一般不会是原文的细节再现。这类题经常需要考生根据对话内容推测出说话人话语中隐含的事实细节,因此正确选项大都不是对话内容的照搬,而是对话内容的同义转述,或是根据对话内容推断出的事实细节。2注意捕捉选项中的关键词。听音前应提取选项要点,确定听音时应该捕捉的重点内容。某事的原因或结果常为考查重点。3简单记录关键信息点。听音时应注意结合选项要点对重点信息加以记录,然后根据问题对号入座。4.切忌违背常理。这类题的对话多与日常生活联系紧密,听到线索词语时要大胆按照常理或者常识去判断,而不要过多设想一些有违常理的情形。【例 1】(11-6-11)A He is careless about his appearance.B He is ashamed of his present condition.C He changes jobs frequently.D He shaves every other day.M:Shawns been trying for months to find a job.But I wonder how he could get a job when he looks like that.W:Ah,that poor guy!He really should shave himself every other day at least and put on something clean.Q:What do we learn about Shawn?【解析】事实状况题。由对话中女生提到的“他(Shawn)应该每隔一天刮一次胡子,穿干净一点”可知,肖恩不太注重仪容仪表,故答案为A。be careless about 意为“不在乎”。二、行为活动问题是关于谈话的一方或双方做过、正在做、准备去做什么,或一方建议另一方去做什么。提问方式通常为:What will the man/woman most probably do?What are the speakers probably going/trying to do?What does the woman suggest the man do?/What does the woman suggest doing?三、此类题型解题技巧如下:1根据选项特点判断问题类型。这类题的选项一般都是动词短语,其中动词大多为原形或动名词形式。2听音时留意对话中出现的动词,尤其注意与选项中动词相关的信息。在留意动词的同时,要记录一些与该动词相关的重要信息,尤其是不止一个选项中的动词在对话中出现时,学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 只有留意与动词相关的信息,才能根据问题对号入座。3注意表示请求或建议的句式。这类题的对话中经常会包含提出请求或建议的句式,如:Why dont you?What about?Lets,Youd better,If I were you,I would,Id like to,You might as well等,这些句式后面的内容有可能就是建议去做或准备去做的行为活动,很可能与答案直接相关,听音时需重点留意。【例 2】(10-6-13)A Get more food and drinks.B Ask his friend to come over.C Tidy up the place.D Hold a party.M:Forgive the mess in here,we had a party last night.There were a lot of people and they all brought food.W:Yeah,I can tell.Well,I guess its pretty obvious what youll be doing most of today.Q:What does the woman think the man will do?【解析】行为活动题。选项均以动词原形开头,结合B中的 his 推测,本题可能是考查男士的行为活动。男士请求女士原谅他把屋里弄得那么乱(the mess),并解释说他们昨天晚上开 party 了,女士说她看得出来,并说男士今天大部分时间要做的事也很明显了(pretty obvious),由此可推知,女士认为男士今天应该把屋子打扫干净,故答案为C。三、观点态度 问题是关于谈话的一方对另一方或第三方的行为、品德、观点等的态度或评价。提问方式通常为:What does the woman/man mean/imply?How does the woman/man feel about?What does the woman/man think of?此类题型解题技巧如下:1根据选项特点判断问题类型。这类题的选项中一般都含有一些引出或表达观点态度的词语,常见的如:think,believe,find,guess,imagine,consider 等动词以及 favorable,doubtful,angry 等形容词。根据这类线索词判断出问题类型以后,可以更有针对性地留意说话人对自己观点或态度的陈述。2熟悉表示观点态度的常见词语。表示赞成:approve,agree,share,prefer,wise,reasonable,favorable 表示反对:disapprove,disagree,unwise,ridiculous,foolish,childish 表示赞赏:admire,appreciate,think much of,think highly of 表示喜欢:love,enjoy,wonderful,fascinating,funny,be fond of,be keen on 表示厌烦:dislike,bored/boring,be tired of,be sick of 表示关心:concerned,careful,care about 表示怨恨或生气:hate,hatred,angry,anger,irritated 表示害怕或担心:fearful,frightened,worried,nervous 表示批评或讽刺:critical,criticize,ironic,find fault with 表示失望或灰心:disappointed,discouraged 表示后悔或遗憾:regret,regretful,pity,shame 表示漠然或热情:indifferent,detached,careless,enthusiastic,warmhearted 表示积极或消极:active,positive,negative 表示自信或自负:confident,arrogant,proud 表示乐观或悲观:optimistic,pessimistic 3抓住对话中的一些标识性的词语。听音时应注意抓住一些表示转折、条件、因果、比较等逻辑关系的标识性的词语,如:but,instead,if,since,while,whereas 等,这些逻辑关系词(尤其是转折关系词)引出的句子经常用来表达说话人的真实观点或态度。4把握说话人的语气。很多时候,说话的语气会明显地体现出说话人的观点或态度,因此,听音时应注意通过反问、疑问、感叹等特殊语气来判断说话人的观点或态度。学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 【例 3】(09-12-18)A Indifferent.B Doubtful.C Pleased.D Surprised.W:Bill,have you heard the latest news?It appears we two wont be laid off after all.M:Oh,Im somewhat tired of working here.Ive been wondering whether I should resign.Anyway,the news seems to be good for you.Q:How does the man feel about the news?【解析】观点态度题。选项均为表示态度的词语,表明本题考查某人对某事的态度。女士说她听到消息,她和男士都不会遭到解雇,男士却说,他有点厌烦在这里工作了,正在考虑要不要辞职,由此可推断男士对这个消息并不关心,故答案为A。四、身份关系 问题是关于谈话的一方或双方的职业、身份或对话双方的关系等。提问方式通常为:Whats the womans job?What most probably is Mary?Who is the man/woman talking to?What is the(most)probable relationship between the(two)speakers?此类题型解题技巧如下:1注意称呼语。对话中的称呼语往往会直接暴露出说话人的身份或说话双方的关系,比如 Mr.一词就表明对方很可能是自己的上级或老师。2捕捉人物语气。师生之间、夫妻之间、家长与孩子之间以及老板与员工之间的说话方式和语气均有自己的特点,解题时要注意根据说话人的语气或态度来判断他们之间的关系。3熟悉常考职业身份及相关词语。教授(professor);秘书(secretary);医生(doctor);老板(boss);服务员(waiter/waitress);主人(host/hostess);修理工(repairer,plumber,electrician);家庭角色(husband,wife,son,daughter,girlfriend)4熟悉常考人物关系及相关词语。夫妻(husband wife);父女(father daughter);母子(mother son);师生(teacher student);同学(schoolmate/classmate);同事(colleague);老板与秘书(boss secretary);雇主与雇员(employer employee);医生与病人(doctor patient);服务员与顾客(waiter/waitress customer);主人与客人(host/hostess guest);警察与司机(policeman driver)管理员与借阅者(librarian reader);房东与租房者(landlord/landlady tenant)【例 4】(08-12-12)A A painter.B A mechanic.C A porter.D A carpenter.M:If you can make up your mind about the color,I can start on the outside of your house early next week.W:Well,right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls,but Ill let you know tomorrow.Q:Who is the woman talking to?【解析】身份关系题。选项内容表明本题很可能考查对话中某一方的身份。男士说如果女士决定好了颜色,他下周初就可以从房子外边开始工作了,女士说现在她想使 window frames 学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 (窗框)漆成 white(白色),墙漆成 yellow(黄色),但是她明天才能确切地告诉男士她的最后决定,由此可知,男士应该是替女士粉刷房子的人,即男士是一名 painter(油漆工),故答案为A。五、地点场景 问题是关于对话发生的场合、地点或者对话中涉及到的人或事物所处的位置。提问方式通常为:Where is the conversation most probably taking place?Where are the two speakers?此类题型解题技巧如下:1单个地点题:抓住与特定地点相关的常用词语。这类题的对话中一般不会提到具体场所,问题往往要求根据对话内容推测出谈话场所或某人的去向。解题的关键在于抓住关键信息词,即与特定地点或场景相关的常用词语。2多个地点题:依赖笔记,留意提问中的核心词。这类题的对话中经常会提到两个或两个以上的地点,问题是针对其中某一个进行提问。解题的关键在于区分细节,对与选项地点相关的细节内容进行速记,并注意抓住提问中的核心词。3熟悉四级短对话中常考的地点场景。机场(at the airport);书店(in the bookstore/book shop);飞机上(on the plane)邮局(at the post office);火车站(at the railway station);银行(in the bank);理发店(at the barbers);旅馆(in the hotel);图书馆(in the library);餐馆(at the restaurant);诊所或医院(in the clinic or hospital);学校或校园(at school or campus)【例 5】(08-6-12)A On a train.B On a plane.C In a theater.D In a restaurant.W:May I see your ticket please?I think you are sitting in my seat.M:Oh,you are right.My seat is in the balcony.Im terribly sorry.Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?【解析】地点场景题。选项均为表示地点的介宾短语,由此可知本题与地点场景有关。女士请求看一下男士的 ticket(票),因为她觉得男士坐了她的座位,男士承认了这一点,并说他的座位 in the balcony(在楼厅里),balcony 通常指剧院或影院的楼厅,由此可知对话最可能发生在 theater(剧院),故答案为C。六、谈论话题 问题是关于对话双方所谈论的话题或对象。提问方式通常为:What are they talking about?What are the speakers talking about?此类题型解题技巧如下:1.根据选项特点判断问题类型。一般来说,这类题的选项的概括性都较强,且通常为名词性短语。另外,各选项所陈述的内容往往差别较大。2捕捉与话题相关的关键词。只要能够捕捉到话题所涉及的某个或某些关键词语,往往就可以判断出对话谈论的内容。考生在平时训练中,应留意某类话题的常涉词语并加以记忆。3注意不要只从对话一方的话语中寻找答案。由于是考查谈话主题,因此双方的话语中一般都会含有与主题相关的线索词。【例 6】(11-6-18)A A computer game.学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 B An imaginary situation.C An exciting experience.D A vacation by the sea.M:Jane,suppose you lost all your money while taking a vacation overseas,what would you do?W:Well,I guess Id sell my watch or computer or do some odd jobs till I could afford a return plane ticket.Q:What are the speakers talking about?【解析】谈论话题题。由对话中男士提到的 Jane,suppose you lost all your money(简,假设你丢了所有的钱)和女士的回答 Well,I guess Id(哦,我想我会)可知,对话双方谈论的是一个虚拟的场景,故答案为B。suppose 意为“假定,假设”。七、数字信息 问题是关于时间、年龄、数量、速度、价格等信息。提问方式通常为:What time did Suzy leave home?How much does one ticket cost?When is the train leaving?此类题型解题技巧如下:1速记信息。这类题的对话中一般都不会只出现一个数字,因此一定要对出现的数字及相关要点信息进行速记。2听清问题。解答这类题,必须清楚问题是针对什么提问,然后才能根据记录的信息将答案对号入座。3不要轻易直摄答案。这类题的答案很多时候并不是原文中数字信息的再现,往往需要经过简单的运算才能得出答案。【例 7】(04-6-3)A At 10:30.B At 10:25.C At 10:40.D At 10:45.M:So when are the other guys going to get here?The train is leaving in 10 minutes.We cant wait here forever.W:Its 10:30 already.Theyre supposed to be here by now.I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.Q:When is the train leaving?【解析】数字信息题。选项均为表时间的短语,由此可知本题很可能考查数字信息。男士说火车 10 minutes 以后发车,女士说现在已经 10:30 了,由此可知火车将于 10:40 离开,故答案为C。即讲即练 Exercise 1 1.A 23 miles.B 31 miles.C 15 miles.D 8 miles.2.A Policeman and driver.B Salesman and customer.C Teacher and student.D Boss and secretary.3.A In an art museum.B In a paint shop.C In a swimming pool.D In a library.4.A Their school courses.B Their future jobs.C Their vacation plans.D Their trip to Europe.学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 5.A Angry.B Apologetic.C Surprised.D Happy.6.A Apologize to Donna.B Talk with Donna directly.C Excuse Donnas behavior.D Write Donna a letter.7.A She doesnt have enough money.B Her student ID is invalid.C She doesnt want to attend the concert.D She wont be able to get the student discount.8.A Love story.B Social commentary.C History book.D Mystery novel.Exercise 2 1.A 9:00.B 9:15.C 10:00.D 9:45.2.A John is the funniest person in class.B She doesnt appreciate Johns humor.C She enjoys Johns humor.D John is not funny at all.3.A To tell him something urgent.B To cancel an appointment.C To invite him to see a film.D To ask him a question about homework.4.A His has postponed his vacation for his illness.B He needs to bring medicines during vacation.C He has got a serious illness.D He has packed all he needs.5.A A driver.B A detective.C A policeman.D A technician.6.A They make too much noise.B They make her nervous.C They are totally useless to travelers.D They make it impossible for her to sleep.7.A Director and actor.B Employer and employee.C Shopkeeper and customer.D Professor and student.8.A In the post office.B In the womans office.C In the mans office.D In Mr.Carsons office.【答案与解析】Exercise 1 1.A 23 miles.B 31 miles.C 15 miles.D 8 miles.M:Hi,Mary.Finally you arrived.Why did you arrive so late?W:I dont know.I thought I knew the way well enough.I drove 23 miles one way,then 8 miles more before I finally asked for help.学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 Q:How many miles had Mary driven before asking for help?【解析】数字信息题。女士说在她问路之前已经 drove 23 miles one way(沿着一个方向开了 23 英里),然后 8 miles more(又开了 8 英里),两数相加便可知,女士在问路之前已经开了 31 英里,故答案为B。2.A Policeman and driver.B Salesman and customer.C Teacher and student.D Boss and secretary.W:Why are you giving me a speeding ticket?I was only going 40mph.M:Cant you read?That was 10 mph over the limit!Q:What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?【解析】身份关系题。由女士话中的 Why are you giving me a speeding ticket(为什么给我开超速罚款单)可知,女士是一名driver,而男士则应该是一名交警(policeman),由此可知答案为 A。3.A In an art museum.B In a paint shop.C In a swimming pool.D In a library.W:This is an interesting exhibition.Have you seen the big oil painting by Grant Wood?M:Yes.Its nice,but I like the water colors by Whath better.Theyre in the next room.Q:Where does this conversation probably take place?【解析】地点场景题。根据关键信息exhibition(展览),oil painting(油画)和 water colors(水彩画)可推断对话很可能发生在an art museum(美术馆),故答案为A。4.A Their school courses.B Their future jobs.C Their vacation plans.D Their trip to Europe.M:I want to find a parttime job during the winter vacation and earn some money.How about you?W:Im going to take a trip to Europe to relax myself.Q:What are the speakers mainly talking about?【解析】谈论话题题。男士说寒假他想找一份parttime job(兼职工作)挣一点钱;女士则说她要 take a trip to Europe(去欧洲旅行)放松一下,由此可知他们是在谈论 vacation plans(假期计划),故答案为C。5.A Angry.B Apologetic.C Surprised.D Happy.W:Im sorry.Ive spilled my coffee on your magazine.M:Its easy for you to say youre sorry.My magazine is ruined.Q:How does the man feel?【解析】观点态度题。女士把咖啡洒在了男士的杂志上,她为此向男士道歉,男士对女士说 Its easy for you to say youre sorry(说“对不起”很简单,但我的杂志毁了),由此可推断男士现在很生气,故答案为A。6.A Apologize to Donna.B Talk with Donna directly.C Try to forgive Donna.D Write Donna a letter.W:I would really like to know why Donna is always so hostile towards me.M:Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her?Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?【解析】行为活动题。女士说自己不明白为什么Donna总是对她怀有敌意(hostile towards me),男士通过问句Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her?(你想过直截了当地去问她吗?)建议女士当面问问 Donna,由此可知答案为B。7.A She doesnt have enough money.B Her student ID is invalid.学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 C She doesnt want to attend the concert.D She wont be able to get the student discount.M:Ive been waiting all week for this concert.The orchestra is supposed to be excellent and with our student discount the tickets will be really cheap.W:Uh,Im afraid I left my student ID in my other purse.Q:What does the woman imply?【解析】事实状况题。男士说有了 student discount(学生折扣)音乐会的票会很便宜,女士却说她把她的 student ID(学生证)放在另一个 purse(钱包)里了,由此可推断女士不能凭借 student ID 而 get the student discount(享受学生折扣),故答案为D。8.A Love story.B Social commentary.C History book.D Mystery novel.W:There is nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I have got some spare time.M:I like to read,too.But I prefer nonfiction:history,social commentary and stuff like that.Q:What kind of book does the woman like best?【解析】事实状况题。女士话中的比较级结构 There is nothing I like more than a good mystery novel 表达的是最高级含义,意思是说她在空余时间最喜欢看 mystery novel(推理小说),由此可知答案为D。Exercise 2 1.A 9:00.B 9:15.C 10:00.D 9:45.M:The bus was supposed to leave at 9:00 and its already 15 minutes overdue.If it doesnt come soon,Ill be late for my appointment.W:Yes,I have a meeting at 10:00 and I cant afford to miss it.Q:What is the time at the moment?【解析】数字信息题。男士说公共汽车本来应该 9 点发车(leave at 9:00),现在已经迟了(overdue)15 分钟了,由此可知现在的时间是 9:15,故答案为 B。2.A John is the funniest person in class.B She doesnt appreciate Johns humor.C She enjoys Johns humor.D John is not funny at all.M:John is certainly the funniest person in class.He can always make everyone laugh.W:I think I still have to get used to his sense of humor.Q:What does the woman mean?【解析】观点态度题。男士觉得 John 是班里最幽默的人(the funniest person),而女士却说她还需要 get used to his sense of humor(习惯他的幽默方式),言外之意就是她并不喜欢 John 的幽默,故答案为B。3.A To tell him something urgent.B To cancel an appointment.C To invite him to see a film.D To ask him a question about homework.W:Ive been calling David for the past half hour,but I keep getting a busy signal.M:Well,if you dont get him soon,well just have to go to the movies without him.Q:Why is the woman trying to call David?【解析】事实状况题。女士给 David 打电话,但一直不通,男士说如果再联系不上 David,他们就不带他去看电影了,由此可知,女士给 David打电话是为了邀请他一块去看电影,故答案为 C。4.A His has postponed his vacation for his illness.学英语 找长喜 北文教育网校 B He needs to bring medicines during vacation.C He has got a serious illness.D He has packed all he needs.W:Arent you leaving tomorrow for vacation,all packed and ready to go?M:Not quite.I still have to stop by the drugstore and get my prescription filled.Q:What can be inferred about the man?【解析】事实状况题。女士问男士是否已经打好包、准备好去旅行了,男士回答说他还要去药店 get.prescription filled(按处方取药),由此可知药品也是男士此次度假所带物品之一,故答案为B。5.A A driver.B A detective.C A policeman.D A technician.M:Now,please tell me exactly when,where and how this happened.W:Well,I stopped immediately when the light turned yellow,but this man bumped into me from behind.Q:Who is probably the man?【解析】身份关系题。由女士的话可知,她和别人撞车了,而男士询问女士撞车发生的具体时间、地点及原因,可见男士是在处理一起交通事故,可知男士很可能是一名交通警察,故答案为C。6.A They make too much noise.B They make her nervous.C They are totally useless to travelers.D They make it impossible for her to sleep.W:I hate it when the plane captain keeps announcing the cities over which we are flying.I cant get any sleep.M:But for someone who has never made the trip before,such announcements are very helpful.Q:Why does the woman ha