U4写作课 A Funny Story教案-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第二册.docx
U4写作课A Funny Story教案-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019) 选择性必修第二册【学习主题】本课为本单元的写作课,通过呈现一则幽默故事的范文让学生学习如何写 故事,属于“人与社会”主题。学生通过撰写幽默小故事,能回顾生活中的趣 事,并与其他同学分享快乐。【范文文本分析】What本写作范文讲述了一个发生在机场的幽默故事。一位乘客因飞机被取消而 怒气冲冲地插队并要求优先办理,工作人员表示需要排队按先后顺序安排,但 这位乘客非常傲慢,最后工作人员运用幽默,机智她化解了问题,使不文明的 行为受到嘲笑。故事结尾通过“Do you know who I am?”的一语双关达到出人意料、 引人发笑的幽默效果(punchline)。Howl.本课为幽默故事,体裁属于记叙文。幽默故事的行文特点是整体短小精悍,内容呈现四个要素。幽默故事一般 由四个部分构成(或SCPP四要素)。1)故事背景(setting,作者频繁使用形容词、副词勾勒出一幅生动形象的机 场情况。2)故事人物(characters),作者使用清晰的语言对话刻画人物性格,塑造人物 性格或人物印象的反差,形成鲜明对比。3)故事情节(plot),作者通过先抑后扬或先扬后抑的叙事手法,让思维流合乎逻辑、合乎常规认知、易于为人接受。4)幽默效果(punchline),故事结尾通过对"Do you know who I am?"的非常规 回答,抖出出人意料的“包袱”。2.本课为幽默故事,叙事时态和叙事手法鲜明。1)主体时态单一:陈述部分的一般过去时态和引述部分一般现在时态。2)叙事手法细腻:用形容词、副词刻画环境和人物3)情节设计凸显反差:demanded the man angrily VS the young agent replied angrilyWhy作者希望学生通过学习本课,掌握幽默故事的构成要素、语言特点以及笑 料设计。鼓励学生学会写幽默故事,讲幽默式对话,增强幽默感,和谐人际关 系、给他人带来欢乐,从而积极、乐观地面对生活。【学习目标】1 .获取、归纳幽默故事的基本信息及笑点所在;2 .解构幽默故事范文的基本写作要素;3 .运用创造反差的方法创作一则细节丰富的幽默故事。【评价任务】1 .利用左右连线配对法提取范文的基本结构和主干信息。2 .利用完成不同类型的半开放式思维图示的方法,增强对幽默故事四要素 的认知和掌握。3.基于范文的写作架构和写作要素,创作并展示自己的幽默故 事习作。4.同伴之间对照评价既定标准开展自评和互评,从语言、结构、内容 及反差效果等方面改进习作。【学习过程】Stepl. Context- CreatingThe teacher shares a funny story with the students bilingually.He tells it in Chinese and presents it in English on the screen.I am nn English teacher. In my class, there are two strong guys looking alike. They are Niu Dabao(牛大宝)and Zhang Xiaoyu(章小鱼).It was a wet day, which made me feci like a fish out of water. While marking the compositions, I was shocked to discover that there were millions of mistakes in Niu Dabao's essay. Then, a strong guy happened to pass at the door of my office! It must be Niu Dabao! "Niu Dabao, you come over here immediately!” I cried with anger. The boy stepped in lightly and greeted me faintly, "Hello, Mr Gao. ""Ix)ok at your shit essay! It's packed with errors and nonsense! Cun't you learn from Zhang XiaoyuP He focuses on whac I'm lecturing and always creates amazing masterpieces!,n,Excuse me, Mr Gao . “ "Shut up! If you worked half as hard as Zhang Xiaoyu, I would't ger so crazy!" I shouted, with my whole body burning with fire. "Mr Gao, I AM Zhang Xiaoyu!,Free talkT: Do you find the story funny? Why or Why not?Sl:S2:T: Fantastic ideas,guysSToday, we' re going to learn how to write a funny story in English.Step2. Reading & Discovering1 .First ReadingRead the text as fast as possible to explore the basic structure and the punchline of the model funny story.l)FinishthefollowingmatchingPunchlineParas.2-4 PlotPara.5Setting2 ) Answer the following question, uncovering the Punchline.What's so funny in the story?2.Second Reading1)故事背景(setting,作者频繁使用形容词、副词勾勒出一幅生动形象的机 场情况。画出“发散式”思维图示,对形容词、副词分类。2)故事人物(characters),作者使用清晰的语言对话刻画人物性格,塑造人物 性格或人物印象的反差,形成鲜明对比。画出“时比式“思维图示,凸显反差与对比。仅31仅31仅313)故事情节Slot),作者通过先抑后扬或先扬后抑的叙事手法,让思维流合乎逻辑、合乎常规认知、易于为人接受。画出“线条式/进阶式”思维图示,探究故事发展线。Step3. Writing PracticeCreate a similar essay.Step4. PresentationStep5. Peer assessment心反向出4皿总汉;匕八冬午w何庆2。$, /2。DStep 6. HomeworkPolish the essay.【教学反思】Can the student create a funny story with typical features ?Are you satisfied with their works? If not, what areas need improving ?