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    星球大战安多第一季第一集莫拉纳一号♥星普雷奥莫拉纳企业区雅文战役前5年先等着Wait there.禁止携带武器和通讯器No weapons. No comms.概不赊账不准生事No credit No nonsense.进去吧In you go.楼上的酒吧今晚没开Upstairs lounge is closed tonight.走的时候结账You pay at the end.想都别想Don't even think about it.她会让你哭着回家She'll send you home cryin'.欢迎Welcome.你好Hello.今晚一个人Alone tonight?一个人-just me.-以前来过吗-第一次来-Have you been with us before? -First time.你选对日子了今天晚上还挺安静的Well, you picked a great night. It's sort of been quiet this evening. 不好意思Excuse me.我们先来的We were here first.我们等到现在他才刚来Yeah, we've been waiting. He just got here.加妮会招待你们的Gani will help you.It was freezing there last night. Make yourself useful.莫拉纳一号♥星企业安全总部这篇报告可真长什么时候的事This is quite the report. This happened when?昨晚长官Last night, sir. I knew you were leaving this morning, 我知道您今早就走我想在您离开前and I wanted to make sure you had all the information before your departure.尽量把信息收集好真是辛苦你了You've been very busy.两人死亡长官Two men are dead, sir.都是员工Employees.不调查清楚我对不起这身制♥服♥If that's not worth staying up for, then I'm not worthy of the uniform.你的制♥服♥改动过了Have you modified your uniform?稍稍改了下口袋走线还有一些剪裁Perhaps slightly. Pockets, piping, and. and some light tailoring.这个人我认识克拉瓦斯I know one of these men. Kravas.因此我更希望此事立即引起注意That's another reason I wanted this to get immediate attention.他以前是四号♥星的小队长He was a squad commander on Four.那他显然是降了好几级He's fallen a great deal since then.他在一号♥星是哨兵下士He was a Sentry Corporal here on One.没什么稀奇的No mystery there.他能活这么多年算他走运He's lucky he wasn't killed years ago.他是我最讨厌的人之一One of the most unpleasant people I've ever met.目前没有嫌疑人There's no suspect at this point?我们有些可靠的线索We have some excellent leads.“一个黑发黑眼的人类打听一个克纳里女孩”"A human with dark features asking about a Kenari girl“那女孩可能在会所工作过”"who might have been working in the establishment."犯罪现场没有目击者吗那里一般都很热闹Are there no witnesses to the actual crime? It's usually quite busy there.看来没有事情刚好发生在区域外Apparently not. This happened just outside the district,-堤道的入口处-我知道-at the plaza entrance to the causeway. - I know.-有一个路口-我说了我知道-There's an intersection. -I said I know it.他们被抢劫了吗没有长官-Were they robbed? -No, sir.真棘手Tough case.时机不好Bad timing.我相信要不了几天只要有适当的资源I'm sure that in several days, with the proper resources,-我一定能结打住-I can bring this case to a. -Stop!我的意思是你别说了也停止调查And I don't mean just the talking. I mean stop.种种迹象说明This case appears to bear all the hallmarks这是-场令人遗憾的意外死亡of what 1 like to describe as regrettable misadventure.长官Sir?两位敬业的普莫员工Two dedicated Pre-Mor employees在一场罕见的意外中殒命caught in the sad orbit of a rare calamity.我不明白I don't understand.我是让你编一场合理的事故I want you to conjure a suitable accident.-但是-要确保-But. -And let's make sure事故发生在广场另一端不要牵连到娱乐区 it's on the far side of the plaza. Let's get it outside the Leisure Zone.-但他们是被谋杀的-不-But they were murdered. -No.他们死于打斗They were killed in a fight.他们去了妓院我们不该有这种场所They were in a brothel, which we're not supposed to have, 价格那么贵他们负担不起the expensive one, which they shouldn't be able to afford, 还喝了诺格酒这是我们不允许的drinking Revnog, which we're not supposed to allow.他们两个本该在值班单凭这个就该被开除Both of them supposedly on the job, which is a dismissible offense. 他们显然骚扰了那个黑发人类They clearly harassed a human with dark features 结果惹错了人and chose the wrong person to annoy.他们可能想帮助什么人I suspect they died rushing to aid someone in distress.算不上什么大英雄不值得我们大肆宣扬Nothing too heroic. We don't need a parade.他们也算死得其所They died being helpful.虽然不幸但也给我们树立了典范Something sad but inspiring in a mundane sort of way.你看起来很受打击副督察You look stricken, Deputy Inspector.你听懂我的意思了吗Are you absorbing my meaning here?还在消化长官Trying, sir.我说时机不对When I said bad timing, 不是说你一整夜都在操心这件事I wasn't referring to the fact that you spent all night worrying this. 而是因为我今天上午即将启程I meant that I am on my way this very morning 去帝国区域指挥部汇报工作to an Imperial Regional Command review, 我要向指挥部做关于犯罪率的报告where I'll be asked to make a report about our crime rates,报告的目的and the goal of that speech,就是说得越少越好should you ever be asked to deliver it, is brevity.让帝国尽量少惦记着普雷奥莫拉纳Minimizing the time the Empire spends thinking about Preox-Morlana这样做受益的不仅是我们的上级benefits our superiors and, by extension,还有普莫安全督察组的每个人everyone here at the Pre-Mor Security Inspection team, 目前也包括你which at the moment includes you.我走了以后别耍花招Don't put your feet on my desk in my absence,在我回来前把事故报告写好and let's have an accident report waiting when I get back.对告诉他一万五是最低的价钱Yeah, tell him that 15,000 is the best he's gonna get.她在修理场She's in the yard.对我们可以做到Yes, Yes, we can do that.我很忙I'm busy.就一会儿I'll be quick.什么事What?你的朋友-Your friend. -What friend?什么朋友The one who buys. Your secret friend. How fast can you reach him?那个买♥♥主你的神秘朋友最快多久能联♥系♥上 你怎么了What happened to you?摔倒了I fell.怎么摔的偷♥情♥被揍On what? A jealous husband?我有东西要卖♥♥I have something to sell.谁不是呢Don't we all?他要多久才能到How soon could he be here?我计划月底再联♥系&hearts他I was planning to reach out at the end of the month.不现在就让他来No. This would have to be now.什么就为一件货Yeah, for what? For one item?我不这么做生意我要攒一批再联♥系♥No. That's not how it works. I bundle things before I make contact. 比克丝拜托了Bix. Bix. Come on.这周有一艘战术护卫舰来收废料There's a Tac Corvette coming in this week looking for scrap.我听说有一架子帝国瞄准设备I'm told there's a rack of Imperial targeting units现在还没拆下来someone might forget to strip out.加上那些还有你手上的We'll get that, that thing you've got.还有几个海军通讯扫描仪Got a few Naval com-scans.我等不了那么久-为什么-I can't wait that long. -Why?你干什么了What have you done?你朋友肯定想要Your friend will want this piece.他一定会来的你说过他想见我He'll come for this. You said he wanted to meet me.到底是什么So, what is it?什么货What is it?我有个无法被追踪的NS-9星路组I got an untraceable NS-9 Starpath unit.矢量晶体帝国封印完好无损Vector crystals and Imperial seal still intact.到手多久了How long have you had that?我必须马上出手比克丝I need to move it, Bix.你一直藏着没说-好货要藏着-You've been hiding it. -Saving it.是从我手上抢的单子吧I'm guessing it comes from one of my bids.-跟你没关系-你不厚道卡西安-Guess again. -Not your best move, Cassian.所以呢So, what?你到底要不要联♥系♥他You want to call your guy or not?-你知道那东西值多少吗-当然-Do you know how much that's worth? -Yeah.足够让我离开这里避避风头Enough to get out of here, lay low till things cool off.-过一阵子再回来-你总是不说实话-I need to relocate for a while. -You've been holding out on me.你总是在中间抽成And you've been skimming off the top.大家别这么斤斤计较So let's not get emotional.你得做好其他准备You'll need an alternative plan.-不不可能-你都还没听我的建议-No, no. The answer's no. -You don't know what I'm about to suggest.-我不会把它卖♥♥给你的比克丝-别这样-I'm not selling this to you, Bix. -Come on.我留了这么久不是为了找人分成I didn't hang on to this to have a partner.每一个信用点对我来说都很重要I need every credit I can put my hands on to.我们明天要参加沃巴尼的竞标吗Are we bidding on the Wobani run tomorrow?什么What?有个去沃巴尼的活吉夫问我们参不参加There's a Wobani run coming. Jeef wants to know if we're in on it.我准备好就告诉他He'll know when I'm ready.你们是不是Yeah, are you.怎么了What?看来你们俩不只是同事关系了Well, it looks like it's turned into something more than work.我打听过你的隐私吗Do I ask about your personal life?容许我不要向他透露这件事Just promise he knows nothing about any of this.为了我他什么都愿意He'd do anything for me.不那是两码事No. No, no. That wasn't my question.不他不知道这件事No. He knows nothing about any of it.比克丝你说过他想见我Bix, you said he wanted to meet me.我真的需要见他I really need this.我会告诉他的I'll let him know.好了去处理下脸Now, go fix your face.四个这个五个这个只要收到付款马上安排运输Four of these, five of these. Transport at once, once we get payment.她好像心烦意乱She seems upset.很高兴见到你蒂姆It's good to see you, Timm.你每次过来她都不高兴Seems like that happens every time you come around.用不着担忧她比咱俩都厉害I wouldn't worry. She's tougher than both of us.这种话我都听烦了I'm getting tired of hearing that.那你最好找个头脑简单点的女人Then you'd better find yourself a less-complicated woman.祝你好运Good luck with that.卡萨Kassa!长官没事吧Everything okay, sir?没事Fine.谢谢Thank you.往前Forward.往前Forward.往前Forward.等等后退那个Wait. Wait, wait. Go back. Go back. That.那是什么What is that?我不太确定长官I'm not quite sure, sir.亚光速飞行器Sublight something.奥利恩星际出租或厢式货艇老占董Orlean Star Cab or a Dayvan. Some old thing.一架不明飞行器就这么飞过检查站And this something just strolls through the checkpoint?也不杳看证件它想去哪儿去哪儿No identification whatsoever, just wanders into points unknown?晚上交通量大您知道的The nights get busy. You know the traffic.我不知道哪件事更严重I don't know whafs more disturbing,我们的边界没有无人保护你却对此习以为常the fact our borders are unprotected or your complacence about it.找到它不管是什么弄清从哪里来到哪里去Find it. Whatever it is, I want to know when it left and where it went. 那得找上一整晚了You'd have to filter the entire night.觉得干不了这事跟我说Well, if it's too much for you, let me know.肯定有人愿意坐你的位子I'm sure somebody wants the chair.-嘿卡斯-嘿-Hey, Cass. - Hey.-很高兴见到-急什么-Good to see. -What's the hurry?急着去哪儿-对-Got some place to be? -Yeah.不高兴见到我What, not happy to see me?-不喜欢努尔基了 -不我迟到了好吗-What, no love for Nurchi? -No, I'm late, okay?知道我要拿回我的订金I know. I want my deposit back.我倒是想还但还在走流程I wish I could, but it's in play.在等回复好吗Just waiting to hear they're on-site. Okay?维奇Vetch?来真的Seriously?我不会像那些废物一样让你跑掉I'm not one of these losers gonna let you float最后连你欠多少都忘了until they forget how much you owe them.你带他来的You're here with him.为什么To what?威胁我吗To threaten me?维奇你就那么听他的Vetch, you let him talk you into this?我们要的是钱The subject is money.-我在问你话呢-什么-I just asked you a question. -What?你什么时候开始听努尔基的了Since when do you take orders from Nurchi?别回答他Don't answer that.-你就这么缺工作跟他没关系-You need work this bad? -Leave him out of it.他说我只需要站在这里He said all I needed to do was stand here.很好Good.你继续站着吧You keep at it.你以为我开玩笑You think I'm messing around?希望你是I hope so.我给你个面子就当这件事没发生I'm gonna do us a favor and not mention this happened.维奇很高兴见到你Vetch, very nice to see you.怎么了What?我马上回来I'll be back.-什公事一点小事很快回来-What's up? -Errands. Won't be long.爸Dad.好久没见你了Haven't seen you lately.我得工作Some of us work.要找什么What are we looking for?本迪恩网太过滤器Bendine Mesh-Tech filter.后面的黄架子上Yellow racks in the back.可能要稍微找找You might have to dig a little.-谢谢祝你好运-Thanks. -Good luck with it.精神点他要上来了Look alive. He's on his way up.他有权让我们加班吗Is he even allowed to approve overtime?我不要加妮I don't want Gani.别挑事Behave.她可真有意思Oh, she's funny, ain't she?让您见笑了My apologies.你该去招待他们You should take care of them.为什么Why?这是他们的地盘It's a company town.他们只是保安Oh, they're just sentry guards.就喜欢装警♥察♥真是讨人厌They like to play at being cops. It's. It's annoying.-你们好-说到哪里了-Hello, guys. - Where were we?你刚刚说今晚很安静You were telling me how quiet it was.今晚想玩点特别的吗Looking for something special tonight?我朋友说这里有个克纳里来的女孩A friend of mine said there was a girl from Kenari working here. 克纳里Kenari?是中环的一个小星系It was a small Mid Rim system.我听说过I've heard of it.不是你女朋友什么的吧It's not your girlfriend or something, is it?我没有女朋友I don't have a girlfriend.你是克纳里来的想家了对吧Are you from Kenari? Nostalgic, are we?我去帮你问一下Let me go and check on that for you.你看什么看-那是他的问题-他可以不批加班费-That's his problem. -Not if we don't get it打卡时是他的名字Well, it'll be his name in the time scan.-费里克斯是的长官我们正在找-Ferrix! -Yes, sir, we've been working on it.费里克斯上的克纳里男性Kenari human males on Ferrix.什么都没找到长官I'm afraid that's a blank, sir.什么What?但有一份帝国人口普查资料But we have got a Imperial census.哪一年的How old is it?六年前的This is six years ago.这也太老了That's an eternity.关于克纳里的信息不多长宜资料很笼统There's not a lot about Kenari, sir. It's fairly obscure.那就更简单rThat should make it easier.我们必须放出消息、We'll have to put the word out.-在费里克斯-还能在哪里-On Ferrix? -Where else would we put it?我们在那里没有派驻人员长官We don't have presence there, sir.-它不在我们的管辖范围内吗-原那么上是-Is it not under our jurisdiction? - Technically.我们只是索取一些信息We are simply asking for information.-您去过那里吗-有什么关系吗-Have you ever been there? - What difference does that make?他们有自己的一套规矩They have their own way of doing things.这事有关两位普莫员工的谋杀案This is the murder of two Pre-Mor employees!发布通告Put out a bulletin.寻找克纳里男性接受审问在所有频道发布Kenari human men wanted for questioning. Slam their channels. Flood it.在这里搭张桌子监控回复Set up a desk here to monitor anything that comes in.还愣着干什么Let's go!你在干什么呢-What do you think you're doing?我忘了东西-Forgot something.现在他就在办公室Now? He's in the office.我加过油了照你说的做了现在我快做完了I refueled it. Just like you told me. And now I'm almost done.那是什么识别芯片日志What is that? Is that the ID chip log?这是旧的It's the old one.我马上换一张空白的进去I'm just putting a blank in right now.佩格拉Pegla! Pegla!你到底在外面瞎转悠什么What in the name of Chobb is going on out there?修理场又进老鼠了I think the yard rats are back.前面来客人了There's a customer out front.让那些猎狗干点正事吧Get those hounds to start earning their keep.你为什么要换芯片日志我们会惹上麻烦的Why are you swapping chip logs? You're gonna get us both in trouble.我觉得昨晚它工作不太正常I didn't like the way it was running last night.那你还是在帮我了So you're doing me a favor?举手之劳而已Leave it better than you found it.你总是这样The way you always do.卡西安套路The Cassian way.我是想问你明天能不能再借用一下I was gonna ask if I could borrow it again tomorrow. 换作是我可不会这么做I wouldn't do that if I was you.赶紧干完Close this out.别再回来了Don't come back.-别这样佩格拉-不-Come on, Pegla. -No, no, no.不No.到此为止别再找我帮助别再跟我做交易了We're done. No more favors. No more deals.-听着这-别说了-Listen, this. -Don't.我不想知道你在干什么为了什么I don't want to know what you're doing or why 昨晚带这个东西去了哪里我不想听or where you took this thing last night or any of it. 弄完后赶紧出去Finish up. Get out.别再来了Don't come back.卡萨Kassa.根据乔治卢卡斯的星球大战创作Is there something amusing?什么What?你一直在看我们好笑吗You keep looking over here like there's something funny.这还真没有Definitely not.什么意思What does that mean?这小东西的表情还真吓人Oh, that is a hard look for a little thing like you.是啊他现在笑不出来了对吧Yeah, he's not laughing now, is he?是有个克纳里来的女孩不过几个月前就走了There was a girl from Kenari, but she left several months ago. 今晚有一个塔希纳来的美女We do have a lovely lady here tonight from Tahina 眼睛又黑又大你喜欢who's got those big dark eyes you're looking for.那个克纳里女孩知道她去哪里了吗This girl from Kenari, any idea where she went?你到底是谁说实话男朋友还是丈夫What are you? Seriously. Boyfriend? Husband?我在找我妹妹I'm looking for my sister.不管你是她什么人她已经走了不见了Well, whoever she is, she's not here. She disappeared.这里来去自♥由♥People come and go.你快走吧You should leave.她叫什么名字What was her name?这里没有人会用真名Nobody here gives their real name.先等着Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on there.禁止携带武器和通讯器No weapons. No comms.概不赊账不准生事No credit No nonsense.嘿小鸡仔等一下Hey! Scrawno! Slow down.等一下Slow down!停下别动Stop! Stop right there!这里是普莫企业区知道吗You're in Pre-Mor corporate zone. You know that, right?员工应该按要求出示身份证明Employees are required to present their IDs upon request. 你不会停在堤道那边去了吧Oh, no, you didn't park out past the causeway, did ya?坡好没有那边禁止游客进入I sure hope not. That's off-limits to visitors.我们得罚款了We'd have to fine you.对你知道游客受宵禁管制吧Yeah, I mean, you know about the visitor's curfew, right?我们得没收你的飞行器Yeah, we'd have to impound your ride.你倒大霉了Tough break.万一他是游过来的呢What if he swum


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