高中英语 新外研 B2U 第5课时—Developing ideas.docx
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高中英语 新外研 B2U 第5课时—Developing ideas.docx
课时教学设计第 5 课时 Developing ideas课时教材分析:(what本单元主题语境是“人与社会" 本文是一篇论说文(argumentative),语篇利用举例论 证的方法,清晰明确地表达了作者的观点和主张,论证了一部好的文学作品有可能最终沦为荧 幕上的败笔之作,并讨论了由文学作品改编的电影常常不尽如人意的原因,同时介绍了文字和 影视作品各自的艺术特点,引导读者辩证思考。why此语篇可以帮助学生理解论说文的写作特点和论述方式,并培养学生的批判性思维能力, 有助于学生学会辩证地看待文中传达的观点,对各种社会现象形成自己的看法。how文章标题以问题的形式呈现,引导读者思考“好书坏电影”是否是普遍现象、以及为何会 出现此情况。作者在第一段开门见山,提出优秀文学作品搬上大荧幕常常是个败笔的观点。第二段到第四段都是文章的主体局部,介绍了文学作品改编的电影即便有精彩的故事情 节、性格特点鲜明的人物、震撼画面,却依旧不尽如人意的原因,包括时长限制导致电影无法 展示书本全貌、电影选角等不符合原著粉丝预期等等,并举了HarryPotterTroy等例子 来一 一仑证O最后一段总结全文,作者暗示了自己的态度并非完全消极,说明文学与电影是两种完全不 同的艺术形式,有着各自的特点,因此不能以书本的标准去评判一部电影,并以近年来 Sherlock等电视连续剧的成功为例,表达了对未来改编电视作品的期待。2 .课时学情分析:学生在必修一已经接触过几篇论说文,对于论说文这一问题有大致了解,但对于如何举例 论证清晰阐述个人观点还不够熟练。在本单元的前几个课时,学生学习了不同艺术形式和电视节目的英语表述,感受了京剧的 艺术魅力,在这一课时学生将通过思考“好书坏电影”这个问题,总结不同艺术形式的特点与 局限,提升批判性思维能力,形成辩证思考。3 .课时学习重点:(1)读懂文章,完成相关练习;(2)正确理解议论文的写作特点和论述方式;(3)对熟悉的改编影视作品形成自己的思考。4 .课时学习难点:正确表达对由文学作品改编的影视作品的观点,给出理由并举例论证,培养批判性思维。5 .开放性学习环境:网络资源。6 .课时学习目标:(1)学生通过扫读,获取并陈述文章大意、作者的观点与情感态度;(2)学生梳理并呈现论说文的文章结构,用自己的语言复述此论说文;(3)学生辩证看待并准确表达对由文学作品改编的影视作品的观点,阐述理由,并举例论证。7 .课时教学过程:ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesIntentionsActivityTypesAssessment of learningLeading inActivity 1Ss look at the pictures on the screen and answer the questions:(1) Have you ever read any of these books?(2) What are they about?To get familiar with the topic and activate background knowledge.感知与注意学生复述活动1、 中文学作品的3 意,表达个人对才 应改编影视作品台 看法,并根据标美 预测本文作者的卡 感态度。2一bActivity 2Ss view the posters of movies adapted from the books in Al, and(1) share their opinions on those movies;(2) predict the author attitude and opinion according to the title of this passage.Ss acquire and state the main idea of this passage and the author's attitude and opinion through scanning.Activity 3Ss scan the passage and(1) find out which books in Al are mentioned in the passage;(2) match the author's opinions about the movie adaptations to the examples from the passage;(3) summarize the author's central idea on movie adaptations and how he supports it;(4) read "Learning to leam on Page 45 to understand the functions of examples in argumentative essays.To understand the detailed information and learn the strategy of using examples in argumentative essays.获取与梳理分析与判断学生扫读后完成才 应练习,将观点 例证相对应,总名 作者的观点。7LSs presentthestructureofargumentative essaysandretelltheActivity 4Ss figure out the structure of this passage and tell the function of each part.To have a better understanding of the passage and structure of argumentative essays.概括与整合学生可以厘清文j 结构,将文章划4 为几个局部,并以 述各个局部的大关 与功能。卜argumentative based on the mind-map.Ss acquire and state the main idea of this passage and the author's attitude and opinion through scanning.Activity 5Ss analyze the difficult sentences in the passage, translate them and do some exercise.To consolidate and integrate the language Ss have learnt.描述与阐释内化与应用学生理解各句的可 点短语等语言W 达,可以正确翻立 各个句子。gSs present the structureofargumentative essaysandretelltheargumentative basedonthemind-map.Activity 6Ss complete the mind-map and retell the passage.To have a better understanding of the structure of the passage.概括与整合学生能根据对文w 的理解完成思维4 图并用自己的语W 复述文章。r _Students accurately expresstheirviewsofadaptation movies, explain the reasons, and support them with examples.Activity 7Ss think about the following questions:(l)What does the saying u There are a thousandHamlets in a thousand people' s eyes " mean? Do you know of any similar sayings in Chinese?(2)What books would you like to see made into movies? Why? (3)What other reasons do you think make movie adaptations less satisfactory than theTo have a better understanding of the passage and develop critical thinking.分析与判断内化与应用 推理与论证 想象与创造学生对于文学作者 改编的电影形成i 己的批判看法,月 考并阐述一些电君 不如原著的原因。r)Loriginal books?Self-evaluationActivity 7Ss rate their own performances.To reflect on what they have learnt.批判与评价学生反思本课句学,进行自评。AApplyingHomeworkSs prepare a talk about a movie adapted from a book.To apply what they have learnt.想象与创造