美女与野兽Beauty and the Beast scriptOnce upon a time in a faraway landa young prince lived in a shining castle.Although he had everything his heart desiredthe prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.But then, one winter's nightan old beggar woman came to the castleand offered him a single rosein return for shelter from the bitter cold.Repulsed by her haggard appearancethe prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within and when he dismissed her again the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.The prince tried to apologize, but it was too latefor she had seen that there was no love in his heartand as punishment, she transformed himinto a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castleYes, you will and you'11 win first prize at the fair tomorrow.Humph!And become a world-famous inventor.You really believe that?I always have.Well, what are we waiting for?r 11 have this thing fixed in no time.Hand me that, uh.dog-legged clincher, there.So, did you have a good time in town today?I got a new book.Papa, do you think I'm odd?My daughter? Odd?Where wou1d you get an idea like that?Oh, I don't know.It's just that r m not sure I fit in here.There5 s no one I can really talk to.What about that Gaston?He's a handsome fellow.He's handsome, all right, and rude, and conceited, and.Oh, Papa, he's not for me.Well, don,t you worry'cause this invention's going to be the start of a new life for us.I think that's done it.Now, let's give it a try.It works!It does?It does!You did it!You really did it!Hitch up Philippe, girl.r m off to the fair!Good-bye, Papa.Good luck.Good-bye, Belle, and take care while I'm gone.We should be there by now.We should be there by now.Maybe we've missed the turn.I guess I should have taken.Wait a minute.Let's go this way.Come on, Philippe, it's a shortcut.We11 be there in no time.This can,t be right.Where have you taken us, Philippe?We'd better turn around.Whoa.Whoa, boy, whoa, whoa, Philippe.Oh. . . !Oh, look out!Whoa!Whoa, boy!Back up, back up, back up!Good boy, good boy.That's it.Back up!Steady, steady.Now, steady.Philippe, no!Philippe.Oh.Help!Is someone there?!Oh!Oh.Hello?Hello?Poor fellow, must have lost his way in the woods. Keep quiet; maybe he 11 go away.Is someone there?Not a word, Lumiere; not one word.I don't mean to intrude, but I've lost my horse and I need a place to stay for the night.Oh, Cogs worth, have a heart.Shh!Of course, Monsieur, you are welcome here.Who said that?Over here.Where?Allo.Incredible.Well, now you've done it, Lumiere.Splendid, just peachy. Ah!How is this accomplished?Put me down at once!Stop that!Stop that, I say.Ow!Huh. . . Close that at once.Do you mind?!1-1 beg your pardon.It's, it's just that I've never seen a.Oh, you are soaked to the bone, Monsieur.Come, warm yourself by the fire.Thank you.No, no, no.You know what the master will do if he finds him here.I demand that you stop right there.Oh, no, no!Not the master5 s chair.r m not seeing this!I am not seeing this!Well, hello there, boy.What service.All right, this has gone far enough.r m in charge here.How would you like a nice spot of tea, sir?It'11 warm you up in no time.No. No tea.No tea!His mustache tickles, Mama.Oh!Hello.Uh-oh.Oh.Ah.There's a stranger here.Master, allow me to explain.The gentleman was lost in the woods.He was cold and wet.Master, I'd like to take this moment to sayI was against this from the start.It was all his fault.I tried to stop them, but would they listen to me? No.Who are you?What are you doing here?1-1-1 was lost in the woods, and, and.You're not welcome here!1-1-T m sorry.What are you staring at?!N-Nothing.So, you've come to stare at the Beast, have you?!Please, I meant no harm!I just needed a place to stay.r 11 give you a place to stay.Oh, no. . !Please! Oh, no!Oh, boy, Belle's going to get the surprise of her lifehuh, Gaston?Yep. This is her lucky day.r d like to thank you all for coming to my wedding.But first r d better go in there and propose to the girl.And you, Lefou. . . now, when Belle and I come out that door.Oh, I know, I know!1-1 strike up the band.Not yet!Sorry.Gaston.What a pleasant surprise.Isn,t it, though?r m just full of surprises.You know, Belle, there's not a girl in townwho wouldn't love to be in your shoes.This is the day.Hmm.Yeah.This is the day your dreams come true.This is the day your dreams come true.What do you know about my dreams, Gaston?Plenty. Here, picture this:A rustic hunting lodgemy latest kill roasting on the fireand my little wife, massaging my feetwhile the little ones play on the floor with the dogs.We'11 have six or seven.Dogs?No, Belle!Strapping boys, like me.Imagine that.And do you knowwho that little wife will be?Let me think.You, Belle.Gaston, I'm.,1' m.speechless.I really don,t know what to say.Say you'11 marry me.r m very sorry, Gaston, but.but. I just don5 t deserve you.Whoa!So, how'd it go?r 11 have Belle for my wife.Make no mistake about that!Touchy.Is he gone?Can you imagine?He asked me to marry him.Me, the wife of that boorish, brainless.Madame GastonCan't you just see it?Madame GastonHis little wifeNo, sir, not meI guarantee itI want much more than this provincial lifeI want adventure in the great, wide somewhereI want it more than I can tellAnd for once it might be grandTo have someone understandI want so much more than they've got planned.Philippe! What are you doing here?Where5 s. . . ?Where5 s Papa?Where is he, Philippe?What happened?Oh, we have to find him.You have to take me to him.What is this place?Philippe, please!Steady!Steady.Papa.Couldn't keep quiet, could we?Just had to invite him to stay, didn't we?Serve him tea.Sit in the master5 s chair.and all who lived there.Ashamed of his monstrous formthe Beast concealed himself inside his castlewith a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose which would bloom until his 21st year.If he could learn to love anotherand earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell then the spell would be broken.If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.As the years passed, he fell into despairand lost all hopefor who could ever learn to love a beast?Little town, it's a quiet villageEvery day like the one beforeLittle town, full of little peopleWaking up. . to. . . say.Bonjour!-Bonjour!- Bonjour! 一 Bonjour!Bonjour!Pet the pooch.I was trying to be hospitable.Hello?Is anyone here?Hello? Papa?Papa?Are you here?Mama, there5 s a girl in the castle.Now, Chip, r 11 not have you making up such wild stories.Really, Mama. I saw her.Not another word.But.Into the tub.Woop.Well! I saw a girl in the castle!See? I told you.Irresponsible, devil-may-care, waxy-eared, slack-jawed.Papa?Did you see that?It's a girl!I know it's a girl.Don't you see?She's the one.the girl we have been waiting for.She has come to break the spell!Wait a minute! Wait a minute!Papa?Papa?Hello?Is someone here?Wait!r m looking for my father. I.That's funny.r m sure there was someone.I-Is anyone here?Belle?Papa!H-How did you find me?Oh, your hands are like ice.I have to get you out of there.Belle, I want you to leave this place.Who's done this to you?No time to explain.You must go! Now!I won't leave you!What are you doing here?Run, Belle!Who's there? Who are you?The master of this castle.r ve come for my father.Please let him out.Can,t you see he s sick?Then he shouldn't have trespassed here!But he could die.Please, 1-T 11 do anything.There5 s nothing you can do.He's my prisoner.Oh, there must be some way I can.Wait!Take me instead.You?!You would.take his place?Belle, no!You don't know what you,re doing!If I did, would you let him go?Yes. But you must promise to stay here forever.Come into the light.No, Belle!I won't let you do this!You have my word.Done!No, Belle, listen to me.r m old. r ve lived my life.Wait.Belle!Wait!No, please spare my daughter.Please!She s no longer your concern.Take him to the village.Let me out!Please let me out!Let me out!Please! Oh, please!Master?What?Since the girl is going to be with us for quite some timeI was thinking that you might want to offer her a more comfortable room.Then again, maybe not.You didn't even let me say good-bye.r 11 never see him again.1 didn't get to say good-bye.r 11 show you to your room.My room?But I thought.You want to stay in the tower?No.Then follow me.Say something to her.Huh? Oh.1, uh, hope you like it here.The castle is your home now, so you can go anywhere you like except the west wing.What,s in the west. . ?It's forbidden!Now, if you need anything my servants will attend you.Dinner. Invite her to dinner.You will join me for dinner.That5 s not a request!Who does she think she is?That girl has tangled with the wrong man.No one says no to Gaston.Darn right.Dismissed, rejected.publicly humiliated.Why, it's more than I can bear.More beer?What for?Nothing helps.r m disgraced.Who, you?Never!Gaston, you've got to pull yourself together.Gosh, it disturbs me to see you, GastonLooking so down in the dumpsEvery guy here'd love to be you, GastonEven when taking your lumpsThere's no man in town as admired as youYou're everyone5 s favorite guyEveryone's awed and inspired by youAnd it's not very hard to see whyNo. . one,s.Slick as GastonNo one's quick as GastonNo one's neck's as incredibly thick as GastonFor there5 s no man in town half as manlyPerfect, a pure paragonYou can ask any Tom, Dick or StanleyAnd they' 11 tell you whose teamThey prefer to be onOoh!No. . one's been like GastonA kingpin like GastonNo one's got a full cleftIn his chin like GastonAs a specimen, yes, I'm intimidatingMy, what a guy, that GastonGive five "hurrahs!”Give 12 hip-hips!Gaston is the best and the rest is all dripsFights like GastonDouses lights like GastonIn a wrestling match, nobody bites like GastonFor there's no one as burly and brawnyAs you see, I've got biceps to spareNot a bit of him scraggly or scrawnyThat's rightAnd every last inch of me s covered with hairNo one hits like GastonMatches wits like GastonIn a spitting match, nobody spits like Gaston r m especially good at expectoratingPtooey!Ten points for Gaston!When I was a ladI ate four dozen eggsEvery morning to help me get largeAnd now that I'm grownI eat five dozen eggsSo r m roughly the size of a bargeShoots like GastonMakes those beauts like GastonThen goes tromping around wearing boots like GastonI use antlers in all of my decoratingMy, what a guyGaston!Help!Help!Someone help me!Maurice?Please, please!I need your help.He's got her.He's got her locked in the dungeon.Who?Belle. We must go.N-Not a minute to lose.Whoa!Slow down, Maurice.Who's got Belle locked in a dungeon?A beast!A horrible, monstrous beast.Is it a big beast?Huge!With a long ugly snout?Hideously ugly.And sharp, cruel fangs?Yes, yes.Will you help me?All right, old man.We 11 help you out.You will?Oh, thank you.Thank you. Thank you!Oh!Oh!Crazy old Maurice.He's always good for a laugh.Crazy old Maurice, hmm?Crazy old Maurice. hmm.Lefou, r m afraid I've been thinkingA dangerous pastime.I knowBut that wacky old coot is Belle's fatherThere goes the bakerWith his tray like alwaysThe same old bread and rolls to sellEvery morning just the sameSince the morning that we cameTo this poor provincial town.Good morning, Belle.Good morning, Monsieur.Where are you off to?The bookshop.I just finished the most wonderful story about a beanstalk and an ogre, and.That's nice.Marie! The baguettes.Hurry up!Look, there she goesThe girl is strange, no questionDazed and distracted, can,t you tell?Never part of any crowd'Cause her head's up on some cloudNo denying she's a funny girl, that BelleBonjourAnd his sanity's only so-soNow the wheels in my head have been turningSince I looked at that loony old manSee, I promised myselfr d be married to BelleAnd right now, I'm evolving a planIf I.Yes?Then we.No! Would she. . . ?Guess!Now I get it!Let's go!No. . one.Plots like GastonTakes cheap shots like GastonPlans to persecute harmless crackpots like GastonSo his marriage we soon will be celebratingMy, what a guy!Gaston!Will no one help me?Who is it?Mrs. Potts, dear.I thought you might like a spot of tea.But you' re. . . you' re a.Ooh!Careful.This is impossible.I know it is.But here we are.I told you she was pretty, Mama, didn't I?All right, Chip, now, that 11 do.Slowly now.Don't spill.Thank you.Want to see me do a trick?Chip!Oops. Sorry.That was a very brave thing you did, my dear.We all think so.But r ve lost my father, my dreams. . . everything.Cheer up, child.It11 turn out all right in the end.You,11 see.Oh, listen to me.Jabbering on while there's a supperto get on the table.Chip!Bye.Well, now, what shall we dress you in for dinner?Oh, let's see what I got in my drawers.Ooh! How embarrassing.Ah, here we are.You'11 look ravishing in this one.That's very kind of you, but. . . Im not going to dinner.Oh, but you must.Dinner is served.What's taking so long?I told her to come down.Why isn,t she here yet?Oh, try to be patient, sir.The girl has lost her father and her freedom, all in one day.Master, have you thoughtthat perhaps this girl could be the one to break the spell? Of course I have.r m not a fool.Good!So, you fall in love with her, she falls in love with you and poof! the spell is broken.We11 be human again by midnight.Ooh, it's not that easy, Lumiere.These things take time.But the rose has already begun to wilt.Oh, it's no use.She's so beautiful, and F m.Well, look at me!Oh, you must help her to see past all that.I don't know how.Well, you can startby making yourself more presentable.Straighten up.Try to act like a gentleman.Ah, yes. When she comes ingive her a dashing, debonair smile.Come, come, show me the smile.But don't frighten the poor girl.Impress her with your rapier wit.But be gentle.Shower her with compliments.But be sincere.An