正是我们的差异让我们与众不同It is our differences that make us special.总而言之你就是自己最宝贵的财富So, to conclude, you are your greatest asset.你是你自己You are you.这是我听过最精彩的校友返校演讲That's the best speech by a returning alumni I've ever heard.Hey.那段结构严谨又引人共鸣的演讲That well-structured but emotionally resonant piece of oratory让我想起了你有多性感made me remember how sexy you are.卡丽-Carrie! Carrie!卡丽Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie!卡丽Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie!-卜卵-卜卵-Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! -Carrie!卡丽Carrie?卡丽-Carrie?我在问你你记忆中的学校也这么小吗I said, do you remember it being this small?我觉得我们上学那会这里绝对大得多I swear it was bigger when we were here.也许只是我们长大了Maybe werve just grown up.Oh.不可思议不可思议-Crazy. -Crazy.厄运归你Jinx!我先打中你不准反击-Ow! -Dead arm! No taksies backsies!珍的不一样还挺舒服It's actually quite nice. -Shh.什么也别想只享受刷刷谁是好孩子No thoughts. Just brush. Who's a good boy?我好孩子就能被刷刷-Me. -And good boys get the brush.Mmm.什么鬼快打住What the fuck! Stop.-你不喜欢刷刷吗-不太诡异了-You don't like the brush? -No, it's fucking weird.那怎么才能让你高兴我不知道-Then what makes you happy? -I don't know!人人都因为自己不知道答案而吼我Everyone always yells at me for not knowing stuff, 可他们都不告诉我我又怎么知道but how am I supposed to know if people won't tell me?企鹅Penguins.我喜欢看企鹅摔跤的视频I like videos of penguins falling over.那能让我开心It's what makes me happy.你得照我说的做不然我就说出去You will do anything I say, or I'm telling.女儿们苏珊有个超棒的关于乐购超♥市♥的故事Girls, Susan has this great story about Tesco.简直疯狂It's- Its mad.说吧Go on.我以为某个东西是全价等我到了收银台它已经降价了I thought something was full price, and when I got to the till it was reduced. 天Oh, Jesus!简直是理查德普赖尔再世It*s like Richard Pryor never died.-你俩刚才去哪了 -去增进姐妹感情了-Where did you two go to? -Just doing some sisterly bonding.真高兴你来了苏珊I'm so glad that you're here, Susan.安迪正要跳我们的家庭舞You know, Andy was just about to do the family dance.你已经好几年没跳过家庭舞了Oh, it's been years since you've done the family dance.我不跳家庭舞我想看家庭舞-I'm not doing the family dance. -Oh, I wanna see the family dance.家庭舞是什么What's the family dance?是安迪在小学上霹雳舞课时It's a dance that Andy made up自己编的一支舞when she was taking break-dancing lessons in primary.你不是说你年纪大了不适合跳那支舞吗确实-You said you were too old for it. -I am.但感受舞蹈的魔力没有年纪一说You*re never too old for the magic of dance.Oh!好了可以了Okay, that's that's enough of that. Okay.你冷吗Are you cold?不冷No.有点凉不过没事Well, it's a bit chilly, but fm fine.天来我的套头衫给你Oh, my God. Here. Just take- take my jumper.不用让你穿就穿你这个-No, no, no, no. -Take my jumper, you-抱歉请穿上我的套头衫吧I'm sorry. Please take my jumper.可你会冷的But then youfll be cold.来我的套头衫给你Here, take my jumper.-别傻了 不我坚持-Don't be silly. -No, I insist.好吧行Okay, that's fine.抱歉谢谢谢谢-Okay. Sorry. Thank you. -Thank you.谢谢Thank you.他们说你要回来做返校演讲我激动坏了I was so excited when they said you*d be back for the alumni speech.我其实有点意外他们会邀请我I was a little surprised they asked me.得了吧你可是大律师不请你请谁Shut up. You're like a big, fancy lawyer. Why not you?跟珍重遇一定很尴尬吧你们上学那会那么亲密Must be so weird to bump into Jen again. You guys were so close in school.我们仍然很亲密我们现在住在一起Oh, we still are. We- We live together.Oh.你很惊讶我们仍是朋友You're surprised we're still friends?没有怎么会No. No, no, no. Not at all. No.其实还是算了 到底怎么了-Well, no. No, no, no. -What is it?你不觉得她有点戏精吗Do you not think that she was a bit of a drama queen当年你一直活在她的阴影下and you had to live in her shadow a lot?抱歉这话太刻薄了只是I'm sorry, that's so mean. That's just-我真的尽力了但有时候I do try, but sometimes, it just.我记忆中可不是那样That's not how I remember it.那些重要的时刻她都在She was always there when it really counted.如果说我的能力教会了我什么Look, if my power has taught me anything,那就是你以为发生的事和真正发生的事可能截然不同it's that what you think happened and what actually happened can be very different. 我没记错I'm not remembering it wrong.我可以让你看看Ill show you.你可以让我看看You'll show me.来吧重游我的记忆Let's do it. Memory me.好一定是我记错了All right. fm sure I'm wrong.这是什么时候When are we?我们当年的中学六年级颁奖典礼-Our own prize-giving. Sixth form.但我不知道我们为什么在卫生间Don't know why we1 re in the bathroom though.典礼应该正如火如荼地进行着The ceremony should be in full swing.Oh.写了什么What does it say?我不确定说明书全是用波兰语写的I'm not sure. All the instructions are in Polish.我在街头小店里只能找到这个Well, it*s the only one I could find in the corner sklep.孩子的爸爸是谁不知道迈克尔邓肯Who's the dad? -I don't know. Michael Duncan.丹尼尔金Daniel Kim.汤姆韦勒里奇Tom Welleridge.18年后我们得上演妈妈咪呀的桥段Oh! We'll have to do the Mamma Mia! thing in 18 years.我根本不会唱歌♥卡丽I can't sing for shit, Carrie.我怎么办What am I gonna do?我还以为你是处♥女♥I thought you were a virgin.我是但我们在去巴斯的大巴车上共用了厕所I am. But we shared that bathroom on the coach trip to Bath, 我坐下时没擦坐垫and I didn't wipe the seat before I sat down, 上面有湿湿的东西我不知道是不是精♥子♥and there was something wet, and I don't know if it was come. 珍你没怀孕Jen, you're not pregnant.你看得懂波兰语吗Oh, you can read Polish?我得去领奖了最佳出勤奖可是重要奖项I need to go and pick up my award. Best attendance is a big deal.不别走求你了我要再做一次讨个吉利No, no, no. Stay, please. No, I'm gonna do one more for luck,我需要你留下看着我尿为什么-and I need you to stay and watch me pee. -Why?因为我现在很无助卡丽'Cause I'm feeling very vulnerable now, Carrie.那东西盯着我我没法集中注意力And I can't focus with that staring at me.珍里根爰“大鸟”她阻止了你去领属于你的奖So she stopped you from picking up your own award.好吧确实挺糟糕但偶尔一次不能说明什么Okay. That was bad. But one time doesn*t make a pattern.珍里根爱卡丽好了There.再给我看一段回忆她一定会作出补偿的Show me another one. Tm sure shell redeem herself.这是我的毕业典礼吗Is this my graduation?我想着应该选一个以你为中心的日子I thought Ed pick a day that's all about you这样珍就能对你表示支持so that Jen can show how supportive she is.要不我们换一天吧Uh, maybe we should try a different day.卡丽我需要你帮忙Carrie, I need your help.我妈不知道我辍学了Mum doesn't know I dropped out.她以为我今天毕业她已经来了但我显然不会毕业She thinks I'm graduating today and shers here. But obviously, I'm not. 我得借用你的学位帽和外袍什么的可以吗So I need to borrow your cap and stuff real quick. Is that okay?什么只是穿上拍拍照-What? -Just for the photo.-笑-对不起-Smile, -fm sorry.我知道我简直一塌糊涂I know Fm such a fuck-up.不没关系No. It's- It's fine.笑Smile.准备好了吗Ready?笑Smile.-珍妮佛-妈妈-Yoo-hoo! Jennifer. -Hi, Mum!.你好了吗.嗯我马上来-You ready? -Yeah. No, I'm coming.两分钟Two minutes.下一位Next.就是这样下巴抬起来点That's it. Chin up a bit.很好笑-Lovely. And smile.好吧从过去来看也许她本该做得更好Okay. Historically, maybe she coulcfve been better.可她已经改了-But she- she's changed. -Mm-hmm.你不也改了吗我还是先做无罪推定假定她没有恶意吧I mean, you changed. I better give her the benefit of the doubt. 又或许你该强硬起来别再那么唯唯诺诺了Or maybe you should sack up and stop being such a pushover. 别误会珍绝对是个自恋的贱♥人♥Don't get me wrong. Jen is a self-obsessed bitch.但你也好不到哪去你这个矫揉造作的软蛋But you're just as bad, you simpering fucking jellyfish.真对不起只是欺负你太容易了I'm so sorry. You're just such an easy target.我控制不住自己没关系-I can't help myself. -Itrs okay.你在努力这才是重点You're trying, and that's what counts.勇敢维护你自己吧你这个温吞的荡&hearts妇♥Stand up for yourself, you tepid slut.我得让自己离开这个环境I need to remove myself from this situation.卡丽祝你演讲顺利一定会很棒Carrie, good luck with the speech. It1! be great.你的额头长得真怪You have a weird forehead,这是我这辈子见过最丑的套头衫再见and that's the ugliest fucking jumper I've ever seen in my life. Goodbye.这是你的套头衫It's your jumper.我给你写了一段获奖感言Fve written you an acceptance speech.-我要你读出来-不行-I want you to read it. -No.妈好吧给我-Mum. -Okay, fine. Give it.我可不读这个一妈妈-I'm not reading this. -Mother!行我读Okay, okay. Ill read it.怪胎Weirdo.Oh.你回来了Oh, you're back.你和“圣女丽贝卡成了死党吗不应该没有-Are you and Saint Rebecca best buds now? -No, don't think so.-女士们先生们-请就坐Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats.我得走了要去挑个好位子我可不想错过任何瞬间Oh, I better go. I wanna get a good seat. I don't want to miss anything.-真的吗-天-Really? -Oh, my God.我这辈子从没如此期待过一段演讲I've never looked forward to a speech more in my life.谢谢Oh, thank you.迈克尔快下来Michael! Down!傻鸟Stupid birds.你准备好出来了吗You ready to get out now?应该可以了I think I am.要不再来一个视频吧But maybe just one more video.输入“消防安全示范失败搞笑集锦”Type in "funny fire-safety demonstration fails."有个超级好笑的主角是个留胡子的家伙There's a really good one with a guy with a moustache.我不想剧透但千万别只盯着胡子看I don't wanna spoil it, but don't get too attached to the moustache.搞笑的义警失败行动那人有点像你That man looks a bit like you.什么What?你你跟他们是一伙的吗You! You with them?不是伙计我不认识他们No, mate. Don't know 'em.我的天Oh, God! Oh, God!天Oh, God!-Its got 400,000 views.有40万浏览者很多吗Is that a lot?我去厨房♥睡Fil go sleep in the kitchen.物理奖得主是麦茜科斯塔斯And the physics prize goes to Maisie Costas.请热烈鼓掌谢谢Big round of applause, please.不No, no, no, no.别那么热烈谢谢Smaller round of applause, please.把那东西摘了Take that thing off.我觉得我差不多找到他们了I think I've nearly found them.Oh.我只想告诉你我会支持你I just want you to know, I'm here for you.现在是今晚的压轴大奖And now, for the final award of the night.这个奖属于一名天才小提琴手This goes to a gifted violinist who recently got into她最近被国内一所最负盛名的音乐学院录取了one of the most prestigious musical conservatoires in the country.杰出成就奖的得主是The award for outstanding achievement goes to.安迪道格拉斯Andy Douglas.女士们先生们各位贵宾们Ladies, gentlemen, distinguished guests.还有德古拉伯爵-.Count Dracula.很荣幸今晚在这里见到各位Ifs a pleasure to see you all here this evening.也许看起来我这个谦卑的女同性恋是靠自己赢得了这个奖项It might look like I, a humble lesbian, won this award all by myself, 但我不值一提的成功其实要归功于一个人but my moderate success is all down to one person.我的姐姐珍妮佛My sister, Jennifer.很感人吧Isn't that lovely?人们常对我说People say to me,“安迪,拥有一个天资聪颖又如此性感的姐姐你是否每天都备受煎熬"Andy, is it a living hell to have a sister who is a genius and also so hot?" 我要回答那些人是的-And to those people, I say, yes.但她同时也为我付出了很多But she's also done so much for me.当我在巴黎迪士尼乐园严重拉肚子时When I had explosive diarrhoea at Disneyland Paris,是谁用东西换了高飞狗的裤子来帮我遮丑who bartered with Goofy for his trousers to cover up my shame?当我被票选为2004年最丑婴儿时是谁对结果提出了异议When I was voted ugliest baby of 2004, who contested the judgement?当我要求把纳尔逊曼德拉关回监狱时When I demanded Nelson Mandela be put back in prison.你们猜怎么着Do you know what?我想感谢我自己努力赢得了这个奖Ed like to thank myself for this award.我很努力这是我应得的Fve worked hard. I deserve it.不过我确实想把这个奖Although, I would like to dedicate this award送给所有一事无成to all the people who have never achieved anything.一无所长的人Never been the best at anything.他们一定觉得生活非常乏味They must feel really lame于是用各种可悲的方式疯狂发泄因为他们只能做这些了and- and lash out in pathetic ways because thafs all they can do.没错这个奖确实要送给我的姐姐So, yes, this is dedicated to my sister.你干什么安迪没被音乐学院录取-What are you doing? -Andy didn't get into the Conservatoire因为她再也拉不了小提琴了因为她有奇怪大力because she can't play the violin anymore because of her freakish strength.她骗了你们所有人And she lied to all of you about it.她还弄伤了她女朋友的下♥体♥And she broke her girlfriend's fanny.我觉得我要找的可能是安迪I think it might be Andy.开始了我们才不会上你的当Oh, here we go. No, we*re not falling for it.对吧 我们不买♥♥她的账Come on. We're not buying it.圣阿苏塔天主教学校主入口第45届中学六年级年度颁奖典礼所有人注意Attention, everybody.谢谢Thank you.我们将于7 : 45正式开始首先是女学生代表讲话Now, we will be kicking off at 7.45 with the head-girl speech.然后是学科奖考勤奖Then, subject awards, attendance awards,最后是压轴返校演讲and finally, our closing keynote alumni.既然大家都到了请允许我提醒所有家长Now, while I have you all here, may I remind all parents that- 迈克尔Michael!校内不准使用超能力Powers are not permitted on school premises.快下来Get down.-蠢蛋-我听-Wanker. -I heard-我听到了I heard that.那么我将得到杰出成就奖So, I'm getting the outstanding achievement award,卡丽会发表返校演讲and Carrie's doing the alumni speech.你干什么呢珍What are you doing, Jen?我"干"你 ♥爸 ♥I'm doing your dad.玛丽我发誓我伊恩我知道-Mary, I swear, I- -Ian, I know.今晚珍有一份非常重要的工作是支持她的家人Jen has the very important job this evening of supporting her family.-重要的工作能放心交给珍吗你♥爸♥就很放心-Do we trust Jen with important jobs? -Well, your dad does. 我会帮他干"口 ♥活♥"我给他吹♥箫♥Because I'm giving him blow jobs. Tm blowing him.-玛丽我没碰过闭嘴你干了什么好事What have you done?别走啊No, hey.咱们回到正轨Let's get back on track.有请2015级的卡丽杰克逊Please welcome Carrie Jackson, class of 2015.-厕所厕所?-At the bathroom. -The bathroom?有所成就意味着什么What does it mean to achieve?你连一晚都忍♥不住你这个满口胡言的白♥痴♥But you couldn't for one evening, you little gobshite!你是个冷血不孕的女人-好吧You are a cold and barren woman!几个世纪来有过许多不同的定义Well, there have been many definitions over the centuries.我简直颜面扫地I was absolutely mortified. Mortified!可不是吗现在苏珊不会睡你了Oh, no. Now Susan's not going to fuck you.我不想睡苏珊-I don't want to fuck Susan!也许我会睡苏珊-Maybe fll fuck Susan.这将是我最难得的机会拥有一个爱我的母亲It's the closest I'm going to get to a loving mother.她在开玩笑-She's joking. She's joking.Um.在现代世界成功是Um, success in the modern world is.抱歉Sorry.有所成就意味着什么What does it mean to achieve?你在这啊你去哪了Oh, there you are. Where have you been?我好像把酒落在这里了I think I left our drinks in here.还有我众叛亲离了还在所有人面前丢尽了颜面Also, Tve alienated my entire family and humiliated myself in front of everyone. 所以So.卡丽-怎么了-Carrie? -What?我觉得我真的搞砸了I think I've really fucked it actually.是吗又搞砸了真没想到Have you? Again? Shocker.你阴阳怪气的干什么我正经历危机呢Why you being weird? I'm having a crisis here.-那是当然能告诉我你为什么生我的气吗-Course you are. -Can you tell me why you're mad at me?我现在没精力思考I don't have the mental capacity for this right now.我本该上台演讲I was meant to speak.现在因为你的小性子我的演讲泡汤了And now, because of your tantrum, I don't get to.Oh.你笑什么我还以为是什么严重的事呢-Why are you laughing? -I thought it was something serious.只有你的问题才重要Ah, so it's only your problems that are important.你一定有很多麻烦你有长♥期♥稳定的男友I'm sure you have plenty of problems, with your long-term boyfriend有前途似锦的事业还有酷炫的超能力and your promising career and your cool power.我的能力并没有人们想象的那么好My power is not all it's cracked up to be.起码让你有了工作It got you a job.你知道有多少人想跟我说话吗Do you know how many people wanna speak to me?不是通过我找什么名人Not someone famous.法老或总统只是跟我说话Not some pharaoh or president. Just me.没有人No one.我现在不就得听你说话吗从来没有人在乎我想说的话-I have to listen to you now, so. -No one ever cares what I have to say. 原本他们今晚很在乎但你当然不会让那顺利发生Well, they did tonight. But of course, you couldn't let that happen.你受不了有人打断珍的表演You couldn't bear an interruption of the Jen show.你是说我很自私So I'm selfish?没错你一直如此Yes. You always have been.永远都是你最重要It's always been about you.别这么夸张了Oh, stop being so dramatic.我的初夜给了谁Who did I lose my virginity to?我对什么食物过敏Okay, what foods am I allergic to?我奶奶什么时候去世的When did my nan die?-中学五年级时-我奶奶还活着-Fifth year. -My nan's alive.说得好像你知道我的这些事一样But as if you know those things about me.初夜给了彼得哈姆齐对牛奶过敏但你不承认你奶奶死于2014年Peter Hamzi, dairy but you refuse to acknowledge it, 2014.听着卡丽你不知道做我是什么感觉Look, uh, Carrie, you have no idea what it's like to be me.我一无所成I've got nothing.很抱歉我没有足够优雅地面对这一切I'm sorry if Tm not dealing with it with enough grace.得了吧Oh, boo-fucking-hoo!我觉得你根本不想获得能力你喜欢现在这样I don't think you ever wanna get a power. I think you like it.让你有借口做一个糟糕的人It gives you an excuse to be a shitty person因为全世界都对你不好because the world is mean to you.但你脑子里就没有过丝毫念头吗But has the smallest seed of thought ever passed through your brain 也许你并不是什么饱受困扰的悲惨殉道者 that maybe you're not some troubled, tragic martyr?也许你就是个混