Fear the Walking Dead《行尸之惧》第七季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
抱歉我没有对大楼做到承诺过的事I'm sorry I didn't do what I said I would with the Tower. 你让大家上了皮筏You got everybody onto the rafts.这才最重要That's all that matters.前情提要我在无线电上听到了一些信息I've been hearing some chatter on the radio and.我认为可能与帕德雷有关I think it might be PADRE.我认为帕德雷是真的I think PADRE is real and I think我们可能真的有地方去了we might actually have someplace to go to.艾丽莎Alicia!-上船-不-Get on the raft! - No!我不知道我会多快转变I don't know how fast I'll turn.我不知道我还有多长时间I don't know how much longer I have left.要靠你来确保我们经历的一切It's up to you to make sure everything we've been through 有所意义means something.你到了You made it.听起来你情况不妙You don't sound like you're doing so hot.我们可以帮你We can help with that.但首先你必须决定是否加入我们But first, you have to decide if you want to be part of this.如果加入的话你必须决定And if so, whether you're willing to do你是否愿意做该做的事what needs to be done.以得到我们知道你想要的东西To get the thing we know you want.但你们必须遵守协议But you have to hold up your end of the deal.我们会的We will.我怎么能确定How do I know?你还在呼吸的唯一原因就是我们The only reason you're still breathing is because of us. 你叫什么What's your name?麦蒂森Madison.现在不是了Not anymore.我们会告诉你你今后的代y ♥We will tell you who you're going to be from now on. 太迟了We're too late.什么意思And what does that mean?她已经被救走了She's already rescued.我的人比我预期的来得早My people came sooner than I expected.不No.帕德雷6号♥收集者你在逗我吗你来自帕德雷You kidding me? Are you with PADRE?你对帕德雷有什么了解What do you know about PADRE?我们走吧Let's move.走吧Let's go.他们去了哪个方向Which way would they go?那孩子没了你更好That baby's better off without you.你无权决定什么对我的家人好You don't get to decide what's best for my family.我已经决定了I already did.我以前跟你很像I used to be just like you.你跟我一点不像You are nothing like me.现在不像了Not anymore.松手放开我Get off me. Let me go.艾丽莎尼克老天Oh, dear God.你是麦蒂森克拉克You're Madison Clark.你怎么会知道我的名字How do you know my name?天啊Jesus.你的孩子们Your kids.-你的孩子们告诉我的胡说-Your kids told me. - You're full of shit不你死了No, you died.他们是这样说的我见过那个体育场That's what they said, and I saw the stadium.我的孩子们My kids.他们还活着they're alive?我会告诉你我所知的一切I will tell you everything I know,以换我的女儿-嗯-in exchange for my daughter. - Yeah.帕德雷只有一种可能把孩子还给你There's only one way PADRE's ever gonna give her back to you.你必须帮我救一个别人的孩子You're gonna have to help me rescue someone else's kid.来替换你的孩子Take the place of yours.不我不会那样做No, I'm not doing that.孩子会过得更好The kid's gonna be better off.没有什么别的方法能满足他们吗What, there's no other way to give them what they want非要夺走其他家庭的孩子吗without taking some child away from its family?没了There isn't. No.如果孩子还没出生呢What if the kid isn't born yet?帕德雷对孕妇感兴趣吗Would PADRE be interested in somebody who's pregnant?也许吧Maybe.因为对讲机里的那个女人怀孕了Because that woman you were talking to on the walkie is pregnant, 她状态不是很好and she's not doing so good.我知道她在哪And I know where she is.你确定你准备好走这条路了吗You sure you're ready to go down that road?我能找回我的女儿吗Will I get my daughter back?你能Yeah, you will.帕德雷能照顾她And PADRE - they'll be able to look after her和她女儿吧-对-and her baby, right? - Yeah.那么我就没有夺走一位母亲的女儿所以Then I'm not taking a child away from its mother, so.所以可以.so yeah.你在逃离体育场时You get smoke in your lungs肺部吸入了烟雾吗trying to escape from that stadium?所以你才吸氧吗Is that why you need this?差不多吧Something like that.据我所知你不可能Way I heard it, there was no way活着逃出那个地方you could have gotten out of that place alive.我充满了惊喜I'm full of surprises.我的孩子们还给你说了什么What else did my kids tell you?说了很多Oh, quite a bit.但你和我想象中不同And you are not what I imagined.你什么都不知道You don't know anything.-你在偷孩子-救孩子-You're stealing kids. - Rescuing.这是你的想法还是帕德雷的说辞Oh, is that you talking, or PADRE?你对帕德雷了解多少What do you know about PADRE?你之前没有问答我的问题You didn't answer my question before.我知道他们在广播信息I know they're putting out radio messages.我知道没人能找到他们I know that nobody can find them, 我知道艾丽莎在找他们and I know that Alicia was looking for them.艾丽莎为什么在找他们Why was Alicia looking for them?在找到女儿之前我不会再说一句话I'm not telling you anything more until I get my kid back. 你以为你在做正确的事You think you're doing the right thing, 努力将她夺回来但她在对的地方 fighting to get her back, but she's in the right place.-相信我为什么-Believe me. - Why?因为我们能给她你这种人给不了的生活Because we can give her a life people like you can't."我这种人”People like me?父母Parents.你甚至没东西喂她You couldn't even feed her.我会找到食物的I would've found food.在我看来你连自己都难以养活Well, it looked to me like you were barely scraping by out there on your own. 她是我女儿It's my daughter.她妈妈她要来了Her mother - she's coming.这又有什么不同What difference is that gonna make?你不知道我们承受过什么You don't know what we endured, okay?炸♥弹♥都没杀死我们We survived the bombs.你在加尔维斯顿吗You were in Galveston?-尼克和艾丽莎也在那里吗-我说过了-Nick and Alicia were there too? -1 told you 我不会再多说一句关于他们的话I'm not telling you anything more about them.我只是在说更糟的情况我们也挺过来了I'm just saying that our family have gotten through worse than this.家人不是答案而是问题Family is not the answer. It's the problem.帕德雷搞清楚了这点That's what PADRE's figured out.所以他们在打造不同的东西That's why what they're building is different.你曾是个为家人搭上性命的女人You're the woman who put her life on the line for her family.你到底经历了什么What the hell happened to you?是这里吗Is this the place?对就是这里现在怎么办Yeah, this is it. So, what now?我们进去告诉她真♥相♥We go in, we tell her the truth.-真♥相♥是什么-我们会带她去一个-And what's that? - That we'll take her to a place能照顾好她孩子的地方where her baby will be taken care of.生完孩子后她会怎样And then what happens to her after her baby's born? 她不需要知道She doesn't need to know.我需要知道I need to know.你不需要No, you don't.你怎么能对别人做这种事How can you do this to people?你会习惯的You get used to it.我按你们说的做了I did what you asked.现在轮到你们了Now it's your turn.更多More.你说什么What did you say?一次不够One time isn't enough.我们需要你继续做We're gonna need you to keep doing it.艾娃Ava?艾娃你在吗Ava, you there?你来这做什么What are you doing here?我Hey. I, um.我找到了一个能帮助的人I found somebody I think can help.你是谁我们在对讲机里谈过-Who are you? - We spoke on the walkie.摩根告诉了我你的位置Morgan told me where you were.我只想要吉姆I just want Jim.他是孩子的父亲吗Is that the baby's father?这座房♥子属于我的家族This house, it belonged to my family.我在这里出生I was born here.我以为我在这里很平安I thought I'd be safe here.我们可以帮你和你的孩子Well, we can help you and your baby.怎么帮How?我来自的地方很平安那里的人很好Place I'm from, it's safe, it's good people.那是个孩子长大的理想之地It's the kind of place a kid would dream about growing up. 听起来太美好不像是真的Sounds too good to be true.是真的It's for real.这是我们孩子拥有的最好的未来It's the best shot our kids have for a future.摩根的孩子也在那里对吧摩根They even got Morgan's kid in there, don't they, Morgan?对Yeah, that's right.我以为那种地方不可能存在I didn't think it was possible for a place like it to exist, 但确实存在but it does.那里叫什么What's it called?帕德雷Padre.我去拿行李I'll get my things.告诉我她生下孩子后会发生什么Tell me what's gonna happen to her once the baby's born.已经太迟了你不觉得吗A little late, don't you think?你之前没有回答Well, you didn't answer before.到底会发生什么So, what happens?你知道的否那么你早催我回答了You know - otherwise you would have pressed for an answer. 他们会被拆散They get split up.为什公And why is that?-因为这是帕德雷的做事方式-但为什公-Because that's how PADRE works. - Yeah, but why?这怎么能给孩子最好的机会How does that give the kids their best shot?你思考的角度完全错了You're looking at this all wrong.我们看待彼此的方式我们为彼此做的事The way we see each other, the things we do for each other, 帕德雷改写了一切PADRE's rewritten the book on all of it.改写成了什么样And what does that look like?没有牵挂No attachments.没有感情No connections.我不会这样做I'm not doing this.我曾见过一个母亲失去孩子I've seen a mother lose her baby once before.我不想再看到这种事了I don't want to see that ever again.那你将永远见不到你女儿Then you'll never see your daughter again.一切还好吧Everything alright?嗯我很好Yeah. It is for me.你呢摩根How about you, Morgan?不一切都好很好No, everything's fine. It's fine.我们应该送你去帕德雷我们应该这样做We should just get you to PADRE. That's what we should do.-好-嗯-Okay. - Yeah.糟糕Shit怎么了 -他们找到我了-What? - They found me.这里有后门吗Is there a back way out of here?他们为什么找你Why are they after you?我救孩子时惹怒了他们I pissed them off trying to save some kids.我们该怎么逃出去Now how the hell do we get out of here?跟我来Yeah, follow me.等等Wait. Wait.快点我们必须继续跑Come on. We gotta keep going.-给我不行-Let me have it. - No way.快跑Come on.快来海滩在这边Come on. The beach is this way.-你没事吧-没事-You okay? - I'm fine.你受伤了你被咬了吗Oh, you're hurt. Did you get bit?不这是藤蔓割的我可以继续走No, it's from the vines. I'm good to keep moving. 来吧Come on.我们必须停下Oh, we gotta stop.他们追上来会杀了我们If they catch up with us, they're gonna kill us. 如果因为我们孩子出了事If something happens to this baby because of us - 我没事没事快走吧拜托了I'm fine. It's fine. Let's just go. Please.他说得对出事了是我的责任He's right. If something happens, itrs on me.我们可以去哪里Where can we go?那里那个墓室There? That crypt?好Yeah. Yeah, yeah.好走吧Okay, come on.桑德森家族墓室好Okay.关上门Let's get that closed.来Here.不会有事的It's gonna be okay.-这是什么-心率监测器-What's that? - Heart rate monitor.为了确保没事Just to make sure nothing's wrong.我真的没事孩子也没事I'm fine. Really. The baby's fine, too.外面的那些人是谁Just - Who was out there?谁在追你Who's after you?有人能听见吗Can anybody hear me?外面有人吗Is anybody out there?有人吗Anybody?好吧Okay.我来抱你I got you.我知道I know.你饿了对吧You're hungry, right?我们将去采购We're gonna go shopping.你瞧Hey, look.要带上妈妈一起去吗Should we take Mama with us?沐浴在晨光中Sittin' in the mornin' sun听听这是什么Look what vve got.直到黄昏到来I'll be sittin' when the evening comes听到了吗Got it?看着船涌入港口Watchin' the ships roll in再看着它们一只只驶离Then I watch 'em roll away again, yeah 我坐在码头上I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay看着潮起潮落Watchin' the tide roll away我只是坐在码头上I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay路易斯安那州河口博伊德餐厅消磨着时光Wastin' time怎么了What is it?听不到心跳I can't get a heartbeat.帕德雷那里有医生吗PADRE - they have doctors?-有-那叫他们来-Yes. - Then get them here.住手你让情况更糟了Listen. Stop. You're making this worse.听不到吗听不到心跳吗Can't hear it? You can't hear the heartbeat?听不到No.继续听啊So keep looking.她没怀孕她从来没有怀孕She's not pregnant She never was.我不明白I don't understand.她骗了我们She's tricking us.为什么为了让我带你去帕德雷吗Why? To get me to take you to PADRE?你是这样想的吗Is that what you thought would happen?这是真的吗Is that true?你没有怀孕吗Are you not pregnant?这不重要了把她绑起来Oh, it doesn't matter. Tie her up.给她留点食物和水她只会拖累我们Leave her some food and water. She'll only slow us down. 你真不记得了You really don't remember?你抢走了我的女儿You took my daughter.一年前A year ago.你说是为r她好Told me it was for the best.妈的你真不记得了啊Oh, shit, you really don't remember.她才六岁She was 6.她叫奥黛莎Her name was Odessa.你在沙滩上把她从我身边拽走时她哭了She cried when you pulled her from me on the beach.她对你说的是假话What she told you - it's not true.他知道是怎么回事He knows exactly what's going on.在他们找到我们之前我们还有时间离开We still have time to get out of here before they find us.你得带我去找她You need me to take me to her.你的计划不可能成功Your plan never would've worked.他们会在我们上船前检查孩子的心跳They'd have checked for a heartbeat before we got on the boat.抵达后也会检查They'd have checked for one when we arrived.你在那里的每一天都会检查They'd have checked for one every day you were there.我需要见她她需要见我I need to see her. She needs to see me.如果她没怀孕没有孩子的话If she's not pregnant and there's no baby,我们还怎么找回摩how are we getting Mo back?找不回来了We're not.即使是交换也不一定成功Even with a trade, there was no guarantee.你打算用我换你的孩子吗You were gonna trade me for your kid?你说过我们能找回她You told me that we would get her back.我说过有可能I said we might.你必须想方法让我找到孩子You need to find a way to get me to my kid, 否那么你永远不会知道你的孩子们在哪 or you will never know where your children are. 你以为这能威胁到我吗You think that's a threat?我要我的孩子I want my kid.你要你的孩子们And you want yours.问题就出在这里.摩根That's the thing, Morgan.我不想找到他们I don't want to find them.我永远不会再见到他们I'm never gonna see them again.这没关系And that's okay.我说过我已经想通了I told you I got over it before. 我没说谎I wasn't lying.不对No.不对你只是嘴上说说而且我们说好了No, you are just saying that, and we had a deal. 那是为了利用你得到我想要的东西So I could get what I wanted from you, 也就是她which was her.那你做这一切到底是为了什么Why else would you be doing all of this?不够Not yet.我们需要你救更多We need you to rescue more.你有孩子们You have kids?我们都在为自己的理由做事We are all doing what we're doing for our own reasons.你认识他们吗你真的不能帮我吗-You know them? - You really can't help me?聪明点在他们找到我们之前离开Be smart. Let's go before they find us.冷静Whoa! Easy now!我祖父遗嘱里的第一条First thing in my grand-daddy's will.将他和最心爱的猎枪一起下葬To be buried with his favorite hunting gun.他说他要做好准备以防自己没上天堂Said he wanted to be prepared in case he didn't end up in front of the pearly gates. 我觉得你也不会上天堂I don't think you will, either.我们冷静点Let's just take it easy.我知道你很愤怒但我们必须活着离开这里I know you're angry, but we gotta get out of here alive.唯有这样才能找到我们的孩子Only way we're gonna find our kids, right?我还有别的方法I have another way.你或许不想见你的孩子们You might not want to see your kids,但我觉得你不希望他们死but I don't think you want them to die.你们在吗Are you there?寻找收集者的人The ones looking for the collector?你是谁Whors this?和你们一样的人Someone like you.被她偷走孩子的人Someone she stole a child from.你想要什么What do you want?我刚找到了让她就范的方法I just found a way to motivate her to do what we want.但我需要你们的帮助But I'm gonna need your help.-我在听-这行不通-I'm listening. - It's not gonna work.告诉他她的孩子们在哪Tell him where her kids are.我帮不了你I can't help you.我背后的那些人不在乎我的想法Where I'm from, they don't give a shit what I think.我等着呢是什么方法I'm waiting. What is it?你最好想个方法让他们在乎You better find a way to make them.你听到了You heard me.告诉他她的孩子们在哪Tell him where her kids are.告诉他去哪能找到她该死的孩子们Tel) him where to find her goddamn kids!-我做不到-我会崩了你-1 can't. -1 will shoot you.你女儿将永远见不到你And your daughter will never see you again.告诉他他们在哪So just tell him where they are.她说得对这行不通She's right. This is not gonna work.-为什么-因为-Why not? - Because.因为他们已经死了Because they're already dead.我很遗憾真的I'm sorry. I really am.但你的孩子们But your kids.他们死了they're gone.你说过他们还活着你说过你知道他们在哪You said they were alive. You said you knew where they were. 我那样说是为了利用你I said that so I'd get what I wanted from you.你说谎-我不会对这种事说谎-You're lying. -1 wouldn't lie about something like that. 你根本不知道我的孩子们You don't know anything about my kids.-你从来都不知道-我知道-You never did. -1 do.麦蒂森我知道Madison, I do.我知道尼克中枪了I know that Nick got shot.维克多艾丽莎露西亚娜Victor, Alicia, Luciana -他中枪时我们都在场we were all there when it happened.我们亲手埋了他We buried him ourselves.艾丽莎呢And Alicia?她不久前被行尸咬了She got bit by a walker not so long ago.她不得不截肢自己截断了手臂She had to amputate, took her own arm off, 但不够及时她被感染了but she didn't do it in time, and the infection set in.但她抵抗了好几个月比我认识的任何人都久But she fought it for months, longer than anybody I know. 但我最后一次见到她时But the last time I saw her 我最后一次和她说话时.last time I spoke to her.不No.我最后一次和她谈话时.the last time I talked to her.她已经快不行了.she was close to the end.不No.我很遗憾I'm sorry.外面至少有三十只行尸At least 30 walkers out there.还会来更多More on the way.你在吗Are you there?重里你在吗I repeat - are you there?他们还在等你提交易They're still waiting on your deal.他们仍能救我们出去They could still get us out.为什么不应答Why aren't you answering?我们愿意做交易We're willing to make that deal.你不能给他们你所承诺的东西You can't give them what you promised.他们很可能会杀了我们他们已经试过杀我了They're liable to kill us. They al