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职业技术学院留学生居留许可及签证管理方法第一条 留学生来华后,应尽早到苏州市检疫检验局交 验体检表或进行体检,取得健康合格证,并于抵华30天内 持护照、照片、检疫检验局开具的健康合格证和学校开具的 证明及JW202表,去公安分局外国人签证管理处,办理居留 许可手续。居留许可一般以一年为期。如需延长居留许可的 有效期或变更其中工程,须经学校同意后,由本人提前一周 向公安申请办理。逾期不办者,公安将按规定给予处分。Article 1 The foreign student in China should present himself to the Suzhou Quarantine Bureau as soon as possible to submit his health certificate or have his health checked up so that he could receive a health certificate issued by the Bureau. With this certificate issued by the Quarantine Bureau, a valid passport, photos, application forms written by the college and the JW202 form, he may apply within 30 days to the Government Visa Administration Office for a residence permit. Residence permit will be renewed every year after paying all the fees to the college. If the time of the residence permit needs to be extended or changed in any way, the foreign student himself can apply to the police one week ahead of the expiration date after receiving permission from the School of International Education of Suzhou Institute of Trade & Commerce. The foreign student who allows his residence permit to expire will be fined.第二条留学生出境后仍需返回学校者,经学校同意 后,在出境前到公安按规定办妥返回中国的签证。再次入境 后,仍需办理临时住宿登记,否那么将不能继续学习。Article 2 If a foreign student plans to leave China and return for further study, he must obtain permission from the college and apply for a re-entry visa before leaving the country. When a foreign student comes back to China, he shall complete Temporary Residence Permit. Otherwise, he will not be allowed to continue his study.第三条各项签证、证件不得涂改、损坏;违者会受到 处分。对外国人居留许可证件应妥为保管,如有遗失按规定 登报声明作废,同时另行申请补领,费用自理;Article 3 Visas, passports, residence permit, foreign student ID cards etc. should not be damaged and violators will be punished. Residence permit should be well cared for end; if lost, it should be reported in the newspaper and invalidated by the proper officials. The foreign student should apply for a new residence permit and pay the proper fees.第四条 留学生可以利用节假日到中国境内开放地区 旅行。离校前应向国际学院说明去向,旅行时应遵守公安的 有关规定,一切旅行手续和费用均需自理。根据中国公安规 定,去开放城市和地区,不需办理旅行证;去中国非开放地 区旅行,必须办理旅行证。擅自到非开放地区是非法的,将 会受到处分。Article 4 The foreign student may travel to open areas in China during the festivals and holidays. He should notify the School of International Education the destination prior to his travel dates and go through the formalities of traveling by himself and pay his own traveling expenses. According to government regulations, foreign students traveling to open areas do not need a travel certificate but travel to closed areas need a travel certificate. Travel to closed areas without authorization is illegal and will be get punishment.第五条 留学生在本校学习期间未经中国政府主管机 关允许,不得在中国就业。Article in China authorities 第六条Article implemented5 Foreign students may not seek employment without permission of the competent of the Chinese Government.本规定自2022年9月23日起试行。6 The regulation shall be tentatively since 23th, Sept, 2022.