2022年5月重庆市九年级中考英语二模试题卷(全等共九个瑞分:50分.力试时间120 W) 住1 .%I的苦塞巾?在神塔戈1 不0在求等作答.2 .作否fhf阿凄希通不上的注8叱上考如蒙XL由皆考人员岱K堰整和答城R弁依©第】卷 (共9s分)I我力11X(共W分)第一书(与小H LS分.共9分)而T. &«你所骑到的句子.从A、B, C三个盘瑁中逸山&七号的苔8.笄把省及食七对应18日的畜室标号速K.I. A-,* ?. A. Hold 工黄工.V A YcU&l T A- Yd、wekase 九人WhaUpW & A. Ttcikyx.第二p(iH>aLs 分.B. Goodbye.B. She 中山 Ea“h> B Couxy muac.B.Wih ,3ure.B.Goodlxk to you!B. Sojsdi(aod共9分)C. 11? Tq&* C ootig iL C.Ofcuune.C. !*m not tut.C.m suay to bm Z! C You'd betla aot折一H. IBIS化所所刊的"送M何SL从A. B. C三个送中中地由正省塞.并把答上对应IS目H JmLB. A: a QS二LB. She A shy.B.A wasck fB. About 60 mdox绅靖勾岫.X A Mape 31. A.A!力皿 Q A » IaA Ah<1L A.AbdU 6iQk>orterXCSdA.C. Ai tbodiiait.C. She a no ay.C Alia, C. About 600 ortenR tieai xe he forgoi il11 A Bccajm hsmotn was CLC. Becayie he h»d a hendiche.第三IS(“NH1.5分,共6分)所杀遍.收的你所聊我的长的.从A、B、C三个选Q中也出正答案.并把答仪上时应以目的答 *标y”.典第f 村恒省第”闻14小屋.13. $*口 wil Ac otfa fu io t)e mo/e 醯公。A On C jn&y.B. Oto Fiidiy.C On S4mrday.M. How mxh ihoid t>e mas pay for the icteu? vA 40 yB. 80 改:lCL 12。yum桁第二段札H.回筲第l,NI6小息.,WhH&Or 3qteen4o lo protect the YdjowStiver?A- Hey pck jp fie wuslr thin。tie 小etB.7he)(GiSoa mure people lo jomthorvdgleerCIJrymilz po”:,About the eaMioanral£ iotcclijD.<& Ho* often dotbc vd .cleen do the wert ?A. E>«y wccJla Evayday.C.IVkea cncnth.第四¥小JB1S分.共6分)崔勒住所桁我的短又内畲,从A、B、C三个逸中中我由正於答*,算和答就R 5也«8日的a*标4*11.IlAttheaduUoncertnjoay.lhe /be?ttJto About .A jqmB. jobsC dmmijgiHlirlp youcwoibbestA Bu:dcgtp B.&lniflR,mqcc'u'C abunne degree3K* *!« <X1OJ()he Aill nao» of Chirmc kaoc n XhitKK tradiiional dcwllve(装饰)"" 卜 "二"Hmc,when people ti©d knots E ropes io nmxd ihdr doily Iwa and import1 e*coU " 9U>ry " began as " °rm of tnditioMl art in the Ting and Song Dyiwsilci and beemne very popular k> 伪C Mi" Qing Dynastic* Then " (bund iu way to other covntries and quickly wreud its populonty M over the 2® Nowadays still warmly welconwd both at hottie and 7, .Wh«t tbould w« know if wc want to muka a Cbbt皿 knot? The fiet thing h 惊e material-chrcad(线).There an: many IdmU of thmds, 九 一 silk, colt叫 nylon ami io on. The kin<i of thread to be used depends on which knot to weave and what purpose lo uw Each basic knot it midt of a r°K fr<*» MM <o Uit gad. namedaccording lo (he shape of the knot. For example. Double Coin Knots tre called Sluungqi4n Jiethey axethey axem (he shape of two ancient Chinese coins, meaning “good things come in pain* -Th« g 5c front aad the 71一 of the guk aie ncn 温 difTcrent traditionilbeck sides arc also the ume m every detail. Also, thebeck sides arc also the ume m every detail. Also, theculhinl means明:red means good luck ai>d bappinesi, geen means healch, tnd yellow,#bicb w» 0nle. usc(j only by ernperon, means wealth ftod honor. As for the name 794 it is Mirtly meaningful- The Chinese word forjie. metAS ucocinectMMiw. It is rehtod to lots of cutnird idcosountafc. brotherhood and rtu<ikML At the same time, the proounciation of tbc Chinese word jie k very 80 to (hit of ji, *C<xxi hfdTNow the gr>dmtion icwm is coming and it*i time for ui to say 800dt>ye lo out firictids and Itachcr1, ChiDcse knot is without doubt a good choice to express our beM wishes when we _ Bl with each other, li cm remind us of (he good old diys wherever we are in the fiiture.DC书面表达(总分值2。分)人生万邪缜自为,超步江山即参廓 ”习总书记在共W出成立100周即大会上现经燃典奇遢广大 青年.成长是万年金有效的野利奋斗是H春雄亮明的底色.有责任有担当.青衣才会堤放馆图之光为 庆祝建团!00周斫.环球时报G/MHTbno特开设讨存(YOUTH)专校,面向全国中学生征机请你 以-My Youth为题.写一以英语短文.提供一件你或迷茫、成成长.或奋斗的宵在往事.并阐述你对方 春的理解.要求,L80/20词.开女已蛤出.不计入总词数,1文中不能由视自己的姓幺和所在学校的名称.,考信息,1 .提供一件你的胃存往事】2 .常述你对青春的理解.3 My YouthLife has givefl us a specul gift that b called youth.10M3bLS第10页(其io贝)C. iht 119 0° 5© md k> itocCUt _ is the wont cucimy. A (hedifliculhi . y.仪ucuk 筑 S _ _ pieces af adMCc from 6c teacher fcn the speech.A IwoB. threeG 2IL单中途号. (每小及】分共10分)从A. B. C. DEn。中球出即他爆入2a处的&111fx' #无"""上M&IW的咨片“弓除q 2L Ami is a nd girl a»d rm very hippy to hm _ "nd IM "B. anCt>e011 If yoo *3lo $g bow lo use the new sweeping wR. pkae re M 一 . fint. A inflationB. inUnimcnt C. invcnlioti» ne beMfid lady 3n there is Hcka She te&chciA. wcRusC. ourEmMM b wfU D.i23. _ 例know the impcxWKe of ieavn spirit our tchool M .A. HelpB. HetprngCToWpipo<t> nceUfig every yra*。 D. Helped25. -OiDi Sptct Stahoo writ be campkUly put into opertbon vtry 0clam so proud of kout tptcc dreamC acron "ccenAiHy oo M” C. was heldD.iQ妙.2022 in tbe ball of our school D will be held-Me. g M Mve taken ados<r step A betedB. towMth21. The c«ning-of-«tc cercmooy (成人 A 札) A. boldiB. it bcM27 Scott h m> hippy to tee that his students do hoaewwkbeft人即 fdBcanMIyCzs 颌 Mnoce cmfuUy必 <oexi whif? 1 saw Mr Zhou in his office just now.一|t _ be btm. He*s alrtxty left for Beijing oa MMewAmWtU.caalC.mc 城 tD.2Ai”29 H kid a fight with my pirct)31M ftight What should I 匕?-You'd bencr talk with 6cm5M$ B«A gtSC. beforeD mlwK, -Lock at (his pboio! Wc art laughing happily. Do you rtmember7-On a Ora Tbu diy wc jneked quite Not of stnwbcniei together!A.whet> <x 3b« took itB. when did w 0drr take UC>Utt ow CCKber took ifU wbm did OUT tttehtt tike hUL完聚瑞空(旬小题IS分共IS分)根层皿文内8.从A. B,C. D闪个选项中选出一个位填入相应空格内的最住答案,并纪答附卡上对应0日的普虞标号涂黑.hiopped to wiich my little(kv|hta Susan busy pteywig in her room. In one band was i plastic pbooc, and in (be (Mfzr i toy, I would never forjet the words she11_ she was only a tiny girl and wu speaking to her tmgincd friend.»c Tk asked Suwn to suy ia the wmer because2 doeui't behave weiL She doesnwt listen to 桐 I «y or do the things she should do.- Then I ww her put her toy which was m pink on the floor and bu coovmito Tm no( happy. I just don't know what to % 研卜门 any more. She ofkn cn« for hug when 1 bm io work She me to pUy games with her til (be time. She lets me do my own things She tries to help «liy oat the dishes. Wt the table is m high. Her htnds 讪5,1 Wf$ M.如 puts her W evW Our room is realty :喧* '如 “ M to 5 旬.阿 house S keep clean J don、have time to take a mldo you know36 t mean?n* diy I thought ilo< abotrt making wmc _57 _ in m g lr奂母如 0 2贝(曙 'M "ged to bet words that cut me like aBfir I a y qg _31 to poy 独 1cttim. io my lll。wL "".I,”,w*ihn. for me muooi owntnm.Ng I haw etunued, bccutiw i mlUc that Pve Mai tlw wu<W s " AfTwwt w«y J my Inric tkvfihur Sot kt the cobwebtflttK) cut the cucncn mid <lw Ug llc u,> 4一m 2 “g g _ wbee to make them dean anymoev. fm 仲收 3 A1I (ha huuc 皆心 nlWIM,l%1% °"如“川 & mu(h<r Ja the bzWy or* chikfluMx aad the wil mvct 四 tnuthar.Wy or* chikfluMx aad the wil mvct 四 tnuthar.jl.X.cvraUioufh aA.rt>cBA topped M.、dwoyi SA. bct & A. Mw I、noitetBA. ndi9.小 throughM). A. eura offB. as U>t)g aiB.hcrB. SrdB. neverB , mo"瓜 whetherB. changB.frceB.mB. worry aboutC. 3“ ma C»eG. c GoAcn GnUcC. wfty Gtoys G buiyC. onC. pvc upD« M Boun “D. hcmlfD. repeal" D sometimesD. teach D.*W D, iafUccccsD. CMItcdD. byD* look eficr投同谪理解.(4】YJ小AL每小01分. 的小每小JH2分,共“分)闽it以下从A. B. C.。因个再单中选出最住答案,并比着闻卡上对MK口的匕米标号除黑投同谪理解.(4】YJ小AL每小01分. 的小每小JH2分,共“分)闽it以下从A. B. C.。因个再单中选出最住答案,并比着闻卡上对MK口的匕米标号除黑This is the inside of the nugazioe Discor.03 tzSPACE081218被0脚击4348Mark SmithHISTOHYWhy M»iwebc»fl|e was buMtf-Hew iKe black d«»thpreAd7Ca&sie enjoys looking to che past* having also written for AU Abnuf H/dy.z»«FQO !asM« D" vwwett IM”Cempvtrr Xey<M»Qrd tech evpl>laed息JesAica wnflrs In the field of MVWMlI reicArch. She U 61MMi n< nvirmiwitntol topees.INSIDE SPECIALWha< du p4«ne4» ouimI IMte?From X Afti < 4。botuxn of the to th< bi< elep>*2. all Ivviaf g,gt retire wWe UM w for verytHiag: ccw>ki»*s. drink washing aJid gmwifwg oar food. Without i*. we wouldfi*! tx aM« <o HVe fbr mttrr tham <w dayv.Flanti en o<her plutteta磔出NVIKOZMCZT20 Tli«KHty «r)oy» writ inn and la «h« wrlctr of teveml books, Meh Oufrr 5>rtr<.02 O%e-M*<k h= wntten tech “icles fbr Ueding oeMg and prim41. In the magazine, you can find the fbllowwg infemation EXCIPT :A historyB. educitionspacep, technology4Z If you warn to read more about water, you can turn to Page.AE"B. EighteenC Thirty-six D. Forty-three英格曲E第3员伊加站4工 2个。九酬。3 is probably written 3 一A Wp Cauiv Chen0. Jewel H。 D, Mork Smith1WW/ M 3 gjpy8mzy into a qiria farm. He $aw a pl& a duct and a cow zro</4Ag M lAe “几 H.a 妙W 用" M g tht (be “”所(山 M【h。Ixd $gwi- ZoMfogo f&,My did,n m嫌* Uy./Ctovr Wb« h M awftd nd&c? 1 cwi,t pay attcnlion io my book!*Duck;加、mh gy Mice “ 倒Nf: mpid you ml Cant you see I'm i big and dMBcrous wolf?忖 fm sure you but couldn't you be big aod dangerous wxnewhert else? We're trying lo read. This ii a ftrm for cdocitcd anicnals!olt &*x»lcd aium.k? Thh 讴 something n<w. Wdl then!11 kam bow to rtad tooTk h 叫 htaT/o school. TAe children found it strangf 窿 hax a wo(f in their clou, but jiacc Ar didn 7 try lo Ml 3)皿 thy xwi got turJ to 卜油、Afitr much effort ihe ”哂 leurncd to read and wn/c. 77i</i fce wr加 back lo %.(O: (6oo*aWdiR/orea<f|Runtwolfi Run! See wolf run,.hj Not bed, but you still need to work on your pronuocialion. You%,H wqY M co!IJlf 配 Animb went on reading fhdr own boob, nol the Iwt showing any inltmt inthf wolf rrad Bui the利皿5110 givt up % ran straight tc k public library, rtading day and night. Then M n力,back to thefarmagM/olf (toir cwf hb new book and begin to rtad) Long long ago, m a small town, tbere lived a little prlZ.Duck: Thsistomucbftm!P& You” very skilled 机 reading now!Cow: We shcold all become storytdlcn.bet 断 could sdupi storytelling club together.Pif We can set it up tomorrow morning!ctf Wwl 1 can* igrec more!/The cbiMrtn found it strange to have a _ in their d>$i.AMBMlf - CduckD8W% 也冲 sdenund the underlined part -You've got gq wayl0 刷, A. Pie wolf lus to walk a long way to school.B The wolf has longer legs than the pigCHewdf ixcds to practice more to becon)c better.将 Tte 而mis would _ the next morning,儿何加 their lives B go to school C.«t (he little girl D.sctupa storytdhng chib英退侬事,以(共x0页)47. Tbc mierid 的ove is probablyA. a playBn poemC a noticeCIX o diaryI wasn't raised to be fan of snaiM蜗牛) With my graivdfix>lhcr being a gafckher and always busy planting beautiful (lowcn, my brother and I werv often told from u young age to ukc away snails in the garden wh«n we mw dwfTL This brought 心 the kind ofsu(i$fnctk>n tliot only children cxpcticiicc. Finding snails? It was like a happy journey to discover garden treasure. Catching tlioin? It wm cosy because they hadly moved!As I grvw older, my opmion ur siwils lias changed. They bring me a diflcrent kind of h叩pine”.l,m not a person easy to get nervous on the outside, but Imide I'm often filled 何由 thoughts of worries and (ear. Yoga und mcdititio口(冥想)haven*t helped. Snui1$. however, have been my medicine.Snails are probably one of the best examples of inking life slowly. No matter whether ifs their choice «r not, snails take life At a slow but 口。就“ pace(节炎), Once I was drawing in the garden and noticed a little snail mark.工 large apple tree It was going to be a challenging climb for the mil. The whole morning, it Mrdly nwk any progress. But without slopk the little snail climbed on. I watched and got lost in ihought. It helped M "nd my own peace.As the senior high school entrance exAminabon is around the comer. 1 always feel worried- Although Vve made good u$e of every second to review notes and do tons of exercises, the improvement I've made M still b!gw4 Fm not certain whether I can do wd) tn (he big exam and MicceufulJy enter Chongqing No. I Secondar>* School. But, once I start to question mysclC I quickly remind myself to be patient. So accepting the practice of slow improvement like a snail9 is the be$t way to fee better.Though snails may not be for everyone, I think it's impocUnt that we all find our own undenUnding of them. Whether it's a person or an animal, anything that drives us co take care of ourselves is a good thing.48. The writer used toin the garden when she was young.A. plant beautifti flowers B. do tons of exercises C. take nway sails D. study with her brother 49. Snails take life at a pace.A. fast and comforubk B. slow but uncomfbatHe C and non-stopD. slow but non4top50. The writer shares her study experience tn Paragraph 5 to.A.而w how nervous sbe feels as the exam is coming soonB. explain a valuable lesson sbe has)earned from snailsC introduce tbe difficulties thut $he meets tn Grade NineD. tdl worries about her slow improvement like snails5L TMs passage mainly 出Ils abuul.A. how people can find their own pace and peaceI. where people can find their own happinessC. why animals can treat peopled worries and fearD. what can help people see the world's beautyDSpring SceneThe state is destroyed, but the country remains. In the city in spring grass grow everywhere. Feeling sad abcul the limes, ewn the flowers cry、 Hating to part, hearing birds breaks our heart.This famous poem was written by Du Fu (712-770. Tang Dynasty) when he found himself alone in Chang,an (dow Xi'an), having no hope for his country. Du Fu was bom in 712 in Gongyi, Henan province. When he was a he loved to read, “When I was in my seventh year” my mind was already full of heroic things. When I was in英语试懿第5页供io页)lfrtt began io read my poems in public" be “2a,iagdywnUcn5Wi"M|lha&A|m'wwh1rtMi吧 Chiu then was ftt the height ofIn Du Fu,» 18ns. hit fasmly neb cimijh to "皿 m 10 弋椅“口 Du Fu veiled, there wm a tpcci&l 卡.under the amazing crapcroc XuAiizotig ufU, Ainocig dl 1qu %、basic idea all hit UfCa forthe Hnhpbcc MCon供加孔力 E IcochMP 111a ncre were no big or sudden changes DuPUthb main P>al of life wos t。bdp 5c 0mpet0r L二三with one aivothef. But bowever much be and peo( lived happily and worked vrithxrt 甘呼工 川2”,power and tame was broken into b aied io achieve the goal, he was compHdy hclplzBwaftd *c.hu I. with a poet U Bai. U save him a VotWhen Du Fu was about 3。,cwne the meimq thM c 1 口 2(、poetm were utually aboui nature. whiW o/mwinbM iftlbcartof poetry. But then poem wcrc皿. M 晔。小叩 io ConfucUniim.Du Pu、pnerally dealt with thenwt such 2 hutory and 但 党b«*e out, After 叫 Du Fu* Ufc w« adeto d.Decewber 755, huge rebdlioK»«t)"乃然气 叱 E 叼2°:二 ,m14eum and down乐. 工 f 皿,In 770,加 died on nverboat.E M 却二片不工所皿亭a of 由 death is .tdl unknown.二n 3ou (now Changsha) ”d MM Hunan 即*many poems to expms f:普TGJh the fan of id宵/酎people, espeehOy for th:篙黑黑二 口 旅川 M N <o h3t m 2ShitoX莎士比幻 u Hsturc(文学)C DanzhouD, Yueyang .、SXDtt Fu was bom m 一一 A. Gou 所B QufuD.稔定51 % 皿匕修词皿出in Pvagnph 2 proteMy 叩皿B.哥条B.哥条C.繁荣$4, Accocdmg to the passagea we can infer that:., , “一A DuFoistheB3poet山 GMttMgyB. U Bii gave Du Fu inspiritwo in the irt