科技英语写作技巧科技英语写作技巧 基基 本本 结结 构构标题标题(Title)(Title)作者及单位作者及单位(Authors and AffiliationAuthors and Affiliation)摘要摘要(Abstract)(Abstract)关键词关键词(Key Words)(Key Words)引言引言(Introduction)(Introduction)正文正文(Text)(Text)结论结论(Conclusion)(Conclusion)或讨论或讨论(DiscussionDiscussion)致谢语致谢语(Acknowledgement)(Acknowledgement)参考文献参考文献(References)(References)标题 简短,常用名词短语、非简短,常用名词短语、非 限定动词短语来表达。限定动词短语来表达。特特 点点标标 题题标题 分分 类类报报 导导 型型解解 说说 型型探探 索索 型型标标 题题标题 报导型:报导型:对某一领域发展动态、某项对某一领域发展动态、某项 实验、某一产品进行通报。实验、某一产品进行通报。常用词语:常用词语:A Study of Current Status and Developing Trends of The Exploratory Design of 标标 题题 例句例句:The Development of the numerical The Development of the numerical simulation methods in Civil Engineering.simulation methods in Civil Engineering.标题 解说型:解说型:对实验、方法、理论等解释或说明。对实验、方法、理论等解释或说明。常用词语:常用词语:A Simple and Direct Method for An Economic Approach to A Theorem for 标标 题题 例句:例句:Numerical Analysis of Breaking Waves UsingThe Finite Element Method.标题 探索型:探索型:对方法、理论、观点等进行对方法、理论、观点等进行研究和探讨研究和探讨 常用词语:常用词语:A New Search for On the Validity of Investigation of the Feasibilities of 标标 题题 例句例句:A New Search for the Wave-Structure Interaction based Paritcle Methods.标题 要要 求求突出主题,切合题意突出主题,切合题意突出主题,切合题意突出主题,切合题意既概括又简练既概括又简练既概括又简练既概括又简练开门见山,不要开门见山,不要开门见山,不要开门见山,不要“谦虚过度谦虚过度谦虚过度谦虚过度”例如,中文文章的例如,中文文章的“浅议、浅谈、浅析、试浅议、浅谈、浅析、试 论、初论论、初论”译成英文:译成英文:A Preliminary Study of A Preliminary Study of A Preliminary Study of A Preliminary Study of A Preliminary Discussion on A Preliminary Discussion on A Preliminary Discussion on A Preliminary Discussion on A Preliminary Analysis of A Preliminary Analysis of A Preliminary Analysis of A Preliminary Analysis of 有学术水平不高,研究程度不深的错觉。有学术水平不高,研究程度不深的错觉。标标 题题标题 注意事项注意事项应该使用名词短语,不该使用一个句子或应该使用名词短语,不该使用一个句子或应该使用名词短语,不该使用一个句子或应该使用名词短语,不该使用一个句子或不不不不定式短语定式短语定式短语定式短语一般也不用介词短语等形式一般也不用介词短语等形式一般也不用介词短语等形式一般也不用介词短语等形式标题中也不出现从句标题中也不出现从句标题中也不出现从句标题中也不出现从句也有用也有用也有用也有用onononon引出的介词短语的,表示引出的介词短语的,表示引出的介词短语的,表示引出的介词短语的,表示“论(关论(关论(关论(关于)于)于)于)”之意之意之意之意标题中开头的冠词可以省略标题中开头的冠词可以省略标题中开头的冠词可以省略标题中开头的冠词可以省略标标 题题标题 注意事项注意事项开头第一个字母大写、专有名词大写,其余均采用小开头第一个字母大写、专有名词大写,其余均采用小开头第一个字母大写、专有名词大写,其余均采用小开头第一个字母大写、专有名词大写,其余均采用小写字母写字母写字母写字母 Key issues in the particle method for Key issues in the particle method for computation of wave putation of wave breaking.开头的字母及每个实词以及开头的字母及每个实词以及开头的字母及每个实词以及开头的字母及每个实词以及5555个字母的介词连词的个字母的介词连词的个字母的介词连词的个字母的介词连词的第一个字母大写第一个字母大写第一个字母大写第一个字母大写 Study of a Fast Frequency Searching Technique.Study of a Fast Frequency Searching Technique.全部字母均大写全部字母均大写全部字母均大写全部字母均大写 LAGRANGIAN PARTICLE METHOD FOR LAGRANGIAN PARTICLE METHOD FOR SIMULATION OFWAVE OVERTOPPING ON A SIMULATION OFWAVE OVERTOPPING ON A VERTICAL SEAWALL.VERTICAL SEAWALL.标标 题题作者及单位 署名的条件署名的条件作者及单位作者及单位必须参与过本项目研究的设计和开创工作。如在后期必须参与过本项目研究的设计和开创工作。如在后期参加工作,必须赞同研究的设计。参加工作,必须赞同研究的设计。必须参加过论文中的某项观察和获取数据的工作。必须参加过论文中的某项观察和获取数据的工作。必须参加过对所观察的现象和所取得的数据的解释,必须参加过对所观察的现象和所取得的数据的解释,并从中导出论文的结论。并从中导出论文的结论。必须参加过论文的撰写。必须参加过论文的撰写。必须阅读过论文的全文,并同意其发表。必须阅读过论文的全文,并同意其发表。作者及单位 署名的拼写规则署名的拼写规则作者及单位作者及单位署名一律使用汉语拼音,其正确的拼写方法如下署名一律使用汉语拼音,其正确的拼写方法如下如果是三个字的名字,姓单独拼,名字放在一起,如:如果是三个字的名字,姓单独拼,名字放在一起,如:WANG Zuo-liang,XU Jin-jieWANG Zuo-liang,XU Jin-jie等。等。如果是两个字的名字则将姓和名分开写,如:如果是两个字的名字则将姓和名分开写,如:LI LI Ju,ZHOU XingJu,ZHOU Xing等。等。如果是几个人联合署名,要将倒数第二个人名与最后如果是几个人联合署名,要将倒数第二个人名与最后一个人名用一个人名用andand连接,例如:连接,例如:ZHANG Wei,JIANG Ya-ZHANG Wei,JIANG Ya-zhou,LI Fei and WANG Pengzhou,LI Fei and WANG Peng。作者及单位 注意注意作者及单位作者及单位署名一定要用全名署名一定要用全名教名教名Christian Christian name,firstname,first name,givenname,given name name或或forenameforename。中间名中间名中间名中间名middle namemiddle namemiddle namemiddle name。姓姓姓姓surname,familysurname,familysurname,familysurname,family name name name name或或或或last namelast namelast namelast name。有些工作单位直接标在作者姓名下面有些工作单位直接标在作者姓名下面有些工作单位直接标在作者姓名下面有些工作单位直接标在作者姓名下面 Mathematical and Science Mathematical and Science CollegeCollege,ShanghaiShanghai Normal Normal UniversityUniversity,ShanghaiShanghai 200234 200234 也有不少杂志把工作单位写在论文第也有不少杂志把工作单位写在论文第也有不少杂志把工作单位写在论文第也有不少杂志把工作单位写在论文第1 1 1 1页的脚注中页的脚注中页的脚注中页的脚注中 The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering,University of Toronto,University of Toronto,Toronto,Ont.,CanadaToronto,Ont.,Canada M5S 1A4 M5S 1A4 作者及单位 例子例子作者及单位作者及单位 Discourse Analysis and Its FunctionsDiscourse Analysis and Its Functions XU Fang(Ph.D.),ZHANG Ming*(MA.)and LIU XU Fang(Ph.D.),ZHANG Ming*(MA.)and LIU Zhi-feiZhi-fei (MA.)(MA.)(Dept.of E.L.of Nanking University,Nanking 210003 P.R.C.)(Dept.of E.L.of Nanking University,Nanking 210003 P.R.C.)(论文正文)论文正文)(页底线)(页底线)Authors:XUAuthors:XU Fang,49,Professor in E.L.Department of Fang,49,Professor in E.L.Department of Nanking University,ZHANG Ming*,42,Associate Nanking University,ZHANG Ming*,42,Associate Professor in E.L.Department of Southeast University Professor in E.L.Department of Southeast University LIU Zhi-fei,32,Lecturer.LIU Zhi-fei,32,Lecturer.摘要 内内 容容Abstract Abstract 美、加美、加Summary Summary 英、欧英、欧论文之精华,重点放在成果与结论上。应包括:论文之精华,重点放在成果与结论上。应包括:研究目的研究目的 研究对象研究对象 研究方法研究方法 研究结果研究结果 所得结论所得结论 结论的适应范围结论的适应范围摘摘 要要摘要 分分 类类 陈述型陈述型 (Descriptive)(Descriptive)(只说明主题,不介绍内容只说明主题,不介绍内容)信息型信息型 (Informational)(Informational)(除说明主题外,介绍部分内容除说明主题外,介绍部分内容)摘摘 要要陈述型例子:陈述型例子:1.1.This paper presents an analysis of principles of magnetic refrigeration with application to air conditioning.A comparison with conventional evaporation-condensation gas cycle device is presented.Conclusions concerning the applicability of magnetic refrigeration to air conditioning are made.摘要摘摘 要要陈述型例子:陈述型例子:2.The author reviews the way the world coal industry is facing up to the future,growth rates,utilization,exports/imports,and the possibilities for the United Kingdom in the short and long term.摘要摘摘 要要3.A furnished living room in a third-floor flat was used to test the effectiveness of seals designed to prevent the spread of fire,smoke and fumes.The materials comprise a ceramic fire blanket sealed with a layer of mastic at the wall to floor joint.The upper and lower temperatures of the floor slab were measured for the duration of test.摘要陈述型例子:摘摘 要要信息型例子:信息型例子:1.The article investigates the factors affecting Chinese postgraduates English oral proficiency.Little practice and fear of errors and unscientific classroom management are found to be the major factors.Also an emphasis on written English instructions seems to be another root cause.A series of methods such as how to organize classroom activities,how to allow the errors in students oral practice,how to meet the needs of the learners and how to improve their oral abilities are presented.摘要摘摘 要要信息型例子:信息型例子:2.The science taught in the classroom should be reasonably up-to-date.What is taught should place emphasis first on the principles an major concepts of science rather than on the applications of scientific knowledge.The instructional techniques comprise laboratory work which is introduced in such a manner as to emphasize science as a process-to reveal through practice that science involves inquiry,discovery,and experimentation,The paper suggests that college science programs should be revised with a view to preparing teachers to handle science in secondary and elementary schools.摘要摘摘 要要信息型例子:信息型例子:3.The two-fluid model of turbulence proposed in 1982 describes various states of fluids at the same position of space.The present paper gives a brief introduction to the basic principle of this model and lays emphasis on the new idea about the interaction between the two fluids and corresponding mathematic models,including the transformation of the turbulent fluid into the non-turbulent fluid by decay and dissipation of turbulence in a turbulent free jet,the existence of heat transfer between combustion products and unburnt combustible mixture in a zone of premixed combustion,and the intensification of chemical reaction by the rising temperature of combustible mixture.Predictions of the intermittency of turbulence in a turbulent free jet and of a turbulent premixed combustion are likely to be improved with this model.摘要摘摘 要要摘要 要要 求求 让读者想读完让读者想读完简短扼要简短扼要引人入胜引人入胜内行一目了然内行一目了然摘摘 要要摘要 语言特点语言特点 动词时态(常用三种时态)动词时态(常用三种时态)动词时态(常用三种时态)动词时态(常用三种时态)一般现在时一般现在时 -最普通最普通 表示介绍的客观事实表示介绍的客观事实现在完成时现在完成时 -表示已取得的成果或完成的工作表示已取得的成果或完成的工作综合时态综合时态 -一般现在时一般现在时+现在完成时过去时现在完成时过去时 大量使用被动语态大量使用被动语态大量使用被动语态大量使用被动语态 例:例:例:例:A study has been made Consideration is given to A model is developed to 主动态则用第三人称(以论文或作者身份介绍)例:主动态则用第三人称(以论文或作者身份介绍)例:主动态则用第三人称(以论文或作者身份介绍)例:主动态则用第三人称(以论文或作者身份介绍)例:The authors give The report describes.The paper reviews (也有少数用第一人称也有少数用第一人称也有少数用第一人称也有少数用第一人称“wewewewe”)摘摘 要要摘要 常用语句常用语句介绍论文内容与作者观点的语句介绍论文内容与作者观点的语句介绍论文内容与作者观点的语句介绍论文内容与作者观点的语句 以作者为主语以作者为主语The authors present a principle that predicts The authors describe a configuration of 以文章为主语(以文章为主语(article,essay,thesis,dissertationarticle,essay,thesis,dissertation)The paper presents results from an investigation of ,by means of The essay describes the principles and techniques of 介绍论文重点的语句介绍论文重点的语句介绍论文重点的语句介绍论文重点的语句The report concentrates on Particular attention is/was paid to The greatest emphasis in this article is on 摘摘 要要摘要 介绍成果的获取和开发的语句介绍成果的获取和开发的语句介绍成果的获取和开发的语句介绍成果的获取和开发的语句It is experimentally established that It is numerically established that The authors have developed two methods of A theoretical model has been developed to predict 介绍评估与比较的语句介绍评估与比较的语句介绍评估与比较的语句介绍评估与比较的语句The calculated results agree with the experimental results.The results obtained by are compared with those obtained with the use of 摘摘 要要 常用语句常用语句摘要 介绍结论的语句介绍结论的语句介绍结论的语句介绍结论的语句The paper concludes that We conclude with some observations It was concluded that 介绍进一步研究的必要性、方向和关键问题的语句介绍进一步研究的必要性、方向和关键问题的语句介绍进一步研究的必要性、方向和关键问题的语句介绍进一步研究的必要性、方向和关键问题的语句However,there are many other factors which must be taken into account There are three major factors that contribute to and they should be considered when Considerations for had to be addressed.Acceptable procedures had to be developed that 摘摘 要要 常用语句常用语句摘要 精炼精炼精炼精炼After an extended series of trials over period of several months followingtheory/conclusion(繁杂)On the basis of s research/conclusion/theory/methods of 或者According tos theory摘摘 要要 写作技巧及注意事项写作技巧及注意事项抓住重点、完整表达抓住重点、完整表达抓住重点、完整表达抓住重点、完整表达 AbstractIn this article on successful careers,it says that it is important to know when to change jobs.Many people miss the right moment;so you should always think about where you are now,and where you will be in a year.Some jobs,though,move slowly,while others move quickly-careers have different time-scales.摘要 具体详实具体详实具体详实具体详实Not all the primary minerals are detrial;some are formed in place.(some指代不明)Not all the primary minerals are detrial;at least a past of the iron carbonate(碳酸盐),titanate(钛酸盐),and feldspars(长石)are formed in place.摘摘 要要 写作技巧及注意事项写作技巧及注意事项完整完整完整完整 说明论文的主要内容,不要使用论文的导言说明论文的主要内容,不要使用论文的导言或者某张插图来代替摘要中的内容或者某张插图来代替摘要中的内容摘要的位置摘要的位置摘要的位置摘要的位置 通常放在正文的前面。但应该在论文完成之通常放在正文的前面。但应该在论文完成之 后撰写摘要。后撰写摘要。摘要能用名词做定语不要用动名词做定语,能用形容词做定能用名词做定语不要用动名词做定语,能用形容词做定语就不要用名词做定语。语就不要用名词做定语。例如:例如:用用measurement accuracy measurement accuracy 不用不用 measuring accuracy measuring accuracy 用用experimental results experimental results 不用不用experiment resultsexperiment results可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况下,要少用可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况下,要少用of of 句句型。型。例如例如:用用measurement accuracy measurement accuracy 不用不用 accuracy of accuracy of measurementmeasurement;用用camera curtain shutter camera curtain shutter,不用不用curtain shutter of camera curtain shutter of camera;用用equipment structure equipment structure,不用不用 structure of equipment structure of equipment。摘摘 要要摘要可用动词的情况尽量避免用动词的名词形式可用动词的情况尽量避免用动词的名词形式 例如:例如:用用 Thickness of plastic sheets was measured.Thickness of plastic sheets was measured.不用不用 Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made.made.删繁从简删繁从简 用用 increased increased 代替代替 has been found to increase has been found to increase 文摘中不能出现文摘中不能出现“图图”、“方程方程”和和“参考文献参考文献”等句子。等句子。文摘词语拼写,用英美拼法都可以,但在每篇文章中须文摘词语拼写,用英美拼法都可以,但在每篇文章中须保持一致。保持一致。文词要纯朴无华文词要纯朴无华,不多姿多态的文学性描述手法不多姿多态的文学性描述手法.摘摘 要要关键词 定义:定义:定义:定义:关键词(关键词(关键词(关键词(Key Words)Key Words)也称主题词,它是为也称主题词,它是为也称主题词,它是为也称主题词,它是为了检索的需要,从论文中选出的最能代表论文了检索的需要,从论文中选出的最能代表论文了检索的需要,从论文中选出的最能代表论文了检索的需要,从论文中选出的最能代表论文中心内容特征的词或词组。中心内容特征的词或词组。中心内容特征的词或词组。中心内容特征的词或词组。位置:位置:位置:位置:列于论文摘要下方列于论文摘要下方列于论文摘要下方列于论文摘要下方 空空空空1-21-2行行行行关关 键键 词词关键词 选择标准:选择标准:选择标准:选择标准:1.根据最新的权威性专业词汇从论文中选出。根据最新的权威性专业词汇从论文中选出。根据最新的权威性专业词汇从论文中选出。根据最新的权威性专业词汇从论文中选出。2.根据根据根据根据“自己词汇表自己词汇表自己词汇表自己词汇表”从论文中选出。从论文中选出。从论文中选出。从论文中选出。3.关键词一般为关键词一般为关键词一般为关键词一般为3-103-10个。个。个。个。关关 键键 词词关键词 选择方法:选择方法:选择方法:选择方法:1.认真分析论文的主旨,选出能概括主旨的词或认真分析论文的主旨,选出能概括主旨的词或认真分析论文的主旨,选出能概括主旨的词或认真分析论文的主旨,选出能概括主旨的词或词组。词组。词组。词组。2.选词要精炼,同义词、近义词不要并列为关键选词要精炼,同义词、近义词不要并列为关键选词要精炼,同义词、近义词不要并列为关键选词要精炼,同义词、近义词不要并列为关键词。词。词。词。3.关键词的用于必须统一规范,要准确体现不同关键词的用于必须统一规范,要准确体现不同关键词的用于必须统一规范,要准确体现不同关键词的用于必须统一规范,要准确体现不同学科的名称和术语。学科的名称和术语。学科的名称和术语。学科的名称和术语。4.关键词的选择大多从标题和摘要中产生。关键词的选择大多从标题和摘要中产生。关键词的选择大多从标题和摘要中产生。关键词的选择大多从标题和摘要中产生。关关 键键 词词 Centering on engineering theory and practice education,curriculum system is composed by administrative levels such as base,specialty and application three.New curriculum system is put in practice in three terms.It is made up of ten portions such as the curriculum groups and solid practice pattern.Renovation and implementation have been made in a series of teaching courses,practicing courses and staff.关键词例例例例 子:子:子:子:Key wordsKey wordsKey wordsKey words:civil engineering;application personnel;training;curriculum system;Abstract:关关 键键 词词 引引 言言 定义:定义:引言也称为前言、导论、绪论等。向读者引言也称为前言、导论、绪论等。向读者介绍文章的内容,解释文章的主题、目的和总介绍文章的内容,解释文章的主题、目的和总纲。纲。引言引言引言引言 引引 言言要点:要点:要写明论文的主题、目的、特点、意义及研要写明论文的主题、目的、特点、意义及研究背景,用文字不宜用图表。究背景,用文字不宜用图表。引言引言引言引言 引引 言言内容:内容:引言引言引言引言说明论文的主题和目的说明论文的主题和目的说明论文写作的情况及背景说明论文写作的情况及背景概述达到理想答案的方法概述达到理想答案的方法 引言 常用语句常用语句对他人研究成果、观点的评估对他人研究成果、观点的评估对他人研究成果、观点的评估对他人研究成果、观点的评估Much work has been done on A study of has been done theoretically and experimentally by sb.By the late 1980s,researchers had started scientific work on 近期进展情况分析近期进展情况分析近期进展情况分析近期进展情况分析This experiment has a significant impact on In recent years,more attention has been focused on The models of has recently received considerable attention.引引 言言 引引 言言写作方法:写作方法:直述主题开头法 例:Writing is one of the most difficult tasks for language learners.-引言引言引言引言 引引 言言 利用一个问题或一系列问题开头的方法 例:What are the chances of a nuclear war in the near future?-引语开头法 例:There are no such things as incurables,said Bernard Baruch.-定义开头法 例:A nurse is one who looks after patients.-引言引言引言引言 引引 言言 利用统计数字开头法 例:The fact that less than 5%of the British population graduate from universities may seem surprising.-假设情景开头法 例:What if there is no electric power?-引言引言引言引言 引引 言言注意事项:注意事项:1、引言不应重述摘要和解释摘要,不对实、引言不应重述摘要和解释摘要,不对实验的理论、方法和结果作详尽的叙述,也不提验的理论、方法和结果作详尽的叙述,也不提前实用结论和建议。前实用结论和建议。2 2、不要过于的谦虚。、不要过于的谦虚。引言引言引言引言 正正 文文论文的主体、由段落组成,在该部分对论文内论文的主体、由段落组成,在该部分对论文内 容展开说明。作者应尽力避免人们容展开说明。作者应尽力避免人们 熟悉的理论和公式。熟悉的理论和公式。正文正文正文正文正文正文正文正文 正文的框架正文的框架正正 文文 尽管论文的学科不同,但是论文的框架大同小异。尽管论文的学科不同,但是论文的框架大同小异。现存的方法(算法)及其存在的问题现存的方法(算法)及其存在的问题本文提出新方法及其性能(思路、理论依据、算法推导、本文提出新方法及其性能(思路、理论依据、算法推导、性能分析)性能分析)实验验证或计算机仿真(在已知环境下的计算机模拟,在实验验证或计算机仿真(在已知环境下的计算机模拟,在不完全已知条件下的