有关梦想励志英语美文赏析 有关梦想励志英语美文:实现你的梦想 What i your dream What are your goal youve et for yourelf in working to achieve, achieving your dream i never an eay ride. 你的梦想是什么户你给自己定的目标是什么7你去努力实施了吗实现 梦想绝不是一件简单的事情。Lat fall I decided to write a new book for my publiher, writing a book i a challenge goal and I got off to a terrible tart lat October, the writing mut lowing well, that I got ick, in fact I got o ick that I need urgery and recovery period wa a long inability, I didnt know I work from the firt week of November until the econd week of January, by that I wa nervou about meeting the April firt deadline for ummiting with new manual cript to my publiher. 去年秋天,我决定为我的出版商写一本新书。、写书是一个很有挑战 性的目标但我从去年10月一开始就很糟糕。刚动笔时,写得很流畅。但随后我生 病了。事实上,我病得很重。得动手术,在漫长的康复期间,我的身体非常虚弱。从11月的第一周到次年1月的第二周我一直都没有工作。当时,我很焦虑,因为 截稿日期是4月1日,我最迟得在那天把新书的原稿交给出版商。然后,列出将要实施的步骤,以至督促自己达到这三个目标。最后,考虑给自己 一个美好的嘉奖,作为对自己实现梦想的奖励。超越自我,相信自我,给自己一 种紧迫感,对自己说:“现在就开始行动!” 有关梦想英语励志美文:我想成为像父亲一样的人 Bindi Irwin, the 8-year-old daughter of the late "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin, followed in her dad foottep Thurday, uing her American televiion debut to talk about animal.The khaki-clad girl kipped acro the tage holding a blue-tongued lizard a he greeted audience of the "The Ellen DeGenere Show." 年仅八岁的宾蒂,欧文是已过世的“鳄鱼猎”史蒂夫·欧文的女儿。她 追随着父亲的脚步,于周四初次登上美国电视荧屏与人们谈论动物。这个穿着黄 褐色外衣的女孩拿着一只蓝舌头的晰蝎蹦蹦跳跳地跃上舞台,问候了艾伦·德 杰尼勒斯脱口秀的现场观众。"Thi i Spanky. He 10 year old," Bindi told DeGenere a he prodded the lizard to lick her face in an attempt to how it tongue. “它叫史班基,10岁了”宾蒂边告诉德杰尼勒斯边戳晰蝎,让它舔她的 脸,试图向观众们展示晰蝎的舌头。"I jut love animal. My dad really brought it out in me," Bindi aid. "He the one that made me." “我只喜欢动物,爸爸真的把它们带入了我的生活。”宾蒂说,“是他造就了我。” The only footage howing Irwin" death ha now been detroyed, Terri Irwin told TV" "Acce Hollywood" in an interview airing thi week that the tape wa detroyed when it wa no longer needed for the invetigation into hi death. 唯一记录着欧文去世的影片镜头已经被毁掉,泰瑞·欧文在本周一次 公开访谈中对走近好莱坞节目剧组中的工作人员说当已无需再对史蒂夫的死 因进行调查的时候,录像带就被毁了。"There" tandard protocol for e某amining certain evidence and that" no longer neceary, o we"re very proud that Steve" lat documentary i going to air and that" hi lat footage with wildlife," he aid. “我们有审查确凿证据的合法协议,但没那个必要。因此,我们可以 无比自豪地说矛史蒂夫最后的记录影片将被公开播放。这也是最后一个记录他与 野生动物在一起的镜头。“她说。Irwin died while he wa hooting two project, including "Ocean" Deadliet" for the Dicovery Channel. 欧文去世时正在拍摄两部影片,其中一部是提供给发现频道的消失 的大洋。When aked by "Acce Hollywood" about report that he kept that tape, Terri Irwin reponded, "Oh no, all footage ha been detroyed." 当走近好莱坞节目组问起泰瑞像带的相关事宜时,她回答道,“噢, 不被毁了。”欧文有关她保留录所有的影片镜头都毁了。