2015关于雾霾的英语作文精编One out of the door, I saw the fog, around five metres in buildings are like a veiled, everything is set up in the hazy mist, like a fairyland, good poetry. But you said that the fog haze weather cause respiratory disease, call me wear masks. Wow, it seems I still don't understand smog this two word!I checked the online. Haze weather is a health hazard for patients with cardiovascular diseases, especially with respiratory diseases and cardiovascular disease, the fog had better not go out, should not be more exercise, otherwise may cause illness, and even a heart attack, cause danger to life.Haze weather in winter cold, resulting in each big hospital in the city this patients, the proportion of patients with respiratory tract infection year-on-year rise significantly. According to statistics, Beijing children5 s hospital on January 5 to 11, Beijing children,s hospital er visits, the door has reached more than 9000 people, the highest peak respiratory infection accounted for about 50% to the internal medicine patients.Haze is mist floating a lot of smoke, dust and other particles and formation of the turbidity phenomenon. January 29, according to the ministry of remote sensing satellite monitoring: China has 130 square kilometers of regional haze shrouded, serious pollution of air quality.Many families have a car, we have to travel more convenient, but the car exhaust pollution of the air; Power plant, oil refineries, chemical plants in our city game, but the clock keep emit soot and dust; The colorful fireworks let a person too many things to see, but air ZhongYan WuTengTeng, become very cloudy, air quality has fallen sharply, PM2. 5, PM10 index has soared, these are the main cause of fog, they bring us quick and convenient and enjoyable at the same time, also quietly gave us the unintended consequences.Haze weather, our breathing is cloudy gas. The haze in the air can cause diseases such as pneumonia, sore throat, bronchitis, heart, decline. In 1952, the fog in London, England is like invisible killer, seized 4000 people in just five days of life, after two months has killed 8000 people in the life, the power of the fog, and this is a wake-up call for us.We need the fresh air, is a healthy body. Please do not at the expense of the health, and for the so-called good life. Driving less, green travel, a variety of trees, protect forests. Haze, starts from me.一出门,我就看见漫天大雾,周围五米内都是像蒙着面纱的建筑物,一切 都树立在朦胧的雾中,像仙境,好有诗意。但您说雾霾天气引发呼吸道疾病, 叫我戴上口罩。哇好像我还不太了解“雾霾”这两个字了吧!我上网查了一下。雾霾天气是心血管疾病患者的健康杀手尤其是有呼吸道 疾病和心血管疾病的老人,雾天最好不出门,更不宜晨练,否则可能诱发病 情,甚至心脏病发作,引起生命危险。雾霾天气遇到冬季寒流,导致本市各大医院门急诊患者中,呼吸道感染的 患者比例同比明显上升。据北京市儿童医院统计,1月5日至11日,北京儿童 医院日门急诊量最高峰曾达到9000多人次,呼吸道感染占到内科病人的50%左 右。雾霾是雾中悬浮着大量的烟、灰尘等微粒而形成的混浊现象。据环保部遥 感卫星监测:1月29日中国范围内有130万平方公里的地区被雾霾笼罩,空气 质量严重污染。很多家庭都拥有小汽车,我们的'出行更便捷了,但汽车的尾气排放污染空 气;电厂、炼油厂、化工厂在我们的城市里“大显身手”,但夜以继日地不断排 放出煤烟和灰尘;绚丽的烟花爆竹让人目不暇接,但空气中烟雾腾腾,变得非常 混浊,空气质量急剧下降,PM2O 5、PM10指数直线上升,这些都是造成雾霾的 主要原因,它们在带给我们快捷方便、赏心悦目的同时,也悄悄给我们带来了 意想不到的后果。雾霾的天气,我们呼吸的是混浊的气体。空气中的霾会引起肺炎、咽喉 炎、气管炎、心脏衰落等疾病。1952年,英国伦敦的那场大雾似无形的杀手, 在短短五天内就夺取了 4000人的生命,在之后两个月内有夺去了 8000人的生 命,可见大雾的威力,也该给我们敲响了警钟。我们要的是清新的空气,要的是健康的体魄。请不要以牺牲健康为代价, 而换来所谓的美好生活。少开车,绿色出行,多种树,保护森林。治霾,从我 做起。