关于爱情的英语散文优美文字 关于爱情的英语散文:当爱向你们挥手 When love beckon you, follow him, though hi way are hard and tccp. And when hi wing enfold you, yield to him, though the word hidden among hi pinion may wound you. And when he peak to you, believe in him, though hi voice may hatter your dream a the north wind lay wate the garden. 当爱挥手召唤你们时,跟随着它,尽管它的道路艰难而险峻。当它展 翼拥抱你们时,依顺着它,尽管它羽翼中的利刃会伤害你们。当它对你们说话时, 要相信它,尽管它的声音会击碎你的梦,像狂风尽扫园中的花。For even a love crown you o hall he crucify you. Even a he i for your growth o i he for your pruning. Even a he acend to your height and caree your mot tender branche that quiver in the un,o hall he decend to your root and hake them in their clinging to the earth. 爱虽可为你们加冕,也能将你们钉上十字架。它虽可助你们成长,也 能将你们削砍剪刘。它会攀至你们的高处,轻抚你们阳光下颤动的最柔嫩的枝条, 它也会降至你们的根底,动摇你们紧紧依附着大地的根须。To know the pain of too much tenderne. 体会太多温柔带来的痛苦。To be wounded by your own undertanding of love 被自己对爱的体会所伤害。And to bleed willingly andjoyfully. 心甘情愿地淌血 To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thank for another day of loving; 清晨,带着一颗生翼的心醒来,感谢又一个充满爱的日子; To ret at the noon hour and meditate love" ectay; 午休,沉思爱的心醉神怡; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to leep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart. 黄昏,带着感激归家;睡前,为你心中的挚爱祈祷。关于爱情的英语散文:礼轻情深 A tory i told about,a young married couple whoe name are Jim and Dclla. They are poor but very much in love with each other. 有一对夫妻,丈夫叫吉姆,妻子叫黛拉他们生活窘迫,但是彼此深深 相爱. A Chritma approache, Della wonder what to get Jim for C"hritma. She would like to give him a watch chain fur hi gold watch. but ;he doean"t have a enough money. Then he get an idea.She ha beautiful long hair. So Della decide, to cut off her hair and ell it buy the fancy chain for Jim" watch. 圣诞节前,黛拉考虑着该给吉姆买什么样的圣诞礼物她想给他的金表 配一根表链,可钱不够。后来她想到了一个主意。她长有一头漂亮的长发,因此 她决定将长发剪短换钱,这样就可以给吉姆买一根漂亮的表链了。On Chritma Eve he return home, and in her hand i beautiful bo containing a gold watch chain which he purchaed by elling her hair. Suddenly Della begin to worry. She know Jim admired her long hair, and he wonder if he will be diappointed that he cut it ott and old it. 平安夜,拿着一个装有金表表链的礼盒,黛拉向家中走去没错,表链 正是她用卖掉自己的头发的钱买来的。黛拉有些担心,她知道古姆非常喜欢她长 长的秀发,而待会看到她的头发被剪短,他会很失望吗 Della climb the final flight of tair leading to their tiny apartment. She unlock the door and i urpried to find Jim home and waiting for her. In hi hand i a neatly wrapped bo某 containing the gift he purchaed for her. 黛拉在不安中走完了通向他们那面积不大的公寓的最后一级楼梯。打 开门,她惊讶的发现吉姆正在家中等她回家。他手里拿着一个包装精美的盒子, 里面装着的当然是给她的礼物。