April 20212021年4月The Dynamic Report of China's General Warehouse Market中国通用仓储市场在中国仓储与配送协会指导下,物联云仓中国通用仓储市场动态报告已连续发布三十三期。报告 通过对物联云仓实时数据进行汇总、整理,全面反映我国主要物流节点城市的仓储设施租金水平和空置情况 表达通用仓储市场的供需动态变化,总结市场开展规律,预测市场开展趋势,为了解仓储市场开展情况、合理 投资提供参考依据物联云仓延续往期报告成果,不断扩大统计范围,加强仓储市场分析,发布2021年4月中国通用 仓储市场动态报告。2021年4月,物联云仓全国在线仓库面积新增17.20万M ,总面积超3.29亿疔,较3 月增长0.52% ;在线可租面积超4,555万山。仓库资源覆盖32个省份,229个城市,7,525个园区全国32个城市仓库平均租金为27.79元/ nf月,环比下降0.83%。其中,东部地区仓库平均租金(32.18 元/m2月)高于西部(23.81元/m2月)、中部(22.93元/m?月)、东北(22.67元/m?月)地区。相较3月 东北地区仓库平均租金有所上涨,增幅为4.22% ;东部、中部、西部地区仓库平均租金有所下降,降幅分别为 5.72%、4.55%, 2.47%北京、上海、深圳仓库平均租金仍然领跑全国,均高于40元/m2月。相较3月,三个城市仓储市场稳定 仓库平均租金波动不大受仓储设施条件、地理位置等影响,太原、兰州、石家庄、沈阳仓库租金水平较低,均低于21元/ m2.月。相较3月,四个城市仓库平均租金波动不大,市场稳定相较3月,哈尔滨仓库平均租金波动最大,环比上涨4.35%,根据哈尔滨政府统计数据显示,近期当地汽车 医药、食品、电子行业增速明显,从而带动仓储需求有所增加4月东北地区仓库租金情况4月东北地区仓库租金情况4月中部地区仓库租金情况5045403530*数据来源:物联云仓平台( )(单位:元/m?月).平均租金50454035302520151050*数据来源:物联云仓平台( )(单位:元/m?月)平均租金2021年中国通用仓储市场动态报告The Dynamic Report of China's General Warehouse Market in 202120YZ UL ,KXGMK 8KTZY GTJ <GIGTI_ 8GZKY 0T 32 )OZOKY UL )NOTGCityAverage Rent FeeMonth-to-Month ComparisonsVacancy RateMonth-to-Month ComparisonsRMB/EZter month v八(Percentage point) #FJKJOH47.831.08%5.06% .J;.:;'-0.704IBOHIBJ46.840.50%6.89%0.584IFOIFO41.650.61%12.87%1.264VIPV34.250.58%3.84%0.36)BOHIPV32.260.84%8.64%-0.20/JOHCP29.20-0.95%9.68%0.36(VBOHIPV32.511.94%6.24%-0.98%POHHVBO30.980.05%12.90%-0.79/BOKJOH28.80-0.17%12.56%0.05PTIBO29.590.00%4.38%-1.89+JBYJOH32.010.88%19.56%0.02$IBOHTIB26.200.51%15.53%-0.065JB0KJ030.32-0.12%12.28%;二:, ' :, ,-<,-0.648VYJ29.47-0.67%5.04%0.26%BMJBO24.28 0:01%, . , , .35.02%0.00$IBOHDIVO21.55 . 0.81%18.09%0.63$IPOHRJOH .;:24.58-1.28%25.75%-0.758VIBO25.260.23%17.03%-0.22;IFOHIPV23.211.19%11.00%-2.264IFOZBOH20.88-1.02%19.76%0.66)FGFJ24.300.01%4.98%0.00,VONJOH25.301.17%6.70%-2.16)BSCJO23.974.35%7.22%0.26$IFOHEV23.90-0.25%19.72%-0.272JOHEBP23.050.70%4.89%-1.679JBO25.691.43%9.48%-0.67(VJZBOH23.04, . ,.J . :_V0.50%5.49%-0.315BJZVBO17.40-0.93%8.19%-0.11+JOBO.;25.690.55%11.38%-6.23/BODIBOH21.193.07%17.10%0.884IJKJBIVBOH20.38-1.19%16.97%-3.31-BOIPV20.33-2.26%4.59%-0.2410lot Cloud Warehouse Data Institute Research and mapping©2021.5 50yc IncRecommendations of the WarehousesTianjin Zhaoqing Huaian NingboChongqing,口口 海IC匚East China RegionWest China RegionChengduXi'an量 East China Reg而Warehouse Address: Baodi District, TianjinRentable Area: 75,000 square metersWarehouse Address: Sihui City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong ProvinceRentable Area: 25,000 square metersProject Features: This warehousing park is located in the Mafang Development Zone, Dasha Town, Sihui City, with superior geographical location, convenient transportation and sound conditions for the development of logistics park. The park is only 50 kilometers away from the center of Guangzhou. Through the Erguang Expressway and National Highway 321, which runs through the east-west region, the park can quickly access the urban areas of Guangzhou, Baiyun Airport, Zhaoqing, Foshan, Jiangmen and Zhongshan.Contact: Sui ChaoWarehouse Address: Qingjiangpu District, Huaian City, Jiangsu ProvinceRentable Area: 31,230 square metersProject Features:This storage park is located in the national Huaian Economic Development Zone, which can provide 4 international standard single-story steel structure warehouses, the total building covers an area of 57,568 square meters. The park is adjacent to Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, and connecting Changshen Expressway, Yanhuai Expressway, Yanjing Expressway, G15 Coastal Expressway and Huai- Xu Expressway. At the same time, it is surrounded by G205 National Highway, S235, S237 and S238 provincial highways. The Xinchang Railway in the region is integrated with the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, together with Huaian Lianshui Airport, providing an efficient multimodal transport network for the project.Contact: Shen JianfengWarehouse Address: Zhenhai District, Ningbo CityRentable Area: 83,250 square metersProject Features:This storage park is located in the logistics hub port of Zhenhai District, Ningbo City, including three doubledeck ramp depots, with a total area of about 112,000 square meters. The park has a superior geographical location and is an excellent choice for regional distribution centers and storage centers.Contact: Shen JianfengWest China ReaionWarehouse Address: Nanan District, ChongqingRentable Area: 30,000 square metersProject Features:There are 7 new standard high platform libraries in the park, with a height of 9 meters and a built-in platform. The park is close to the Donggang wharf, with all kinds of supporting facilities and perfect security system.Warehouse Address: Shuangliu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan ProvinceRentable Area: 5,000 square metersProject Features:This warehousing park is located in the central area of Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport Airport Logistics Park, within which are standard warehouses with Class-C II fire protection qualification. The park has convenient transportation, being 3 kilometers away from the entrance of the airport highway, 4 kilometers from the entrance of Chengya Expressway and 15 kilometers from the city center.Contact: Chen JiaWarehouse Address: Changan District, Xi'an, Shanxi ProvinceRentable Area: 40,000 square metersProject Features:The park has convenient transportation, superior location and complete supporting facilities.Contact: Li ChenIntroduction of China Association of Warehousing and Distribution:China Association of Warehousing and Distribution (CAWD) originated from previous China Association of Warehousing and Storage which was approved by the former Ministry of Domestic Trade and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs in1995. It was renamed as China Association of Warehousing and Distribution in May 2016 after being approval by the State Assets Commission of the State Council and examined by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is a non-profit organization in the national warehousing and distribution industry. There are 12 branches including joint distribution, cold chain logistics, bonded warehousing, dangerous goods warehousing, financial warehousing, traditional Chinese medicine warehousing, technical engineering and engineering services, packaging and unitized logistics, intelligent logistics, self-service warehousing, steel warehousing, etc. Aiming at promoting the modernization of China's warehousing and distribution industry and the development of modern logistics industry, the association carries out the function of policy research, industry management and self-discipline, industry standards formulation and implementation, information and statistics collection, resource integration, training consultation, conference and exhibition and so on focusing on the construction of various warehousing and distribution facilities, the development of various distribution centers and integrated warehousing and distribution services and technological novationIntroduction of Warehouse in Cloud (WIC):Warehouse in Cloud takes Warehouse in Cloud platform () as its core, aiming at innovating the new mode of domestic supply chain logistics, creating the world's leading industrial Internet integrated service platform and building an open, digital, intelligent Internet of Things digital supply chain ecological network through approaches such as the internet warehousing big data, iCloud warehouse technology, digital operation and data value-added service, combined with intelligent Internet of Things application and artificial intelligence technology. With science and technology as the core driving force, the company ploughs the supply chain and logistics industry. At present, the company has a first-class technical level of R & D team, experienced operation and management expert team, rapid response implementation team, bringing together the top management and technical personnel in the industry. Digital products and services have covered all aspects of the supply chain from end to end.Warning: All the information and data in this article are for reference only. Warehouse in Cloud retains all rights. Please keep the link of the original text or indicate the source, should the article be reposted.4月东部地区仓库租金情况4月西部地区仓库租金情况5045403530252015105023.9025.3025.6923.04*数据来源:物联云仓平台( )(单位:元/m?月).平均租金12021年4月中国通用仓储设施空置率情况、全国32个城市仓库平均空置率为U.84%,环比下降0.56个百分点。其中,东北地区仓库空置率(20.02% 远高于中部(12.30% )、西部(11.96% )、东部(9.57% )地区。相较3月,西部地区仓库空置率有所下降 降幅为6.28% ;东北、中部、东部地区仓库空置率相对稳定,升(降)幅变化在±1个百分点以内仓库空置率较高的城市为大连、重庆,均高于25%。相较3月,两个城市仓库空置率相对稳定,波动不大率波动不大,市场稳定仓库空置率较低的城市为苏州,低于3.84%O相较3月,苏州仓库空相较3月,济南仓库空置率波动最大,环比下降6.23个百分点,主要因济南老城区老旧仓库拆迁,局部 企业被迫另寻仓源,释放了局部租仓需求4月东北地区仓库空置率情况4月中部地区仓库空置率情况4540454035.02%*数据来源:物联云仓平台( )18.09%长春空置率3530252015105017 n?%空置率*数据来源:物联云仓平台( )4月东部地区仓库空置率情况4月西部地区仓库空置率情况4540353025.75%9.48%5.49%4.59%空置率空置率*数据来源:物联云仓平台( )2021年中国通用仓储市场动态报告The Dynamic Report of China's General Warehouse Market in 2021口"32>K.川二分口 口* JO 臼口口*An陛才喝EQ(HH 床E)A47.831.08%5.06%-0.70'16346.840.50%6.89%0.58*41.650.61%12.87%1.2634.250.58%3.84%0.3632.260.84%8.64%-0.2029.20-0.95%9.68%0.3632.511.94%6.24%-0.9830.980.05%12.90%-0.7928.80-0.17%12.56%0.0529.590.00%4.38%-1.8932.010.88%19.56%0.0226.200.51%15.53%-0.0630.32-0.12%12.28%-0.6429.47-0.67%5.04%0.2624.280.01%35.02%0.0021.550.81%18.09%0.6324.58-1.28%25.75%-0.7525.260.23%17.03%-0.2223.211.19%11.00%-2.2620.88-1.02%19.76%0.6624.300.01%4.98%0.006YT25.301.17%6.70%-2.16S23.974.35%7.22%0.2623.90-0.25%19.72%-0.2723.050.70%4.89%-1.6725.691.43%9.48%-0.6723.040.50%5.49%-0.3117.40-0.93%8.19%-0.11L925.690.55%11.38%-6.23y21.193.07%17.10%0.88十20.38-1.19%16.97%-3.31p20.33-2.26%4.59%-0.24物联云仓数据研究院研究及绘制©2021.5 50yc Inc匚优质仓源推荐】IZOFCD'8FTU 、$IJOB 3FHJP0东部地区仓库地址:天津市宝城区可租面积:75,000 m2工程特点:本工程可以通过京哈高速直达北京国贸,耗时只需一个小时 临近的津蓟高速帮助车辆从工程花40分钟即可到达天津市区 联系人:隋超联系 :仓库地址:肇庆市四会市可租面积:25,000 m2工程特点:工程位于四会市大沙镇马房开发区,地理位置优越,交通便利 具备良好的物流园开发条件。园区距离广州市中心直线距离仅50公里 二广高速和321国道贯穿东西,可快速通往广州市区、白云机场、肇庆 佛山、江门和中山等地联系人:隋超联系 :仓库地址:淮安市清江浦区可租面积:31,230 nf工程特点:工程位于国家级淮安经济开发区内,将提供4栋国际标准的单 层钢结构仓库,总建筑结构57,568 nr1毗邻京沪高速公路,并连接长深 高速、盐淮高速、盐靖高速、G15沿海高速和淮徐高速。同时,G205国道 S235、S237、S238省道亦环绕在侧。区域内新长铁路与京杭大运河融会 贯通,与淮安涟水机场一起,为本工程提供了高效的多式联运交通网络 联系人:沈建锋联系 :仓库地址:重庆市南岸区可租面积:30,000 nf工程特点:新建7栋标准高台库,层高9米,内置月台,靠近东港码头配套齐全,安保完善联系人:陈佳联系 :仓库地址:成都市双流区可租面积:5,000 m?工程特点:位于成都双流国际机场航空港物流园区中心区域内,标准丙二 类消防,交通便利。距离机场高速入口 3公里,成雅高速入口 4公里,市 中心15公里联系人:陈佳联系 :仓库地址:西安市长安区可租面积:40,000 nf工程特点:交通便利,位置优越,配套齐全联系人:李晨联系 :13n9138713仓库地址:宁波市镇海区可租面积:83,250 m2工程特点:工程位于宁波市镇海区物流枢纽港,包括3栋双层坡道库,总 面积约U.2万平。地理位置优越,是区域配送中心和存储中心的绝佳选择 联系人:沈建锋联系 :中国仓储与配送协会简介中国仓储与配送协会前身是1995年经原国内贸易部审批、在国家民政部登记注册的中国仓储协会,2016年 5月经国务院国资委审批、民政部核准,更名为中国仓储与配送协会,是全国仓储配送行业的非营利性社团组织 现有共同配送、冷链、危险品、保税、钢材、金融仓储、中药材仓储、技术应用与工程服务、自助仓储、包装 与单元化物流、家居物流、智慧物流等十二个分支机构。协会以推动中国仓储配送行业现代化、促进现代物流 业的开展为宗旨,重点围绕各类仓储与配送设施建设、各类配送中心开展、仓配一体化服务与技术创新等开展 政策研究、行业管理与自律、标准制定与实施、信息统计、资源整合、培训咨询、会议交流等物联云仓简介物联云仓以物联云仓平台( )为核心,通过互联网仓储大数据+云仓科技+数字化运营+数 据增值服务的方式,结合智能物联网应用与人工智能等技术,创新国内供应链物流的新模式,致力于打造世界 领先的产业互联网综合服务平台,构建开放式、数字化、智能物联的数字供应链生态网络。公司以科技为核心 驱动力,深耕供应链与物流行业,拥有一流技术水平的研发团队、经验丰富的运营管理专家团队、快速响应的 实施团队,汇聚了业界顶尖的管理与技术人才,数字化产品与服务已覆盖供应链端到端的全环节*声明:本文版权归物联云仓平台所有,转载请保存原文链接或注明出处。文中的一切资料及数据,可能存在滞后性, ,具体以实时数据为准。The Dynamic Report of China's GeneralWarehouse Market inApril 2021At present, The Dynamic Report of China's General Warehouse Market has been issued thirty-three consecutive times under the guidance of the China Association of Warehousing and Distribution. Through collecting and sorting out the real-time related information, this report reflects the vacancy situation and rental level of warehousing facilities in major logistics node cities of China in a comprehensive manner, demonstrates the dynamic change of supply and demand in general warehousing market, summarizes the rule of market development, predicts the development trend of the market and provides reference for comprehending the development of warehousing market and making rational investment into this market.Warehouse in Cloud WIC has launched The Dynamic Report of China's General Warehouse Market in April 2021 after extending the results of previous reports, expanding the scope of selected statistics and deepening the analysis of warehousing market. In April 2021, the total national online warehouse area of Warehouse in Cloud WIC was over 329 million square meters; adding 172 thousand square meters, an increase of 0.52% compared with March. The online rentable area was over 45.55 million square meters. The warehouse resources cover 32 provinces, 229 cities, 7,525 parks.Rental level of Warehousing Facilities in China in April 2021、The average rent of warehouses in 32 cities across the country was RMB 27.79 /m per month, down 0.83% compared with last month. Among them, the average rent of warehouses in the eastern region (RMB32.18/m per month) was higher than that in the western region (RMB23.81/m per month), the northeast (RMB22.67/m per month) and the central region (RMB22.93/m per month). Compared with March, the average warehouse rent in Northeast China increased by 4.22%, while that in the eastern, central and western regions decreased by 5.72%, 4.55% and 2.47%, respectively.The average rent of warehouses in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen still led the country, all higher than RMB40/ m per month. Compared with March, the warehousing market in the three cities was stable, and the average warehouse rent fluctuated littleAffected by the conditions of storage facilities and geographical locations, the level of warehouse rent in Taiyuan, Lanzhou and Shijiazhuang was still low, which was less than RMB21/m per month. Compared with March, the average warehouse rent of these four cities did not fluctuate much and the market was stable.Compared with March, the average rent of the warehouse in Harbin fluctuated the most, rising 4.35% month-on- month. According to statistics recently released by the Harbin government, the local automobile, pharmaceutical, food and electronics industries