小马过河国际教育 2005 年 10 月 SAT 写作真题及要点解答13.Think carefullyabout the issue presentedin the followingexcerptand assignment below:(2005.10)1.Success in life is largely a matter of luck.It has littlecorrelation with merit.And in all fields of lifethere have always been people of great merit who did not succeed.Karl Popper,Popper Selections2.As Colin Powell said,“there are no secrets to success.Dontwaste time looking for them.Success isthe result of preparation,hard work,and learning from failure.”Adapted from Barry Farber,“Selling Points”Assignment:Is success in life earned or do people succeed becausethey are lucky?Plan and write anessay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Supportyour position with reasoning andexamplestakenfromyourreading,studies,experience,orobservations.14.Think carefullyabout the issue presentedin the followingexcerptand assignment below:(2005.10)1.Celebrities have the power toattract“communities”oflike-minded followers;they provide an identitythat people can connect to and call their own.Celebritiesare trusted;they stand for certain ideas andvalues to which followers can express allegiance.Adapted from William Greider,Who Will Tell the People?小马过河国际教育 2.Admiration for celebrities is often accompanied by contempt for“average”people.As we focus onthe famous,other people become less important to us.The worldbecomes populated with a few“some bodies”and an excess of“near-nobodies.”Adapted from Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen,Wizards of Media OzAssignment:Is societys admiration for famous people beneficial orharmful?Plan and write an essay inwhich you develop your point of view on this issue.Support yourposition with reasoning and examplestaken from your reading,studies,experience,or observations.15.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerptand assignment below:(2005.10)This is a time for shallowness.Seriousness is so rare these days thatwe tend to make all kinds ofallowances for those who only seem to possess it.In this way,shallowideas are not recognized for thatthey are,and they are increasingly mistaken for deep thoughts.Adapted from Margaret Talbot,“The Perfectionist”.Assignment:Do we live in a time when people do not engage in seriousthinking?Plan and write anessay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Supportyour position with reasoning andexamplestakenfromyourreading,studies,experience,orobservation.16.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerptand assignment below:(2005.10)Nowadays nothing is private:our culture has become too confessional小马过河国际教育 and self-expressive.People thinkthat to hide ones thoughts or feelings is to pretend not to havethose thoughts or feelings.They assumethat honesty requires one to express every inclination and impulse.Adapted from J.David Velleman,“the Genesis of Shame”Assignment:Should people make more of an effort to keep some thingsprivate?Plan and write anessay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Supportyour position with reasoning andexamplestakenfromyourreading,studies,experience,orobservations.