crime victims an introduction to victimologysixth edition.ppt
Crime Victims:An Introduction to VictimologySixth EditionBy Andrew KarmenChapter One:What is Victimology?1 1VICTIMOLOGY“Scientific study of physical,emotional,and financial harm people suffer because of illegal activities.”Included in this definition is the victimization Included in this definition is the victimization occurring for victims within the criminal justice occurring for victims within the criminal justice system.system.2 2Victimization“Is an asymmetrical interpersonal relationship that is abusive,painful,destructive,parasitical,and unfair.”Law forbids certain forms of victimizationoppressive and exploitative actsbut not ALL types of harmful activities.3 3VICTIMOLOGYVictimsVictimsIndividuals who experience loss,injury,Individuals who experience loss,injury,or hardship for any reasonor hardship for any reasonCrime VictimsCrime VictimsAbove as result of an illegal actAbove as result of an illegal actDirect/PrimaryDirect/PrimaryExperiences criminal act and its Experiences criminal act and its consequences first handconsequences first handIndirect/SecondaryIndirect/SecondaryFamily and those who suffer Family and those who suffer emotionally or financially but are not immediately emotionally or financially but are not immediately involved or physically injuredinvolved or physically injured4 4Studying of Victimization ScientificallySubjective ApproachIssues are approached from standpoint of Issues are approached from standpoint of morality,ethics,philosophy,personalized morality,ethics,philosophy,personalized reactions,and emotionsreactions,and emotionsObjective ApproachRequires observer to be fair,open-minded,Requires observer to be fair,open-minded,even-handed,dispassionate,neutral,and even-handed,dispassionate,neutral,and unbiasedunbiased5 5Studying of Victimization ScientificallyWhy should victimologists NOT be pro-victim?“Ideal Victim”:person who suffered harm was weaker than aggressor,acting virtuously or not looking for trouble or breaking any laws,and wrongdoer was a stranger acting illegally and was unprovoked6 6Victims or Offenders?Who is the victim and who is the offender?Not always clear cutconsider the following:Subway VigilanteSubway VigilanteMenendez BrothersMenendez BrothersBobicksBobicks7 7Criminals as VictimsPredatory persons prey on each otherOrganized crime“takes out a contract”“Drive-by”shooting between two gangs“Drug deal gone bad”8 8Cycle of ViolenceCycle of violence over time can transform a victim(s)into victimizer(s)Group of picked on students may gang up Group of picked on students may gang up against the bullyagainst the bullyBattered wife may launch a vengeful attack Battered wife may launch a vengeful attack against husbandagainst husbandConvicts much more likely to have been abused Convicts much more likely to have been abused physically or sexually as childrenphysically or sexually as childrenViolence Begets Violence9 9Victims vs.“Good Guys”Victimologists do not limit their studies to clashes Victimologists do not limit their studies to clashes between victims and offendersbetween victims and offendersThey also consider the social reaction to They also consider the social reaction to victimizationvictimizationVictims outraged by media coverageVictims outraged by media coveragesensationalismsensationalismInvestigation of charges in high profile cases Investigation of charges in high profile cases require victimologists to be detached and require victimologists to be detached and disinterested in carrying out analysisdisinterested in carrying out analysis1010Victimologys Undeserved“Bad Reputation”Victimology during the 90s and into the twentieth century has become to many a“dirty word.”(Paglia,1993)A critic of contemporary feminism declared on national TV,“I hate victimology.I despise a victim-centered view of the universe”1111Victimologys Undeserved“Bad Reputation”(Leo,1994)a news magazine commentator(Leo,1994)a news magazine commentator complained,“We are deep into the era of the complained,“We are deep into the era of the abuse excuse.The doctrine of victimologyabuse excuse.The doctrine of victimologyclaiming victim status means you are not claiming victim status means you are not responsible for your actionsis beginning to warp responsible for your actionsis beginning to warp the legal system.”the legal system.”An author of a book about race relations called a An author of a book about race relations called a well-known preacher who is a civil rights activist a well-known preacher who is a civil rights activist a“professional Victimologist.”(Dreher,2001)“professional Victimologist.”(Dreher,2001)1212Victimologys Undeserved“Bad Reputation”(Harrop,2003)A review of a book noted,“The art of victimology requires three easy steps:(1)Identify a group suffering from real or perceived injustices(2)Exaggerate the problem(3)Blame the problem on a group you dont like.Conservatives have long condemned the victimology industry as a racket,especially when practiced by women and minorities.”1313Victimologys Undeserved“Bad Reputation”Victimology is a new academic discipline that only Victimology is a new academic discipline that only means“the study of”victimsmeans“the study of”victimsIt is focused on the research about people harmed It is focused on the research about people harmed by criminalsby criminalsIt does not impose a partisan point of view or a set It does not impose a partisan point of view or a set or predictably biased conclusionsor predictably biased conclusionsThe ideology of“victimism”is a coherent,The ideology of“victimism”is a coherent,integrated set of beliefs that shapes interpretations integrated set of beliefs that shapes interpretations and leads to political actionand leads to political actionDo not confuse“victimism”with“victimology”Do not confuse“victimism”with“victimology”1414Victimologys Undeserved“Bad Reputation”Victimological research must tell the whole truth regardless of who is disappointed or insultedThree types of biases undermine the ability of any social scientist to achieve objectivityThey include:1515Three Types of Bias1.1.May arise from personal experience,taking the form of individual preferences and prejudices2 2.Derives from the history of the discipline itself Pioneers in the study of victimology first introduced the Pioneers in the study of victimology first introduced the concept of victim-blaming concept of victim-blaming Today,majority of victimologists are pro-victimToday,majority of victimologists are pro-victim1616Three Types of Bias3.A subtle bias traced back to the mood of the times60s-70s:a demand for government to devise 60s-70s:a demand for government to devise ways to help victims get back on their feet ways to help victims get back on their feet financially,medically,and emotionallyfinancially,medically,and emotionally80s:a theme of self-reliance and a reduction 80s:a theme of self-reliance and a reduction in government social spending and tax cutting in government social spending and tax cutting gained popularitygained popularity1717The Origins of VictimologyBox 1.1,Page 14,provides highlights in the brief history of Victimology and Victim AssistanceSignificant gains in the United States when the Presidents Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice urged criminologists to pay more attention to victims1818The Origins of VictimologyBy the 70s victimology became a recognized field By the 70s victimology became a recognized field of studyof studyBy 1990,240 colleges and universities offered By 1990,240 colleges and universities offered courses in victimologycourses in victimologyMost states passed crime victim rights Most states passed crime victim rights amendments to their state constitutionamendments to their state constitution2004Congress enacts the Crime Victims Rights 2004Congress enacts the Crime Victims Rights Act which provides for fair treatment and Act which provides for fair treatment and opportunities for input in federal court proceedingsopportunities for input in federal court proceedings1919Victimology vs.CriminologyVictimology is best viewed as an area of specialization within criminologyCriminology embraces the scientific study of crimes,criminals,criminal laws and the justice system,societal reactions,and crime victims2020Victimology vs.CriminologyCriminologists ask why certain individuals become involved in lawbreaking while others do notVictimologists ask why some individuals,households,and entities are targeted while others are not,and why over and over again2121Victimology vs.CriminologyCriminologists apply their findings to devise crime prevention strategiesVictimologists use patterns and trends to develop victimization prevention strategies and risk-reduction tacticsBoth criminologists and victimologists study how the criminal justice system actually works versus how it is supposed to work2222Victimology vs.CriminologyBoundariesBoundaries are clear cut for CriminologyBoundaries are clear cut for CriminologyBoundaries for Victimology still unclearBoundaries for Victimology still unclearOverlap due to lack of boundariesOverlap due to lack of boundaries Crime rates vs.victimization ratesCrime rates vs.victimization rates2323Divisions Within The DisciplinePolitical ideologies shape policy recommendations:ConservativeConservativeLiberalLiberalRadical Radical 2424Divisions Within The DisciplineConservative InfluenceFocuses on basically street crimesFocuses on basically street crimesEveryone to be held accountable for their Everyone to be held accountable for their decisions and actionsdecisions and actionsEmphasis on self reliance,NOT governmentEmphasis on self reliance,NOT governmentIndividual responsibility for preventing,avoiding,Individual responsibility for preventing,avoiding,resisting and recovering from criminal acts resisting and recovering from criminal acts Strictly punish offenders on behalf of their Strictly punish offenders on behalf of their victimsvictims2525Divisions Within The DisciplineLiberal InfluenceScope of field to extend beyond street crimesScope of field to extend beyond street crimesEndorse government interventionEndorse government interventionExtend safety net mechanisms for all kinds of Extend safety net mechanisms for all kinds of misfortunesmisfortunesLook to wrongdoers repaying their victims to Look to wrongdoers repaying their victims to allow for reconciliationallow for reconciliation2626Divisions Within The DisciplineRadical/Critical/Conflict InfluenceVictimization is a result of oppressive social Victimization is a result of oppressive social systemsystemScope of the field to include:Scope of the field to include:industrial polluters,hazardous workplaces,fraudulent industrial polluters,hazardous workplaces,fraudulent advertisers,brutally violent law enforcement advertisers,brutally violent law enforcement agencies,poverty,malnutrition,family dysfunction,agencies,poverty,malnutrition,family dysfunction,unemployment and substance abuse;these are unemployment and substance abuse;these are social problems of which the CJ system is part of the social problems of which the CJ system is part of the problemproblem2727What Victimologists DoVictimologists explore the interactions between victims and offenders,victims and the criminal justice system,and victims and societyFour step process victimologists follow when carrying out their research:2828What Victimologists DoStep 1:Identify,Define,and Describe the ProblemStep 2:Measure the True Dimensions of the ProblemStep 3:Investigate How Victims Are HandledStep 4:Gather Evidence to Test Hypotheses 2929Chapter One Key TermsVictimVictimVictimizationVictimizationVictimologyVictimologyDirect/Primary Direct/Primary VictimsVictimsSurvivorsSurvivorsIndirect/Indirect/Secondary Secondary VictimsVictimsSubjectiveSubjectiveApproachApproachObjectivityObjectivitySensationalismSensationalismVictimismVictimismIdeologyIdeologyCriminologyCriminologyPostPostTraumatic Stress Traumatic Stress DisorderDisorderBest Best PracticesPracticesJust Just DessertsDessertsBullyingBullyingMuggabilityMuggabilityRatingsRatingsStockholm Stockholm SyndromeSyndromeIncidenceIncidenceRatesRatesPrevalencePrevalenceRatesRatesLifetimeLifetimeLikelihoodsLikelihoodsProfileProfileNeeds Needs AssessmentAssessment3030