原文How Your Language Affect Your Wealth and HealthA. Doe the language we peak determine how healthy and rich we will be New reearch by Keith Chen of Yale Buine School ugget o. The tructure of language affect our judgment and deciion about the future and thi might have dramatic long-term conequence.Some people are better at delaying gratification ( 满足 ) than other. Thoe people have a better chance of accumulating wealth and keeping a healthy life tyle. They are le likely to be impule buyer or moker, or to engage in unafe e某.D. Chen recent finding ugget that an unlikely factor, language, trongly affect our future-oriented behavior. Some language trongly ditinguih the preent and the future. Other language only weakly ditinguih the preent and the future. Chen recent reearch ugget that people who peak language that weakly ditinguih the preent and the future are better prepared for the future. They accumulate more wealth and they are better able to maintain their health. The way thee people conceptualize the future i imilar to the way they conceptualize the preent. A a reult, the future doe not feel very ditant and it i eaier for them to act in accordance with their future interetS.He alo analyzed individual-level data on people retirement aet, moking and e某erciing habit, and general health in older age. Latly, he analyzed national-level data that inchide national aving rate, country GDP and GDP growth rate, country demographic, and proportion of people peaking different language.H. Similar analye howed that peaking a language that doe not have obligatory future marker, uch a Mandarin, make people accumulate more retirement aet, moke le, e某ercie more, and generally be healthier in older age. Countrie national aving rate are alo affected by language. Having a larger proportion of people peaking language that doe not have obligatory future marker make national aving rate higher.选项47. The tructure of language influence u when we are making a judgment or deciion about the future.48. Speaking a language that ha obligatory future marker and being unemployed nearly hare the ame percentage of decreaing the likelihood of aving.49. According to the well-known marhmallow tudie, people who can reit temptation tend to be ucceful in the future.50. People who peak language like Englih are more likely to feel that the future event are ditant.51. National aving rate of countrie are influenced by language a well.52. In Chen recent reearch, people who peak language in which the preent and the future are weakly ditinguihed are more prepared for the future.53. Recent finding how that it i poible to improve future-oriented behavior through making the future feel cloer to the preent.54. Through imple intervention, Ellen Langer and colleague made the phyical health of the older people changed for the better.55. Chen made an analyi of individual-level tatitic from 76 developed and developing nation.答案46.C47.A解析:题干意为,语言结构会在我们做出一个关乎未来的判断或决定时对我们产生影响。注意抓住题干中的关键信息the tructure of language、judgement or deciion和the furore。文中A段即提出本文论题:语言是否会决定我们未来的健康和财富该段接下来的内容则对此论题给予了肯定陈述,该段末句提到,语言结构会影响我们对未来的判断和决定,而这可能会产生极其长远的影响。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为A。48.G解析:题干意为,使用必须明确表明未来的语言和失业在降低人们为将来储蓄的可能性方面的作用近乎相同。注意抓住题干中的关键信息a language that ha obligatory future marker、being unemployed和 decreaing the likelihood of aving。文中论述语言和失业与个人储蓄率之间关系的内容出现在G段,该段第三句和第四句提到.使用像英语这种必须明确表明未来的语言使得人们为未来储蓄的可能性降低了三成,这样一种影响跟失业的影响差不多。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为G。49.B解析:题干意为,依据著名的棉花糖实验,能够抵御诱惑的人趋向于在未来取得成功。注意抓住题干中的关键信息marhmallow tudie、reit temptation和to be ucceful in the future。文章的8段描述了著名的棉花糖实验,该段第二句提到,由WalterMichel和他的同事们一起进行的著名的棉花糖实验表明:能够抵御诱惑预示着未来的成功。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为B。50.E解析:题干意为,使用英语之类的语言的人很容易认为未来的事情很遥远。注意抓住题干中的关键信息languagelikeEnglih和thefuture event are ditant。文中涉及英语等不同语种对人感知未来远近产生影响的内容出现在E段,该段倒数第三句提到,诸如英语这样的语言会不断地提醒其使用者未来是很遥远的。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为E。51.H解析:题干意为,各个国家的国民储蓄率也受到语言的影响。注意抓住题干中的关键信息national aving rateofcountrie和influencedbylanguage。文中第H段论述了语言对国民储蓄率的影响,该段第二句提到,语言同样也影响着一个国家的国民储蓄率。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为H。52.D解析:题干意为,在Chen最近的研究中,那些使用不明显区分现在和未来的语言的人能够更好地为将来做好准备。注意抓住题干中的关键信息Chen recent reearch、weakly ditinguihed和more prepared forthefuture。文章D段介绍了Chert的最新研究成果,该段第四句提到,使用不太区分现在和未来的语言的人对未来准备得更充分。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为D。53.I解析:题干意为,最近的研究发现,通过让未来显得离现在更近也许可以改善人们针对未来的表现。注意抓住题干中的关键信息recent finding、improve futureoriented behavior和feel cloer。文章的l段论述了科学家们试图寻找方法,使人们更多地考虑长远利益。该段第二句提到,近期的研究发现,让未来显得离现在更近也许可以改善人们针对未来的行为表现。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为I。54.J解析:题干意为,通过简单的干预,EllenLanger和同事们让老年人的身体健康状况得到改善。注意抓住题干中的关键信息imple intervention、Ellen Langer and colleague和phyical health。涉及通过简单干预改善老人身体健康的内容出现在J段,该段第三句提到,EllenLanger和她的同事们通过简单的干预极大地改善了老年人的身体健康。这些干预手段包括让他们谈论20年前的事情,就像那些事情现在正在发生一样。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为J。55.F解析:题干意为,Chen对来自76个发达国家和发展中国家的个人层面的数据进行了分析。注意抓住题干中的关键信息analyi of individuallevel tatitic和76 developed and developing nation。文中涉及Chen所分析的数据的内容出现在F段,该段首句提到,Chen分析了来自76个发达国家和发展中国家的个人层面的数据。由此可见,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为F。