2019年广西民族大学综合考试考研真题A卷一、名词解释(每小题5分,共6小题,共30分)1.石牌制2.文化模式3.民族识别4.干栏建筑5.图腾崇拜6.追踪调查二、简答题(每小题12分,共5小题,共60分)1.民族区域自治政策有哪些优越性?2.简述斯大林的民族定义四要素。3.谈谈你对主位研究和客位研究的理解。4.简述刀耕火种的生计方式。5.简述民族问题五种丛书的种类。三、论述题(每小题20分,共2小题,共40分)1.试述1978年以来中国民族学发生的重大变化以及四十年来的发展分期。2.试述民族学田野调查的具体方法,并分别进行介绍。四、请将以下英文翻译成中文(每小题 10 分,共 2 小题,共 20 分)1. The word ethnic is derived from the Greek work ethnikos, which translates to mean “ nations ” in English. The word was initially applied to European immigrants such as the Italians, Germans, Poles, and other national groups who came to the United States in large numbers, especially between 1900 and 1925. Today, ethnicity is given a wider definition and many also refer to group membership based on religion, language, or region. Using the word in this sense, Jews, Mormons, Latinos, and white Southerners can be considered ethnic groups.2. The term culture means different things to different people. In the minds of many people, it is associated with such activities as attending the opera, Listening to classical music, and going to art museums. The perspective links culture to the wealthy, affluent, or upper classes and is referred to by some sociologists as elite culture. Thus, according to this definition, relatively few of us have culture. If you wanted to become part of this culture, you might begin by studying Mozart, Rembrandt, and Chaucer.