设 计 题 目: 人教版四年级上册Unit3 My Friends教学 学 生 姓 名: 专 业 班 级: 指 导 老 师: 系 部 主 任: 2016年5月 27人教版小学英语教学设计四年级上册Unit3 My FriendsPart A Lets learn目 录附件:毕业设计教材彩色扫描件内容················································31.教学内容分析····································································71.1指导思想与理论基础··························································71.2教学内容·········································································71.3教学对象······································································71.4教学方法······································································81.5教学手段······································································81.6教学目标······································································91.7教学重点······································································91.8教学难点······································································101.9教具准备······································································102.学习者分析···································································103.教学流程图···································································124.教学过程······································································135.板书设计······································································216.评价方式······································································227.教学设计说明···································································238.教学反思······································································25参考文献················································································26致 谢················································································27附件:毕业设计教材彩色扫描件内容Unit3 My friends.Part A Lets learn彩色扫描件内容1. 教学内容分析1.1指导思想与理论基础英语课程标准义务教育阶段具有工具性和人为性双重性质。工具性而言,学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的听、说、读、写技能。人文性提高学生的综合人文素养和创新精神。义务教育阶段英语课程是为了学生发展综合语言运用能力打基础,促进学生的心智发展,形成社会责任感和创新意识。英语学习具有明显的渐进性和续行,需要逐渐积累,按照学生的言语水平及相应的等级要求组织教学和评价活动,为学生创造真实语境中运用言语的机会,通过体验、参观和探究方式,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。英语课程以引导学生形成有效的学习策略和一定的文化意识,培养积极向上的情感态度和价值观为主要的设计思路,面向全体学生,以学生为主体,才能获得最大化的整体教学效益。1.2教学内容a. New words: friends, thin , strong, long, short, and quite.b. Sentences: A:What his/her name? B:His/Her name is Zhang Peng. A:My friend is strong, he/she has short hair. B:Who is he/she? A: He/she name is Zhang Peng. B:Whos your best friend? A:My best friend is Zhang Peng.1.3教学对象湘龙小学四年级(五)班全体学生.1.4教学方法本节课采用以直观教学法和讲授法为主,其它方法为辅助方法。(1) 直观教学法。通过游戏活动教学法和多媒体辅助教学法,用游戏激发学生学习英语的兴趣,训练和形成学生的英语能力。(2) 情景教学法。创设情景,诱导学生积极参与的欲望。运用多媒体或实物创设情境,把日常交际用语和情景对话搬进课堂,营造学习英语的环境,激发其内在主观能动性。(3) 激励法。对学生参与的态度、效果及时适度地进行鼓励性评价,多使用good,wonderful来肯定学生,甚至可以奖励小奖品以利于提高学生主动参与的积极性。1.5教学手段根据学生和本课教材的特点,本课程主要采用了现代教学技术的教学。(1)采用了黑板,写新学的单词和句型,写在黑板上,直观,不像多媒体一样一下而过。 (2) 采用现代教学技术,幻灯片,使学生的多种感官共同参与到整个学习过程中,激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂效率。(3) 采用了单词卡片。1.6教学目标知识目标:(1)四会单词:friends, thin , strong, long, short, and quite.(2)句型:A: Whats his/her name? B: His/Her name is Zhang Peng. A:My friend is strong,he/she has short hair. B:Who is he/she? A: His/her name is Zhang Peng. B:Whos your best friend? A:My best friend is Zhang Peng.能力目标:(1)四会单词:friends, thin , strong, long, short, and quite.(2)能够掌握句型:A: Whats his/her name? B: His/Her name is Zhang Peng. A:My friend is strong. he/she has short hair. B:Who is he/she? A: His/her name is Zhang Peng. B:Whos your best friend? A:My best friend is Zhang Peng.情感目标:(1)在情境中,培养学生感受到友谊之情的美好。(2)培养我国小孩怎么与国外小孩交朋友。1.7教学重点(1)四会单词:friends, thin , strong, long, short, and quite.(2)句型:A: Whats his/her name? B: His/Her name is Zhang Peng. A:My friend is strong, he/she has short hair. B:Who is he/she? A: His/her name is Zhang Peng. B:Whos your best friend? A:My best friend is Zhang Peng.1.8教学难点(1)句型的操练。A: Whats his/her name? B: His/Her name is Zhang Peng. A:My friend is strong,he/she has short hair. B:Who is he/she? A: His/her name is Zhang Peng.B:Whos your best friend? A:My best friend is Zhang Peng.(2)用英文简短的介绍自己的朋友。1.9教具准备黑板、单词卡片、多媒体设备、多媒体课件。2. 学习者分析从心理上来说,四年级学生的年龄在九到十岁左右,处于直观形象思维向抽象逻辑思维过渡的时期,大脑发育正好处于内部结构和功能完善的关键期,生理和心理特点变化明显,是培养学习能力、情绪能力、意志能力和学习习惯的最佳期。同时,四年级的孩子开始从被动的学习主体向主动的学习主体转变,心理发生了明显的转变。从意志上来说,这个阶段的儿童注意不稳定、不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所吸引。另一方面,他们感知事物的特点比较笼统,不精确,往往只注意到一些孤立的现象,看不出事物之间的联系和特点,对时间和空间的概念也比较模糊。字母有时分不清楚,经常看错题。并且有老师指导下还是会出现这些问题。从情感的表现方式来看,四年级的孩子仍然显得情绪比较外露、易激动、不够稳定持久;喜怒哀乐很容易通过面部表情表现出来;从情感反映的内容来看,他们出现了与学习兴趣、学习成绩相联系的理智感;控制情感能力逐步增强。从学习上,这个阶段的学生处于对所学知识的结果不感兴趣,对学习的过程感兴趣,所以教学环节设计要新颖,教学形式和方法要多样化,其中活动教学和多媒体教学能够更好地唤起学生的学习兴趣,大大地提高教学的质量。四年级学生学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说。课堂上,要以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱。多采取活动式教学,营造轻松的学习氛围,更易投入到英语学习中去。问题框架:(1) 学生如何去用高矮胖瘦去介绍朋友?(2) 学学生如何去形容朋友头发的长短?(3) 学生如何去介绍朋友的五官?3. 教学流程图(1) Review the words;(2) Write the words;(3) Read the sentences.Homework:(1) Practice dialoguelets learn; (2) Listen to the song “Friends”;(3) Write new words.Step One: Warm-upStep Five: Homework(1) Greeting;(2) Review words of last class: Instruction Game (nose, eye, ear, mouth, hand, big, small).StepTwo: Presentation(1) New words: friends, thin, strong, long, short, quite;(2) New sentences.Step Three: Practice(1) Game: Look for Friends(2) Role play: Tom and Mom (3) Game: I Say You GuessStep Four: Summary4. 教学过程Teachers ActivityStudents ActivitiyPurpose of DesignStep 1: Warm-up(1)GreetingT: Class begins.Good morning, everyone.T: Sit down, please.Now, Lets play a game together.(2) Review words: T: (Let the teacher tell the rules of the game the ask students to demonstrate).I will introduce the games instruction, if teacher say touch your nose, touch you nose please. If teacher say clap your hands, clap you hands please. If teacher say open your mouth, open you mouth please. Now lets play.T: Any volunteers?T: Ok, good, are you ready?T: Touch your nose.Touch your eyes.Good, clap your hands.Wow, perfect.Open your mouth.T: Well done, lets play game again, shall well?T: Open your mouth.T: Good,clap your hands.T: Good nice, touch your ear, well,touch your nose.T: Beautiful,game time is end. Lets learn some new words.Step 2: Presentation(1) New wordsT: Look at blackboard, the title of we lean today is my friends, lets learn the words-friend, read after me, friend.T: F-r-i-e-n-d, friend.T: Please play a dialogue with your partner , that is to say, you are my friend, look at picture.T: Read after me, friend, friend, friend .T: (Teacher go down)Hello, Lili, your friend, whats her name? T: Good, thank you, sit down please,Jack ,your friend, whats his name?T: Great, thank you, sit down, please.T: Friends are difference, what is the difference between their appearance?T: Right, we can see thin and strong.T: Boys and girls in our class has a thin , also has strong, what do you think?T: Yes, perfect,read after me, thin. T:t-h-i-n, thin.T: read after me, three time, thin,Thin,thin,thin(教师有音调的带领学生读)T:Well done, strong.read after me, strong.T: White with your fingers.S-t-r-o-n-g, strong.T:Strong, read after me, strong.T: Strong, strong, strong.T: Look at me, Miss Peng has long hair.Long,long,long. T: Right,all the boys have short hair, read after me, he has short hair. (老师指着某一位男同学说)T: Well,look at blackboard,read after me, whats his/her name?T: His/Her name is Zhang Peng/ Wendy.T: He/She has short/long hair.T: Perfect,quiet, quiet, quiet.T: Good, lets us learn quiet, read after me, quiet.T: Nice, write youre your fingers q-u-i-e-t, quiet.T: Read after me, three time ,quiet.T: Quiet,quiet,quiet. (有声调的带读.)T: Read after me, She is quite.T: Wonderful!(2) New Sentences:T: Lets open the book on page 28,look at the dialogue.T:Read after me, my friend is strong.T: He has short hair.T: Who is he?T: His name is Zhang Peng.T: Wonderful.T: Look at blackboark, A and B sentences, read after me,T:My friend is strong, he/she has short hair.B: Who is he/she?A: His name is ZhangPeng.A: Whos your best friend?B: My best friend is Zhang Peng.T: Ok,who can try?hand up.T: En.,you please.T: Well done, thank you.Step3 Practice(1) Game: Look for FriendsT: Good, lets play a game to relax.T: Ok, dont worry, Listen to the tape, look for friends.T: According to the content of listening, guess who is our good friend?(Teacher open the PPT, there are four picture above, also is the text of the book.)T: Take out your paper and use your pen to write down the words or sentences hear, so that we can find out friends faster.T: Ok? Are you ready?Text:A: She has long hair, big eyes and ears, she has a small nose and big mouth, shes cute.B:Whos your best friend?T: Did you find our friend?T: Please find classmates do mark, can want to seriously looking for a classmate not found, lets find it.T: Ok? Find it?T: Nice,whos your best friend?T: Volunteers?T: Good, thank you, its four, Add sticker.(2) Role play: Tom and MomT: Look at book, John and Mom, lets do the role-play.T: Work in groups, a person play John or Mom, please wear a headdress.T: Who can try? Any volunteers?T: Ok, you please,lets go.T: Wow, so cute, excellent.add sticker,anyone else?T: Come on, ready? go.T: Thank you, lets give him a big hand.Good, Add sticker.(3) Game: I Say You GuessT: We now to play a game, I said you guess what students said, you have to guess.T: My friend is a boy, hes thin, he likes math, whos he?He is your classmate.who want to go first?ok, you please.T: No, again.T: Yes, thats lovely, Add sticker.T: Next one.She has long hair, she like music, she has orange dress.T: Good job, sit down.Add sticker.T: The last one, they are very cute, they are often on the face with a smile, I love them.T: Uh huh, right, you, my lovely.T: Yes, I think I should Add sticker to everyone.Step4 Summary(1) Review the words:friends, thin, strong, long, short, quite.(2) Write the words:f-r-i-e-n-d-s, s-t-r-o-n-g, s-h-o-r-t, q-u-i-t-e.(3) Read the sentences:Whats his name?T: My friend is strong, he/she has short hair.T: Who is he/she?T: Whos your best friend?Step5: HomeworkT: Fantastic, we study my friends.Todays homework, first, practice dialogue; second, listen to “Friends” song.T: Lets write new words three times( friends, thin, strong, long, short, quite.)T: Have a good time!See you again. Bye.S1: (Stand up.)Ss: Good morning, Miss Peng.Ss: Thank you.Wow, this is a good idea.Ss: (Happy.)Ss: Yes, I want do it.S1: Yes, Im ready.S1: ( Touch your nose.)S1: (Touch your eyes.)S2: (Clap your hands.)S3: (Open your mouth.)Ss: Yes, lets together.Ss: (Open your mouth.)Ss: (Clap your hands.) Ss: (Touch your ear.)(Touch your nose.)Ss: FriendSs: F-r-i-e-n-d, friend.Ss: (You are my friend.)Ss: Friend, friend,friendS1: Her name is Wendy.S2: His name is Xiao Ming.Ss: Tall, short, fat, thinS1: I am thin.S2: I am strong.S3: I am thin.Ss: ThinSs: Tt-h-i-n, thinSs: Thin thin thin .Thin,thin, thin (学生模仿教师读) .Ss: Strong.Ss: S-t-r-o-n-g, strong.Ss: Strong.Ss: Strong ,strong ,strong,Ss: Miss Peng has long hair.Long,long,long. Ss: He has short hair. Ss: Whats his/her name?Ss: His/Her name is Zhang Peng/Wendy.Ss: He/She has short/long hair.Ss: (Ss quiet.)Ss: Quiet.Ss: Q-u-i-e-t, quiet.Ss: Quiet, quiet, quiet.Ss: Quiet, quiet, quiet.(有声调的读.)Ss: She is quite.Ss: (Open page 28)Ss: My friend is strong.Ss: He has short hair.Ss: Who is he?Ss: His name is Zhang Peng.A: My friend is strong, he/she has short hair.B: Who is he/she?A: His/her name is ZhangPeng.A:Whos your best friend?B: My best friend is ZhangPeng.Ss: (Hand up)S1: (Reading)Ss: Wow, I like game. Ss: Yes,Im ready.Ss: (Ss according to the teachers instruction to get a pen and paper ready.)Ss: Yes, Im ready.Ss: Yes, I find it./No, I dontSs: I think I find it.Ss: One/three/one/four.S1: Two.S2: One.S3: Four.S3: Wow, I like.Ss: Year, Im ok.Ss: (Hands up.)S1,S2:John:Mom I have a new friend.Mom: A Chinese friend? A boy?John: Yes, He has short black hair and big eyes.Mom:Whats his name?John:His name is Zhang Peng, look, this is his photo, hes tall.Mom: Hes strong, too.Ss: (hand up)Ss: ( put on a show)Ss: (warm applause)Ss: That sounds interesting.Ss: (They eally confused right about now)S1: Mike?S1: Is Ben?S2: I know.She name is Ann.Ss: I dont now, are we?Ss:Oh, yes, they are ours.Ss:(积极举手)Ss: His name is Zhang Peng.Ss: He name is ZhangPengSs: My best friend is Zhang Peng.Ss: Ok.Ss: Thank you, Miss Peng. Bye. 老师进行问候,为了让学生集中注意力,做好上课准备。引入学生进入课堂,礼仪礼貌的课堂用语问候,让学生进入课堂。正式开始玩指令游戏导入,复习之前所学的一些单词:nose, hands, mouth, eyes, ear。 指令游戏,介绍游戏规则。让学生了解游戏规则才会对游戏感兴趣,隐形中让学生接触英语,融入英语,复习英语,让英语成为学生的小伙伴。把单词参与游戏中复习,让学生更有趣的加入了游戏当中。培养学生的反应能力,进入课堂。partner-friend是近义词。进入新的单词,让学生学习新的知识,直接学习法,单词分身法,语音语调的读法。利用身边的资源,发现身边的资源,运用身边的资源让学生学习。举例子。以描述法让学生锻炼听力,与思维能力,让学生去动脑,综合能力的发展。在交流的过程中,教师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容.老师带领学生有声调的读单词,培养学生的语感。教师与学生互动,增加学习的兴趣度,巩固刚学习的知识。点名回答问题,对个别学生进行检查,同时对还没有答案的同学进行提示。例如,在读单词的时候,听学生的发音,发音不正确的可以纠正。每次单词都是以最简单的方式方法让学生记住,是传统方法和现代教学方法相结合。让学生边拼写边用手指画写,更加的加强对单词的印象。教师有降升调的带读,让学生充分的掌握单词的读音,感受英语的乐趣。句型写在黑板上,带领学生读三遍,画横线的地方单词是可以换的,在接下来的教学中会再讲到。带读完后,检验下学生掌握的情况,先请两个学生读,再请一个学生带读,最后全班一起读。猜猜谁是你的好朋友,学完单词,给学生在游戏中复习所学的单词,加深印象,并且感受英语的独特之处。给学生游戏前的准备,规则讲清楚。放完两次录音后,第三次边听边分析这段对话,老师与学生一起找到我们所要找的。带领学生读句子,在读的过程中,更好的掌握句型的运用。让学生为主体,教师为主导。让学生大胆的去尝试,大胆的自主去说,对话能提高学生的胆量和语音,参与英语,快来学习。带领学生读书本上已有的知识,巩固所学的。教师带领读三遍。在课堂中角色扮演,能提高学生的兴趣,让学生的注意力再次转移,融入到情景中。分角色朗读,检查学生阅读能力,让学生学会合作,给予小星星的奖励,激发学生学习英语与参与角色扮演的氛围,培养学生对英语的兴趣。让学生们在玩中学,在游戏中学习集体观看评价结果,集齐各组或小