英语国家社会与文化课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况课程中文名称:英语国家社会与文化课程英文名称: Societies and Cultures in English-Speaking Countries课程类别:外语技能课课程性质:选修课课程代码:ENGL2014总学分数:2总学时数:32 其中理论学时数:32 实践(实验)学时数: 0适用对象:非英语专业本科生先修课程:综合英语一、综合英语二、综合英语三开课学期:第四学期开课单位:应用外语学院二、课程教学目的本课程向学生简要介绍英美等英语国家(主要为英国和美国)的历史地理、政治经济、 教育文化、社会习俗、宗教艺术、开展现状等基本国情和社会文化概况。课程旨在提高学生 的文化素质,加强英语交际能力,培养学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的 灵活性,以适应日益广泛的国际交流,满足国家对高素质人才的需求。通过课程的学习,希 望学生了解和初步掌握西方社会的基本国情和文化概况,建立良好的习俗差异意识,提高综 合文化素养,在跨文化交际时做到知己知彼,以适应我国社会开展和国际交流的需要。三、先修课的要求综合英语一、综合英语二、综合英语三选修本课程的学生应具备与大学英语四级(CET-4)相当的听、说、读、写能力。U!、课程教学内容、要求及重点、难点I. Introduction to UKi. Content: panoramic view of UK, with a detailed introduction to LondonRequirement: Students should know about the four parts of UK, and should be able to talk about "British Identity”.ii. Key points: distinct features of the four parts; London as a multicultural city; British IdentityIL UK Historyi. Content: origin of the English nation and beginning of Parliament; decline of feudalism and the Tudor MonarchyRequirement: Students should know about England's history of invasion and the English language development, understand how the power of the Monarch diminish and how UK gradually becomes the “empire on which the sun never sets”.ii. Key points: how to understand “history"; the beginning of Parliament; Tudor Monarchy as a New MonarchyIIL British Monarchy & GovernmentI. Content: Monarchy system in UK; British government; politics and lawRequirement: Students should understand the symbolic role of the Monarch in modern society and the role of the Prime Minister, the Parliamentary system in the UK, and the election system in the UK.II. Key points: two houses and their functions; reform of the House of LordsBritish societyi. Content: some typical cultural elements of UK, such as the hat culture, pub culture, some typical sports etc. (This session is interwoven into the other sessions.)Requirement: students should have some idea about the lifestyle of British peopleii. Key points: culture and lifestyleIntroduction to USi. Content: panoramic view of USRequirement: Students should get a general idea about the US, its geography, the 50 states and so on.ii. Key points: US as a multicultural country; US as an immigrant countryEarly history of UKi. Content: Independence War; America after Independence: Westward MovementRequirement: Students should know how US starts to be British colonies, how important the Independence War is, why westward movement is important in US history.ii. Key points: the different reasons for European people to immigrate to the new continent; the American spiritsVIL American Government and Politicsi. Content: Federalism; Congress and government; 3 branches and bicameralism, two political partiesRequirement: Students should understand the governmental system of US.ii. Key points: checks and balances system; two houses and how they are formedVIIL US Presidential Electioni. Content: US Presidential Electionii. Requirement: Students should know the whole procedure of Presidential Election in the US.iii. Key points: party politics; electoral votes; "winner gets all“ principle;IX. Education in the UK and USi. Content: educational systems in the UK and the US, with a closer look at the higher educationii. Requirement: Students should know about the education systems in the UK and the US, and be able to make a comparison of the two.iii. Key points: Oxbridge; public school in the UK; differences of education in the UK and the USX. Canada, Australia & New Zealand (optional)i. Content: a general introduction to some other English speaking countries, about their landscape, history and present situation etc.ii. Requirement: Students should get a general understanding of some other English-speaking countries.iii. Key points: history, geography, and social welfare of these countries五、课程教学方法与手段(一)、教师讲授(讲授核心内容、总结、提示今后内容、答疑等)结合相关影视资料、阅 读材料;(二)、课后阅读(按照课堂主题内容布置相应的阅读作业,便于课堂讨论和专题讲解的展 开);(三)、设置小型研究话题,学生分组准备,进行课堂展示;(四)、期末撰写评论文,或考试。(根据课程要求和学生情况而定)六、实践环节及基本要求七、各教学环节学时分配表学环节 教学时数课程内课堂 讲授实验实践习题 课讨论 课设计其它小计(一)课程简介11(二)英国概况2. 50.53(三)英国历史516(四)英国政体1. 50.52(五)英国社会112(六)澳大利亚、新西兰(或小组工程展示)22(七)美国概况1.50.52(七)美国起源1. 50.52(八)独立战争1. 50.52(九)西进运动1.50.52(十)美国政体314(十一)美国大选1. 50.52(十二)加拿大(或小 组工程展示)1.50.52总计25732八、推荐教材和学习资源教材:英美文化与国家概况,来安方,复旦大学出版社,2008. 7.参考书:英语国家社会与文化入门上下两册,朱永涛主编,高等教育出版社,2011.6.网络学习资源:BBC英伦网九、考核方式考核类别(7 )考试计分方式(N )百分制()考查()等级制课程期末考核总分评定方式()方式1:平时30%,期末70%()方式2:平时40%,期末60%(V )方式3:平时50%,期末50%()方式4:教师自定义十、其他制订人:姜希颖 审核人:张作功学院(部):应用外语学院制订日期: 2013年9月