中英文导游词范文中英文导游词范文 篇1都江堰水利工程充分利用当地西北高、东南低的地理条件,根据江河出山口处特殊的地形、水脉、水势,乘势利导,无坝引水,自流灌溉,使堤防、分水、泄洪、排沙、控流相互依存,共为体系,保证了防洪、灌溉、水运和社会用水综合效益的充分发挥。都江堰建成后,成都平原沃野千里,“水旱从人,不知饥馑,时无荒年,谓之天府”。四川的经济文化有很大发展。其最伟大之处是建堰两千多年来经久不衰,而且发挥着愈来愈大的效益。都江堰的创建,以不破坏自然资源,充分利用自然资源为人类服务为前提,变害为利,使人、地、水三者高度协调统一。都江堰渠首枢纽主要由鱼嘴、飞沙堰、宝瓶口三大主体工程构成。三者有机配合,相互制约,协调运行,引水灌田,分洪减灾,具有“分四六,平潦旱”的功效。Dujiangyan water conservancy project makes full use of local geographical conditions of high northwest, southeast low, according to the mountain rivers in special terrain, water vein, water potential, return pattern, no dam diversion, gravity irrigation, the embankment, water, water, sand, curtains on interdependence, for system, to ensure the water flood control, irrigation, water transportation and social comprehensive benefits into full play. After the completion of dujiangyan, the chengdu plain lies thousands of miles, "province.with from people, do not know famine, when no famine," tianfu ". Culture has a great development of the economy in sichuan province. Its greatest dam was built two thousand years enduring, and it plays a more and more big. Dujiangyan to create, in order to does not destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit, make the person, the land, water three highly harmonious and unified.Hub of dujiangyan irrigation system is mainly composed of fish mouth, fly sand dam, BaoPingKou three major projects. All organic coordination and restraining each other, coordinated operation, water diversion irrigation fields, the flood disaster reduction, with the effect of "hexagon, flat flow drought".中英文导游词范文 篇2各位游客:大家好!我是流星旅行社的导游,我有幸可以陪大家一起去参观,我感到特别高兴,希望能和大家一起度过这一段美好时光。秦兵马俑在我国西安临潼出土,今天我要带你们去参观这一大奇迹。我们现处的是1号坑,也是3个俑坑中最大的一个。坑内大约有8000个俑。它东西长230米,北南宽62米,总面积为14260平方米。你看,那一排排一列列的兵马俑多整齐呀!看这气势,真像秦始皇当年统领大军,南北征战呀!将军俑身材魁梧,头顶战冠,身披铠甲。那威风凛凛的样子,一看就知道刚打完一场胜仗。武士俑一般高1.8米,体格强健,手握兵刀,全副武装。那么骑兵呢?别急,骑士俑更威风,因为它骑了匹马呢!.好了,今天的浏览到此结束,祝你们今天好,明天好,现在好,年年好,来点掌声好不好?!Dear visitors:Everybody is good! I am a meteor travel guide, I can accompany you to visit together, I feel particularly happy, hope to be able to and this a good time we spent together.Qin Terra Cotta Warriors in xi 'an lintong unearthed in China, today I want to take you to visit this miracle.We are now in no. 1 pit, is also the largest of three pits at a. Pit, there are about 8000 figures. It is 230 meters long, north-south width of 62 meters, with a total area of 14260 square meters. You see, the rows of neat rows of terracotta warriors more! Look at the imposing manner, like qin shihuang that year at the head of the army, the north and the south in!The general burly, head crown, wearing armor. The great power that knew had just finished a victory.The height 1.8 meters, the warriors, robust frame hand knife, armed to the teeth.The cavalry? Don't worry, the knight more power and prestige, because it is riding a horse! . .Well, today's browse to this end, I wish you good today, tomorrow is good, good, now good year after year, like some applause? !中英文导游词范文 篇3各位游客们。大家好!我是你们游览丽江古城的导游。我很高兴能与大家共渡这快乐时光!我姓张。大家可以叫我张导游。请大家跟我来。这里是丽江古城。我先给大家简单介绍一下丽江古城。丽江古城又名大研镇,坐落在丽江坝中部,称为“保存最为完好的四大古城”之一。它是中国历史文化名城中唯一没有城墙的古城。丽江古城地处云贵高原,海拔2400余米,全城面积达3。8平方公里,自古就是远近闻名的集市和重镇。古城现有居民6200多户,25000余人。其中,纳西族占总人口绝大多数,有30%的居民仍在从事以铜银器制作、皮毛皮革、纺织、酿造业为主的传统手工业和商业活动。好了,现在大家跟我进古城看看。丽江古城是一座没有城墙的古城,大研古城是一座具有浓烈人文气息的小城。丽江古城内的街道依山傍水修建,铺的大多都是红色角砾岩,雨季不会泥泞、旱季也不会飞灰,石上花纹图案自然雅致。看,光滑洁净的青石板路、完全手工建造的土木结构的房屋、无处不在的小桥流水。前面就是古城中心的四方街了。这里工艺品琳琅满目。人气兴旺。来古城没有不来四方街的。位于古城与新城交界处的大水车是丽江古城的标志,古城大水车旁有一块大屏幕,每日播放的歌曲即是古城最受欢迎最有特色的歌曲,其中纳西净地是较为出名的歌曲之一。现在给大家十分钟拍个照吧,你一定感觉很好的!在丽江古城区,修建有桥梁354座,其密度为平均每平方公里93座。桥梁的形制多种多样,较着名的有锁翠桥、大石桥古城内的木府原为丽江世袭土司木氏的衙署。五凤楼始建于明代万历二十九年(公元1620xx年),楼高20米。因其建筑形制酷似五只飞来的彩凤,故名“五凤楼”。这里还有白沙民居建筑、群束河民居建筑群一会大家自由参观吧。丽江古城历史悠久,古朴自然。城市布局错落有致,既具有山城风貌,又富于水乡韵味。丽江民居既融和了汉、白、彝、藏各民族精华,又有纳西族的独特风采,很独特吧!今天的旅途到此结束了,祝大家旅途愉快。Dear visitors. Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide. I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang. You can call me a guide.Please come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. I'll give you a brief introduction of lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is the only ancient city without walls in China's famous historical and cultural city. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and business activities.Ok, now you give me into the city to see.Lijiang is an ancient city without walls, dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town.Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won't fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance. Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges.Is in front of the old city center square street. Full of beautiful things in this arts and crafts. Sentiment towards prosperity. Shouldn't have come to city square street. Large water wheel on the border between ancient city and new city is the symbol of the ancient city of lijiang, near the ancient city of large water wheel has a large screen, daily broadcast songs is the special features of the most popular songs, including "naxi net to" is one of the more famous songs. Now let's take a picture give you ten minutes, you must feel good!In lijiang ancient city, built 354 Bridges, the density of the average per 93 square kilometers. Shape, a variety of Bridges, a famous cui bridge, a lock in.Lijiang ancient town of mu's residence was hereditary wood's yamen toast. Five phoenix tower was built in the Ming dynasty wanli twenty-nine years (AD 1601), the building of which was 20 metres high. Because of its architectural form like five flying colourful feng, so the name "the five-phoenix towers". There is white sand local-style dwelling houses building, a group of beam river residential buildings. For a moment you free for a visit.Lijiang has a long history, natural style. City layout strewn at random have send, already have mountain view, and abound of lasting appeal. Lijiang residence is harmony the han, bai, yi, Tibetan ethnic essence, and has a unique style of the naxi nationality, is very unique!Today it is the end of the journey, I wish you all a pleasant journey.中英文导游词范文 篇4大家好,我叫徐向宇,大家可以叫我小徐或徐导,很高兴担任这次黄山之旅的导游,大家要记住不要乱涂乱画,不要乱扔垃圾,要跟紧我。现在我们开始出发了。看,这就是“黄山四绝”中第一绝:奇松。黄山延绵数百里,千峰万壑,比比皆是。最著名的黄山松有:迎客松、送客松、蒲团松、黑虎松、探海松、卧龙松、团结松、龙爪松、竖琴松、陪客松这就是黄山的十大名松。下一个景点是“四绝”之二,请游客们跟我走,登山途中,请大家注意安全。游客们请止步,请大家往我身后看,那些巨石就是“四绝”之二:怪石。黄山“四绝”之中的怪石,以奇取胜,以多著称,已被命名的怪石有120多处。大家顺我的手指向那边看,那就是“猴子观海”,远看去就是一个猴子在向下观望云海。除了“猴子观海”还有“仙桃石”、“仙人指路”、“金鸡叫天都”等奇石。游客们,我们往那看,那里便是“四绝”之三,云海。自古黄山云成海,黄山是云雾之乡,以峰为体,以云为衣。黄山的云海冬季最为壮观,人们为云海美景而奔波,称为“赶海”。我们再来看这“四绝”之四:温泉。温泉(古称汤泉),源出海拨850米的紫云峰,可饮可浴,传说轩辕皇帝就是在此沐浴七七四十九日得返老还童,羽化飞天的。游客们,我们来到了“人字瀑”, “人字瀑”又名飞雨泉,危岩百丈。我们再看那儿,那边还有“九龙瀑”、“百丈瀑”等等。黄山值得介绍的地方很多很多,我这儿不一一介绍了,留着让你们自己观察吧!Hello everyone, my name is xiang-yu xu, or you can call me "xu xu, glad to serve as the huangshan tour guide, graffito of the scribble you remember don't, don't litter, to closely to me. Now we begin to set out.Look, this is the first special skill: in "four unique" huangshan pines. Huangshan over hundreds of miles, thousands of peak mountains and valleys abound. The most famous of pinus Chinese Taiwanensis: guest-greeting pine, fujian, futon, black tiger come loose loose, creeping, wolong pine, unity, African pine, harp, partiesthat come loose - this is the 10 names of huangshan pine. The next scenic spot is the "four unique" another, please visitors and follow me, climbing mountains on the way, please pay attention to safety.Visitors please stop, please everyone to look behind me, the stone is the "four unique" 2: peak. The peak of huangshan mountain "four unique", in order to win, is famous for its many, there are more than 120 have been named after the peak. You arrange my fingers looked over there, that is "monkey view of the sea", far look is a monkey looking down in a sea of clouds. In addition to the "monkey view of the sea" and "peach stone", "fairy directions", "golden days" and other stone.Visitors, we to look that, there is the "four unique" 3, sea of clouds. Huangshan huangshan clouds into the sea since ancient times, is the hometown of clouds, with peak as the body, with clouds. Huangshan sea of clouds in winter, the most spectacular people to travel to the sea scenery, known as "beach combing".Let's look at four of the "four unique" : hot springs. Hot springs (called essence), source of either altitude 850 meters, ziyun peak can drink can bath, here is the legend xuanyuan emperor bathing the 774 19 rejuvenation, the butterflies are flying.Tourists, we came to the "organ", "human organ" aka raindance springs, baizhang dangerous rock. We'll look at that. There are "Kowloon organ", "baizhang waterfall" and so on. Huangshan worthy of introduced a lot, I am here not introduce one by one, has let you watch yourself!中英文导游词范文 篇5Hello, everyone! Welcome to Shanghai. I'm a tour guide of Shanghai travelagency. You can call me Xiao X or director X. Now, we are in the Bund area.Next, I'd like to give you an overview of the Bund tourist area.The Bund tourist area is located at the junction of Huangpu River andSuzhou River in the mother river of Shanghai. It looks across the river from thePearl River scenic spot in Pudong. It is located on the 1300 sides of theZhongshan East Road.The main tourist attractions in the Bund are known as the highest customsbuilding in the "World Architecture Expo". The largest building in the Bund isthe HSBC building with the largest width, the largest and the largest volume.The Bank of China Building and the outer white bridge are full of Chineseelements, the mother river, the Yellow River Pujiang, the Whampoa Park inShanghai, and the four square completed on the eve of World Expo. (thesurrounding attractions include Broadway building and Bund source which isundergoing comprehensive renovation. )The Bund, formerly known as "Huangpu Beach", was a beach along the river inthe northeast of Chengxiang, Shanghai. After the opening of Shanghai port in1843, the first British Consul in Shanghai, Balfour, took a fancy to this place.In 1845, according to the so-called "Shanghai land charter" published byShanghai Daotai, 800 mu of land including the Bund was designated as the Britishconcession, and the roads along the river were called "Huangpu Road and HuangpuBeach Road". Around the beginning of last century, there were domestic andforeign banks moving in, and gradually developed into "Oriental Wall Street". Itwas not until 1945 that it was renamed zhongshangdong 1st road.After liberation, especially in the 1990s and the eve of the World Expo20_, the Bund experienced two large-scale transformation. It is worthmentioning that: after the transformation on the eve of the World Expo, the Bundtourist area has comprehensively improved the environmental quality of the Bundwaterfront area, highlighted the historical and cultural features of "universalarchitecture", and fully interpreted the theme of "Better City, better life",making the Bund the most iconic and classic urban landscape area inShanghai.In 20_, the Bund tourist area was named "Bund morning bell" and was ratedas one of the "Eight Sights on new Shanghai".In a word, we can say that the Bund tourist area is a classic scenic spotin Shanghai urban tourism, which integrates human landscape and naturallandscape, complements western classical customs and Chinese modern customs. Itis a must for domestic and foreign tourists to visit Shanghai.Good, ladies and gentlemen. Due to the time limit, the general situation ofthe Bund tourist area is here for the time being. Next, let's visit the scenicspots.各位游客,大家好!欢迎大家光临上海。我是上海旅行社的导游,大家可以叫我小X,或者X导。现在,我们来到了外滩游览区。下面,我先把外滩游览区的概况跟大家介绍一下。外滩游览区位于上海的母亲河黄浦江和苏州河的交汇处、与浦东的东方明珠游览区隔江相望,它北起外白渡桥,南至延安东路全长1300米的中山东一路两侧区域。外滩游览区的主要景点有被誉为"万国建筑博览群"中最高的海关大楼,在外滩门面最宽、占地最广、体量最大的汇丰银行大楼,充满中华元素的中国银行大楼和外白渡桥,以及上海的母亲河黄浦江、黄埔公园,还有世博会前夕竣工的四大广场。(周边的景点有百老汇大厦和正在进行综合改造的外滩源。)外滩,原来是上海城厢外东北面的沿江滩地,俗称"黄浦滩"。1843年上海开埠后,英国第一任驻沪领事巴富尔看中了这块地方,就在1845年以上海道台公布的所谓"上海土地章程"为依据,划定外滩在内的800亩土地为英租界,沿江开筑道路称"黄浦路、黄埔滩路"。上世纪初前后,就有国内外银行入住,并逐步发展成为"东方的华尔街"。直到1945年,才改名为中山东一路。解放后,特别是20世纪90年代和20_年世博会前夕外滩经历了两次大规模的改造。值得一提的是:经过世博会前夕的改造,外滩游览区全面提升了外滩滨水区域的环境品质、更加凸显了"万国建筑"的历史文化风貌和特色、充分演绎了"城市,让生活更美好"的世博会主题,使外滩成为上海最具标志性、最经典的城市景观区域。20_年,外滩游览区以"外滩晨钟"之名,被评为"新沪上八景"之一。总之,我们说:外滩游览区集人文景观和自然景观于一体、西方古典风情和中国现代风情相得益彰,是上海都市旅游中经久不衰的经典旅游景区。是国内外游客到上海游览必到的一个旅游景点。好,各位游客。由于时间关系,有关外滩游览区的概况就暂时说到这里。下面,我们就去参观景点吧。中英文导游词范文 篇6云南丽江,一个历史悠久,风景如画的小城,丽江古城的所在地。我们乘车从机场来到了丽江新城,在一个旅馆里住下了,那天,我们没有去古城,只是站在窗边远远地眺望着那一幢幢的小房子。它们在夜幕下显得那么安静,不发出一丁点的声音;它们又是那么古朴,依稀看得见历史的足迹;它们还那么迷人,白墙黑瓦的古老小屋,远远望去,在高楼大厦之间显得那么得低矮,从窗户的玻璃后透出了油灯若明若暗的亮光,没过多少时间,灯渐渐熄了。第二天,当东方露出了鱼肚白,晨曦的微光照耀着还没被唤醒的丽江古城,被稀薄的淡雾笼罩着的一切还是那么得宁静,只是偶尔有几阵微风吹得青草“哗哗”响,吹得小溪“丁冬”地流,吹得树叶“唰唰”地摇。一会儿工夫,太阳蹿上了高高的山头,古城也热闹起来了,家家户户都打开了“吱吱嘎嘎”响的木门,游客们也涌进了迷宫似的丽江古城。我也随着人群,随着一条潺潺流动的小溪,进入了古城。第一次进入秀丽的的古城中,第一次亲密接触这古老的地方,我感到既新奇又兴奋,也特别仔细地看了这儿的景色。在宽阔的大街上,铺着光滑的石板,经过了历史的风霜雨雪,经过了许多人的踩踏,石头的棱角已经变得十分得光滑,踩在上面一不小心就要摔倒了。在石板路旁,有一条清澈的小溪流,流遍了整个古城,也是走出这个大“迷宫”的重要路标。再说这一幢幢低矮而朴素的小房子,斑驳的墙上有各种各样的印子,有深浅不一的磕痕,有交叉着的鞋印,也有方向不一的许多划痕。屋顶上铺着破旧的黑色瓦片,一下子就看得出那是很久以前的东西了。一切都散发着一股浓郁的历史的香气。Lijiang, yunnan, a long history, a picturesque town, the seat of the old town of lijiang.We went to lijiang city bus from the airport, stay in a hotel, that day, we didn't go to the ancient city, only stood at the window looking out over the towering at a small house. They are under the night is so quiet, not the slightest sound. They are so simple, vaguely see the footprint of the history; They are so charming, white wall HeiWa ancient house, from a distance, between the high-rise buildings seem so low, almost imperceptible fineness from the glass of the window after give the lamp light, not too much time, gradually the light went out.The next day, when the east out of, the sky was a fish-belly grey on has not been the half-light of the morning wake up the old town of lijiang, all covered with thin thin fog still so quiet, only occasionally a few array breeze blown grass "abundance" ring, "ding ding" blown stream flow, blowing leaves "shua shua" shake. In a few minutes, t