2022年上半年catti二级笔译测试题分享 想要顺当通过二级笔译,需多加练习。我给大家带来了2022年上半年catti二级笔译测试题共享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 2022年上半年catti二级笔译测试题 ON JANUARY 1st the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation did something that may help to change the practice of science. It brought into force a policy, foreshadowed two years earlier, that research it supports (it is the worlds biggest source of charitable money for scientific endeavors, to the tune of some $4bn a year) must, when published, be freely available to all. On March 23rd it followed this up by announcing that it will pay the cost of putting such research in one particular repository of freely available papers. 1月1日,比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会启动实施了一项两年前就起先酝酿的政策,这或许有助于变更科学界的一个惯例。根据该政策,该基金会赞助的科研项目(比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会是全球科研赞助规模最大的慈善基金会,每年资助额度高达40亿美元左右)必需将公布的科研成果供应给各方无偿运用。3月23日,比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会又发表声明称,将出资把此类科研成果纳入一个特地的免费科研论文库。 To a layman, this may sound neither controversial nor ground-breaking. But the crucial word is “freely”. It means papers reporting Gates-sponsored research cannot be charged for. No pay walls. No journal subscriptions. That is not a new idea, but the foundations announcement gives it teeth. It means recipients of Gates largesse can no longer offer their wares to journals such as Nature, the New England Journal of Medicine or the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, since reading the contents of these publications costs money. 对圈外人来说,这种做法好像既无争议也无创新。但是,重点在于“免费”二字。期刊杂志假如刊登由盖茨基金会赞助的科研论文不得另行收费,不得设置付费门槛,也不得收取订阅费。虽然这并不是什么创新的想法,但是该基金会在声明中还是明确了其约束力。这意味着盖茨基金会的受捐者不得再向自然、新英格兰医学期刊或美国国家科学院院刊等收费期刊投稿。 2022年上半年catti二级笔译测试题 1. 其实不仅仅是文艺综艺类的节目关注中国文化,就像我主持的新闻联播节目,刚刚过去的春节里,大家都留意到了老百姓自拍的厉害了 我的国,在百度搜寻量已经超过了1个亿。 Chinese culture features prominently in a wide range of programs other than entertainment and variety shows. A case in point is the CCTV News of which I am an anchor/presenter. During the last Spring Festival, a program entitled “You rock, my country!”(Chinese characters: 厉害了 我的国) shot by ordinary people themselves captured extensive attention, garnering/registering/recording/posting over 100 million searches (search queries) at Baidu, Chinas answer to Google. 2. 有一个观众说新闻联播怎么成了催泪弹,许多观众看完以后直戳心窝子,戳中了他们的泪点,但是就算哭,他们也特殊喜爱看,也情愿看。为什么这些节目老百姓这么爱看?为什么这么火呢? One viewer said that CCTV News has somehow become a tear-jerker. Indeed, tears of joy and pride welled up in the eyes of quite a few viewers, who were fond of watching the footage series that relate well to their life. The thing is: Why are these programs so popular with our people after all? 2022年上半年catti二级笔译测试题 Norman Joseph Woodland was born in Atlantic City on Sept. 6, 1921. As a Boy Scout he learned Morse code, the spark that would ignite his invention. 诺曼·约瑟夫·伍德兰(Norman Joseph Woodland)于1921年9月6日诞生在亚特兰大。参与童子军时,他曾学习过摩斯密码,这为他日后的独创供应了灵感的火花。 After spending World War II on the Manhattan Project , Mr. Woodland resumed his studies at the Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia (it is now Drexel University), earning a bachelors degree in 1947. 其次次世界大战期间,伍德兰先生参加了“曼哈顿安排”,战后在费城的德雷克赛尔理工学院接着学业,1947年获得学士学位。 As an undergraduate, Mr. Woodland perfected a system for delivering elevator music efficiently. He planned to pursue the project commercially, but his father, who had come of age in “Boardwalk Empire”-era Atlantic City, forbade it: elevator music, he said, was controlled by the mob, and no son of his was going to come within spitting distance. 高校本科期间,伍德兰先生对电梯音乐系统(背景音乐系统)进行了优化,并安排将这一项目商业化,但遭到父亲的反对。他的父亲在“大西洋帝国”时期的亚特兰大市长大,他说电梯音乐是暴民们玩的行当,绝不允许他的孩子涉足这一行业。 The younger Mr. Woodland returned to Drexel for a masters degree. In 1948, a local supermarket executive visited the campus, where he implored a dean to develop an efficient means of encoding product data. The dean demurred, but Mr. Silver, a fellow graduate student who overheard their conversation, was intrigued. He conscripted Mr. Woodland. 于是,伍德兰先生只得回到德雷克赛尔理工学院接着攻读硕士学位。1948年,当地一家超市的高管来学院参观时,他向院长提出一个恳求,希望学院能研发一种高效的产品数据编码系统,院长婉拒了这一恳求,不过当时也在就读探讨生的希尔沃先生偷听到了他们的谈话,对这一项目很感爱好,于是邀请伍德兰先生一起进行研发。 An early idea of theirs, which involved printing product information in fluorescent ink and reading it with ultraviolet light, proved unworkable. 他们最初的想法是用荧光墨打印产品信息,然后通过紫外光读取信息,可事实证明这种想法并不行行。 But Mr. Woodland, convinced that a solution was close at hand, quit graduate school to devote himself to the problem. He holed up at his grandparents home in Miami Beach, where he spent the winter of 1948-49 in a chair in the sand, thinking. 但是,伍德兰先生确信解决方案就近在咫尺,毅然退学用心攻克这一难关。1948到1949年的那个冬天他借居在迈阿密海滩的祖父母家,一人坐在沙滩的椅子上冥思苦想。 2022年上半年catti二级笔译测试题 第一段: 当前经济增长的传统动力减弱,必需加大结构性改革力度,加快实施创新驱动发展战略,改造传统引擎,打造新引擎。 一方面,增加公共产品和服务供应,加大政府对教化、卫生等的投入,激励社会参加,提高供应效率。这既能补短板、惠民生,也有利于扩需求、促发展。 另一方面,推动大众创业、万众创新。这既可以扩大就业、增加居民收入,又有利于促进社会纵向流淌和公允正义。 我国有 13亿人口、9亿劳动力资源,人民勤劳而才智,隐藏着无穷的创建力,千千万万个市场细胞活跃起来,必将汇聚成发展的巨大动能,肯定能够顶住经济下行压力,让中国经济始终充溢勃勃朝气。 政府要勇于自我革命,给市场和社会留足空间,为公允竞争搭好舞台。 个人和企业要勇于创业创新,全社会要厚植创业创新文化,让人们在创建财宝的过程中,更好地实现精神追求和自身价值。 As the force that has traditionally driven economic growth is weakening, it is imperative that we intensify structural reform, boost efforts to implement the strategy of pursuing innovation-driven development, and upgrade traditional engines while creating new ones for driving development. We will increase the supply of public goods and services, increase government input in areas like education and health care, and encourage nongovernmental participation to improve the efficiency of supply. This will bolster weak spots and benefit the people, as well as increase demand and promote development. At the same time, we will also encourage people to start their own businesses and to make innovations, which will not only create more jobs and increase personal incomes, but also improve upwards social mobility and social equity and justice. China has a population of 1.3 billion and a workforce of 900 million. Our people are hardworking and talented, and there is no limit to their ingenuity. When an abundance of market cells spring into life, they will form a mighty driving force for development, ensuring China's economy remains resilient in spite of the downward pressure on it, and continues to be full of life and dynamism. The government should be bold in imposing a reform on itself so as to leave ample space for the market and society to play their respective roles and level the playing field for fair competition- Individuals and enterprises must have the mettle to promote their business development and make innovations, and our society needs to nurture a culture of entrepreneurs hip and innovation. In this way, while creating wealth, people will be able to meet their cultural and intellectual needs and realize their full potential in life. 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第10页 共10页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页