书香校园 读书活动.docx
读书活动书香校尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们:早上好!今天我演讲的主题是一书香校园读书活动。书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧 里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。读一本好书就像品一杯清茶,那 浓厚的香醇与清涩融化在香气中,沁人心脾;读一本好书就像听一场 音乐,那优美的旋律弥漫在空气中,引人入胜;读一本好书就像看一 场电影,那世间的百味与酸甜展现于眼前,美不胜收。是的,在这个 世界上,还有什么能像书籍那样,开阔你的眼界,愉悦你的身心,陶 冶你的性情,丰富你的知识,升华你的精神?我们学校非常重视书香校园的建设,本学期学校将开展一系列的读 书活动,让我们沐浴在书香里,让我们陶醉在读书的乐趣里,让我们 积极参与到读书活动中来。为此,希望每个班级围绕读书对班级进行 个性化布置,建立班级读书角,选好图书管理员,每个同学根据自己 的学习情况制定个人读书计划,写好读书笔记,希望老师们能确保同 学们的阅读时间,教给同学们阅读方法,营造良好的读书气氛。老师们、同学们,读书吧!让我们把读书活动真正作为一次新的耕耘 与播种,让浓浓书香飘溢在我们的校园,让读书生活伴随着我们成长 的每个脚步,让我们捧起书本,与书为友,在书香中成长、在书香中成人、在书香中成才!谢谢大家!Dear teachers, dear classmates:Good morning! The theme of my speech today is "Book campus reading activities11.Books are the nutrition of the whole world. Due to busy work and other reasons, modern people are reading less and less. How to improve our reading habits are very important. Our school will carry out a series of reading activities this semester. I hope every teacher and student can join this activity and enjoy reading.Books are the ladders of human progress. A life without a book is like the earth without sunshine. Reading is the foundation of our growth, reading is the beginning of a wonderful life.Dear teachers and classmates: I hope everyone will be a friend of good books and enjoy reading. Why not start reading now? Let the books infiltrate our campus.Thafs all. Thanks for listening.