110302电热水瓶H0257电气奶瓶加热器110265便携式烤肉架110107 电炊具110260电咖啡过滤器110261 电咖啡渗滤壶110170 电炉110029电平底高压锅110260电气咖啡过滤器C110011电铁锅110266电油炸锅110258烘蛋奶饼的电铁模110247酒精炉C110006烤饼炉110171烤面包器110172烤肉器具110056烤肉铁叉转动器110025烤箱的烤盘110140 炉子110060炉子(燃烧器)110161煤气炉110161煤气灶C110008煤油炉110108烹调器110210烹饪用密封环110251燃气炉架110052热水器H0270太阳灶110326野餐烧烤用火山岩石11大类:烹调及民用电气加热设备 序号商品/效劳名称110303 电热壶C110010 电热水器110220便携式电热翻转烤肉器110204厨房炉灶(烘箱)110107 电炊具110261 电咖啡渗滤壶110262 电力煮咖啡机110170 电炉灶110029 电平底高压锅110312 电热制酸奶器110254 电压力锅(高压锅)110254高压锅(电加压炊具)110172烘烤器具烹调器具110066咖啡豆烘烤机110172烤架烹调器具)110230 烤肉炉110057烤肉铁叉110053 烤箱110025炉用金属架110143炉子(取暖器具)110191麦芽烘烤箱C110009煤气热水器110251煤气灶托架110257奶瓶用电加热器110109烹调器具110248汽油炉110008热气烤箱110159水果烘烤器110317微波炉厨房用具)C110007沼气灶其次十一类家庭或厨房用具及容器,注释210333 一次性盘子210334毛巾架和毛巾环架210335卫生纸架2101非贵重金属厨房炊事用具及容器 序号商品/效劳名称210270矮脚金属架(餐具)C210017冰棍棒210316饼干切刀210197擦菜板(家庭用具)210324餐桌上旋转盘210156厨房用除油脂匙包括不属别类的餐具)210145篦子(烹调用具)C210018冰淇淋勺210317饼干筒210064菜单卡片夹210026成套的烹饪锅210158厨房用非电力搅拌器C210039 暖水瓶 warm water bottleC210040 暖水瓶壳 warm water bottle shell210007 食物保温容器 Thermally insulated containers for food210035 饮料隔热容器 Beverages (Heat insulated containers for -)210211制冰和冷饮的金属容器 Vessels of metal for making ices and iced drinks210099 制方块冰用模 Molds (Ice cube -) 2112家用擦洗用具(共55条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称C210045 玻璃防雾布 glass antifog cloth210263 擦拭用鹿皮 Skins of chamois for cleaning210168 擦洗垫 Scouring padsC210041 擦鞋器 brush shoe ware210264 擦鞋用非电动打蜡机 Wax-polishing appliances, non-electric, for shoes210259 厨房用擦垫 Abrasive pads for kitchen purposes210008 地毯拍打器非机器)Beaters (Carpet - ) not being machines210008 地毯拍打器手工具) Carpet beaters hand instruments210111 非电撞灰设备 Dusting apparatus, non-electric21 ()08() 非电动打蜡设备 Wax-polishing (Apparatus for - ), non-electricC210043 钢线轮 steelwire wheel210124 海绵夹持器 Sponge holders210125 家具推 Dusters (Furniture -)210290 家务手套 Gloves for household purposes210280 家用海绵 Sponges for household purposes210186 家用抛光设备和机器(非电动的Fibreglass thread, not for textile use210066 金属平底锅擦锅器 Saucepan scourers of metalC210044 门窗玻璃清洁器 door window glass cleaner210282 抹布 Dusting cloths LragsC210047 沐浴海绵 bathe sponge210187 抛光材料使发光用(制剂、纸、石料除外)Polishing materials for making shiny except preparations, paper and stone 210294 抛光手套 Polishing gloves210100 抛光用皮革 Polishing leather 210294 抛光用手套 Gloves (Polishing -)210077 清洁布 Cleaning (Rags cloth for -) 210077 清 洁抹布 Cloths for cleaning210104 清洁器具(手工操作)Cleaning instruments hand-operated210168 清洁用垫 Pads for cleaning210268清洁用废棉纱210163清洁用废羊毛210163清洁用废羊毛210163清洁用废羊毛210005清洁用钢丝绒210268清洁用废棉纱210163清洁用废羊毛210163清洁用废羊毛210163清洁用废羊毛210005清洁用钢丝绒Cotton waste for cleaning Wool waste for cleaning Wool waste for cleaning Wool waste for cleaning Steel wool for cleaning210005 清洁用钢丝绒 Wool (Steel - ) for cleaning210263 清洁用鹿皮 Chamois leather for cleaning210312 清洁用纤维束Cleaning tow210312 清洁用纤维束Cleaning towC210042 清扫器 clearing utensil210021扫 地毯器 Carpet sweepers210020 扫 帚 Brooms210100 上光用皮革 Leather (Polishing -)210135 拖把 Mops210303 洗地板布 Cloth for washing floors210281 羽 毛 婵 Feather-dusters210321园艺手套 Gardening gloves210321园艺手套 Gardening gloves 2113未加工或半加工玻璃(不包括建筑用玻璃)(共27条商品/效劳名称)C210051 半制品玻璃管 half-produced glass tube210143 玻璃板原材料)Plate glass raw materialC210048 不碎玻璃 shatter proof glass210119 彩饰玻璃 Enamelled glass210119 彩饰玻璃 Enamelled glass210231 车窗玻璃半成品) Glass for vehicle windows semi-finished product210286 非纺织用玻璃纤维线 Fiberglass thread, not for textile use210283 非纺织用矽玻璃纤维 Vitreous silica fibers fibres, not for textile use210161 非建筑用玻璃镶嵌物 Mosaics of glass, not for building210308 非建筑用的熔凝砖石(半加工产品)Fused silica semi-worked goods other than forbuilding210308 非建筑用熔凝碳化硅(半成品)Silica (Fused - ) semi-worked goods other than for building210284 非绝缘非纺织用玻璃纤维 Fiberglass other than for insulation or textile use210152 非绝缘用玻璃棉 Glass wool other than for insulationC210049 钢化玻璃 toughened glass210229 合成灵敏导电玻璃 Glass incorporating fine electrical conductors210167 乳白玻璃 Opaline glass210166 乳色玻璃 Opal glass210098 水晶(玻璃制品)Crystal glassware210149 未加工或半加工玻璃(建筑玻璃除外)Glass, unworked or semi-worked exceptbuilding glass210114 装饰用玻璃粉 Powdered glass for decoration2114不属别类的禽畜器具(共21条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210306 宠物用废物盒盘)Pets (Litter boxes trays for -)210306 宠物用小碟 Trays (Litter - ) for pets210074 动物饲料槽 Feeding troughs for animals210011 家禽环 Poultry rings210302 家庭宠物用笼子 Pets (Cages for household -)210306 家庭用稻草箱盘 Litter boxes trays for pets210095 家畜槽 Mangers for livestock210095 家畜槽 Mangers for livestock210302 家用 宠物笼 Cages for household pets210019 鸟槽 Bird baths *210019 鸟槽 Bird baths *210018 鸟环 Rings for birds210059 鸟 笼 Birdcages210164 人造留窝鸡蛋 Nest eggs artificial210074 牲 口 槽 Mangers for animals210002 喂 料 槽 Feeding troughs210001饮水槽 Drinking troughs2115家用灭虫、灭鼠用具(共8条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210150 捕虫器 Insect traps210150 捕虫器 Insect traps210198 捕器 Traps (Rat -)210198 捕鼠机 Rat traps210216 捕鼠器 Mouse traps210069 捕蝇器(诱捕器或弹帚)Fly catchers traps or whisksC210052 除蚊器非电)killing mosquito ware210069 蝇拍 Fly swatters210108厨房用切菜板C210016 磁疗杯210165蛋杯210122调味品套瓶210065炖锅210238非电锤(杵)C210008非电火锅210260非电力油炸锅210274非电气饮具210220 杯210207餐具210273厨房用具210165蛋怀210174过滤器210267家用托盘210235 盘210214汤碗210218糖碗210204盐瓶210272制厨房容器210199制家用或厨房用容器210258非纸制和非纺织品制垫子210330刮勺厨房用具)210177果馅饼勺210091壶盖塞210134家用非电动搅拌器210158家用非电力搅拌机210266家用篮210088家用过滤器210180家用纸托盘210326搅拌匙(厨房用具)210048开瓶刀210146烤架210146烤肉架C210006 笼屉C210012 梦底C210013煤气火锅210310面包箱210327面条机(手工操作)210265奶酪盘罩210030奶油碟210030奶油盘子210049烹调用金属擀面杖210103烹饪用模210156厨房用涂油脂匙210070大锅210142蛋糕模子210269碟罩210325饭盒210236非电高压锅(加压炊具210236非电力压力锅(高压锅)210239非电气奶瓶加热器210322非电热锅210200 餐巾环210212茶托210291单柄大酒杯210208 碟210185胡椒瓶210219 架210203色拉碗210244糖果盒210204盐碟210292油瓶210057制调味品瓶210292制油和醋调味品瓶架210175擀面杖(家用)210092锅盖210309烘蛋奶饼的非电铁模210314鸡尾酒搅拌器210138家用非电动榨水果器210158家用非电碾磨机210159家用器皿210162家用手工操作研磨机210084胶锅210049金属烤肉叉210043开塞钻210145烤盘烹调用具)210311筷子210121漏斗C210010 梦斗210017面包篮家用)210160面包屑盘210079模子厨房器具)210239奶瓶用非电加热器210031奶油盘罩210025盆(容器)210101烹饪锅210136平底炸锅210045瓶210328切糕点器210169切面包板C210015日用搪瓷塑料器皿(包括盆、碗、盘、壶、杯)C210011纱罩210102勺子(餐具)210184手工操作胡椒研磨机210082手工调合器具鸡尾酒搅拌器)210154 蔬菜盘 Vegetable dishes210089 水果杯 Cups (Fruit -)210332 蒜压榨器(厨房用具)Garlic presses kitchen utensils210315 糖果装饰袋糕点袋)Confectioners decorating bags pastry bagsC210001C210002C210009C210003C210014铁锅 iron pan铁壶 iron kettle铁镀 iron braiser铁勺 iron spoon铁丝筛子 iron thread sifterC210004 铁桶 metal pail 210039 碗盆)Bowls basins210039 碗盆)Bowls basins210140 午餐盒 Mess-tins 210177 馅饼托盘 Pie servers 210082 摇动搅拌器Shakers210136 炸锅 Frying pansC210007 笊篱 fenceC210005 蒸屉 boiling drawer210318 纸或塑料杯 Cups of paper or plastic210173 纸盘 Paper plates210107 煮牛奶防溢片 Plates to prevent milk boiling over210170 装备齐全的野餐篮包括盘、碟Picnic baskets (Fitted - ) including dishes210090 桌用刀架 Knife rests for the table 2102不属别类的玻璃器皿(共18条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210085 玻璃杯容器)Glass receptacles210033 玻璃罐(坛) Jars (Glass - ) carboys210243 玻璃盒 Boxes of glass210022 玻璃瓶(容器)Glass flasks containers210002 玻璃瓶(容器) Feeding troughs210042 玻璃塞 Glass stoppers210042 玻璃塞子 Stoppers (Glass -)210009 玻璃烧瓶(容器) Glass bulbs receptacles210044 玻璃碗 Bowls (Glass -)210042 玻璃罩 Glass c叩s210230 彩色玻璃器皿 Glassware (Painted -)210033 广 口 玻璃瓶(酸坛) Glass jars carboysC210020 家用玻璃 管和棒 homely glass tube and stickC210021 抗热管 resist heat tubeC210019日用玻璃器皿包括杯、盘、壶、缸glassware210279 陶瓷或玻璃标志牌 Signboards of porcelain or glass210009 小玻璃瓶容器) Glass vials receptaclesC210022 药瓶 drug bottle2103瓷器,陶器(茶具,酒具除外)(共18条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210189 瓷器 Porcelain wareC210028 仿瓷器 copy porcelainC210029 仿陶器 copy pottery210226 缸 Urns, not of precious metal210068 家庭用陶瓷制品 Ceramics for household purposesC210027 耐酸耐碱陶瓷器 acidproof and alkaliproof chinaware210249 球形瓷把手 Knobs of porcelainC210024日用瓷器(包括盆、碗、盘、壶、餐具、缸、坛、罐)homely used porcelainC210025日用陶器(包括盆、碗、盘、缸、坛、罐、砂锅、壶、拓器餐具)homely used keramics210040 酸坛 CarboysC210026 陶瓷支撑球 pottery brace ball210193 陶器 Pottery210157 陶器 Majolica210181 陶制平底锅 Saucepans (Earthenware -)210129 瓦器 Crockery210040 细颈坛 Demijohns2104玻璃、瓷、陶的工艺品(共7条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210252 瓷、赤陶或玻璃半身雕像 Busts of china, terra-cotta or glass210217 瓷、赤陶或玻璃塑像 Statues of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass210285 瓷、赤陶或玻璃小塑像 Statuettes of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass210234 瓷、赤陶或玻璃艺术品 Works of art, of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass210078 瓷器装饰品 China ornamentsC210030 唐三彩 Tangsancai210285 陶瓷赤陶或玻璃小雕像 Figurines statuettes of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass2105茶具、酒具、咖啡具及饮水用具(共33条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210178 尝酒器虹吸管) Wine tasters siphons210178 尝酒器(虹吸管) Wine tasters siphons210257 非电动咖啡渗滤壶 Coffee percolators, non-electric非电和制咖啡壶非电咖啡过滤器Coffeepots, non-electric, not of precious metal Coffee filters, non-electric非电咖啡过滤器非电咖啡渗滤壶Coffee filters, non-electricPercolators (Coffee - ), non-electric210222210209210038210038210248210232210058210255210248210288210288210288210288210232210086咖啡具 滤茶器 滤茶器 滤茶器 滤茶器 滤茶器茶 壶 Teapots, not of precious metal茶具 Tea services, not of precious metal 茶 叶 罐 Tea caddies, not of precious metal 茶 叶 罐 Tea caddies, not of precious metal 茶叶浸泡器 Tea balls, not of precious metal 高脚杯 Goblets, not of precious metal酒具托盘)Cabarets trays, not of precious metalCoffee services, not of precious metal Tea infusers, not of precious metal Tea strainers, not of precious metal Tea strainers, not of precious metal Tea strainers, not of precious metal Tea strainers, not of precious metal有柄大杯 Mugs, not of precious metal 角形饮水器 Horns (Drinking -)210155 酒具 Liqueur sets210032 啤 酒 杯 Beer mugs210032 啤酒杯 Beer mugs210254 手工操作的磨咖啡器 Coffee grinders, hand-operated210118 碳酸盐水虹吸管 Siphons for carbonated water210118 碳酸盐水虹吸管 Siphons for carbonated water210178 吸管(饮酒用品) Pipettes wine-tasters210063 细 颈圆酒 瓶 Decanters210319 饮水 玻璃杯 Drinking glasses210034 饮用器皿 Drinking vessels210034 饮用器皿 Drinking vessels2106家庭日用及卫生器具(共111条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210127 编织品制桶 Fabrics (Buckets made of woven -)210192 便壶 Chamber pots210192 便壶 Chamber pots210192 便壶 Chamber pots210072 衬衣撑架 Shirt stretchers210221 撑衣架 Clothing stretchers210006 搓衣板 Washing boards210006 搓衣板 Washing boards210271 罐 Jugs, not of precious metal210190210245210289210271210271210295210242210245210224210233210253210253210191210117210117210037210037210191210277210225210144210132210132210133210133210139210061210106210206210206210172210194210194210205210205210094210144210060210067210067210223210223210013210027非金属存钱罐 非医用喷雾器 非纸制花盆套 非纸制花盆套Holders for flowers and plants flower arrangingHolders for flowers and plants flower arranging垃圾筒垃圾箱晾衣架晾衣架花瓶 Vases, not of precious metal蜡烛架(烛台) Candelabra candlesticks, not of precious metal瓶 Flasks, not of precious metal水瓶 Pitchers, not of precious metal水瓶 Pitchers, not of precious metal熄、烛器 Candle extinguishers, not of precious metal烛环 Candle rings, not of precious metal烛 台 Candlesticks, not of precious metalPiggy banks, not of metalAerosol dispensers, not for medical purposesCovers, not of paper, for flower potsCovers, not of paper, for flower pots肥皂碟 Dishes for soap月匕 皂 安 邦F晋等 Soap dispensers肥皂安排器 Dispensers (Soap -)肥皂盒 Boxes (Soap -)肥皂盒 Boxes (Soap -)肥皂架 Soap holders个 人用除 臭装置 Deodorising apparatus for personal use盥洗室器具Toilet utensils 葫芦瓶 Bottle gourds 花和植物用盆花展用) 花和植物用盆花展用) 花盆 Flower pots 花盆 Flower pots家用除烟器 Smoke absorbers for household purposes家用细筛 Sifters household utensils碱液洗盆Lye washtubs浇花用喷头 Syringes for watering flowers and plants 浇花用洒水器 Sprinklers for watering flowers and plants 裤子撑架 Trouser stretchersGarbage cansDustbinsClothes racks for dryingClothes racks for drying领带压平器 Tie presses旅行饮水瓶 Drinking flasks for travellers煤桶 Coal scuttles煤渣用筛(家用器皿) Sieves household utensils煤渣用筛(家用器皿) Sieves household utensils扭扣钩 Buttonhooks扭扣钩 Buttonhooks排灌设备 Watering devices喷管Spouts210027 喷管 Spouts210016 喷壶 Watering cans210183 喷壶莲蓬头 Roses for watering cans210183 喷水壶喷头 Nozzles for watering cans210329 清理堵塞排水管用栓塞 Plungers for clearing blocked drains210015 洒水器 Sprinklers210012 洒水软管喷嘴 Nozzles for sprinkler hose210012 洒水软管喷嘴 Nozzles for sprinkler hose210012 泗水软管喷嘴 Nozzles for sprinkler hose210013 洒 水装置 Sprinkling devices210036 散发纸巾的金属盒 Boxes of metal, for dispensing paper towels210097 筛(家用器具) Sifters household utensils210305 室内培育池(种植物用)Terrariums (Indoor - ) plant cultivation210305 室内养殖池(种植物用)Indoor terrariums plant cultivation210141 手套撑具 Stretchers (Glove -)210141 手套拉伸器 Glove stretchers210023 水桶 BucketsC210031 痰盂 spitbox210023 提桶 Pails 210023 提桶 Pails 210041 脱靴器 Boot jacks210116 卫生纸 安排器 Toilet paper holders210106 洗涤桶 Washtubs210126210126210056210056210213210213210213210213210213210120210126210126210056210056210213210213210213210213210213210120洗衣用 枯 燥 架 Diying racks for washing 洗衣用 枯燥架 Drying racks for washing 香炉 Burners (Perfume - ) 香炉 Burners (Perfume -) 鞋 拔 Shoe horns 鞋 拔 Shoe horns 鞋拔 Shoe horns 鞋拔 Shoe horns 鞋 拔 Shoe horns鞋植撑具) Boot trees stretchers210120 鞋棺头(撑具)Shoe trees stretchers210041 靴撑 Jacks (Boot -) 210221 衣 服撑架 Stretchers for clothing210313 衣服支撑架 Clothes-pins210313 衣夹 Clothes-pegs210301 婴儿浴盆(便携式Baby baths portable210301 婴儿浴盆(便携式Baby baths portable210112 熨斗搁架 Flat-iron stands210112 熨斗架210171熨裤机210179熨衣板Stands (Flat-iron -) Presses (Trouser -) Boards (Ironing -)210093 熨衣板套(成形的)Ironing board covers shaped210036 纸 I |J 安排金属盒 Dispensing paper towels (Metal boxes for -)C210032 纸篓 paper basket 2107梳子,刷子,制刷材料(不包括牙刷)(共30条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称C210033 篦子 fine-toothed comb210052 玻璃灯罩刷 Lamp-glass brushes210278 擦罐和 容器用 刷 Brushes for cleaning tanks and containers210137 擦洗刷 Scrubbing brushes210147 长 柄柏油 刷 Tar-brushes, long handled210110 大齿发梳 Combs for the hair (Large-toothed -)210176 电梳 Combs (Electric -)210251 电刷机器部件除外)Brushes, electric except parts of machines210075 动 物用梳 Combs for animals210028 马梳 Currycombs210073 马 刷 Horse brushesC210034 排笔刷 big pen brush210304 盆碟擦洗刷 Brushes (Dishwashing -)21 ()010 兽鬃毛制品 Bristles (Animal - ) brushware210076 梳 Combs210128 梳子盒 Cases (Comb -)210053 刷制品 Brush goods210014 刷 子 Brushes *210304 洗碟刷 Dishwashing brushes210071 洗 鞋 刷 Footwear (Brushes for - )210071 鞋 刷 Shoe brushes210050 指甲刷 Nail brushes210055 制 刷用 毛 Hair for brushes210054 制刷原料 Brush-making (Material for -)210188 猪鬃 Pig bristles 2108刷牙用具(共5条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210276 电动牙刷 Toothbrushes, electric210262 牙及牙床清洁用吸水器Water apparatus for cleaning teeth and gums210250 牙刷 Toothbrushes 2109牙签(共4条商品/效劳名称)序号商品/效劳名称210275 非贵重金属牙签盒 Toothpick holders, not of precious metal210105 牙签 Toothpicks210320 牙线 Floss for dental purposes 2110扮装用具(共25条商品/效劳名称)210331 擦皮肤用摩擦海绵Gloves (Gardening -)210195 非贵重金属制随身携带的粉饼盒Powder compacts,