第十一届 武汉初中英语优质课转录稿.docx
(01:00 0001 TGood afternoon, boys and girls.(0i:021 0002 SsGood afternoon.0i:04i 0003 TYeah, my name is Magi, nice to meet you!(oi:o81 0004 SsNice to meet you, too!(oi:io 0005 TSo, today we are going to talk about jobs. Do you know jobs? For example, I*m a teacher. Teacher is a job, so what other job can you tell us? What other jobs can you tell us? Ok, you please.(oi:29 0006 SI think is student.(oi:3i 0007 TA student, maybe, student. you please.0i:351 0008 SInventor, emz scientisit.oi:37 0009 TYes, scientist and inventor, a great inventor, you are very good, thank, you very much. And you please .(01:45 0010 SDoctorf writer.01:47 0011 TYeah, doctor and writer, great. So next, we will watch a flash. In the flash, we will see many different kinds of jobs. but before that, I *d like to divide you into two groups, Okz for this group, we call you tiger group, tiger. are you tigers? Yes or no? Yeah. Ok.(02:18 0012And this group, we call you, what? Yeah, lion group, lion group. So lions and tigers try to remember the words, the different kinds of jobs about words in the flash. Ok, and we will see which team is the winner. Are you ready?(02:421 0013 SsYeah.(02:43 0014 TOk.(03:13 0015Ok, who is the first one? You please. Only one, ok? Only one.(03:21 0016 SBasketball player.(03:22 0017 TYeah, basketball player, you are right. You are lion, yes or no?(03:261 0018 TOk, another one, you please.03:301 0019 SPoliceman.(03:31 0020 TPoliceman, you are right. Number 3. Ok, you please.(03:36 0021 SActor.(03:37 0022 TActorz you are right. Actor, right? S。, you please.3i:oo 0133 Don * t worry, just make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want.(3i:051 0134 Yes, you are right.(3i:o7 0135 T Thank you very much. So you please. What do you think of their conversation?I think another girl is a little bit shy.A little bit shy? What about the conversation(31:25 0138 S(31:25 0138 Sbetween them?I think this conversation is ok.3i:28 0139 T Yeah, it * s ok. It' s very great. Thank you very much. Ok, practice more after class. Ok? And I have some gifts for you. I forget it. Ok, thank you very much. Ok, so today, we learned how to talk about future plans and you tell me about your dream jobs. Maybe in the future, you will be a successful business man, a lawyer, a scientist or an artist. Maybe you will be famous and rich, who knows. Everything is possible. But the most important thing for today is to try your best, right? If you try your best, you can be anything you want. Very good. The most thing is try your best. Ok, so, so much for today. You did a very good job, thank you very, very much. Class is over.点评:专家一:刚才听了你的课,觉得你的整体的一个还是蛮有自己的教学风格,从语言的表述上 都相对来说非常清晰。那么比拟印象深刻的是你的听前的处理,一个是教材当中Two A听前 的,教材是一幅图,你不是匆忙的带着孩子去听那段材料,而是先把图做了足够的解读,让 学生去思考,我觉得这个做法是非常好的,就是我们有的时候经常看到老师们就是急于让孩 子们听,把教材上很多东西或者听前应该带有的准备和应该激起的已有的知识,那块做的不 是特别的好。那么你在Two A局部就做的非常到位,还有一个就是TwoB的再一次听写当中, 你的板书以及后来的表格的运用也表达了就是考虑到听前让学生们如何有准备的去听,所以 我这个环节的印象是非常深刻。那么也有自己的一些想打在里面,一个就是TwoB的那张表 格在出来的时候,有四个关键词,你黑板上也有,what, when, how, where,从what和where 角度来说,我看到打出来的一个是teacher,一个是Shanghai,很简洁很清晰的,下面的两个, 一个how,一个when这里有一个我在思考的问题,how下面你是一个完整的句子,学生回答 的按照材料里走的,是一个完整的句子,He is going to learn how to teach.第二个when,学 生的回答是He is going to finish high school and college first.那么我就是想到从一个持续的学 习或是学生继续学习这样一个角度来考虑的话,其实我们会发现He is going to finish high school and college first.直接的去【口I答这个when稍微有点别扭了,学生这样I可答是没问题的, 毕竟他还在个语言的学习的阶段,我倒是建议我们在呈现的时候是不是尽可能规范点, 就是不一定是完整的按照书上的原句,学生是可以,但是老师在呈现的时候可以适当的去考 虑规范一下。第二个考虑的点是你最后的那个对话,就是最后的那个new conversation,你给 学生了一个example,我个人觉得这个example控制的太牢了,控制的太牢了以后反而学生她 本来可以会编出一曲更漂亮的new conversation,但是因为你的这个控制的相对来说比拟多, 整个的对话和问题的设计,实际上只有一个回答是开放的,学生可能会误认为我得按照你的 对话下去,这样的话可能学生原本好的或者编的更好的conversation就出不来了。这两个建 议供你参考。专家二:最后一个Let's make a new conversation,如果让你改进,你会改成一个什么样的活动? (老师:如果我和学生的交流时间比拟长或者是比拟有默契的情况下,我会设计几个不同的 situations,不同的情境,然后这些提示性的语言可能都会没有了,然后根据这些情境或是学 生发散一个,他设想他以后想要成为个什么样的人,做什么样的工作,自己根据这个情境, 然后运用这堂课的句型结构来谈论他的将来。只是给一些situations.)基本上你是到位的,实际上你这一堂课的主线还是比拟清楚的,开始是Cheng Han's future plan,然后引到这个 conversation, Ken, a foreign boy's future plan,那么如果是按照刚才 conversation变的话,假如说变成这样的,你让学生来自由表达,来谈论他们自己的future plan, 这样下去,从个主线来说,从Chen Han,到Ken,到my future plan,然后每个同学的表达都可 能不一样,你觉得这样是不是你会接受?那么我再点一下,还有一个亮点呢,你还是处理的 比拟好,就是说现在我们提倡的这个立德树人有所表达,因为几次出现了 try your best, and you can be anything,这个就是说表达了一个正能量,就是说学生只要努力,就会成功的。希 望你继续保持。(03:43 0023 S(03:451 0024 T03:511 0025 S(03:52) 0026 T04:021 0027 S(04:041 0028 T(04:12 0029 S(04:13 0030 T(04:23 0031 S(04:24 0032 T(04:37 0033 S(04:38 0034 T(04:38 0034 T(04:52 0035 S(04:551 0036 T05:38 0037(06:05 0038 SO6:ioi 0039 TCook.Cook, you are right. Tigers. You please. Yeah. Singer.Singer, you are right. Singer. Great. What else? What else? You please.Pianist.Pianist, you are right, pianist. Yeah, a great pianist. Ok. So, you please.Pilot .Pilot, yeah, very good. Pilot. Here, right? Pilot. So, again, you please.Detective .Detective, yeah, detective. Ok. Why are you so good at remembering all the words. You please. Astronaut.Astronaut. Excellent, astronaut. Am I right? Yes or no? Yeah. The last one, you please.Astronaut. Excellent, astronaut. Am I right? Yes or no? Yeah. The last one, you please.The artist, artist.Artist. Maybe, you, you mean pianist, yes or no? But we have mentioned it. We have mention it. So, let * s see which team is the winner. Lion or tiger? So who are the lions? We have a very small gifts (gift) for you. Yeah, I put it here, and you can share it after class. Congratulations to lions, congratulations . Ok, but don * t worry, I also have a very small gift for you. Okz come on. Ok, share it after class.S。,just now, we have reviewed so many words about jobs. Now let' s look at the picture into A. Look at the picture into A. The boy in the picture is Cheng Han. So, what * s Cheng Han doing? What * s he doing? What * s he doing? Yeah, you please.Maybe he is think of, em, he is thinking of his future.Very good, he is thinking about his future. And according to these three pictures, what is Cheng Han going to do? What is Cheng Han going to be? According to these three pictures, can you guess? You please.(06:29 0040 SIn the first pictures (picture), Cheng Han is going to finish the college.06:34 1 0041 TSit down, please. Very good. In the first picture, according to the first picture, he is going to be a college student. What about number two? Ok, you please.(06:46 0042 SHe is, emz going to be a teacher.06:501 0043 TYeah, he is going to be a teacher, thank you very much. Just like me, right? And number three, what is Cheng Han going to be? You please.(06:501 0043 TYeah, he is going to be a teacher, thank you very much. Just like me, right? And number three, what is Cheng Han going to be? You please.(o7:oi 0044 SHe is going to be an actor.(07:03 0045 THe is going to be an actor. Thank you very much. But how do you know it * s an actor. How do you know, tell me some details. How do you know it's an actor. You please.07:i8) 0046 SHe wears a custom.(07:2i 0047 TYes, he wears a special cloth, right? And what * s more? Special cloth, thank you very much. You please.07:30 0048 SThe red, em.(07:32 0049 TThe red curtain, yes or no? And all these details tell us he is on the stage, yes or no?(07:40 0050Yes, and all these are our ideas about Cheng Han' s future. Right? What is Cheng Han going to do in the future? Let1s listen to the tape and check the correct answers. Ok? Are you ready? Yes, let * s start.08:43 0051Ok, so what is Cheng Han going to do, according to the listening material. Ok, you please. Yeah, Mike, yeah.08:54 0052 SHe's going to be a teacher.(08:55 0053 THe * s going to be a teacher. You are right. But before he's, he, before becoming a teacher, what is he going to do. You please. Ok, think about it. Ok, you please.(09:121 0054 SHe is going to finish high school and college.(09:16)0055 TYeah, very good, he is going to finish high school and college first. So, we should check whichpictures? Number one and number two. Are you(10:12)0056Sright? Check your answers. Ok, so just now we know that Cheng Han is going to be a teacher, right? So we have already known what he is going to be. What he is going to be. So I want to know more details about Cheng Han * s future. Can you give us some more questions to ask the future plans, to ask Cheng Han' s future plan. What is he going to be? And if you want to know the place, so we will ask? Ok, you please.Where, where is he going to do?(10:150057TWhere is he going to move? Where is he going to(10:260058work? Where is he going to study? Yeah, all these answers are right, thank you very much.So, where is he going to work? And? What, where,(10:380059Sand? Yeah, you please.How.10:390060THow, how means, how means, you are right. How.(11:05)0061SWhat is he going to be, where is he going to study, and how, how is he going to, together, how is he going to become a teacher? Right, how is he going to get his dream job? Right, and? Anything else? You please.When.(11:060062TWhen, and when means, you are right, when, and(12:460063Twhen means. Together, when is he going to be a teacher? Right, so with all these questions in your mind, let's listen to the tape again, and try to write down the answers to all the questions. But pay more attention, I' d like you to catch the key words for each question. For example, the first question, what, he is going to be a teacher. So the key word is teacher. So you just write down teacher. Listen carefully and try to catch all the key words for each question, are you clear? Ok, let * start.Ok, so just now I asked you to write down key(13:02)0064Swords, but this time you should answer my questions in full sentence. For example, what is Cheng Han going to be? Yeah, you please.He is going to be a teacher.(13:030065TYes, you are right. He is going to be a teacher.Ok. number two, where is he going to move? You please.13:10 0066 SHe is going to move to Shanghai.(13:13 0067 TYeah, he is going to move to Shanghai. Thank you very much, you are right. Number three, how is he going to become a teacher, you please.(13:23 0068 SHe's going to learn how to teach children.(13:261 0069 THe' s going to learn how to teach children. Very good, a very long sentence, right? Yeah, very good. And number four, when is he going to start? When is he going to start? You please.(13:41 0070 SHe is going to start at finishing high school and college.(13:45 0071 THe going to or he is going to finish(13:51 0072 Sfinish high school and college(13:53 0073 TVery good, you make it. He is going to finish high school and college at first. Right? So this time, we have known something about Cheng Han * s future. So who can give us a report about Cheng Han * s future. You can start like this: Hello, everybody. I'm going to tell you something about Cheng Han's future. He is going to balabala. Ok, you have one minute to prepare your report. Now, starts .(15:02 0074 TOk, are you ready? Who wants to make a. Ok, you please. So come here and face all your classmates ok.(15:15 0075 SHello, everyone. Today 11m going to tell you about Cheng Han. He is going to be a teacher. He is going to move to Shanghai. Cheng Han is going to learn how to teach children. And he is going toz he is going to finish high school and college first(15:40 0076 TThank you very much. You are very good at English, ok? And I have a very small gift for you. And I think it * s very useful in your study. Another one, who wants to try? You please.15:571 0077 SCheng Han is, Cheng Han is a student now. But he, he has a dream. He is going to be a teacher. So he is going to move to Shanghai first. And how to make dream come true? He, he is going to learn how toz how to teach children. And then he is goingto finish high school and college first.(16:22 0078 TYeah, very good. A handsome boy and a very good pronounciation. Thank you please. And it * s for you, thank you very much. Ok, so just now we know something about Cheng Han, a Chinese boy1 s future plan, yes or no? And we also use this structure to talk about Cheng Han * s future plans. And next we will talk about a foreign boy's future, do you want to know something, yes or no? Yeah, please look at the picture in activity two D. His name is Ken, what * s Ken doing? What1 s Ken doing? Ok, you please.(17:241 0079 SHe is reading.(17:25 0080 THe * s reading. He 1 s reading a book. So what book is he reading? What book is he reading? You please.17:341 0081 SThe old man and the sea.17:36 0082 TYeah, The old man and the sea by Hemingway. You are right. So this time, read the conversation between Ken and Andy carefully and tell us what they are talking about, Ok? Read the conversation carefully. What are they talking about?(18:311 0083If you are ready, you can hands up and tell all of us. Yeah, we are ready, yeah, thank you. So what are they talking about, you please.(18:43 0084 SI think they talk about what they want to be in the future.18:471 0085 TYeah, they are talking about what * s Ken want to be in the future. And they also talk, about how is he going to do that, right? So what are they talking about? They are talking about, yeah, you please.19:08 0086 SThey are talking about their jobs in the future.i9:ii 0087 TYes, excellent, very good. They are talking about their future jobs and they are talking about their future plans, very good. Sit down please. And about the future plans, I will ask you some questions. What is Ken going to be? What is Ken going to be? Ok, you please.(19:36 0088 SHe is going to be a writer.(i9:37 0089 THe is going to be a writer. Excellent idea, you are right. So how is he going to become a writer?How is he going to become a writer? You please.(19:50)0090SHe is going to keep on writing stories.(19:540091TRight, exactly, he is going to keep on writing stories. Thank you very much. But what about Andy? What about Andy? Is Andy sure about his future? Yes or no? No. How do you know he is not sure about his future? According to the conversation, which sentence tells us he is not sure about his future? You please.(20:230092SHe says my parents want me to be a doctor, but I*m not sure about that.(20:280093TYeah, you are right. His parents want him to be a, to be a doctor, but he is not sure about his future. So are you sure about your future? Very good. Ok, if you are not sure about your future, don * t worry, just make sure you try your best then you can be anything you want. Boys and girls, let * s read this advice together. Ok? Don