文本为Word版本,下载可任意编辑关于小升初寒假学习计划范文()(3篇) 时间流逝得如此之快,我们的工作又迈入新的阶段,请一起努力,写一份计划吧。相信许多人会觉得计划很难写?那么下面我就给大家讲一讲计划书怎么写才比较好,我们一起来看一看吧。 关于小升初寒假学习计划范文(推荐)一 您好! 我是*大学实验学校五(#)班的一名学生,姓*名*,父母还特别给我起了一个“字”,叫,据说现在的人大都不用“字”了,上海*区人,籍贯江苏,20xx年2月*日生。健康进取、兴趣广泛,现担任大队长、班长、课代表等职,学习成绩优异。 从小爸爸就教我读一些励志的诗。其中“挽弓当挽强,用箭当用长”,“将相本无种,男儿当自强”等振奋人心的诗句,一直都深深地烙在我的脑海。因而,我期望在我的一生里,能读好书、行好事、结好友、做好人,进入好的学校,学好本领,长大好为国家和社会多做点好的事情,所以在各方面我都很努力,父母也非常支持、鼓励我。在读小学的近五年时间里,我不仅各科成绩优秀,还几乎一直都在担任大队长、班长、课代表、广播台副台长等职,成为老师的小助手,同学的领头兵。课外,我也积极学习和实践,先后参加了小记者、奥数、写作、英语等培训班的辅导,掌握了更多的知识和技能。在汶川地震和上海世博期间,多次走向市区、街道、场馆,进行募捐或采访。文体方面,我较擅长钢琴,读过书法、围棋,喜欢足球、乒乓等,我希望自己能像父母所希冀的那样一专多能、全面发展,将来成为国家的有用之材。为此,我一直在努力着 同时,我也认识到,除了学问和能力,一个人的品质和修养也是十分重要的,甚至是更加重要的。所以,我尊敬师长、团结同学、遵守纪律、助人为乐,从不惹人骂人、不调皮捣乱、不搞恶作剧,老师和同学因此都很喜欢我。 不过,我不是没有缺点,我性格上的文静和腼腆,有时使我在处理班级工作时不能完全放开手脚,但我相信,通过锻炼,我一定能克服这一不足,毕竟进步和提高,就是不断战胜自己、排除困难,取长补短、勇往直前的过程。 真的是日月如梭,转眼就要小升初了。耳闻贵校师资坚强,学风纯正,教育特色,远近驰名。早已心驰神往。在这即将升学的关键一步,我十分希望能有幸进入贵校进行更好的学习,实现我美好的愿望。如被录取,我将一定再接再厉、尽力为学校争光! 多谢老师考虑。 关于小升初寒假学习计划范文(推荐)二 我是个活泼可爱、外向开朗的女孩,从来不扭捏造作。我待人诚恳、尊师爱长、聪明热情、团结同学,通常成为同学之间感情沟通的桥梁,多次评选为班里的爱心天使;我热爱集体,乐于助人,挚爱公益活动,特别在奥运会期间利用课余时间到繁华区域,发挥我的英语交际能力对外国友人做一些微薄的服务性工作,并获得社区奥运志愿者光荣称号。我热爱学习,积极参加学而思的数学、语文教学培训。我酷爱英语,擅长口语交际,曽荣获北京市英语考试一级证书、英语口语等级考试四、五级证书(六级证书等待中),至今仍在杰睿英语培训部继续就读。 我是一个活泼开朗的阳光男孩。在家里,我是妈妈的小帮手,我经常帮助妈妈拖地、洗碗。在学校,我是老师的好学生,是同学的好朋友。我总是积极参加学校的各种活动,我也乐于帮助同学。所以,在班级组织活动或者同学们需要帮助的时候,老师和同学们总是会想到我。比如出黑板报、大扫除、帮同学代买书本文具等等。在课堂上,我总是积极举手发言,从不胆怯。我还当过升旗手,每当我把鲜红的五星红旗冉冉升起时,我就感到无比的骄傲-我是中国人。通过努力,我在各方面的学习都取得了很大的进步,同时也获得了很多奖励和证书。在学校每年举办的体育比赛中我都获得了前三名的好成绩;还多次被评为教学活动积极分子;xx年参加“爱满天下杯”第五届全国中小学创意作文大赛获得三等奖。 我热爱学习,思维活跃,待人诚恳,助人为乐,是一个德智体三方面成绩优秀的学生,我不满足课内的学习,从四年级开始报了学而思的奥数班,并成绩优秀。 我不喜欢死读书,把自己困在课桌前、埋在题海里,我的数学成绩可达到班里前三名,英语、语文成绩可达到前五名。我的爱好也很广泛,有围棋、军棋、象棋、游泳、羽毛球、乒乓球、有大号、计算机等,还喜欢集邮。其中我的大号是最棒的,达到了八级以上的水平,是乐团的声部长。 小升初简历是准小升初同学进入重点中学的敲门砖,以下是一位家长制作简历的亲身经历: 本来我做的简历就是一份个人简介和一摞证件复印件夹在一起,滴沥当啷的一叠,就想托有位过来人朋友送到某校去,当时朋友一看就把简历打了回来命我重做,说中学收到的简历恐怕房间里、桌子上堆得到处都是,你这样散乱着夹子松了掉满地可能人家都不知道怎么捡,应该贴张照片、装订一下、做个封面以示重视。所以后来我又趁机简化了内容并贴了个透明封皮。 我感觉写简介就是王婆卖瓜的过程,应充分总结并尽量在醒目位置写出优点:)。这个自然不难,因为俗话说老公是别人的好、孩子是自己的好,孩子的优点早都已经拿放大镜检查、用乘法统计过了:)当然也不可粗心或生造(在第一版简介中我潜意识里倾向性粗心吧,但不是故意,把北京市海淀区航模一等奖写漏了海淀区成了北京市,很不好意思后来补送过一个修改版)。总之,写简历的几点注意事项:一是保留好孩子小学高年级的各种证件证书,二是简略并突出重点,让人一目了然,三是加照片、装订、封面。 关于小升初寒假学习计划范文(推荐)三 悲观些看成功,乐观些看失败。轻松些看自己,宽容些看别人。不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。以下是本站为大家整理的小升初备考英语试卷及答案 希望对大家考试有帮助。 一、单词辨音 找出每组单词中划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分) 1. ( ) a. third b. circle c. turn d. saturday2. ( ) a. colour b. pencil c. can d. cake3. ( ) a. know b. brown c. low d. window4. ( ) a. cook b. good c. food d. look5. ( ) a. season b. please c. eat d. great6. ( ) a. elephant b. eleven c. evening d. envelope二、单项选择 从下列每小题a、b、c三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( )1、they are reading about an english boy _ the newspaper.a. on b. at c. in( )2、can i have _ postcards?a. any b. a c. some( )3、who do you want to _?a. write b. write to c. writing( )4、i _ lots of people in the park yesterday afternoon.a. saw b. see c. am seeing( )5、yang ling and i _ have the same hobbies.a. all b. both c. are( )6、you _ me about it yesterday.a. tell b. told c. talked( )7、are you going to take part _ the meeting?a. on b. at c. in( )8、there _ a concert in the school tomorrow.a. is b. are c. have( )9、which season do you like _?a. better b. good c. best( )10、the car is _ than the old one.a. nice b. nicer c. very nice三、英汉词组互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. by the way _ 2. a quarter to one _3. do more exercise _ 4. of course _5. 去散步 _ 6. 在公共汽车站_7. 在秋季 _ 8. 上课;有课 _9. 写一封信 _ 10. 下个星期 _四、单词填空 从所给的句子中选出一个符合题意的单词,使句子完整。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. the students are listening to the teacher _ (quiet)in class.2. whose comb is this? it"s _ (she), i think.3. it"s 2:00 in the afternoon. the children _(make) a kite.4. let usgo and join _ (they).5. that girl can _ (sing) french songs.6. what is in the basket? there _(be) some apples in it. (be)7. how many _ (read) rooms are there in this building?8. miss li lives on the _ (two) floor in this building. sister likes _ (run) very much. 10. helen _ (pick) many apples on the farm last week.五、句型转换 将下列句子按要求改写。(共6小题,每小题1.5分.,满分9分) does well in maths. (改为否定句) 2.i know his telephone number. (改为一般疑问句)3.i get up at six thirty every day. (用yesterday morning 替代every day) are going to see a film tomorrow. (对画线部分提问) is an english girl. (变为复数) 6. the, like, what, weather, june, is, in (?)_?六、完成句子 根据所给的中文意思,完成其英文句子。(每空一词,每词0.5分,满分10分)1. jack只有四岁但他总是有许多的问题。jack is only _ years old but he _ has a lot of _.2. - tom比你跑得快吗?- 是的。不过他比janny跑得慢。- _ tom _ _ than you?- yes, he _ . but he _ _ than janny.3. 今天是运动日。所有的学生都很兴奋。su hai 和su yang 正在看跑步比赛。it is sports day. _ the students are very _. su hai and su yang are _ the running race.4.春天天气暖和。树变绿。it is _ in spring. the trees turn _.5你可以在电影院前乘8路公交车。you can_bus no. 8_ _ _the cinema.6. su yang比我小了二十分钟。su yang is 20 minutes _ than _.七、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(a)mr. green is an englishman. he is a teacher. he teaches english in no.15 middle school in beijing. he likes teaching a lot. he goes to work by school bus every morningthere are fifty students in his class. he speaks english with them in class. he plays games with them after class. he likes them very much. and his students love him, too. they are good friends.判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用""表示,不相符的用"×"表示。( )1. mr. green is canadian.( )2. he likes teaching very much.( )3. he goes to work by bike every morning.( )4. he speaks chinese in class.( )5. he likes his students very much.(b)this is a picture of a family. the grandmother"s name is harry smith. the grandfather"s name is jean smith. they are very old. they are americans. the father"s name is lake smith. he is 44. the mother"s name is kate smith. she is 40. they have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen. the son"s name is john smith and the daughter"s mane is mary smith. they are students of no.12 middle school. kate is a teacher of the same school. lake is a policeman. it"s a very good family.( )1. lake smith"s parents are .a. americans b. american c. america( )2. john"s father is .a. 44 b. 40 c. very old( )3. mary"s mother is a .a. teacher b. policeman c. doctor( )4. they are in the school.a. some b. same c. any( )5. the family has children.a. six b. two c. four八、写作.(15分)以my family为题,写一篇不少于5个句子的作文 答案 一、dbbcdc二、ccbab,bcacb三、1. 顺便说 2. 12:45 3.做更多的练习运动 4.当然 5. go for a walk 6. at the bus stop 7. in autumn 8. have school 9. write a letter 10. next week四、1. quietly 2. hers 3. are making 4. them 5. sing6. are 7. reading 8. second 9. running 10. picked五、1. he doesn"t do well in maths.2. do you know his telephone number?3. i got up at six thirty yesterday morning.4. what are they going to do tomorrow?5. they are english girls.6. what is the weather like in june?六、1. four, always, questions 2. does, run, faster, does, runs, slower3. all, excited, watching 4. warm, green 5. take, in front of 6. younger, me七、×××,aaabb小升初英语试卷真题六年级英语小升初试卷 第 13 页 共 13 页