官方网站: 托福口语素材:你很忙?I dont even have time to catch my breath.我连喘口气的工夫都没有。catch my breath 是喘息,歇口气 Dont have too many irons in the fire.不要揽事太多。have(many,too many,several,other)irons in/on the fire意思是“同时有(许多,太多,好几件,其他)事情要做。Im in the middle of something.Could you call back later?我现在很忙,你能过会给我打电话吗?in the middle of doing sth.正忙于做某事 He is working so hard that he is as busy as a wbeaver/w.他没日没夜地工作,看起来很忙。Beaver除了海狸的意思外,还引申为卖力工作的人,兢兢业业的人。Its hard to slow down when you are trying to do a million things.当你想要干成百上千件事情的时候是很难慢下来的。a million 往往代表“很多,超多”。最后复习一下:time to catch the breath 喘口气的功夫 have many irons on the fire 有很多事情要做 in the middle of doing sth.正忙着做某事 as busy as beaver 忙得团团转 a million things 成千上百的事情