The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯历险记(1984)》第五季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
福尔摩斯探案集第5季第4集 您瞧父亲我们以前就谈过这个Look, father, we have been through all this before.按我说的去做小子Do as I tell you, boy,你这该死的不听话的小杂种you damn, disobedient little bastard.把枪给我Give me the gun.这是我的生活我要按我的方式去过Ifs my life and I'm going to run it the way I like.给我滚上去Get up out of it.博斯科姆比溪谷迷案早上好Good morning!早上好Morning!钓到什么了吗?Caught anything?哈哈Ha-ha!还没呢Not yet.福尔摩斯你到这儿来干什么?Holmes, what on earth are you doing here?来找你Looking for you.你继续吧亲爱的朋友Well, carry on my dear fellow,别让我打搅了你don't let me disturb you.你究竟是来干什么的?What on earth are you doing here?来办一个案子A case has brought me this way.什么样的案子?What sort of case?报纸上管它叫做The newspapers are calling it the驱赶黄蜂也不会搞成那样吧?He hadn't got that way swatting wasps had he?而你认为那个小伙子杀了他的父亲?And you believe that the boy killed his father?呃我当然是这样想的先生Well, of course I do, sir.我是说还能是谁呢?I mean who else couldVe done it?我能告诉你们的就这么多先生们I can tell you this much, gentlemen.好吧我是个猎场看守人我知道All right, now, I'm a gamekeeper all right如果谁手里拿着一把枪and when a man's got a gun in his hand再不可思议的事情也会发生strange things can happen.我见过不少人Oh, now Fve seen men,相当遵纪守法的人quiet law abiding gentleman,可要是把枪放到他们手里you put a gun in their hands就会变得近乎疯狂they turn into near maniacs.非常感谢克劳德先生Thank you so much, Mr. Crowder,占用了你这么珍贵的时间for giving so much of your valuable time.噢我很荣幸先生们Oh, it's been a pleasure gentlemen.我不是第一次协助司法调查了It's not the first time I've been able to help the cause of justice, 不绝不是no, not by a long shot.呃去年圣烛节的时候All right, well last year at Candlemas time,你还记得吧督察?you remember Inspector?不我说错r是两年前No, I'm a liar, it were two years ago.呃我们得走了Well, we must be on our way.我是站在法律和秩序一方的先生Well, Tm on the side of law and order, sir, 督察会告诉您的the Inspector will tell you that.你确实是如此克劳德Indeed you are, Crowder.谢谢Thank you.再见Goodbye.这些乡下人都一个样They're all the same these country people.要是有人听他们说Once they get an audience就会喋喋不休说个没完they'll talk the hind leg off a donkey.您要是跟我走的话Now if you follow me我会带您到案发现场去ril take you down to the scene of the crime.暂时没这个必要No need for the moment.那倒是真的在这种情况下确实没必要That's very true, no need in the circumstances.这是件不幸的案子却很明朗It's a sad case, but a pretty clear one,气压很高the glass is high.天气晴朗Weather set fair.我要去探访詹姆斯麦卡锡I shall like to call on James McCarthy.要是您想去的话我可以安排I can arrange it if you wish.明天Tomorrow.明天Tomorrow.还有一件事我得告诉您福尔摩斯先生One more thing I should tell you; Mr. Holmes.那个小伙被控谋杀时When the boy was charged with the murder,他一点也不显得惊奇he didn't appear in the least surprised.事实上他说这是他应得的In fact, he said it was no more than his desserts,这是他的原话those were his very words.算是认罪了吗?A confession?你也可以这样想You might think so.那他是不是也宣称了自己的清白?Did he also protest his innocence?是的Yes.不过罪犯总是这样说的不是吗?But then again, they always do don't they?我想我们最好还是回旅馆去I think we best be getting back to the hotel.我还去庄园做些拜访I have some calls to make on the estate.那明天见Until tomorrow then.博斯科姆阿姆斯旅馆Boscombe Arms.那男孩说这是他应得的The boy said he got no more than his desserts,呃这样说相当可疑well that's a pretty suspicious remark.我是说在发生了这么多事之后I mean, coming after such a damning series of events.相反地在目前这恰好是On the contrary the brightest rips I can see在云层中我能看到的最明亮的一线曙光了in the clouds at present.他话中流露出的悔悟Self-approach contrition displayed by his remark是一种健康心态的象征appears to be signs of a healthy mind,说明他不心虚rather than a guilty one.比这微小得多的证据都曾把许多人送上了绞架Many men have been hanged on far slighter evidence.确实如此So they have许多人被错误地送上了绞架and many men have been hanged wrongfully.瞧一只野鸡Oh, look, a pheasant.嗯听这证词Mm, witness.詹姆斯麦卡锡说的That's James McCarthy.我和我的父亲进行了一次谈话I had a conversation with my father,言辞渐渐激烈起来which led to high words,差点就要吵开了and almost to blows.因为他的脾气渐渐难以控制As his temper was becoming ungovernable,我就离开了他往山上走I left him and went up the hill.走出不到一百码I hadn't gone more than a hundred yards突然听到一声很可怕的呼喊when I heard a hideous outcry,使我马上往回赶which caused me to run back again.我发现我父亲躺在地上I found my father快要断气了expiring on the ground头部严重受伤with his head terribly injured.你回去的时候Did you see anyone near your father有没有看到你父亲的周围有什么人?when you returned?没有一个人也没有No, no one.我不知道他是怎么受的伤I have no idea how he came by his injuries.他不是一个讨人喜欢的人He was not a popular man,但据我所知but as far as I know他没有什么健在的敌人he had no active enemies.对这点我只知道这么多I know nothing further of the matter.你父亲咽气之前有没有跟你说起什么?Did your father say anything to you before he died?他咕哝了几句话He mumbled a few words但是我能听清的就是他提到了一只老鼠but all I could catch was some allusion to a rat.安静肃静Silence, be quiet.一只老鼠?A rat?对此你有什么看法?And what did you understand by that?对我而言毫无意义It conveyed nothing to me.我觉得I thought,我觉得他神志不清well I thought he was delirious.你和你父亲临终前的这次争吵What was the point upon which you and your father 是关于什么事情的?had this final quarrel?我不想回答这个问题先生I should prefer not to answer that question, sir.恐怕我得坚持这个要求I'm afraid that I must press it.我真的不可能告诉您It really is impossible for me to tell you但是我可以向您保证but I can assure you that it had nothing to do 它与此后的悲剧无关with the sad tragedy that followed.是否有关要留待法庭来判断That is for the court to decide.我必须向你指出I need hardly point out to you你拒绝回答下列问题的行为that your refusal to answer在未来的可能进行的诉讼中will prejudice your case considerably将对你的案子in any future proceedings,十分不利which may arise.你可以坐下了You may sit down.陪审团的先生们Gentlemen of the jury,你们在这里是为了查清you are here to discover the cause of death威廉麦卡锡先生的死因of Mr. William McCarthy然后宣布你们的裁决and thereafter to deliver your verdict.你们已经听到这起罪案的相关事实了You have heard the facts of this crime我相信这些事实让案情相当明朗and I believe they make the situation very clear.詹姆斯麦卡锡对他父亲的死的供述Mr. James McCarthy*s account of his fatherrs dying就算退一步来说也是很奇怪的is singular to say the least.他拒绝提供他与其父最后对话的细节His refusal to give any details of their last conversation这对他极为不利must go very much against him.在我看来做出故意谋杀的裁决The verdict of willful murder seems to me to fit与我们所听到的事实是相符的the facts we have heard.希望我说得够清楚了I hope I make myself clear.那么就是故意谋杀了So willful murder it was.难以置信Monstrous.呃这小伙子确实也是自找的Well the boy did rather ask for it.我亲爱的华生你难道没发现My dear Watson, don't you see that both you and the coroner你和验尸官都没能have been some pains指出对这位年轻人最有利的一点吗?to single out the strongest points in the young man's favor?你没发现你们都认为他Don't you see that you're terribly giving credit想象力过于丰富或过度缺乏吗?for much too much imagination or too little.说太缺乏是因为他没能编造出一个吵架理由Too little, if he could not invent a quarrel来博得陪审团的同情which would give him the sympathy of the jury.说太丰富是他居然故意说出Too much, if he evolved from his own死亡与一只老鼠有关inner consciousness anything so outr这么有悖常理的说辞as a dying of reference to a rat.这些乡村验尸官总以为Well, these country coroners do think自己是什么万能的神明they're little tin pot gods.那完全是不光彩的It's an absolute scandal.不不不No, no, no.我处理这个案子必须以这个观点为基础I shall approach this case from the point of view那就是这位年轻人所说的话是真的of what this young man says is true.我们来了一位访客We have a visitor.我们年轻的委托人到了Our young client has arrived.请进Come in.您来了我太高兴了福尔摩斯先生I'm so glad you've come, Mr. Holmes.我叫爱丽丝特纳I'm Alice Turner.这位是我的朋友和同事华生医生And this is my friend and colleague, Dr. Watson.-华生医生久仰-特纳小姐-Dr. Watson, of course. - Miss Turner.就是您用那么充满趣味的笔触It is you who have written down把福尔摩斯先生的一些案子some of Mr. Holmes1 cases记录了下来in such an interesting way.你瞧我了解您的一切福尔摩斯先生You see I know all about you, Mr. Holmes还有您的过人成就and your wonderful success.您知道我们此刻是多么需要您吗If you knew how much we need you now,不过您对已发生的事有所了解吧?but do you yet know anything of what happened?请坐特纳小姐Please sit down Miss Turner.夏比督察已经告诉过我一些情况Inspector Summerby has told me something of it.噢是的那位督察Oh, yes, the Inspector.他把您的地址给了我He gave me your address.他是个不错的人不是吗?He's quite a kind man, isn't he?不过他不明白But he doesn*t understand.他又怎么能明白呢?他是位警♥察♥啊How could he, he*s a policeman.福尔摩斯先生我知道这不是詹姆斯干的Mr. Holmes, I know that James didn't do it.我知道的I know it and而我也希望您在开始调查的时候I want you to start your work能抱着同样的看法knowing it too.对此您永远也不要怀疑Never let yourself doubt upon that point.你认识詹姆斯麦卡锡很久了吗?Have you known James McCarthy a long time? 是的认识他一辈子了Yes, all my life.我们打小就认识We have known each other since we were children, 他心肠很软连一只苍蝇都不会去伤害 but he's too tender-hearted to hurt a fly.对于那些真正了解他的人来说This charge is just absurd to anyone这项指控实在是荒唐who really knows him.那我希望我们可以还他清白Well, I hope that we may clear him.我会尽我所能的I shall do all I can.但是从您已经听到的来看But from what you've heard already, 您不觉得他是无辜的吧? do you not think he's innocent?我觉得那是有可能的I think it is probable.我知道我的朋友还有所怀疑I don't know my friend is so convinced.我想福尔摩斯先生的这个结论I think that Mr. Holmes is being a little, 下得有点太快了a little quick in his conclusions.但您是对的But you are right.噢我知道您是对的Oh, I know that you are right.詹姆斯永远不会这么做James never did it.对于他不愿向验尸官谈起的This quarrel with his father, 他与他父亲之间的争吵 which he would not talk about to the coroner, 你是否有所了解?do you know anything of it?我相信那是因为此事涉及到我I believe it was because I was concerned in it.哪个方面?In what way?现在不是遮遮掩掩的时候It is no time to hide anything now.詹姆斯和他的父亲James and his father 因为我有过很多争执 had many disagreements about me. 麦卡锡先生很希望Mr. McCarthy was very anxious 我们能够结婚that there should be a marriage between us, 但是詹姆斯和我之间的爰but James and I have always loved each other 一直都是兄妹般的感情like brother and sister.当然我们近来不常见面Of course we haven't seen so much of each other lately.我离家到寄宿学校上学也有好几年了I have been away at boarding school for some years 而詹姆斯一直在利物浦上学and James has been studying in Liverpool.他只有22岁而且生活阅历不多He is only 22 and has seen very little of life 所以呃我想现在他还不想结婚and well, I suppose he does not wish to do anything like that just yet. 于是他们就有了争吵So there were quarrels.而我想这次也是一样And this, I'm sure, was one of them.你多大了特纳小姐?How old are you, Miss Turner?博斯科姆溪谷之谜Boscombe Valley mystery, 我想你读过有关的报道了吧?I expect you've read something of it?未曾耳闻Not a word.我好多天没看报纸了I haven't seen a paper for days.一位农场主科尔麦卡锡澳大利亚人A farmer, Cole McCarthy, Australian by birth死在了他农场尽头的一个湖边met his death by a mirror at the bottom of his farm.他们似乎已经认定这是一起严重的案件They seem to have established a very serious case 指控凶手就是死者的儿子against the son of the murdered man.那块石头下有条大鱼There's a big one just under that rock.这么说是起谋杀案了 ?So then it's a murder?呃估计是这样Well, ifs projected to be so.当然在我有机会亲自调查之前Of course I shall take nothing for granted我是不会想当然的until I've had a chance to look into it personally.那是自然Naturally.我不想毁了你的假期I don't wish to spoil your holiday但我在想能不能说服你but I was wondering if I could persuade you跟我一起查几天案?to join me for a couple of days?当然可以Well of course.真的吗?Are you sure?我的荣幸I shall be delighted.那我们必须马上动身我18 了就快19岁了I am 18, quite nearly 19.就像你所说的As you say,这不是遮遮掩掩的时候this isn't a time to hide anything.你有没有爱上詹姆斯麦卡锡?Are you in love with James McCarthy?是的我爱他福尔摩斯先生Yes, I am, Mr. Holmes, 非常爰他 very much in love. 再没有其他人 There is no one else 以后也不会有即使 and never will be even if, 那他对你的感情呢? And he with you?哦我想也是吧Oh, I think so.我希望如此I hope so, 但我怎么敢肯定 but how should I know for sure?我们从未谈起过婚事We have never discussed marriage.你的父亲赞成这样的联姻吗?Was your father in favor of such a union?不他反对No, he was adverse to it.除了麦卡锡先生没人赞成这桩婚事No one but Mr. McCarthy was in favor of it. 谢谢你对我们如此坦诚Thank you for being so frank with us.要是我去拜访你父亲的话If I was to visit your father 我能见到他吗? could I see him, please?恐怕不行I'm afraid not.医生不许他会客The doctor has forbidden any visitors.我很抱歉我们不知道他病得这么厉害Oh, I'm sorry, we did not know he was so ill.我的父亲身体一直比拟虚弱My father has never been strong不过这件事让他彻底地垮了but this has broken him completely.噢他卧床不起Oh, he has taken to his bed威洛医生说他已经行将就木了and Dr. Willow says that he's a wreck精神也垮了and his nervous system is shattered.我几乎没法离开他Well I can hardly leave him要不我就会去火车站接您了or I wouldfve been at the railway station to meet you.呃您要知道Well, you see,从前在澳大利亚认识我父亲的人Mr. McCarthy was the only man alive就只剩下麦卡锡先生了who had known dad in the old days in Australia.澳大利亚?Australia?在维多利亚州的矿上金矿In Victoria at the mines, the gold mines,父亲就是在那里发的财that's where dad made all his money.你帮了我的大忙You have been of material assistance to me.您会去探望詹姆斯?Will you be able to see James?明天Tomorrow.告诉他我知道他是无辜的Tell him that I know him to be innocent.我会的I will.您能不能把这个给他?Could you give him this?当然可以Of course.您要是有消息会告诉我的对吧?And if you have any news you will tell me?我现在得回家了I must go home now.我留下家父在家睡觉I left my father asleep but if he awakes不过要是他醒了而我又不在那儿他会心烦的and I'm not there he'll be upset.再见Goodbye.再见上帝保佑您调查顺利Goodbye and God help you in your undertaking.早上好督察Morning Inspector.我可以单独见他吗?May I see him alone, please?可以的福尔摩斯先生As you wish, Mr. Holmes.但是记住这个人还在羁押中But remember this man is on remand被指控故意谋杀accused of willful murder您都知道and as you well know在这样的环境下这样的一个人such a man under such circumstances是不可能说真话的isn't likely to speak the truth.噢谢谢你的忠告Oh, thank you for your good advice.詹姆斯麦卡锡James McCarthy,我是歇洛克福尔摩斯my name is Sherlock Holmes.我是来帮你的I'm here to help you.我怎么才知道是不是真的?How should I know that?你和警方的督察一起来的You came with the police Inspector,我看见他在外面了I saw him out there.我是应特纳小姐的要求来的I'm here at the request of Miss Turner.对不起福尔摩斯先生I am sorry, Mr. Holmes.近来我学会了不要相信任何人Lately I've learned to trust no one.恐怕您来迟了I'm afraid you've come too late.他们已经断定Theyfve already made up their minds我是有罪的了that I am guilty.我就没有Well; I have not.这是死因庭The Coroner's court.噢是的死因庭的陪审团Oh yes, and the Coroner's jury,对调查的事实一无所知innocent to inquire into the facts.他们坐在那里却没有在审案They do not sit in judgment.呃我怎么才能帮上忙?Well, how can I help you?我要你告诉我准确的事发经过fd like you to tell me exactly what happened.让我们在这里坐下来Let's sit down over here这样可以小声细谈而不会被偷听where we can talk quietly and not be overheard.我该从哪儿说起呢?Where shall I start?随便你You choose.呃我在利物浦上学大约有三年了Well, I've been studying in Liverpool for some three years.我父亲非常希望My father was most anxious我能得到学术方面的资格I should have some academic qualifications.就在那一天It was on that day,六月三号♥我回到了家June the 3rd that I returned home.你父亲当时正在等你吗?Was your father expecting you?不不不完全是No, no, not exactly.他知道我可以放几天假He knew I was due for a few days holiday,不过不知道确切的日期but not the exact date.我们当地的客车把我从村子带回了农场Our local carrier took me up to the farm from the village.欢迎回家很高兴见到你回来詹姆斯少爷Welcome home, nice to see you back, Master James.噢回来真好乔治Oh, it's nice to be back, George.嗨斯坦斯坦?Hey, Stan, Stan?我父亲在屋里吗?Is my father in the house?不不大概五分钟之前出去了No, no, went off about five minutes ago,好像有什么心事looked as though he had something on his mind.好的乔治All right, George.你待会儿要用小马吗?Will you be wanting pony later?不不我明天再骑No, no, Ill ride tomorrow.我也许该带上把枪I might have a gun,看能不能打上几只兔子see if I could pull a few rabbits.来了很多狩猎的Plenty shooting,把这地方挤满了place is crawling with them.欢迎回家Welcome.你好父亲Hello, father.詹姆斯?James?你在这儿干嘛?What are you doing here?我回来过几天就这样I'm just here for a few days that's all.呃我不想你到这下面来Well, I don't want you down here所以赶紧上去so get up out of it,