《高级英语1》(第四版)quiz 10.docx
L Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:1. .in the evening she wears soft rich colors, dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture.A. rich colors B. flexible C. purple D. support.he says he used to read me, and is rather charmingly deferential, prefacing his remarks by "Of course it's not fbr me to suggest to you.5 and then.A. surfaceB. anticipate C. front D. introductA new Clovis, loving what I have despised, and suffering from.A. dislike B. dismiss C. depress D. defer.and there is nothing but the inteirnittent gleam of a lighthouse on a solitary promontory.A. internal B. interminable C. constant D. occasionalSo do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura's character, so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers.A. concern B. cultivate C. plant D. gatherI have been exhilarated by two days of storms.A. excite B. resent C. challenge D. provoke.to have become incapable of envy, ambition, malice, the desire to score off my neighbor.A. good desire B. loyalty C. ill will D. ill treatmentDismissive as a Pharisee, I regarded as moonlings all those whose life was lived on a less practical plane.A. empty B. contemptuous C. longing D. rebelliousIL Translate the following sentences into English:1 .不立刻做出正确的决定将会使整个事情变得很困难。2 .他太胆小,不敢开创新的事业。3 .破产的农民除了外出务工之外别无生路。4 .我知道你们男人懂得如何用虚情假意的言辞来蒙骗我们女人。5 .他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。6 .要及时处理那些日常函件,不要积压成堆。7 .应该给官兵更多的假期来调剂他们单调的生活。8 .他又撇着嘴笑,不过这次带着一丝酸楚。9 .四天的降雨过后,水势已开始慢慢退去。Keyl.B 2.D 3. A 4.D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. BIL1. Failure to make the right decision at once will make the whole thing very difficult.2. He is too timid to venture upon a new undertaking.3. The ruined peasants had no other resource than to go out for work.4. I see that men know how to beguile us women with false words.5. He spent his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests.6. Deal with routine correspondence promptly instead of allowing it to pile up.7. The monotony should be relieved by more generous leave granted both to officers and men.8. He gave his twisted smile, though this time with a touch of sourness.9. The waters are slowly starting to recede after four days of rain.