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    托福听力模拟试题 To make The making When to make It is making 2.Pig iron, wrought iron, and steel contain iron carbides made up of _ of carbon. amounts are different different amounts that different amounts which amounts are different 3.The Arctic fox is found throughout the Arctic , usually on tundra or mountains _ the sea. by which near near of because near near 4.The midge _ to any of several species of small flies, refers to a mosquitolike insect with slender wings and body, long legs, and antennae. which a term applied a term applied is a term applied applied a term 5. The face is the most _ of a human being. part is distinctly distinction in part distinctive part part of distinction 6.The chemical facts _ as a byproduct of their search for gold became the basis for modem chemistry. that had been accumulated by alchemists were accumulated by alchemists alchemists accumulating them had been accumulated by alchemists 7.The fluoroscope makes _ for medical doctors to view a silhouette of the bones and internal organs of a patients body. being possible possibly it is possible it possible 8.The secondoldest continuously occupied governors mansion in the United States _ Jackson, Mississippi. the location in is the location is located in located in 9.A television camera produces an image by convening _ receives into a series of bright and dark dots. and it it what it that it 10.In socalled nonfiction novels, a documentary style is combined with fictional techniques _actual events and people. that they describe to describe and in describing are describing 11.Managers often receive considerable training in the technical aspects of their jobs _ very little in the people management aspects. so just as yet and that 12.Areas of fertile soil called deltas, usually _ are formed by mud deposited at the mouth of a river. triangular in shape their shape is triangular they have a triangular shape triangular shape 13.Though a respected educator, Alexander Graham Bell _ the inventor of the telephone. as is best known best known as is is best known as best is known as 14. Not until the First World War _ to improve the road system in the United States. a determined effort was made made a determined effort when a determined effort was made was a determined effort made 15. Often invisible, always in motion, gas is _ of matter. the state is most energetic stating the most energetic the most energetic state the state that most energetic 【托福听力模拟试题】


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