Big Sky《天空市凶案(2020)》第三季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
前情提要Previously on Big Sky.说起来我想见见你前妻You know. I'd like to meet your ex sometime.卡拉吗你们俩肯定合不来Carla? You two would not get along.嗨妈妈我跟你说过别在蒙大拿州诈骗Hi, Mom. I told you to keep your grift out of Montana.珍妮我现在安分守己I'm on the straight and narrow now.你一直都很会撒谎You always have been a very good liar.-你为什么回来-你好-Why did you come back? - Hi, there.非常感谢你的光临Thanks so much for stopping by.-佩吉在哪里-我不知道-Where's Paige? -1 don't know.-她没跟你在一起吗-没有-She's not with you? - No.-你觉得那个孩子说的是实话吗-你觉得不是吗-You think the kid's telling the truth? - You don't?我只是觉得说服不了我Something just doesn't sit right with me.-我不相信卢克的说法-并非每件事都是谜团-I'm not buying Luke's story. - Not everything is a mystery.-你见过她吗-我什公都没干-Have you seen her? -1 didn't do anything.-你见过这个女孩吗-没有-Have you seen this girl?! - No.站住别再靠近我一步Stop! Don't come any closer!回来Come back!Ah!Oh!奥特姆是你吗Autumn? Is that you?天空市凶案霍伊特嘿听着能换个时候做这件事吗Listen, could we not do this right now?-做什么事-你要做的事-Do what? - That thing you do.我什么都不会做你可真敏感I'm not doing anything. Ugh, so sensitive.大巨婴Big old man baby.好吧我不要我不要这样是这样的Yeah, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna do this.-我在开玩笑-好吧-Okay. See? - I'm joking.我们得去工作了Right. We got to get to work.案子有了新发现我们有点急所以.Uh, we got a break in the case. We're kind of in a hurry, so.是跟艾米丽和艾弗瑞露营地那里Does this have anything to do with that missing backpacker-失踪的背包客有关系吗-是的.也不是其实-where Avery and Emily are camping? - Yeah, uh. No, it's.-艾弗瑞说在那里看到你了 我我打算告诉你的-Avery said he saw you up there. - It, uh. I was gonna tell you about that. 你还在努力提高沟通技巧Still working on those communication skills?他其实有改进了这是他的一大优点He's actually getting better. It's one of his best qualities.好了我们还有谋杀案要破We have a murder to solve.我不想耽误你们好吗Yeah. I don't want to keep you from that.但我.我得跟你说几句话Okay, but I. I need a word, please.-能让我们单独聊聊吗当然我刚要提议-Could you give us a minute? - Oh, yeah, I was just going to suggest that. 怎么了Yeah. What's up?只是艾弗瑞说那里一切都很好It's just. Avery said that everything is fine up there, 可他太想让这个增进感情的周末完美无缺了但是 but he just wants this bonding weekend to be so perfect and. 但是你不信任他太好了我也是And you don't trust him. Great, me neither.打住我只知道他会变得过度关注Stop. I just know he can get, like, hyper-focused.说起来你甚至没问我艾米是否能去露营就跟.跟那个.You know, you didn't even ask me if Em could go camping 艾弗瑞他叫艾弗瑞-with, uh, pbht. - Avery. His name's Avery.-我会想到其他人-好吧你知道吗博我们确实-Yeah, well, I can think of others. - Okay. And you know what, Beau? We did 聊过但你当时没好好听talk about it. You just weren't listening.我本该和他们一起过去但我工作上出现了紧急情况I was supposed to be up there with them. I had an emergency at work.我只需要知道背包客这件事I just need to know that there's nothing to worry about没什么好担心的with this whole backpacker thing.你真的不必担心There's nothing to worry about.好很好Okay. Good.别忘了你答应过艾米她可以在露营回来的Don't forget, you promised Em she could stay with me第一个周末跟我一起住the first weekend back from this, uh, camping crap.我知道I know.-好再见-好-Okay. See ya. - Okay.见到你很高兴Nice meeting you.我也是Back at ya.有意思Interesting.什么意思What?你还爰她You're still in love with her.-我没有-你就是-没有别说了-No, I'm not. - Yes, you are. - No. Stop it.你就是承认吧You are. Just admit it.不吃早饭可不像你Not like you to miss breakfast.对我撒谎也不像你Not like you to lie to me.好了巴克Now, Buck.别又想糊弄我我知道你一直在干什么撒谎深夜散步各种偷偷摸摸Now, don't "Buck" me. I know what you've been up to. Lying, late-night walks, sneaking around.他在这里对吗He's here, isn't he?我们说好了的桑妮Now, we've been over this, Sunny.你向我保证过沃尔特会待在森林里You promised me Walter would stay in the woods.是他来找我的He came to me.为什公For what?你最好别知道Better you don't know.我最好别知道吗现在有点太迟了吧Best I don't know? It's a little too late for that, isn't it?天啊他是危险分子桑妮Geez. He's dangerous, Sunny.不他不是No, he's not那是很久之前的事了That happened a long time ago.那现在呢他和佩吉的事有关系吗Well, what is it now? Has he got something to do with Paige?当然没有No, of course not.失踪的背包客呢What about the missing backpacker?你看错沃尔特了大错特错You're wrong about Walter. Dead wrong.-是吗是你看错了-Am I? - Yeah, you are.需要我提醒你他做过的事吗Do I need to remind you what he did?不用了No, you don't.你儿子杀了他的父母Your boy murdered his parents.他们不是他父母They weren't his parents.-就是他们不是别.-他们收养了他-Yes, they were. - No, they weren't. They adopted him. - No. 他杀了他们把他们困在房♥子里He killed them. Trapped them in their house.事情没那么简单It's not that simple.然后看着房♥子烧毁And watched it burn.我当初同意只要他待在森林里Now, I agreed to look the other way我就视而不见但这个呢as long as he stayed in the woods, but this,这对我来说真的过分了this is crossing lines I don't want to cross.别这样巴克Don't do this, Buck.别逼我在丈夫和孩子之间做选择Don't make me have to choose between my husband and my child. 我没有科马克是我们的孩子沃尔特不是I'm not. Cormac is our child. Walter is not.是我把他带到了这个可悲的世界I brought him into this sorry world.我需要知道他是安全的I need to know that he's kept safe.在这里就不行Well, not here.这不是请求亲爱的And that's not a request, darling.过去的事需要留在过去The past needs to stay where it belongs.不论如何这对他来说都是更好的选择And it'll be better for him anyway.我会跟他谈谈这件事I'll talk to him about it.-你会跟他谈谈这件事吗-没错-You'll talk to him about it? - Yeah.你要做的不止如此Well, you're gonna do more than that.做个了结吧End it.否则我就出手了Or I will.嗨奥特姆Hey, Autumn.嗨Hi.我爸爸不在家Um, my dad's not home.只有我男朋友在他叫德里克Um, just my boyfriend, Derek.-你♥爸♥爸在哪里-我不知道-Ah. Where's your dad? -1 don't know.奥特姆我知道我们来得不是时候Autumn, I know this is a really bad time,但我发现r 一个人的照片他应该对案件负有责任but found an image of the person who we believe is responsible.是从你邻居安装的野生动物监控录像中截下来的It came from a game cam your neighbor set up.你认不认得这个面具Any chance you recognize the mask?不认得No.你呢What about you?不认得No.你介意把袖子拉上去给我看看吗You mind pushing your sleeves up for me?什么我想看看你的前臂-What? - Just want to check something on your forearms.你介意把袖子拉上去吗You mind pushing your sleeves up?好吧Uh, okay.很好谢谢你Great. Thank you.你们要不要告诉我这是怎么回事Do you want to tell me what this is about?关于你妈妈你是否知道什么事能帮我们破案Is there anything you can tell us about your mom that could help us? 告诉他们吧Just tell them.我我只是我不想让爸爸知道I just. I don't want my dad to find out.知道什么Find out what?我曾看到妈妈和另一个男人在一起I saw my mom with another guy.直接被我们撞见了We totally walked in on them.昨晚吗Last night?一个月前我找她要♥说♥法♥A month ago. I confronted her.我让她必须在我爸爸发现之前分手I told her she had to break it off before my dad found out.那个人很奇怪The dude was weird.蓝狐餐厅营业至深夜知道他叫什么吗Do you have a name?要喝杯咖啡吗Would you like some coffee?看情况了好喝吗That depends. Is it good coffee?这里的一切都很美味Everything's good here.你是多诺对吗Donno. Right?我们认识吗Do I know you?会认识的You will.你要看看菜单吗Would you like to see a menu, or should I just smash还是我要用咖啡壶砸你脑袋this coffee pot over your head?非要这样吗Oh, we're doing that now, huh?我本来没打算这样-Well, I wasn't planning on it. - Mm.有什么我可以帮你的吗Is there something I can help you with?你好汤娅Hello, Tonya.说起来遍布小镇的照片都没有展现出你真正的美You know, the photos all over town do not do you justice.你是谁Who are you?雷恩布拉把你的名字告诉了我Ren Bhullar gave me your name.她说或许你们能帮我解决我老大的一个问题Said you might be able to help me with a problem my boss has.你老大是谁Who's your boss?这个现在无关紧要That's not a concern right now.我只能告诉你们他的东西被偷走了想要找回来Suffice it to say that something was taken from him and he wants it back, 还要抓住那个小偷along with the people that took it.好吧我不知道雷恩跟你说了什么Okay. Well, I don't know what Ren told you.-这种事不是我们她说你很聪明-Thafs not what we do. - Well, she said you were smart.还说你喜欢钱And that you like money.把东西和人交给我们你们会得到非常丰厚的报酬Deliver them to us, and you will be very well compensated.Mm.还不错Not bad.我会再联♥系♥你们I will be in touch.我会.我会选这根绳干Yeah, I'd, uh. I'd pick this guy.四个齿轮环双背扣还有透气网眼Four gear loops, double-back buckles, and breathable mesh.通风很重要Ventilation is important.你在这里工作吗What, you work here?就是过来给那些城市佬买♥♥东西Uh, just picking up a few things for the city slickers.这是你的新爱好吗-Mm. - New hobby?我要去死人崖这次我要用绳索下山I'm headed up to Deadman's Drop. I'm gonna rope down this time.死人崖那可是有30米高Deadman's. That's a 30-meter drop.45米It's 45.好吧你会需要编织绳Well, you're gonna want dynamic rope,-但你估计用不上了-为什么-but you're not gonna need it. - Why is that?因为我要跟你一起去Well, because I'm coming with you.Mm.-谢谢但我自己能行-你在山区长大-Uh, thank you. But I've got this and. - You grew up in these mountains. 了解同伴制You know about the buddy system.好吧我们为什么不需要绳索Okay, why don't we need the rope?因为我知道更好的法子Well, because I know a better way.你又来干什么What now?你得收拾好自己的东西我需要你今晚从这里搬出去You need to pack your things. I need to move you out of here tonight. 为什么Why?因为那个女孩还没露面'Cause that girl still hasn't turned up.我跟你说过r我什么都不知道I-I told you, I don't know anything.人们会开始找她People are gonna start lookin' for her.我应该去哪里Where am I supposed to go?小溪旁的狩猎小屋Huntin' cabin down by the creek.-那是拖车式活动房♥里面有霉菌-你听到我的话F-It's a trailer, and it has mold in it. - You heard me.不别.别别碰那个No, don't. Don't. Don't touch that.沃尔特这是谁的血Walter. Whose blood is this?是那个那个背包客It's the. The backpacker.你干嘛留着这东西Why would you keep this?这绷带上到处都是那个男孩的DNAThat boy's DNA is all over these bandages.他们会据此让你把牢底坐穿They can throw you in jail for life for this.你明白吗Do you understand?别管了我等下会烧掉Just leave it, and I'll burn it later.古董不我来处理收拾好你的东西No, I'll handle it. Get your things packed up.天黑后我会回来接你I'll be back for you after dark.有人吗这里有人吗我是警♥察♥Hello? Anybody here? It's the sheriff s department.奥特姆说她妈妈的男友开了一家古董店时When Autumn said her mom's boyfriend owned an antique shop, 我可没想到会是这样I wasn't expecting this.有意思的古董Interesting antiques.小时候我兄弟常常把我拽到这种地方My brother used to drag me to places like this when we were kids. 我记得有一家这样的店那里有一根I remember this one shop.有一根被切断的人类手指漂在黄色液体中There was a. There was a severed human finger floating in yellow fluid. 不管你在哪里它都会指着你No matter where you were, it would always point at you.我一直想不明白那是怎么做到的Never figured out how it did that.嘿看看这里Hey, check this out.怎么了Yeah.Whoa.是啊Yeah.至少我们知道来对地方了At least we know we're in the right place.没错Yep.警♥察♥别动Sheriffs department Don't move.立刻放下武器Drop the weapon now.哎呀Whoa.这是古董我马上放好It's an antique. Setting it down.是因为乔迪卡特的事吗Is this about Jody Cutter?-这还用说吗-我们知道婚外情的事了克雷格-You tell us. - We know about the affair, Craig.她女儿告诉你们的吗Her daughter tell you about that?-没错-所以怎么回事-She did. - So what happened?乔迪想结束你就怒不可遏了吗Jody cut it off and sent you over the edge?什么不我绝对不会伤害她What? No. I'd never hurt her.她是我的一生挚爱She was the love of my life.这根木说不通我走的时候她还活着Hoyt? Hey.你还好吗你在想什么You good? Where's your head at?没什么我很好Nowhere. I'm all good.好个屁你不擅长撒谎霍伊特All good my ass. You're a bad liar, Hoyt.我跟你说过r我们会解决你妈妈制♥造♥的难题I told you we were gonna fix this situation with your mom.怎么解戾她偷走了我三万美元How? She stole 30 grand from me.严格来说她偷走的是政&hea rts;府&h ea rts;的钱Well, technically, she stole it from the government一卷厕纸要花50美元的政♥府♥Same government that spends 50 bucks on a roll of toilet paper.她帮我们抓到了杀人犯或许我们扯平了She helped us catch a murderer. Maybe we call it a wash.这是私人恩怨It's personal.-好吧钞票上做了记号♥所以没事的-能不能别再说这件事了-Okay. The bills were marked, so there is that. - Okay, can we please not talk about this anymore?好Copy that.好了开始工作吧Alright, here we go.受害者叫乔迪卡特46岁The victim is Jody Cutter, 46.她女儿奥特姆今早发现r她的尸体喉咙被割开Her daughter, Autumn, found her body this morning, throat cut.估计死亡时间是凌晨2点Estimated time of death. 2:00 a.m.裙子被扯破She has a torn skirt.两脚都有伤她可能是被拖回这里的Feet are all messed up. Maybe she was dragged back here.你觉得可能是性侵吗You think maybe sexual assault?让实验室检测一下吧Yeah, we'll run the labs.根据血迹判断她应该是死在了这里It doesn't make any sense. She was still alive when I left.等等昨晚你在她家吗Wait, you were there last night?我们吃了晚饭喝了几杯酒We had dinner. A few drinks.让我看看你的前臂Let me see your forearms.跟我说说吧Tell me something.关于这个你都知道什么What can you tell us about that?你认得这个面具吗Do you recognize the mask?当然认得是我卖♥♥给她的Of course I do. I sold it to her.她吗她是谁Her? Her who?乔迪Jody.是为了万军节派对上用It was for a Halloween party.她和格兰特要扮演小红帽和大灰狼Her and Grant were doing a Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf thing. Whoo!对于全地形车新手来说开得还不错Not bad for someone who's new to ATVs.谢谢你小时候我爸爸有辆三轮车Oh, well, thank you. My dad had a three-wheeler when I was a kid, 他还让我骑到集市and he let me ride it to the market 直到他发现车子很容易就翻倒所以 until he found out how easily they tip over, so. 没错 Right.所以我们要找什么So, uh, what are we looking for?请不要说是尸体And please don't say a dead body.但愿不是如果他摔下去了就会掉在石头上Well, I. I hope not If he fell, he'd be up on those rocks.你想爬山吗You up for a climb?当然了You bet.格兰特Grant?格兰特.卡特你在吗Grant Cutter, you here?山间小径单车店我是警♥察♥Sheriffs department有事吗Oh, uh, can I help you?我们找格兰特Yeah, we're looking for Grant.抱歉他刚走Oh, sorry. You just missed him.-你是斯科特吗-是我-You Scott? - That's me.格兰特说他昨天一整晚都在这里盘点库存Grant said he was here all night doing inventory.没错是因为他妻子的事吗That's right. Is this about what happened to his wife? 可怕太可怕了Horrible. Just horrible.你当时和他在一起吗没错-Were you with him? - Yeah.我们还组装了三辆单车Built three bikes, too.格兰特昨晚出去过或者接过电♥话♥吗Did Grant step away last night or take any calls?只是去买♥♥ 了几份披萨Just to get some pizzas.什么时候What time was that?很晚Late.等等你们不会觉得是格兰特干的吧Wait, you don't think that Grant did this?听着格兰特是个好人他很爱乔迪Look, Grant's a good man. He loves Jody.现在他在哪里Where is he now?他说要去我们的装运仓库He said he was headed over to our shipping warehouse.-好-谢了-Great. - Thank you.她跟踪我诬陷我我真是受够了让她赶紧罢手Tired of her following me around, making these accusations.-她不如你说出你的-我不会再忍♥受了Just tell her to stop. Just tell her to stop. I'm not having it-趁这个机会学学礼貌-那是你作为父亲的职责-Learn some manners while you're at it. - That's your job as a parent. 我不喜欢你跟我说话的方式I don't appreciate the way you're talking to me.怎么回事What was that about?好吧卢克无意中听到了Well, uh, Luke overheard you talking你跟桑妮说佩吉的事他觉得你仍然怀疑他to Sunny about Paige, and he thinks you're still suspicious about him. 好吧我只是觉得他很奇怪Well, yeah, I just think that he's acting weird.他还说什么了What else did he say?还说你不该不该多管闲事You should, uh. You should mind your own business.-你也看到了对吧-对-You see it, too, right? - Oh, yes.但我们不知道全部的实情所以But we don't know the full story, so.怎么你想让我停手吗What, you want me to stop?-好吧如果你想让我停手我就.-我没那么说-Fine. If you want me to stop, I'll. -1 didn't say that.是吧Did I?好不错Okay. Nice.听着明天你妈妈就到了Look, your mum's arriving tomorrow.这件事就是你我之间的秘密了Let's keep this secret between us.你知道她那个人她本想让我们增进感情You know how she gets. She wanted us to do some bonding.-好恶心-她说的不是我说的-Gross. - Her word, not mine.我知道不管怎样重点是她觉得我们在这里骑马玩得很开心-1 know. - Anyway, point is, she thinks we're up here riding horses, having fun, 而不是调查失踪案not looking into some disappearance.所以我们别告诉她好吗So let's just keep this on the down-low, shall we?没问题-好-1 can do that. - Good.这是什么What is this?新菜品而且你工作太辛苦了It's a new recipe. And also, you work too much.Mmm.太好吃了多诺This is really good, Donno.你什么时候会加到菜单LWhen are you putting it on the menu?我不会加的只为你做I'm not. It's just for you.坐下多诺Sit down, Donno.你冒了很大的风险You took a big risk leaving the Bhullars离开布拉集团和我留在蒙大拿州and staying in Montana here with me.