小马过河国际教育 2006 年 12 月 SAT 写作真题及要点解答49.Think carefullyabout the issue presentedin the followingexcerptand assignment below:(2006.12)In order to be the most productive and successful people that we arecapable of being,we must bewilling to ignore the opinions of others.It is only when we arecompletely indifferent to others opinions ofuswhen we are not concerned about how others think of usthat wecan achieve our most importantgoals.Assignment:Are people more likely to be productive and successfulwhen they ignore the opinions ofothers?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point ofview on this issue.Support yourposition with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observation.50.Think carefullyabout the issue presentedin the followingexcerptand assignment below:(2006.12)In many circumstances,optimismtheexpectationthat ones ideas andplans will always turn out for thebestis unwarranted.In these situations what is needed is not anupbeat view but a realistic one.Thereare times when people need to take a tough-minded view of thepossibilities of success,give up,andinvest their energies elsewhere rather than find reasons to continueto pursue the original project or idea.Adapted from Martin E.P.Seligman,Learned Optimism小马过河国际教育 Assignment:Is it better for people to be realistic or optimistic?Plan and write an essay in which youdevelop your point of view on this issue.Support your position withreasoning and examples taken fromyour reading,studies,experience,or observation.51.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerptand assignment below:(2006.12)It is easy to make judgments about people and their actions when wedo not know anything about theircircumstances or what motivated them to take those actions.But weshould look beyond a personsactions.Whenpeople dothings thatweconsider outrageous,inconsiderate,or harmful,we should try tounderstand why they acted as they did.Assignment:Is it important to try to understand peoples motivationsbefore judging their actions?Planand write an essay in which you develop your point of view on thisissue.Support your position withreasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observation.52.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerptand assignment below:(2006.12)Abraham Lincoln said,Most people are about as happy as they makeup their minds to be.In otherwords,our personal level of satisfaction is entirely within ourcontrol.Otherwise,why would the sameexperience disappoint one person but delight another?Happiness isnot an accident but a choice.Assignment:Is happiness something over which people have no control,小马过河国际教育 or can people choose to behappy?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of viewon this issue.Support yourposition with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observation.