幼儿园小班英语教案通用5篇 活动目标: 1、 能大胆地在同伴或别人面前介绍自己。 2、 学习用“My name is .”“I am (岁数)”等自我介绍的常用句式。 3、 引导幼儿在嬉戏中复习单词。 4、 复习以前的内容,学新词新句。 活动过程: 一、 热身The morning has come 二、 日常用语 三、 复习:My name is Wiwi. I am twenty-eight. I like red and yellow, I like a les and oranges. How about you ? 四、 新授: Now, listen to me: I can sing ,dance, draw and play the ball. I want to be a teacher. Who can tell me , what do you hear?你听到了什么?小朋友叙述中文意思。 Oh , I can sing ,dance, draw and play the ball. I want to be a teacher. who can tell me , what do you hear? Who can tell me ,What can you do ? What do you want to be? 幼儿讲: I can I want to be 五、 嬉戏: 1、找朋友,自我介绍 2、找教师去进展自我介绍 幼儿园小班英语教案通用篇2 活动目标: 1、通过嬉戏活动,引导幼儿的学习字母RST的正确读音,初步了解单词ra it star tea的含义,发音根本精确. 2、鼓舞幼儿大胆表演歌曲what would you like? 3、培育幼儿对英语活动的兴趣。 活动预备: RST 字卡,ra it star tea的图片 CD 活动过程: 一、 问候 T:Good morning,everybody 二、 新授 1、 出示字母图片让幼儿猜 T:look,what is it?gue 2、幼儿猜出或猜不出后,就完整出示卡片,并教会幼儿正确读音。 T:ok ,its R 嬉戏:将字母卡RST依序贴在白板上,教师带读数次,再调换字母卡的挨次观看幼儿是否能熟悉正确的字母。 3、教会正确读音后可以协作动作加深幼儿记忆 Ok,lets do together (如此类推,教授RST) 4、情景表演(教师带兔子、星星的图片消失) T:O ,who is coming? Ra it star 教会幼儿正确读音 T:O ,look at 冯教师,whats in his hands? Tea教会幼儿正确读音(引导小朋友做拿起杯子假装喝一口。 5、嬉戏 I am home (听音乐任凭叫某个幼儿的名字,由吴教师做暗号,听到暗号后停下来做动作R R (发音)ra it) 如此类推 T:Ok ,now lets play together (时间长就直接到good bye sony ) 三、 复习歌曲what would you like? Ok ,now listen to the radio 四、good bye sony 幼儿园小班英语教案通用篇3 【活动目标】 1.通过嬉戏激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,培育其学习英语的积极态度。 2.幼儿能够敏捷运用根本句型,能够较娴熟地认读单词:blue,red,yellow;认读句子:What colour do you like? Do you like red? Yes,I do.No,I dont. 3.培育幼儿合作学习的意识和习惯。 【活动预备】 所需的卡片、气球、水粉颜料、矿泉水瓶、矿泉水瓶盖(盖内侧顶端涂有蓝、红、黄三砷颜色的水粉颜料)等。 【活动过程】 一、热身运动 1.以一首英文歌曲Good Morning引入学习气氛中。 2.师生打招呼问好并自由对话,营造英语气氛。 HOW are you? Im fine.Thank you! How old are you? Im four years old. WhatS the weatherlike today? Its a sunny day. Do you like sunny day?Yes. 3.出示图片,复习white、black、pink、purple、green,并提问幼儿:Do you like black? Peter:I dont like black. Teacher:I like purple. 二、熟悉颜色 1.通过卖气球的情境引出新的教学内容。 Teacher:Balloon,balloon,Who want to buy my balloon?(教师扮演一个卖气球药人,手里拿红、黄、蓝三种不同颜色的气球,一边走一边卖。) Children:I want to buy a balloon. Teacher:What colour do you like?(教师以这个句式引出所要传授的新学问。 Children:blue!(请幼儿跟读,以此类推。) 2.读单词卡:blue, red、yellow,使幼儿尝试颜色与字卡的对应,并了解他们之间的亲密关系。 3.通过嬉戏来检查幼儿对字卡的把握。 (1)师生一起玩“变色”嬉戏。 Teacher:I am very thirsty. Linda:Miss Yang.Water,Water. Teacher:Thank you.(教师预备喝水时,瓶内的水经过晃动将瓶盖内的黄色颜料溶解,变成了黄色。) Teacher:Is it water7 Children:No,0range juice. Teacher:What cotour is it?。 Children:Yellow. Teacher:Are you thirsty? Children:Yes. Teacher:Please,drink water. 经过晃动矿泉水瓶,瓶盖内的水粉颜料溶解于水中,使瓶中的水分别变成了红、黄、蓝三种不同的颜色。在兴趣正浓时,教师请幼儿找到相应颜色的字卡贴在矿泉水瓶上。 (2)利用气球分组的嬉戏来稳固新句型。 What colour do you like? I like red balloon. 幼儿园小班英语教案通用篇4 活动目标: 1、幼儿能大胆地说出动物的英文名字。 2、幼儿能理解短语_ can fly(jump run).”及提问Which animal do you like? 幼儿能大胆地答复“I like”I。 3、在嬉戏中培育幼儿的英语兴趣。 4、幼儿能够感受到英语学习的欢乐。 5、大胆开口说英文单词。 活动预备: 1、动物图片及动物头饰。 2、动物手偶:青蛙、袋鼠、蝴蝶 活动过程: 一、热身运动: 1、打招呼。 2、嬉戏Follow Me 二、学习动物单词: 1、出示动物手偶 T:Look,whats this? C:Zebra 、 Elephant 、 Deer 、 Rabbit 2、嬉戏复习单词 T: Lets play a game. Whats missing? 3、出示动物幻灯片:(斑马、大象、鹿、兔子) T:Today,Animals will have a party.Lets have a look.(看大屏幕) T:Who is coming? Black and white .Yes or No? Say in English . Zebra. Zebra is coming. T: The next one . Guess, who is coming?(大象、鹿、兔子) 三、学习短语:can run (jump、fly). 1.T:Look here and listen carefully. The zebra can run. The rabbit can jump. The bird can fly. Read after me .run jump fly can The “can” means“会、能” Read the sentences. The zabre can run. The rabbit can jump. The bird can fly. 2.T:In all of these .who can run (jump. fly).Who wants to try? Deertiger can run.Yes or No? Read it please. 四、复习短语: T:All of animals are very lovely. Which animal do you like? For example. I like Zebra. Think it over. 五、动物表演: 1.T:I prepare for something. Look, What animal? Its orang. Tiger. Yes,it can run. What animal? Its black and white. Zebra. Yes,it can run. Too. 2.Which animal do you want to be? C:I want to be 3.Here are animals pictures. Come here and choose one. Listen to the music and think who is coming ? Music please.(飞的音乐) Who is coming?教师边说边飞。Bird、bee、butterfly come here.Fly. fly,Beautiful. Listen to the music and think who is coming ? Music please.(跑的音乐) Who is coming?教师边说边跑。Tiger 、elephant come here run. run ,Beautiful. Listen to the music and think who is coming ? Music please.(跳的音乐) Who is coming?教师边说边跳。Rabbit、deer come here jump. jump,Beautiful. 4. We are so happy. Animals party will start. Girls come here. Lets stand in a small cirl and hand in hand. Boys come here . Form a big circle .Lets have a party. Music Please. Are you ready? 孩子们一起嬉戏。 幼儿园小班英语教案通用篇5 活动目标: 1、把握单词、句子的发音。 2、能够正确运用句子。 3、复习以前的内容,学新词新句。 4、引导幼儿在嬉戏中学习使用单词。 活动预备: 1、玩具娃娃一个。 2、晚上的图片一张。 3、火柴和一支蜡烛。 活动过程: 一、问好,做律动幸福拍手歌。 T:Good morning ,boys and girls. Now ,lets do the actions,Are you ready? C:Yes.(师幼一起律动。) 二、导入 出示晚上的图片(画有星星和月亮),利用图画导入单词。 T:Boys and girls。When does the moon rise up.?(月亮什么时候出来的?) C:晚上. T:Night C:Night 三、设置情景导入句子。 1、T:When you go to bed,your mother always says? C:晚安 T:Good night C:Good night 2、教师在教室里点起蜡烛,抱起玩具娃娃(婴儿),对娃娃说“Good night”,并幼儿轮番对娃娃说“Good night”。 3、嬉戏“COPE不走样”或“图语配对”。(复习Good morning Good afternoon Good night) 四、歌曲替换Good night