译林版高中英语必修三Uint3 Project 教案(名校).docx
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译林版高中英语必修三Uint3 Project 教案(名校).docx
Unit 3 The world onlineProjectHolding a debate about bringing mobile phones to school内容分析:本板块要求学生围绕“学生是否应该携带手机上学”这一话题展开一场辩论。 首先学生应根据此主题,以小组为单位选择支持正方或是反方观点。然后各小组 根据所选择的观点去做研究,搜集支撑他们观点的论据。同时,每小组进行组内角 色分工,分别为一辩(Lead speaker) > 二辩(Second speaker) > 三辩(Third speaker)> 四辩(Summary speaker),每个角色都要明确自己的任务。有理有据的辩论离不开 语言的支撑,每个辩手都必须熟悉相关句型,以便展开有效辩论。随后正反方上台, 针对话题进行辩论。在每一场辩论结束后,全班投票评选优胜方。教学目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. explore the advantages and disadvantages of bringing mobile phones to school;know the rules of debate and different roles involved in a debate;2. have a debate about whether students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school;evaluate and comment on each speaker's performance.教学重难点:1. Know the rules of debate and different roles involved in a debate;Have a debate about whether students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school;2. Evaluate and comment on each speaker's performance.教学过程:Step 1 Lead-inQ: As a class, discuss the debate topic: should students be allowed to bring mobile phones to school?Step 2 Choose a sideWork in groups. Choose the "for" or "against” side of the debate.Step 3 ResearchAs a group, do some research and think of arguments to support your point of view. AdvantagesMobile phones can be used tocontact their parents or others, especially in emergencies seek help when in troublesearch for information on the Internet use some apps to help with academic studiestake online courses which are not offered at school keep a record of useful information related to studying by photographing or video and audio recordingpublicize some meaningful projects .DisadvantagesMobile phones may cause them to check for new messages frequently even during lessonsmake them lose concentration on their studies put them at the risk of being exposed to online violence, inappropriate websites and false informationencourage them to become mobile phone addicts reduce face-to-face communication with their peers and teachers, damaging their relationships.Step 4 Choose rolesDecide which role each of you will play. Lead speakerIntroduce the topic and put forward arguments Second speakerArgue against the previous opposition speaker and introduce new arguments Third speakerArgue against previous opposition speakers and build on key arguments Summary speakerSummarize key arguments and conclude the debateStep 5 ExpressionsIntroducing arguments My first/second/next argument is . There are many examples for this/for . For instance,. In fact, you can find many examples for this in real life. Just think of. There are similar cases, such as .Arguing against previous opposition speaker(s)But before I come to my own arguments, lefs first have a look at what. has said. The first opposition speaker has told us . ; on the contrary . He/She also said that. ; but in fact. He/She was claiming that. ; but as my lead speaker already told you,.Step 5 ExampleAs a group, choose one group with the opposing point of view. Then two groups debate the topic. Use the example below to help you.教学反思