2022年枣庄市九年级中考英语二模试题卷第一局部,听力(共4节,115小噩,隹小墨1分,总分值15分:41Ts小里,每小翅2分.总分值10分.共25分)第一节根指你听到的内容.选出相庄的图片.把答案涂在答显卡15小届的后面.录音读两遍.第二节根君你听到的内容.判断以下句子是百符合你听到的对话内容.符合的用叮"表示.不 符合的用“F”表示.把答案涂在告噩卡610小期的后面.录音读两遍.6. Bob引出of high iiool life ii borirz.WheL Bob wa: in Grade he mile K ftend" .8. Bob hx -ome probl皿 ith -peaking in Grade 二Now. Bob' s EnElisk le/el tai bnn impioved.9. Bob willjciL the table taxi: t5am tkh September.第三节你会听到五个人诙论关于未来的话基.从A到E的列表中,为斜噬话者选择表达隹个 人观点的字母,把答案涂在答黑卡1口小噩的后面.每个字母只用T9录音读三遍.10. Speaker 1A There will Z awe fobotgirtkwfiiM.11. Speaker 2B. People wot tuie monev-. Everyth 工g willbe free.12. Spiakef 3C.There illbe mwepollutior.1014. Speaker 4D. P eople live on a -pace Btstion.15. Speaker 5E. The m欣ez工 宣ilkmdy or the Inteniet.第二局部:英语知识运用(第一节完形填空.16”小墨,每小基1分,总分值10分:第二节语 法填空,46Ts小矍.每小夔1分,总分值10分.共20分)面试下面短文,常提其大意.从A、B,C,D四个选项中选由最正确选项.把答案涂在假设霆卡16 驾小墨的后置.Many kids are crazy about space. Last montha space agency(机构:told thm public that they were 16 "a planet protecttor officer*. Soms people laughed 3t ±e finmy job titte. but a 9-year-old boy took tbe ixmamtioi: 17 , He iote a letter to the ag W sing that he wanted thw job.'Dar sin, my tame u Sam L. I th±kl am ±e 18 person ft» the job/ he xiote.What are Sao. 3 19 ? For one. be wrote, *My mister 理与 I an like an alien (外星人)Sam also said he had wst±ed almoit all tbe 20 movks he could find. His last lentace may touch people's hearts: *1 皿 yourg. so I can lean: tothhikltkesi: alien.,Sam soon got a 21 firom Bill Blxk diiectof of the 军axy “ 5之 received yoti letter. It i< gr到 that you are irtere-ted tn thw job. Tkh job is to 22 tbe earth ftom gems;纽 e : on things bfought ba± ttom other plants.M Bill ended the letter with aonie warn words, 23 Sam to study hard and do in school.飞a hope to 24 you st the ageEcj, ore day/ barote.“ Among kidi therm are 25 space KieEttsu ” Bill told a ripxer.e thi± of this letter as a chance thatcuy forever change our kids* life.'16 A wakirg rpB. looking fbfC. dealingD.talkirE about17A sinipkB.lighflyC. serioujlyD.desrlyIS. A. rightB.kiixiC. importantDiorite19. A dre3cH20 AgrB.problemiBroadC. discoveriesC. spaceD. adx-antagesD. ipcftsll.AjobB.testC. replyD. ticket22. A. moveB. protectC.puUD. collect23. A. warningB. helpingC.ofdrirED. axouxagmg24 A SA2B.tdlC.tharkD, 3M±25 A pastB.fctuieC. recentD.piesait第三局部,阅读理解(共15小墨:每小是2分,总分值30分)阅读下面两篇短文.从2631各矍所给的四个选项(A. B. C. D)中.选出最正确选项.把答案涂在答晁卡2631小霆的后面.SHAREYOUR TECH PROJECT PITH THE WORLDCfBste some±ir£ Kith lechnolozv- and 工式 it 止owcased OLlica.Do you love technology? Are you always making i»v ttingi and thEking up creative inventioEJ' Now you canbriq your latest tech idea to Ufi std 止金 it with Cooler 圾濠 °&环但亩的 1组“ technology ihoxaiefor yourg people. Its an amazirg di<irto get creath? Lr/e nm, 3cd cdebiate whst you Ltt made. Ybu h isjdany project you've created usirg tedxolog>> and see it showcased in ±e Coolest Pipjecu onlire. fiw people all over the woddtos.Hw to take partCooleit Projects oidiDe is free. It is opai to anyow from age 7 up to age 18. aod you can take pan in 宣berevef“u are in the worid. Ybu can 皿i any tech creation,iiing any pioa“u are in the worid. Ybu can 皿i any tech creation,iiing any pioaF*Mmire IsnHuage-pataps a projectcoded:爱玲)ir a website, a gETmMH app or even a robot. It cac be scmethiE itmple « 6fficult and youi projectdwar't even eM to be completed for you to taka part. Project- mult be lent by 3 %Iay. There will a live celebfation event on 8 Jime.Get started and Hgiiteryorx project hi coolest piojecu. oig.26. The text telkus that Coolest Projects oi±i:e_.A helps people live in a fim nB. alloi snyoDe to lee ±eprojects on itCJs aaEJged by young peopleD. develops tect pipjecu by ibelf27. To take part in Coolest Piojects odiia youA. have to be over ei ghteen year- oldB. should pay a lot of money onlineC. H-Mdi: t make ex youi project is fibikedD. can Ed m your project after3 Mayoule people who would molt probably like to read this text.A ar? ready to share tbekinventionB.pliy compm gamea wellC. are forei h lanEuazesD. plan to make ftecds onlineOrMlBshe wa-业重之 Alsy felt lonelte than ever. She went out of the house mi ran 3fosd 3 garden ta: ticB:. Ben Westter staff was woikrng tn itSpring ii conurg; he aid to Alary, .I can smell it ir the aii. Soon ±ere Kill ba spring flwen.At this momaitjthe robi成知更名)也3 towardand landed at MarVs fet.“ He feneciban me,“ she aid.'He knows everythiq that 快pe口 here/ Ben said/Onh* he knows whafs hpedng in the garden that has no dow is it. No one elie has Wa: ir-kk it fiw ta vears. ”Ba: walked 野ay to continue bs woik. Alary bat dour and began talking to the fobin. Ste felt happier than she had ever felt.The fobir tinted her and did not fly 彝型.It began pecking st 必 groml looking for a worn to 管.'lay looked closely at the zroixd. She isw gomethi理 that looked like metal. She picked it rp.lt was dirty and msty She cleaned it and 沏v that it was a kev.Its M3: in thw ground for many yean/ ihe thought *1 wordef if it is th京 key to the garden. If it is. th工 I must &cdthedoof/Maty skipped aromi the gardai. The robir Allowed her. Alary Kcppad ikipping and spoke to th/ robin.“ He shwed me xtere to 63 浜 key J she Aoight/Can you -hw me where the door is?The robin 三包 or the top of the garden wall. It began to sing. The wall wa: covered with ivy Mary pdled at a piece oftbeivy.lt came aw町 firom the wall. Batird ±ewall was a door. Man* put ±e key in lock of tha door and tuired it. The door opated. Only secondsMaiy wasthw seaet gar62n.Marv ±ouzht it was tbe mostbasinifcl sarden she tad ever seen.28. "Which is the right order for ±e fobtr?a. It follow Mary aroixd tbe garden.b. It -at atd -sng on the top of the 炉坛 wall.clt pecked at the gromd and looked fiw a worn.d.It flew tsvard Ba 蚁 Marv ani lau&d at Xlar/s 色t.A. b-Ld-aB.b-a-d-cC.d-c-a-bD. La-b-cWM does tbeizdedined word ,ttf trparagiaph 7 refer to?A The ke>B.ThefobiiLC.Theflwer.D. The lock.29. V.la is the b»st ti± fix ±etstt?A Marv Diicoves the Door E.Mav Find-a Secret GardenC. Maty RemembeB the RobinD. Mary Helpi Her Best FriendC读下面的文索然后判断文景后面335小型,正琦的漆"T",错误的涂"F".把答案涂在答 盘卡3235小噩的后面.The Cocmi±:t Party of Cbia :the CPC, u 回共二完:was rorndad"虎士:m 1921 People sroixd the city have held all kirdiof activities to celebtate the lOOh sixhwafyl 纪念 m ).In the Ciy AitM眸皿dtizei/了T 晨:rhw gr却 iiiae-t m也dreds ofpaiLtiiig! abouithehisttyoftheCPC. The an -hw has 3 themes about tba CPC. Some paiLtiiigs describe Chinese peopli poor and pairfcl lives in the pa!t. Som show that the CPC ovefcame difficdtie: and led Chinese to build the Peopl女 R斗blk of ChiiXc 军人工共 ,二国Othen tell cttizens about gr到 iange: that have taka- place ir Chira in the lastlOO yean. Seeing these paiEtirgi a lot of citizen- harm a better uzdentandiiig of ±e CPC and feel 辰ky to live in new Chira. Li 聪 erjoysall the paiLtins 皿1 划41自Lazing tha Chua has progfei-ed in srd: a闻d way.Bes ides the paiiittLE m6s a8clpetitk比 set! tons of attention. Tautanz takes part in it. He avs that theCPC has given him a lot of chance»to 珏eve his Ckira dieam-to become an excellent writer. A- a party member, he makes an effixt to ser;e people 宣ithout thLking about himself He often seed- books to tbs childien in ±e mountaii: villages. He also writes a lot of bant限1 peens about oui 81mtty. He 山山±e:e jx>enu are hh best gifts to tbe 100. 皿ivenw.From±eie activities, we have realized the足 would ba no Chhia谭ithoutthwCocuR工EPanv. Tbe CocinlixistParty- of Chin was founded 90 years ago.34.血曲匕3/9VvVW/WA30. Citizen can see hixdredi of paiLtiiiM about thw hhtoiy of thw CPC iz 心 City Ait Pa±.is to become m excellent writer.35. Rlmihe ah釜 mow for the daldren in the mouzai: Ullages.七选五(共§小黑:锤小墨?分,总分值1。分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项申选出鲍填入3X0小题的正稿答案.把答案涂在告盛卡36 40小矍的后面.It was a very hot day. As I a: sittirg on 心 bench. wsitiiiE for dais to begin. 13即,Timothya brownbag 3t Jenra Happily thw two of them walked 耶iy to lometere.36 They stopped 3t a quieter area behind the librae*. * Strsnge, * I bought “ They must be up to something!1 I watched them from behind a large tree ar4 raw Jaxa pan some money to Tin»±y Timothy thw passed the per bag to Jeixa. Both of them were smiliiig and smad very kappy 3: Ttmo±y must be rellirg auwes to 心 kclidsy wodcsbtm g Jaxa! It made secje to me 莘 Timothy 宣加 an excellent stdait and Jaxa always nesded help ir her komeu-oik. I couldatop myselfsndjmpad out &om behiiid tbs tr苦.I 而鸣 38*丁ioothy and Jew were Suipri-ed. ” Nhat is 由川工葭、Jm13 asked. After I told them what I had thought they laughed. I 3ed out that in the bag was a special comic book bought by Timothy1 m brotber. 39 Once I heard the explsEstion. my 氏己 timed red.I wished the Efourd wxuld sxvall 下)me then to wave me firom tbe ikacie.1 said sony for my mistake and qdddy皿 sway. 40A. I will cevw mt them agaiii.B. A ±onEtt 欣dedv came into mv mird. .C. at of curiosity; I foUed Timothy and JaxiD.Thaotky b器 onlycoUectiLE money firom Jaxa for tbe comic book.E.I willMver juc? to cooduBtoiy agaii:.F.I 由 what thw wo of you bad done.G.Luckily they invited me to join them.第四局部,写作(共六节.总分值65分)第一节听力填空题(共5小题:短小墨2分.总分值10分)请根据所听内容完成下面的填空.锂个空一词.把答案写在答矍卡4175小裂的横线上.录音 德三遍.41. .youmsv setbefofm Eettiiz to wok.±3n it really is.42. .or youxwoik 宣ill 以0If you havm more than an horf- woit give yornelf a after an hoi.43. If you dct£g your bom彝皿 you Kill have it on your micd-.aDditillniakevouf 宜由 time more,器 well.第二节塔法馍空(共10小黑:每小艇1分.总分值10分)同段下面短文笄填空.有的答案要填入适当的内容.有的答案要用括号内单词的正静形式.但 每个答案不多于3个单词.把答案写在答黑卡46”小黑的横线上.Accoidiiig to Chinese hinov. Zkuze Koleemle wsj the fint pefson抬 (use) skv lantettj. Tbsv 47sJ1 VWVwWWVWWr,' 'JJ (ieijd) out to ask for balp wben people were ir trouble. Today, mky lanteccs are 5d 48 celebratirg soma importait evMt,Tb2y are made of bamboo and covered 49 paper. When the lanterns are lit,蚂 50(slwj 打蕤 into tLe 3k like small hot-sii balloon for all 51 (se). They are sea as bright smbok of 52 (happy) and Eoodwskas.Pper cutting 53 (te) aroixd for over 1.500 yn . It somh very easy, 54 ,h 皿 3 difficult to do. The red ti usually cut Kith sciuon after 55 (fold), The most 8cleion picture are flowers, animals, axd thirgi about Chinese hhiwy.第三节读下面的一篇文直.在答黑卡的§660每个履目下做简单的第记(共5小题:每题2 分.分分10分)Wbac Sarah was a tEazef. sbe wad to fizht over almoit everythkE with bar femilyEut Eve vean azo. whileshe was mtudytm abroad in EnzLazd, she heard a ions foil of felirsm about retumrz bone on the radio. It made . IW4HVJMPSarah think about her faniilv acd firiend- ba± in ±e US. She came to realize how much she aarsllv misled all ofthen. Ever siEce±E. she has tea a tsL of American couHtn* musicCounty, is a traditioral ktrd of muic ftom tbe soutben: nat警 of America. Naihlh, Taxesis ±e home of uoumy cn3k. Many songs ±ese 切? are just about modeni life ir 必 131such as thw 回xxtanos of morsy and success, but 8t about belongiEg to a zroiqp. Howev骂 coimtiy music brirp us back to the “ good old day-3* when people were ki3 to each other and trusted ore another It tecii出 us that the best thing! ir life are 宜斗laughter.friendsily and the baity of tstuie and the coui-tiyside.Sarah hasn't teen to Nashvilfe yet. but it 13 her dieaci to go therm ow day. She has already taad a lot about tbe place and done some fei知ch on it. She knowm that there is a Coimtiy Musk Hall of Fame Mu-em tz Na±vilk. There are also sIksvs a lot of ziesi 8muv music coKerts with femous muadarj and Birsen. like Garth Brooks. .OFSarah Las already H&ened to most of his songj/Ganh is odb of the most succas»fid muaidsns tr American hhtty. H? i wldmofe than 120 millioii teccrds.1 kq>e to 四 ila sire live ora day”56. Theundedirad woid ,it" meats:57. The bast things in lift that are ffes:59. The KhieveciEt of Garth Brooks:60. Write one of your diemr第四节根揖汉语意里完成以下英语句子,每个空格馍一个单词(共§小是:短小黑?分,濡分10分)把答案写在答题卡61张小黑的横线上.61闽次演子展凝Kriwledae questionaig.62 .我们堂讨论伐翟为什么有昌宴京We are diKusskz whv fast food isoux health.63期天物呈有言乐会0?WUa coEcert in the school hall oqmtow?64 .事蓑黄大,你看三思行行Its、空 importm md you should.65 .常比魂迂井然&热对叱我三忌恚多时.Tfew皿,by accident mi Id thought about it for long;第五节大直总结(共i霆,10分)读下面关于新加坡的文点.请根指问题提示,在答黑卡的第五节下面用自己的话写出大意息结. 词数不少于60不多于80词.注青:在文宣后标清你写的字数.Have you ever been to Sinspwen For tbw皿is of toimsts ftom Chii-i ±i« imall iBland in Soutcast Asia is a wocdeffiil snd raa place to take a holiday. On the gee haEd.mof9 than three quarten of tbe popdatix are Chire-e. w you can limply- ipk Putxghra a lot of time. On the other band. Sireofe b he ErglUh-speakirg coimtiy, so its also a good place to pia±ce your English!Hava you ever tried Cbreie food outside of Chma? Maybe you fear that you wott be able to 63 mything good to eat when you navel. In Siizxjfe, hauler, you'll nud a lot of food from Chira; you won't have any piobleni gettirg rice, iKxxHes or duirpliiigi StrgxMe ii alio an excellent place to Hy wv feed. Whether you like 11dH ftxxLVstem food or Japanese food, yoifllfiixl it all in Siizapofe.Most large ettiea ha除 zees, bm have you ever been to a zoo at nght' Stg>ofe has a Night Sa&i, It might aem stfange to gotoazoo wba its dat Howev- if you go to m 芸 lions, tigen.or foxes duiing tbs daytia the/Il probably be asl>! A lot of animals only wake Lp at night. jothjii the best tide to watch them. At ±e Night S sori.vou can watch the骗 3dHim ir a more 口mal en'koment than in a nocmal zoo.One great ±iDg about SiEspor? is that the tempefatie is almost ±e same all year roixd. Thii is bee旺犯 theM 311tmr or xvhner. And,M 311tmr or xvhner. And,iilaxjd is so dose to tbe equator. So you m choose to go KbaxevM you like-sprirg. su: of coune. its 8t too far from Chica!(1) WhefE is Sits5XMen hit a wondernd place to take a holiday? (ac/d)Q) Whst langrageB can you ipeak ±ere?(3) C an you tty diferent kirds of food there?(4) XVbsf s tba Lame of th三 night zoo? In what way cat you warch th三 sdmals therm?(5) s the best tine to go to Sirs?>ofen XVhy?<bacaoe)第六节书面表达共1霆,总分值15分)An English aagaziM is 13H上ing an es舁y 3nlpai ee Kith the ±eme of M My Crtive English Homwvod: Please write h about tbe active English heme-oriz vou hr/e dow and make rsorable -ugEe»non on EnElish 11gleWMk.袋装工亲£社:壬在开戛以44 My Creative Ergltzh Homoik *为主建的征式活动.老办与一管征工 济述自三锹过的创宜宾语作匚 并对宾语作立提8合理建议)f港根据二盲的是本.古答卷卡第大书雁.与3管120询之古的立文注交,不五3系自己的恬老.看工 姓名.竽校.人名可以月英文名字)参考信.? : 1.The most creative English Kmevmik Ive ever doncontect,tsr/eBt.)备受的最有创 W 的其免作立 (内容.我获):l.Mcxe creative Englishhomoik suggestioES foms. teas。口. J克妥有方.它的芟史作立建议(形式、理三3.参考作业类型参考作业类型Doing Englishkociori: helps us to piaztis and use what lamed in clas.