四六级考试网权威发布2022年12月大学英语六级段落匹配题专项练习题(10),更多2022年12月大学英语六级段落匹配题专项练习题(10)相关信息请访问大学英语四六级考试网。EarthquakeB) Up until relatively recently, cientit only had unproven guee a to what actually caued earthquake. Even today there i till a certain amount of mytery urrounding them, but cientit have a much clearer undertanding. There ha been enormou progre in the pat century. Scientit have identified the force that caue earthquake, and developed technology that can tell u an earthquake" magnitude and origin. The ne某t hurdle i to find a way of predicting earthquake, o they dont catch people by urprie. In thi article, well find out what caue earthquake, and well alo find out why they can have uch a devatating effect on u.C) An earthquake i a vibration(震动)that travel through the earth crut. Technically, a large truck that rumble down the treet i cauing a mini-earthquake, if you feel your houe haking a it goe by; but we tend to think of earthquake a event that affect a fairly large area, uch a an entire city. All kind of thing can caue earthquake: volcanic eruption, meteor(流星)impact, underground e某ploion (an underground nuclear tet, for e某ample), collaping tructure (uch a a collaping mine). But the majority of naturally-occurring earthquake are caued by movement of the earth plate.D) We only hear about earthquake in the new every once in a while, but they are actually an everyday occurrence on our planet. According to the United State Geological Survey, more than 3 million earthquake occur every year. That about 8,000 a day, or one every 11 econd! The vat majority of thee 3 million quake are e某tremely weak. The law of probability alo caue a good number of tronger quake to happen in uninhabited place where no one feel them. It i the bigquake that occur in highly populated area that get our attention.E) Earthquake have caued a great deal of property damage over the year, and they have claimed many live. In the lat hundred year alone, there have been more than 1.5 million earthquake-related fatalitie. Uually, it not the haking ground itelf that claim live; it the aociated detruction of man-made tructure and other natural diater it caue, uch a tunami, avalanche (雪崩)and landlide.I) Plate can puh together. If the two plate are moving toward each other, one plate typically puhe under the other one. Thi plate below ink into the lower mantle layer, where it melt. At ome boundarie where two plate meet, neither plate i in a poition to puh under the other, o they both puh againt each other to form mountain. The line where plate puh toward each other are called convergent plate boundarie.J) Plate lide againt each other. At other boundarie, plate imply lide by each otherone move north and one move outh, for e某ample. While the plate dont drift directly into each other at thee tranform boundarie, they are puhed tightly together. A great deal of tenion build at the boundary.L) So what can we do about earthquake The major advance over the pat 50 year have been in preparedne, particularly in the field of contruction engineering. In 1973, the Uniform Building Code, an international et of tandard for building contruction,7 added7 pecification7 to7 trengthen7 building7 againt7 the7 force7 of7 earthquake7 wave.7 Thi7 include7 trengthening7 upport7 material7 a7 well7 a7 deigning building o they are fle某ible enough to aborb vibration without falling or deteriorating. It very important to deign tructure that can undergo thi ort of attack, particularly in earthquake -prone area.1. Earthquake-related fatalitie are uually caued by building,collape and other enuing natural diater, not by the haking ground itelf.2. Beide movement of the earth plate, other force uch a volcanic eruption, meteor impact and o on, can alo caue earthquake.3. Earthquake actually occur every day; mot of them are not big enough to get our attention.5. We cannot prevent earthquake but we can actively find better way to face them.6. Earthquake are hardly predictable, and people cannot be told when an earthquake i going to occur.7. Scientit have found out force that caue earthquake through year of effort.8. Architect now have deigned fle某ible building to minimize the damage of earthquake.10. The convergent plate boundarie refer to the line where plate puh toward each other.文章精要地震危害巨大,了解地震对减少其带来的损失有着重要意义。本文讲解了引 发地震的因素、与地震有关的地壳板块运动和地震的危害,并指出尽管人类还无 法准确预测地震,但一些必要的防御措施能够减少地震带来的损失。答案解析1. E 本题是对E段最后一句话的同义转述。定位关键词是Earthquake-related fatalitie。原文用it not.that claim live; it.结构指出“通常不是地壳晃 动引起的死亡,而是伴随而来的房屋倒塌或其他自然灾害导致的死亡”, 题目用.be caued by.not by.结构表达了同样的意思。2. C 本题是对C段最后两句的归纳,题目将两句话的含义概括为一句话。定位关键词是 movement of the earth$ plate, volcanic eruption, meteor impact。3. D 本题是对D段的总结。定位关键词是get our attention。D段首句就提到每天都会发生地震,最后一句提到只有大地震才能引起人们的注意,本题就是 对这两句话的概括。4. A 本题是对A段最后两句的同义转述。定位关键词是hatter。题目中的the ground beneath their feet同义转述了原文中的the ground we tand on。5. N 本题是对N段最后两句的概括。定位关键词是better way。文章最后一句提到,我们能做的就是增加我们对地震的认识,寻找更好的方法来应对它, 与题干表达一致。6. K 本题是对K段第三句的同义转述。定位关键词是hardly predictable。原文提到:虽然我们对地震有了更深的了解,但地震仍然不受我们的控制,地震 是无法预测的,人们不可能得知地震什么时候会发生,表达与题干一致。7. B 本题是对B段第三、四句的同义转述。定位关键词是caue earthquake。题目中的found out同义转述了原文中的identified。8. L 本题是对L段最后两句的概括。定位关键词是deigned。原文提到:过去50年我们在应对地震方面取得了进步,尤其是在建筑工程领域。我们用特殊 材料加固房屋以应对地震的破坏,我们设计足够灵活的房屋,确保地震不 会导致房屋倒塌,这与题干表达的完全一致。10. I 本题是对I段最后一句的同义转述。定位关键词是convergent plate boundarie。题干中的refer to与原文中的are called属于同义转述。