国际结算chapter 4.ppt
Chapter 4International Bank Remittance(国际银行汇兑)逆汇逆汇顺汇顺汇Remittance and reverse remittanceThe remittance is that the funds flow in a favorable direction to the payment instructions(指示指示)transmitted therefore由由债务人或人或进口商主口商主动将款将款项交交给银行行汇交交债权人或出口商人或出口商 The reverse remittance is that the funds flow in a contrary direction to the payment instructions transmitted therefore由由债权人以开出人以开出汇票的票的方式托方式托银行向行向债务人索人索取款取款项Chapter 4 RemittanceFunds flowFunds flowPayment Payment instructioninstructionPayerPayerImporterImporters s BankBankExporterExporters sBankBankPayee(Payee(Beneficiary)RemittanceRemittanceRemittance汇款属于顺汇,即汇款人主动将款项通过银行交付给收款人汇款属于顺汇,即汇款人主动将款项通过银行交付给收款人。Thebuyeronhisowninitiativeremitsmoneytothesellerthroughabank.Chapter 4 RemittanceFunds flowFunds flowPayment Payment instructioninstructionPayerPayerImporterImporters s BankBankExporterExporters sBankBankPayee(Beneficiary)Reverse remittanceCollectionCollectionLetter of creditLetter of credit托收、信用证属于逆汇,即收款人主动委托银行向付款人收款。托收、信用证属于逆汇,即收款人主动委托银行向付款人收款。Theselleronhisowninitiativeasksabanktogetmoneyfromthebuyer.Chapter 4 RemittanceA client(payer)asks his bank(remitting bank),by one of the transfer methods at his option(选择选择)to send a sum of money to its branch or correspondent or accounting bank(paying bank)in another country and instructing the latter to pay a certain amount of money to a beneficiary.汇出行汇出行汇款人汇款人收款人收款人汇入行汇入行1)Definition of a international bank remittance定定义Chapter 4 Remittance银行银行接受接受客户客户的委托,使用一定的的委托,使用一定的结算工具结算工具,通过其在通过其在海外的分支机构或代理行海外的分支机构或代理行,把款项付给,把款项付给国外收款人国外收款人的一种结算方式。的一种结算方式。Standard of Standard of classificationclassificationPayee/Payee/beneficiary.remittingremittingbankbankpaying paying bankbankremitterremitterChapter 4 Remittance RemitterRemitting Bank汇出行汇出行 Paying Bank 汇入行汇入行 PayeeRequests his bank to remit funds to a beneficiary in a foreign currency.Transferring funds at the request of a remitter to its correspondent or its branch in another country and instructing the latter to pay a certain amount of money to a beneficiary.Entrusted by the remitting bank to pay a certain amount of money to a beneficiary.Who is addressed to receive the remittance.2)Parties concernedChapter 4 Remittance1.Telegraphic Transfer(T/T)电汇电汇Remitting bank transmitted instructions to paying bank by cable电报电报/telex电传电传 /SWIFT.3)Methods and procedures汇款的方式和流程款的方式和流程Chapter 4 RemittanceDiagram Diagram 3.Cable/telex/SWIFT7.Debit advice1.T/T application2.T/Treceipt4.Notify the beneficiary 6.Funds 5.Signed for paymentChapter 4 RemittanceRemitting bank transmitted instructions to paying bank by airmail of a payment order or mail advice.支付委托书支付委托书/信汇委托书信汇委托书汇费相对低廉;资金汇兑速度取决于邮递速度,相对较慢;银行有机会占用客户的在途汇款资金。当今,在注重风险规避、讲求效率及投资回报的国际经济氛围中,尽管信汇的成本低廉,但其使用率仍呈下降态势2.Mail Transfer(M/T)信信汇Chapter 4 RemittanceDiagram Diagram 3.Payment order airmail advice7.Debit advice1.M/T application2.M/Treceipt4.Notify the beneficiary 6.Funds 5.Signed for paymentChapter 4 RemittanceChapter 4 RemittanceRemitting bank draw a bankers draft on paying bank ordering the latter to pay on demand the stated amount to the holder of the draft.银行即期汇票银行即期汇票 3.Remittance by bankers Demand Draft(D/D)票票汇Chapter 4 Remittance7.Debit advice1.D/D application2.Bankers demand draft5.Present the draft for payment 6.Funds3.Bankers demand draft4.Advice of Bankers demand draftChapter 4 Remittance15Chapter 4 Remittance16Chapter 4 RemittanceChapter 4 Remittance1.AdvantagesD/D:Demand draft is a negotiable instrument,which can be transferred from one person to another by endorsement,so that it is more convenient in use for payment.流通票据可背书转让流通票据可背书转让 M/T:Bank-to-bank instructions with banks responsible for making payments,so it is rather reliable;收款可靠收款可靠 T/T:Fastest way to transfer funds;Bank-to-bank instructions with banks responsible for making payments,so it is quite safe,especially when large amount is transferred.速度最快,适用于较大金额的汇款速度最快,适用于较大金额的汇款4)Advantages and disadvantagesChapter 4 Remittance2.DisadvantagesD/D:Remitter himself is responsible for mailing the demand draft,its transmission is slower than that of T/T and cannot serve the purpose of quick payment;速度慢速度慢 It is possible for a demand draft to be lost,stolen or destroyed;即期汇票被遗失、被窃或遭毁坏即期汇票被遗失、被窃或遭毁坏 The remitting bank is reluctant to stop payment on a draft issued by itself for this would mean an act of dishonor on its part which will have an unfavorable effect on its credit-worthiness.止付汇票将影响银行的信誉止付汇票将影响银行的信誉To stop payment on lost draft is time consuming.旷日持久旷日持久Chapter 4 RemittanceM/T:Mail transfer order to be delayed or lost in the post,thus causing difficulty for its payment;Its transmission is slower than that of T/T and cannot serve the purpose of quick payment;The beneficiary must await notification from the bank concerned.资金汇兑速度取决于邮递速度,相对较慢;银行有机会占用客户的在途汇款资金。2.DisadvantagesChapter 4 Remittance T/T:It is more expensive as compared with M/T or D/D,but if the amount transferred is large,the interest cost which should be otherwise incurred due to time delay can be saved;The beneficiary must await notification(通知(通知,通告)通告)from the bank concerned.2.DisadvantagesChapter 4 RemittanceSummaryM/T usually made by individuals for family maintenance,cash gift,etc.生活费,礼物生活费,礼物 T/T is favorable to the seller,who can speed up the turnover of funds,increase the income of interests and avoid the risk of fluctuation in the exchange rate.加快资加快资金周转,避免汇率风险金周转,避免汇率风险However,the seller should prevent the buyer from forcing the contractual price down under the pretext of bearing more expenses.进口商借口支付过多的汇费而压低合同价格进口商借口支付过多的汇费而压低合同价格Chapter 4 Remittance SWIFT can provides the member banks with faster,safer,cheaper,and more reliable handling of their customerss transactions.,Swiftness,reliability,safety,and inexpensiveness are major advantages of transactions by means of SWIFT messages.Chapter 4 RemittanceChapter 4 RemittanceMethods of ReimbursementMethods of Reimbursement一、一、汇出、入行之出、入行之间建立了往来建立了往来账户关系关系二二、汇出出、入入行行在在同同一一第第三三方方银行行(碰碰头行行)开开立立账户三、三、汇出、入行在不同的出、入行在不同的银行开立行开立账户Chapter 4 Remittancedepositdepositaccountaccountdebitdebit存款账户存款账户汇汇出出行行:账账户户行行汇汇入入行行:账账户户行行Credit paying bankCredit paying bankDebit remitting bankDebit remitting bank无存款账户无存款账户第三家银行转账第三家银行转账paymentpayment1、汇入行在入行在汇出行开立出行开立账户,汇出行解付出行解付汇款款时头 寸寸 拨 付付 方方 式式:“In cover,we have credited the sum to your account with us.”此此时头寸以及寸以及拨入入汇入行入行帐户,可以支付了。,可以支付了。Chapter 4 Remittance汇款中的货币汇款中的货币为汇出国的货币为汇出国的货币1.In cover,we have 1.In cover,we have credited your a/c with us.credited your a/c with us.账户行账户行开户行开户行汇款指示中汇款指示中头寸拨付条款头寸拨付条款Crediting vostro account of the paying bank 贷记解付行(汇入行)来账贷记解付行(汇入行)来账Chapter 4 RemittanceRemittingbank(US Bank)Payingbank(UK Bank)Incover,wehavecreditedyouraccountwithus.Currency:USD账户行账户行Chapter 4 Remittance2、汇出出行行在在汇入入行行开开立立账户,汇出出行行委委托托汇入入行行付款付款时头寸寸拨付方式:付方式:“In cover please debit the sum to our account with you.”或或者者:“In reimbursement:You are authorized to debit the face amount to our account held with you.”汇入入行行借借记该帐户后后,应该寄寄出出借借记报单注注明明“your account debited”字字样 Chapter 4 Remittance1.In cover,please debit our 1.In cover,please debit our(H.o)a/c with you.(H.o)a/c with you.2.Your a/c debited.2.Your a/c debited.账户行账户行开户行开户行汇款指示中汇款指示中头寸拨付条款头寸拨付条款已借记报单已借记报单 Debiting remitting bank s Nostro account 借记汇出行往账借记汇出行往账汇款中的货币汇款中的货币为汇入国的货币为汇入国的货币汇出行汇出行汇入行汇入行Chapter 4 RemittanceRemittingbank(US Bank)Payingbank(UK Bank)Incover,pleasedebitouraccountwithyou.Currency:GBP账户行账户行Chapter 4 Remittance3、汇出出、入入行行在在同同一一第第三三方方银行行(碰碰头行)开立行)开立账户 头寸寸拨付付方方式式:“In cover,we have authorized x Bank to debit our account and credit your account with them.”Chapter 4 Remittance1.In cover,we have authorized X Bank to 1.In cover,we have authorized X Bank to debit our a/c and credit your a/c with themdebit our a/c and credit your a/c with them2.Please debit 2.Please debit our a/c and our a/c and credit B a/c with credit B a/c with youyou 3.Your a/c 3.Your a/c creditedcredited3.Your a/c debited3.Your a/c debited开户行开户行开户行开户行Instructing a reimbursing bank to effect payment by debiting the remitting banks Nostro account 通过通过共同的账户行拨头寸共同的账户行拨头寸Chapter 4 RemittanceRemittingbankPayingbankIncover,wehaveauthorizedXYZBank,NewYorktodebitouraccountandcredityouraccountwiththem.XYZbankOpenUSDaccountOpenUSDaccountChapter 4 Remittance4 4、汇出、入行在不同的出、入行在不同的银行开立行开立账户 头寸寸拨付付方方式式:In cover,we have instructed A Bank to pay the proceeds to your account with D Bank.或或 者者:In cover,we have instructed A Bank to remit to you.Chapter 4 Remittance汇款的退汇指在汇款解付之前,由汇款人或汇款的退汇指在汇款解付之前,由汇款人或收款人要求撤消该笔汇款的行为。收款人要求撤消该笔汇款的行为。Cancellation of the remittance 汇款的退汇汇款的退汇Chapter 4 RemittanceCancellation of Mail transfer or telegraphic transfer Mail transfer or telegraphic transfer can be cancelled before its payment is made.It is usually done at the request of the remitter or the payee who refuses to receive the payment.Whenever the paying bank receives an advice from the remitting bank to cancel the latters payment order,it will do so accordingly.Once the payment has been made,the remittance cannot be cancelled.The remitter himself may contact the payee to claim back the remittance payment.Chapter 4 RemittanceCancellation of a bank draft already issued If the remitter requests the remitting bank to cancel a bank draft already issued by reason of its being lost or stolen,the latter is generally reluctant to do so because the remitting bank the responsibility of guaranteeing the drafts payment once it is issued.However,the remitting bank may issue a duplicate of draft against a letter of indemnity from the remitter,if the paying bank confirms that the original one has not yet been paid.Chapter 4 Remittance5)The function of Remittance in International TradePayment in advance is made by remittance 预付付货款款 Payment in Advance which is adopted in international trade is usually effected by remittance,and is advantageous to exporter.Open account business 赊账业务 Payment after Arrival of the Goods which is adopted in international trade is usually effected by remittance too,and is advantageous to importer.Chapter 4 Remittance