2021届高三第九次模拟考试英语科试卷本试卷由第I卷选择题和第II卷非选择题组成,总分值150分,考试时间 120分钟。第I卷选择题共95分第一局部听力共两节,总分值30分 第一节共5小题;每题分,总分值分听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正 确选项。听完每段对话后,你都有1。秒钟的时间来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话仅读一遍。1. Whattimeisitnowprobably?A.8:30.B.8:20.C. 8:00.2. Whichofthefollowingwasnlost?A. Herpurse.B.Herphone.C.Herkeys.C.Gotobedearly.C.Bananas.C. Chatwith neighbors.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选C.SouthAfrica.C.Todosomesightseeing.C.Inhisfifties.C.Strict.C.TheEnglishteacher.3. Whatdoesthe womanwanttodotonight?A. Watchamovie.B.Go toa concert.4. Whichfruitarethespeakerstalkingabout?A. Grapes.B.Apples.5. Whatdoesthewoman planto do?A. Workonhercomposition. B. Surfonthe Internet.第二节共15小题;每题分,总分值22. 5分听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 项中选出最正确选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,答复67小题。6. Wheredidthemanjustcomeback from?A. Italy.B.Brazil.7. WhydidthemangotoChinalast year?A. Todo voluntary work.B.Toseehischildren.听下面一段对话,答复8-10小题。8. Howoldisthemanphysicsteacher?A. Inhisthirties.B.Inhisforties.9. Whatdoesthemanthinkofhismathteacher?A. Boring.B.Humorous.10. Whoisanewteachertothe woman?A. Thephysicsteacher.B.Themathteacher.听下面一段对话,答复1113小题。(器皿)asofferingsto thegods.第一节总分值15分假定你是校篮球队队长李华。请写封邮件告知你的队友Peter关于球队即将参加的一场比 赛的相关信息。内容包括:1 .比赛信息;.赛前准备;2 .表达期待。注意:1 .词数80左右;.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。DearPeter,YoursLihua笫二节总分值25分阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。I will never forget the day I passed my driving test and got my license. The instructor justinformed me that I passed and was reviewing the driver restrictions with me as I was full ofsmiles. Meanwhile, I looked over at my dad and he was staring at his phone with a strangelook. "Excuse me sir, but I must take this call.” my father rudely interrupted. “Hello?" , heanswered the phone. The look on his face was unforgettable as he turned as white as a ghost.My first thought was that someone was in the hospital or had died. Although itturnedoutthateveryonewassafejittledidlknowthatphonecallwouldchangemyattitudetolifeforever.The call was from the North Middleton Fire Department and they informed my father thathe needed to get to the house as soon as possible. My dad was about to shut his phone whensuddenly I heard my sister on the phone. All I could hear was her crying hysterically andscreaming "Fire" ! I had one thought going through my head at that moment, and it was myniece, Myleeah. Did my sister get her out of the house in time? She was only six months oldand I adored her more than anything in the entire world. We ran out of the office both incompleteshock.Needlesstosay,mydad wasdrivinglike crazy.At this point I didn't even know how to prepare myself. The thought of my house bumingtothegrounddidn,tseemtobereal.Thedrivefromtheofficetomyhousewasonlyafifteenminute drive, but it felt like forever. Finally after running red lights and driving off the side ofthe road, we were half a mile away from the house. All we could see was black smoke andfloating ashes filling the sky. This was when reality hit me and I thought not only might I losemy home, but also my baby niece. I began to break down in tears and pray that everyone wassafe.Paragraph I:Wefinallypulledintomyneighborhoodwhichwasfiilloffiretrucks,policecars,andblack ash.Paragraph!:I finallyfoundmysistersittmginourneighbor'sy ardwithblackashalloverher.11. HowlongdidthemanworkinFrance?A. Foraboutfive years.12. Whyis thewoman here?A. Togiveaclass.B. Foraboutsevenyears.B.Tolearnthepiano.13. Howdothespeakers feelafterrealizingwhereeach otherlives?A. Disappointed.B. Surprised.听下面一段对话,答复14-17小题。14. Whatsubjectisthemanfs firstclass?A. French.B. Math.15. . Whichteacherdoesthemanlikebest?A. MadameMartin.B.Mr.Thomas.16. WhatdoweknowaboutMr.Greenwood?A. Heseldomgiveshomework.B. Hecanexplaine very thing.C. Hecan speakFrench.17. Whatdoesthewoman sayaboutMissMcCloud?A. Sheisstrict.B. Sheispatient.听下面一段独白,答复18-20小题。18. WhatdidJean-LucBrassard do?A. ATVreporter.B.Acoach.C.Asportsman.19. WhendidDaleBegg-Smithwinthegoldmedal?A. In 2006.B.In 2021.20. WhatisJasonBegg-Smith goodat?A. Tennis.B.Fishing.第二局部阅读理解共两节总分值50分第一节(共15小题;每题分,总分值分)C. Forabouttenyears.C.Topickupherson.C. Concerned.C.Science.C.Mr.Greenwood.C.Sheissmart.C.In 2021.C. Surfing.阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。ALocated in the Atlantic Ocean halfway between Norway and Iceland, the Faroelslandsareastill-somewhat- undiscovereddestination.Knownforsweepinglandscapesandsometimes- harshweather,theseislandsdefinitelydeserveaspotonyourbucketlist.F unthingsavailablehere SeethefamousMulafossurWaterfallinGasadalur HiketoT r2elanipatoseetheS0rvagsvatn5the4Cfloatinglake HiketotheKallur LighthouseonKalsoy Goseakayaking Attendamusicfestival(IlovedtheG! Festival) Dri veoutto theto wnofGj 6g v SeeSaksunChurch and the surrounding scenery ExplorethecapitalcityofTorshavnGettingaroundRentingacaranddrivingisthebestwaytofullyexperiencetheFaroelslands.Publictransport does exist, but buses don't run to most places very frequently. It is recommended thatyou book your car ahead of time, especially during the summer. (Search foe rental cars here.)Whereto stayThankstotheroads,bridges,andtunnels9nothingisveryfarawayintheFaroeIslands.YoucangetfromTcrshavntoIj0rnuvkorGjqgvinjustoveranhour-meaningyoucouldeasilybaseyourselfinTorshavnforyourwholetripifyouwanted.If you do feel like staying outside of the capital for a night or two, consider making Gjogvyour second base: Funningur is the only accommodation available in Gjogv, but it's lovely. Anice guesthouse and restaurant sitting on a hill overlooking the village. (Read reviews onTripAdvisorlBook here)WhichofthefollowingfunthingsonFaroelslandsareNOTmentioned?A. Enjoymusic.B.Touraroundthecapitalcity.C.Hike tothe mountains.D.Appreciatewaterscenery.21. Forawhole-tripplanjt,sconvenientfbrvisitorstolivein.A. Gjqgv.B. Tcrshavn.C.TraelanpaD.Tj0rnuvkWhat,sthepossibletitleofthepassage?A. ATravelGuide toFaroe Islands B. TopThingstoDoon Faroe Islands C.SomeQuick FactsaboutFaroelslandsD.TheBestDestination forYourBucketListBI grew up as a country girl. My sister and I didn't play video games. We didn't have cableTV. Summers were filledwith swimming in the pond and picking wild blackberries forGrandma to make a pie. Autumn was filled with corn mazes and crunching through leaves inthe woods.And winterwasallaboutbuilding igloos nearthe frozen lake.My high school had zero diversity. Most people here could visit their entire extendedfamily within 30 miles' drive. And many were perfectly happy with the prospect of staying inruralnortheastOhio forever.It was in high school that I began to realize that I wanted something beyond what I knewinsidemyMidwestbubble.Ilovedreadingandlearningaboutnewplaces,soIspenttherestof my high school career saving up so that I could go on a Lord of the Rings-themed tour ofNewZealand when Igraduated.After that initial trip to New Zealand, I was fully infected with the travel bug. I joined mycollege marching band simply because it would mean international performance tours everytwoyears.Andlbegantorealize that Icouldn,timaginemylife withouttravelinit.IgotagreateducationfrombothmylittleruralhighschoolandmylittleruralOhiocollege. But, the more I traveled, the more acutely aware I became of the fact that travelingmadeupformyeducationinawaythattextbooksandPowerPointpresentationsinlecturehalls justsimplycould not.So, is travel the best education? Well, I don't know if it deserves the superlative of the“best .But travel isdefinitely reallyvaluableandanecessary part ofbecomingaglobalcitizenofthe world.22. Whichwordbestdescribestheauthorschildhood?A. Lonely.B.Carefree.C.Difficult.D.Bittersweet.23. Whatcan beinferred aboutthe authorasahigh schoolstudent?A. Shelikedtojudgeothers.B.Shewasin favorofarurallife.C.Heridea oftraveling tookroots. D.She wasneverconcernedaboutmoney.24. Whyistravelingimportanttothe author?A. Shecould applytheknowledge fromthetextbooks.B. Shecouldgoon internationalperformancetours.C. Shecouldreceivescholarshipwhereshetraveled.D. Shecouldlearnbeyond theschoolandtextbooks.25. Whatmessageismainlyconveyedinthetext?A. Eastandwest,homeis thebest.B. He whodoesn9tadvance loses ground.C. Lifewithouttravelcanonlycallitsurvival.D. A persontotravel,perhapslonely,maybefree.C"Buzz. Buzz. The queen is that way,“ said one honey bee to another. “Pass it oil” Honeybees can't speak, of course, but scientists have found that the insects combine teamwork andchemicalstorelaythequeen,slocationtotherestofthecommunity,revealinganextraordinarymea nsoflong distance, mass communication.Individualhoneybeescommunicatewiththechemicalcalledpheromones 信 息 素 ,whichscientistshavelong known. But just howthese individualsignalsworktogethertogathertensofthousands ofbeesaroundaqueen hasremained amystery.In the new study, Dieu My Nguyen, a scientist at the University of Colorado, and hiscolleagues focused on a colony of western honey bees, the most common honey bee species intheworld.Theresearcherssetupaflat, pizzabox-sizearena (天线)with a transparent ceilingjn which the bees could walk around, but not fly. They put the queen bee into a cage on oneside and released the worker honey bees on the other. The scientists then recorded the insects9 movements from above with a camera and an AI software tracking bees that were releasingpheromones.Once the first worker honey bees located the queen, they began to gather chains of evenlyspacedbeesthatextendedoutwardfromthequeen,witheachbeesendingoutpheromonesto its neighbor down the line. The findings are the first direct observations of this collectivecommunication in honey bees. Like smelly bread crumbs, the branching communication linesguided far-off honey bees back to the queen's location-a feat no single bee could achievealone.Mark Carroll, an insect biologist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, cautions that thework was done in a closed, practically 2D space. In reality, he notes, honey bee colonies are3D, and they often have to fight with elements like wind and rain, which make communicatingmore complicated. "The next step will be to observe natural honey bee swarms and see iftheyeactuallydoing this." he says.26. Whatis thefocusofthenewstudy?A. Whyworkerbees gatheraroundaqueenbee.B. Howpheromonesfunctioninabee' sbody.C. Whyinsects,masscommunicationislimitedtoshortdistances.D. Howthequeen,slocationispassedontotherestofthecolony.27. Whatis mainlytalked aboutin Paragraphs?A. Theprocessoftheexperiment.B. Theequipmentrequiredfortheexperiment.C. Thetechniqueusedin theexperiment.D. Thespecieschosenfortheexperiment.28. Whatdoestheunderlined word “fbat inParagraph 4referto?A. DirectionB.MovementC.LocationD.RelayWhafsMarkCarroirsattitudetothestudy?A. DoubtfulB.ReliableC.RealisticD.InfluentialDGoogle is getting further into the business of saving lives. The internet giant announcesthatusersofitsAndroidphonesinNewZealandwillreceivewarningsofdamagingearthqua kes about to strike their locations. And those earthquakes will be detected not by theusualseismometers地震仪,butbythe phonesthemselves.Traditionalwarnings,eveniftheyonly comesecondsbeforeaquakehits,canbuypeople enough time to survive the quake. These systems are practical, but they are difficult andexpensive to develop. One system, known as ShakeAlert, cost $60 million to build and needs more than $30 million annually to operate. Such an earthquake warning system as developedbyGoogle can cutdown this expenseand hasgreatpotentialglobally.A phone-based network makes earthquake detection possible because modern devices areequipped with motion sensors that monitor movement, such as when a user picks up or rotatesthe phone. Those sensors can also be programmed to detect the distinctive shaking caused bythe pressureandwavesofearthquakes.Googlehasbuiltquake-sensingcapabilitiesdirectlyintoitsmorethan2billionactiveAndroid phones. When a Androidphone detectsan earthquakesignal,itsendsword,alongwith a rough location, to a central server and more than 100 phones need to sound the alarmbeforeGooglebelievesit.Androidphoneshavebeenpubliclydetectingearthquakesworldwide since last year and have detected more than 1000 quakes. The warnings haveperformedwellintermsofspeedandaccuracywhencomparedwithShakeAlert.Regardlessofit, fhlsealarms haven'tbeen too haidtoweed out.The Android system still has a lot to prove, including its ability to detect quakes that startin less populated regions. New Zealand will pose a particular challenge, because much of itspopulation is gathered in a few cities. That means phones might not warn of a quake that startsfar from downtown until after the trembling has already begun. Until the system's performanceisclear, Google shouldbe cautious ofpromising too much.29. Whatcanwe learnfromthetext?A. Traditionalearthquakewarningsareineffective.B. ResidentsinNewZealandhavebenefited fromthe newwaming system.C. Motion sensorsarebuiltinAndroidcellphones.D. ShakeAlertsystemcost$90millionintotal.30. Comparedtotraditionalwarnings,whichisNOTtheadvantageofAndroidwarningsystem?A. SpeedierB.CheaperC. MoreaccurateD.More practicalWhatcan we inferfromthe underlined sentenceinParagraph 4?A. Itistoohardtoidentifyfalsealarms.B. Somefalsewarnings areeasytogetridof.C. Falsewarningshappenfrequently.D. Itisimpossibletoavoidissuingfalsewamings.31. What9sthebesttitleofthearticle?A. Google9sEffbrttoDetectEarthquakesB. Google9sPromisetoSaveMoreLivesC. Google5sNewChallengeinNewZealandD. Google,sAnnouncementaboutNew Zealand第二节共5小题;每题分,总分值12.5分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。We know that choosing a college major can be stressful.36! Here's what youneedto knowaboutcollegemajors beforeyou commit.Career prepChooseamajorbecauseitwillprepareyouforaspecificcareerpathoradvancedstudy.Maybeyou alreadyknowthatyouwanttobeanurse, aphysicaltherapist,orawebdeveloper.ST.Makesureyou,rereadyfbrthecourseworkrequiredfbrthecareerofyour dreams.EarningpotentialFuture earning potential is worth considering. After all, college is such a big investment.Themajorsthatleadtothehighestsalariesincludejustaboutanytypeofengineering,mathe matics, computer science, and economics. 38. That six figuresalary may notbeworth itifyouYe nothappyattheoffice. 39Some students choose a major simply because they love the subject matter. If your love isphilosophy, don't write it off just because you're not sure about what the job market holds forphilosophers.Manyliberalartsmajorsprovidestudentswithcriticalthinkingskillsandwritingabili tiesthatare highlyvalued byemployers.ExploreyourinterestsIf you truly have no idea what you want to study, that*s okay.40. That gives youfoursemesterstoplaythefield.Makethemostofanyrequiredgeneraleducat